Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 357.1 - Common carriers.

All common carriers by pipeline subject to the provisions of Part I of Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, are hereby required hereinafter to file in the office of the Commission on or before the 31st day of March in each year, reports covering the period of 12 months ending with the 31st day of December preceding said date, giving the particulars heretofore called for in the annual reports required by the Commission of said carriers.

[Order 119, 46 FR 9051, Jan. 28, 1981]
§ 357.2 - FERC Form No. 6, Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies.

(a) Who must file. (1) Each pipeline carrier subject to the provisions of section 20 of the Interstate Commerce Act whose annual jurisdictional operating revenues has been $500,000 or more for each of the three previous calendar years must prepare and file with the Commission copies of FERC Form No. 6, “Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies,” pursuant to the General Instructions set out in that form. Newly established entities must use projected data to determine whether FERC Form No. 6 must be filed.

(2) Oil pipeline carriers exempt from filing Form No. 6 whose annual jurisdictional operating revenues have been more than $350,000 but less than $500,000 for each of the three previous calendar years must prepare and file pages 301, “Operating Revenue Accounts (Account 600),” and 700, “Annual Cost of Service Based Analysis Schedule,” of FERC Form No. 6. When submitting pages 301 and 700, each exempt oil pipeline carrier must include page 1 of Form No. 6, the Identification and Attestation schedules.

(3) Oil pipeline carriers exempt from filing Form No. 6 and pages 301 and whose annual jurisdictional operating revenues were $350,000 or less for each of the three previous calendar years must prepare and file page 700, “Annual Cost of Service Based Analysis Schedule,” of FERC Form No. 6. When submitting page 700, each exempt oil pipeline carrier must include page 1 of Form No. 6, the Identification and Attestation schedules.

(b) When to file. (1) The annual report for the year ending December 31, 2004, must be filed on April 25, 2005.

(2) The annual report for each year thereafter must be filed on April 18 of the subsequent year.

(c) What to submit. (1) This report form must be filed as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter and as indicated in the General Instructions set out in the report form, and must be properly completed and verified.

(2) A copy of the report must be retained by the pipeline carrier in its files. The conformed copies may be produced by any legible means of reproduction.

(3) The form must be filed in electronic format only pursuant to § 385.2011 of this chapter, beginning with report year 2002, due on or before March 31, 2003.

[Order 620, 65 FR 81344, Dec. 26, 2000, as amended by Order 628, 68 FR 269, Jan. 3, 2003; 69 FR 9044, Feb. 26, 2004]
§ 357.3 - FERC Form No. 73, Oil Pipeline Data for Depreciation Analysis.

(a) Who must file. Any oil pipeline company requesting new or changed depreciation rates pursuant to part 347 of this title if the proposed depreciation rates are based on the remaining physical life of the properties or if directed by the Commission to file service life data during an investigation of its book depreciation rates.

(b) When to submit. Service life data is reported to the Commission by an oil pipeline company, as necessary, concurrently with a filing made pursuant to part 347 of this title or as directed during a depreciation rate investigation.

(c) What to submit. The format and data which must be submitted are prescribed in FERC Form No. 73, Oil Pipeline Data for Depreciation Analysis, available for review on the Commission's website

[Order 606, 64 FR 44405, Aug. 16, 1999, as amended by Order 899, 88 FR 74032, Oct. 30, 2023]
§ 357.4 - FERC Form No. 6-Q, Quarterly report of oil pipeline companies.

(a) Prescription. The quarterly financial report form of oil pipeline companies, designated as FERC Form No. 6-Q, is prescribed for the reporting quarter ending March 31, 2004, and each quarter thereafter.

(b) Filing requirements—(1) Who must file. Each oil pipeline company, subject to the provisions of section 20 of the Interstate Commerce Act, must prepare and file with the Commission FERC Form No. 6-Q.

(2) When to file and what to file. This quarterly financial report form must be filed as follows:

(i) The quarterly financial report for the period January 1 through March 31, 2004, must be filed on or before July 23, 2004.

(ii) The quarterly financial report for the period April 1 through June 30, 2004, must be filed on or before September 22, 2004.

(iii) The quarterly financial report for the period July 1 through September 30, 2004, must be filed on or before December 23, 2004.

(iv) The quarterly financial report for the period January 1 through March 31, 2005, must be filed on or before June 13, 2005.

(v) This report must be filed as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter and as indicated in the General Instructions set out in the quarterly report form, and must be properly completed and verified. Filing on electronic media pursuant to § 385.2011 of this chapter will be required commencing with the reporting quarter ending March 31, 2004, due on or before

(vi) The quarterly financial report for the period April 1 through June 30, 2005, must be filed on or before September 12, 2005.

(vii) Subsequent quarterly financial reports must be filed within 70 days from the end of the reporting quarter.

(viii) The quarterly financial report for the period July 1 through September 30, 2005 must be filed on or before December 13, 2005.

[69 FR 9045, Feb. 26, 2004, as amended by Order 646-A, 69 FR 32444, June 10, 2004]
§ 357.5 - Cash management programs.

Oil pipeline companies subject to the provisions of the Commission's Uniform System of Accounts prescribed in part 352 and § 357.2 of this title that participate in cash management programs must file these agreements with the Commission. The documentation establishing the cash management program and entry into the program must be filed within 10 days of the effective date of the rule or entry into the program. Subsequent changes to the cash management agreement must be filed with the Commission within 10 days of the change.

[Order 634-A, 68 FR 62004, Oct. 31, 2003, as amended at 69 FR 9045, Feb. 26, 2004]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352; 49 U.S.C. 60502; 49 App. U.S.C. 1-85 (1988)
cite as: 18 CFR 357.3