Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Mar 03, 2025
Table of Contents

§ 367.1230 - Account 123, Investment in associate companies.

§ 367.1240 - Account 124, Other investments.

§ 367.1280 - Account 128, Other special funds.

§ 367.1010 - Account 101, Service company property.

§ 367.1011 - Account 101.1, Property under capital leases.

§ 367.1060 - Account 106, Completed construction not classified.

§ 367.1070 - Account 107, Construction work in progress.

§ 367.1080 - Account 108, Accumulated provision for depreciation of service company property.

§ 367.1110 - Account 111, Accumulated provision for amortization of service company property.


§ 367.1310 - Account 131, Cash.

§ 367.1340 - Account 134, Other special deposits.

§ 367.1350 - Account 135, Working funds.

§ 367.1360 -

§ 367.1410 - Account 141, Notes receivable.

§ 367.1420 - Account 142, Customer accounts receivable.

§ 367.1430 - Account 143, Other accounts receivable.

§ 367.1440 - Account 144, Accumulated provision for uncollectible accounts—Credit.

§ 367.1450 - Account 145, Notes receivable from associate companies.

§ 367.1460 - Account 146, Accounts receivable from associate companies.

§ 367.1520 - Account 152, Fuel stock expenses undistributed.

§ 367.1540 - Account 154, Materials and operating supplies.

§ 367.1630 - Account 163, Stores expense undistributed.

§ 367.1650 - Account 165, Prepayments.

§ 367.1710 - Account 171, Interest and dividends receivable.

§ 367.1720 - Account 172, Rents receivable.

§ 367.1730 - Account 173, Accrued revenues.

§ 367.1740 - Account 174, Miscellaneous current and accrued assets.

§ 367.1750 - Account 175, Derivative instrument assets.

§ 367.1760 - Account 176, Derivative instrument assets—Hedges.


§ 367.1810 - Account 181, Unamortized debt expense.

§ 367.1823 - Account 182.3, Other regulatory assets.

§ 367.1830 - Account 183, Preliminary survey and investigation charges.

§ 367.1840 - Account 184, Clearing accounts.

§ 367.1850 - Account 185, Temporary facilities.

§ 367.1860 - Account 186, Miscellaneous deferred debits.

§ 367.1880 - Account 188, Research, development, or demonstration expenditures.

§ 367.1890 - Account 189, Unamortized loss on reacquired debt.

§ 367.1900 - Account 190, Accumulated deferred income taxes.


§ 367.2010 - Account 201, Common stock issued.

§ 367.2040 - Account 204, Preferred stock issued.

§ 367.2110 - Account 211, Miscellaneous paid-in capital.

§ 367.2150 - Account 215, Appropriated retained earnings.

§ 367.2160 - Account 216, Unappropriated retained earnings.

§ 367.2161 - Account 216.1, Unappropriated undistributed subsidiary earnings.

§ 367.2190 - Account 219, Accumulated other comprehensive income.


§ 367.2230 - Account 223, Advances from associate companies.

§ 367.2240 - Account 224, Other long-term debt.

§ 367.2250 - Account 225, Unamortized premium on long-term debt.

§ 367.2260 - Account 226, Unamortized discount on long-term debt—Debit.


§ 367.2270 - Account 227, Obligations under capital lease—Non-current.

§ 367.2282 - Account 228.2, Accumulated provision for injuries and damages.

§ 367.2283 - Account 228.3, Accumulated provision for pensions and benefits.

§ 367.2300 - Account 230, Asset retirement obligations.


§ 367.2310 - Account 231, Notes payable.

§ 367.2320 - Account 232, Accounts payable.

§ 367.2330 - Account 233, Notes payable to associate companies.

§ 367.2340 - Account 234, Accounts payable to associate companies.

§ 367.2360 - Account 236, Taxes accrued.

§ 367.2370 - Account 237, Interest accrued.

§ 367.2380 - Account 238, Dividends declared.

§ 367.2410 - Account 241, Tax collections payable.

§ 367.2420 - Account 242, Miscellaneous current and accrued liabilities.

§ 367.2430 - Account 243, Obligations under capital leases—Current.

§ 367.2440 - Account 244, Derivative instrument liabilities.

§ 367.2450 - Account 245, Derivative instrument liabilities—Hedges


§ 367.2530 - Account, 253, Other deferred credits.

§ 367.2540 - Account 254, Other regulatory liabilities.

§ 367.2550 - Account 255, Accumulated deferred investment tax credits.

§ 367.2820 - Account 282, Accumulated deferred income taxes—Other property.

§ 367.2830 - Account 283, Accumulated deferred income taxes—Other.

§ 367.1230 - Account 123, Investment in associate companies.

(a) This account must include the book cost of investments in securities issued or assumed by associate companies and investment advances to the companies, including related accrued interest when the interest is not subject to current settlement, provided that the investment does not relate to a subsidiary company. (If the investment relates to a subsidiary company, it must be included in account 123.1, Investment in subsidiary companies (§ 367.1231).) Include in this account the offsetting entry to the recording of amortization of discount or premium on interest bearing investments. (See account 419, Interest and dividend income (§ 367.4190).)

(b) This account must be maintained in a manner so as to show the investment in securities of, and advances to, each associate company together with full particulars regarding any of the investments that are pledged.

(c) Securities and advances of associate companies owned and pledged must be included in this account, but the securities, if held in special deposits or in special funds, must be included in the appropriate deposit or fund account. A complete record of securities pledged must be maintained.

(d) Securities of associate companies held as temporary cash investments are includible in account 136, Temporary cash investments (§ 367.1360).

(e) Balances in open accounts with associate companies that are subject to current settlement are includible in account 146, Accounts receivable from associate companies (§ 367.1460).

(f) The service company must write down the cost of any security in recognition of a decline in the related value. Securities must be written off or written down to a nominal value if there is no reasonable prospect of substantial value. Fluctuations in market value must not be recorded but a permanent impairment in the value of securities must be recognized in the accounts. When securities are written off or written down, the amount of the adjustment must be charged to account 426.5, Other deductions (§ 367.4265), or to an appropriate account for accumulated provisions for loss in value established as a separate subdivision of this account.

§ 367.1240 - Account 124, Other investments.

(a) This account must include the book cost of investments in securities issued or assumed by non-associate companies, investment advances to these companies, and any investments not accounted for elsewhere. This account must also include unrealized holding gains and losses on trading and available-for-sale types of security investments. Include also the offsetting entry to the recording of amortization of discount or premium on interest bearing investments. (See account 419, Interest and dividend income (§ 367.4190).)

(b) The records must be maintained in a manner so as to show the amount of each investment and the investment advances to each person.

§ 367.1280 - Account 128, Other special funds.

(a) This account must include the amount of cash and book cost of investments that have been segregated in special funds for insurance, employee pensions, savings, relief, hospital, and other purposes not provided for elsewhere. This account must also include unrealized holding gains and losses on trading and available-for-sale types of security investments. A separate account with appropriate title, must be kept for each fund.

(b) Amounts deposited with a trustee under the terms of an irrevocable trust agreement for pensions or other employee benefits must not be included in this account.

§ 367.1010 - Account 101, Service company property.

(a) This account must include the cost of service company property, included in accounts 301 (§ 367.3010), 303 (§ 367.3030) and 389 to 399.1 (§§ 376.3890 to 367.3991), owned and used by the service company in its operations, and having an expectation of life in service of more than one year from date of installation.

(b) The cost of additions to, and betterments of, property leased from others, that are includible in this account, must be recorded in subaccounts separate and distinct from those relating to owned property. (See Service Company Property Instruction in § 367.54.)

§ 367.1011 - Account 101.1, Property under capital leases.

(a) This account must include the amount recorded under capital leases for property leased from others and used by the service company in its operations.

(b) The property included in this account must be classified separately according to detailed accounts 301 (§ 367.3010), 303 (§ 367.3030) and 389 to 399.1 (§§ 367.3890 to 367.3991) prescribed for service company property.

(c) Records must be maintained with respect to each capital lease reflecting:

(1) Name of lessor,

(2) Basic details of lease,

(3) Terminal date,

(4) Original cost or fair market value of property leased,

(5) Future minimum lease payments,

(6) Executory costs,

(7) Present value of minimum lease payments,

(8) The amount representing interest and the interest rate used, and

(9) Expenses paid.

§ 367.1060 - Account 106, Completed construction not classified.

At the end of the year or such other date as a balance sheet may be required by the Commission, this account must include the total of the balances of construction projects for service company property which has been completed and placed in service but have not been classified for transfer to the detailed service company property accounts.

§ 367.1070 - Account 107, Construction work in progress.

(a) This account must include the total of the balances of construction projects for service company property in process of construction.

(b) Construction projects must be cleared from this account as soon as practicable after completion of the job. Further, if a project is designed to consist of two or more units that may be placed in service at different dates, any expenditures that are common to and that will be used in the operation of the project as a whole must be included in service company property upon the completion and the readiness for service of the first unit. Any expenditures that are identified exclusively with units of property not yet in service must be included in this account.

(c) Expenditures on research, development, and demonstration projects for construction of facilities are to be included in a separate subaccount in this account. Records must be maintained to show separately each project along with complete detail of the nature and purpose of the research, development, and demonstration project together with the related costs.

§ 367.1080 - Account 108, Accumulated provision for depreciation of service company property.

(a) This account must be credited with the following:

(1) Amounts charged to account 403, Depreciation expense (§ 367.4030), or to clearing accounts for current depreciation expense for service company property.

(2) Amounts charged to account 416, Costs and expenses of merchandising, jobbing, and contract work (§ 367.4160), or to clearing accounts for current depreciation expense.

(3) Amounts of depreciation applicable to properties acquired. (See Service Company Property Instruction in § 367.53.)

(4) Amounts of depreciation applicable to service company property donated to the service company.

(b) The service company must maintain separate subaccounts for depreciation applicable to service company property.

(c) At the time of retirement of depreciable service company property, this account must be charged with the book cost of the property retired and the cost of removal, and must be credited with the salvage value and any other amounts recovered, such as insurance.

(d) The subsidiary records for this account must reflect the current credits and debits to this account in sufficient detail to show the following separately:

(1) The amount of accrual for depreciation,

(2) The book cost of property retired,

(3) Cost of removal,

(4) Salvage, and

(5) Other items, including recoveries from insurance.

(e) The service company is restricted in its use of the accumulated provision for depreciation to the purposes identified in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section. It must not transfer any portion of this account to retained earnings or make any other use of the depreciation without authorization by the Commission.

§ 367.1110 - Account 111, Accumulated provision for amortization of service company property.

(a) This account must be credited with the following:

(1) Amounts charged to account 404, Amortization of limited-term property (§ 367.4040), for the current amortization of limited-term service company property investments.

(2) Amounts charged to account 405, Amortization of other property (§ 367.4050).

(3) Amounts charged to account 425, Miscellaneous amortization (§ 367.4250), for the amortization of intangible or other property, that does not have a definite or terminable life and is not subject to charges for depreciation expense, with Commission approval.

(b) The service company must maintain subaccounts of this account for the amortization applicable to service company property and property leased to others.

(c) When any property to which this account applies is sold, relinquished, or otherwise retired from service, this account must be charged with the amount previously credited in respect to the property. The book cost of the retired property less the amount chargeable to this account and less the net proceeds realized at retirement must be included in account 421.1, Gain on disposition of property (§ 367.4211), or account 421.2, Loss on disposition of property (§ 367.4212), as appropriate.

(d) For general ledger and balance sheet purposes, this account must be regarded and treated as a single composite provision for amortization. The subsidiary records must reflect the current credits and debits to this account in sufficient detail to show the following separately:

(1) The amount of accrual for amortization,

(2) The book cost of property retired,

(3) Cost of removal,

(4) Salvage, and

(5) Other items, including recoveries from insurance.

(e) The service company is restricted in its use of the accumulated provision for amortization to the purposes provided in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section. It must not transfer any portion of this account to retained earnings or make any other use of the amortization without authorization by the Commission.

§ 367.1310 - Account 131, Cash.

This account must include the amount of current cash funds except working funds.

§ 367.1340 - Account 134, Other special deposits.

(a) This account must include deposits with fiscal agents or others for special purposes other than the payment of interest and dividends. The special deposits may include, among other things, cash deposited with federal, state, or municipal authorities as a guaranty for the fulfillment of obligations; cash deposited with trustees to be held until mortgaged property sold, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of is replaced; cash realized from the sale of the accounting service company's securities and deposited with trustees to be held until invested in property of the service company. Entries to this account must specify the purpose for which the deposit is made.

(b) Assets available for general corporate purposes must not be included in this account. Further, deposits for more than one year, that are not offset by current liabilities, must be charged to account 128, Other special funds (§ 367.1280).

§ 367.1350 - Account 135, Working funds.

This account must include cash advanced to officers, agents, employees, and others as petty cash or working funds.

§ 367.1360 -

(a) This account must include the book cost of investments, such as demand and time loans, bankers' acceptances, United States Treasury certificates, marketable securities, and other similar investments, acquired for the purpose of temporarily investing cash.

(b) This account must be maintained so as to show separately temporary cash investments in securities of associate companies and of others. Records must be kept of any pledged investments.

§ 367.1410 - Account 141, Notes receivable.

(a) This account must include the book cost, not includible elsewhere, of all collectible obligations in the form of notes receivable and similar evidences (except interest coupons) of money due on demand or within one year from the date of issue, except, however, notes receivable from associate companies. (See account 136, Temporary cash investments (§ 367.1360), and account 145, Notes receivable from associate companies (§ 367.1450).)

(b) The face amount of notes receivable discounted, sold, or transferred without releasing the service company from liability as a related endorser, must be credited to a separate subaccount of this account and appropriate disclosure must be made in financial statements of any contingent liability arising from the transactions.

§ 367.1420 - Account 142, Customer accounts receivable.

(a) This account must include amounts due from customers for service, and for merchandising, jobbing and contract work. This account must not include amounts due from associate companies.

(b) This account must be maintained so as to permit ready segregation of the amounts due for merchandising, jobbing and contract work.

§ 367.1430 - Account 143, Other accounts receivable.

(a) This account must include amounts due the service company upon open accounts, other than amounts due from associate companies and from customers for services and merchandising, jobbing and contract work.

(b) This account must be maintained so as to show separately amounts due on subscriptions to capital stock and from officers and employees, but the account must not include amounts advanced to officers or others as working funds. (See account 135, Working funds (§ 367.1350).)

§ 367.1440 - Account 144, Accumulated provision for uncollectible accounts—Credit.

(a) This account must be credited with amounts provided for losses on accounts receivable that may become uncollectible, and also with collections on related previously charged accounts. Concurrent charges must be made to account 904, Uncollectible accounts (§ 367.9040), for amounts applicable to service company operations, and to corresponding accounts for other operations. Records must be maintained so as to show the write-offs of account receivable for each service company department.

(b) This account must be subdivided to show the provision applicable to the following classes of accounts receivable:

(1) Service company customers.

(2) Merchandising, jobbing and contract work.

(3) Officers and employees.

(4) Others.

(c) Accretions to this account must not be made in excess of a reasonable provision against losses of the related character.

(d) If provisions for uncollectible notes receivable or for uncollectible receivables from associate companies are necessary, separate related subaccounts must be established under the account in which the receivable is carried.

§ 367.1450 - Account 145, Notes receivable from associate companies.

(a) This account must include notes and drafts upon which associate companies are liable, and that mature and are expected to be paid in full not later than one year from the date of issue, together with any related interest, and debit balances subject to current settlement in open accounts with associate companies. Items that do not bear a specified due date but that have been carried for more than twelve months and items that are not paid within twelve months from due date must be transferred to account 123, Investment in associate companies (§ 367.1230).

(b) On the balance sheet, accounts receivable from an associate company may be set off against accounts payable to the same company.

(c) The face amount of notes receivable discounted, sold or transferred without releasing the service company from liability as endorser thereon, must be credited to a separate subaccount of this account and appropriate disclosure must be made in financial statements of any contingent liability arising from such transactions.

§ 367.1460 - Account 146, Accounts receivable from associate companies.

(a) This account must include notes and drafts upon which associate companies are liable, and that mature and are expected to be paid in full not later than one year from the date of issue, together with any related interest thereon, and debit balances subject to current settlement in open accounts with associate companies. Items that do not bear a specified due date but that have been carried for more than twelve months and items that are not paid within twelve months from due date must be transferred to account 123, Investment in associate companies (§ 367.1230).

(b) On the balance sheet, accounts receivable from an associate company may be set off against accounts payable to the same company.

(c) The face amount of notes receivable discounted, sold or transferred without releasing the service company from liability as the related endorser, must be credited to a separate subaccount of this account and appropriate disclosure must be made in financial statements of any contingent liability arising from the transactions.

§ 367.1520 - Account 152, Fuel stock expenses undistributed.

The service company must utilize this account, where appropriate, to include the cost of service company labor and of office supplies used and operating expenses incurred with respect to the review, analysis and management of fuel supply contracts or agreements, the accumulation of fuel information and its interpretation, the logistics and handling of fuel, and other related support functions, as a service to the company engaged in the procurement and transportation of fuel. This account must be maintained to show the expenses attributable to each company through its cost allocation system. All expenses of a service company's fuel department or functions must be cleared through this account.

§ 367.1540 - Account 154, Materials and operating supplies.

(a) This account must include the cost of materials purchased primarily for use in the service company business for construction, operation and maintenance purposes. It must include the book cost of materials recovered in connection with construction, maintenance or the retirement of service company property, the materials being credited to construction, maintenance or accumulated depreciation provision, respectively. This account must include the following items:

(1) Reusable materials consisting of large individual items must be included in this account at original cost, estimated if not known. The cost of repairing the items must be charged to the maintenance account appropriate for the previous use.

(2) Reusable materials consisting of relatively small items, the identity of which (from the date of original installation to the related final abandonment or sale) cannot be ascertained without undue refinement in accounting, must be included in this account at current prices new for the items. The cost of repairing the items must be charged to the appropriate expense account as indicated by previous use.

(3) Scrap and non-usable materials included in this account must be carried at the estimated net amount realizable. The difference between the amounts realized for scrap and non-usable materials sold and the net amount at which the materials were carried in this account, as far as practicable, must be adjusted to the accounts credited when the materials were charged to this account.

(b) Materials and supplies issued must be credited in this account and charged to the appropriate construction, operating expense, or other account on the basis of a unit price determined by the use of cumulative average, first-in-first-out, or any other method of inventory accounting that conforms with accepted accounting standards consistently applied.

(c) This account must include the following items:

(1) Invoice price of materials less cash or other discounts.

(2) Freight, switching or other transportation charges when practicable to include as part of the cost of particular materials to which they relate.

(3) Customs duties and excise taxes.

(4) Costs of inspection and special tests prior to acceptance.

(5) Insurance and other directly assignable charges.

(d) Where expenses applicable to materials purchased cannot be directly assigned to particular purchases, they may be charged to a stores expense clearing account (account 163, Stores expense undistributed (§ 367.1630)), and distributed from there to the appropriate account.

(e) When materials and supplies are purchased for immediate use, they need not be carried through this account, but may be charged directly to the appropriate service company property or expense account.

§ 367.1630 - Account 163, Stores expense undistributed.

(a) This account must include the cost of supervision, labor and expenses incurred in the operation of general storerooms, including purchasing, storage, handling and distribution of materials and supplies.

(b) This account must be cleared by adding to the cost of materials and supplies issued a suitable loading charge that will distribute the expense equitably over stores issues. The balance in the account at the close of the calendar year must not exceed the amount of stores expenses reasonably attributable to the inventory of materials and supplies exclusive of fuel, as any amount applicable to fuel costs should be included in account 152, Fuel stock expenses undistributed (§ 367.1520).

(c) This account must include the following labor items:

(1) Inspecting and testing materials and supplies when not assignable to specific items.

(2) Unloading from shipping facility and putting in storage.

(3) Supervision of purchasing and stores department to extent assignable to materials handled through stores.

(4) Getting materials from stock and in readiness to go out.

(5) Inventorying stock received or stock on hand by stores employees but not including inventories by general department employees as part of internal or general audits.

(6) Purchasing department activities in checking material needs, investigating sources of supply, analyzing prices, preparing and placing orders, and related activities to extent applicable to materials handled through stores. (Optional. Purchasing department expenses may be included in administrative and general expenses.)

(7) Maintaining stores equipment.

(8) Cleaning and tidying storerooms and stores offices.

(9) Keeping stock records, including recording and posting of material receipts and issues and maintaining inventory record of stock.

(10) Collecting and handling scrap materials in stores.

(d) This account must include the following supplies and expenses items:

(1) Adjustments of inventories of materials and supplies, but not including large differences that can readily be assigned to important classes of materials and equitably distributed among the accounts to which the classes of materials have been charged since the previous inventory.

(2) Cash and other discounts not practically assignable to specific materials.

(3) Freight, express, and similar items, when not assignable to specific items.

(4) Heat, light and power for storerooms and store offices.

(5) Brooms, brushes, sweeping compounds and other supplies used in cleaning and tidying storerooms and stores offices.

(6) Injuries and damages.

(7) Insurance on materials and supplies and on stores equipment.

(8) Losses due to breakage, leakage, evaporation, fire or other causes, less credits for amounts received from insurance, transportation companies or others in compensation of the losses.

(9) Postage, printing, stationery and office supplies.

(10) Rent of storage space and facilities.

(11) Communication service.

(12) Excise and other similar taxes not assignable to specific materials.

(13) Transportation expense on inward movement of stores and on transfer between storerooms, but not including charges on materials recovered from retirements that must be accounted for as part of cost of removal.

(e) A physical inventory of each class of materials and supplies must be made at least every two years.

§ 367.1650 - Account 165, Prepayments.

This account must include amounts representing prepayments of insurance, rents, taxes, interest and miscellaneous items, and must be kept or supported in a manner so as to disclose the amount of each class of prepayment.

§ 367.1710 - Account 171, Interest and dividends receivable.

(a) This account must include the amount of interest on bonds, mortgages, notes, commercial paper, loans, open accounts, deposits, and other similar items, the payment of which is reasonably assured, and the amount of dividends declared or guaranteed on stocks owned.

(b) Interest that is not subject to current settlement must not be included in this account, but in the account in which is carried the principal on which the interest is accrued.

(c) Interest and dividends receivable from associate companies must be included in account 146, Accounts receivable from associate companies (§ 367.1460).

§ 367.1720 - Account 172, Rents receivable.

(a) This account must include rents receivable or accrued on property rented or leased by the service company to others.

(b) Rents receivable from associate companies must be included in account 146, Accounts receivable from associate companies (§ 367.1460).

§ 367.1730 - Account 173, Accrued revenues.

At the option of the service company, the estimated amount accrued for service rendered, but not billed at the end of any accounting period, may be included in this account. In case accruals are made for unbilled revenues, they must be made likewise for unbilled expenses, such as for the purchase of energy.

§ 367.1740 - Account 174, Miscellaneous current and accrued assets.

This account must include the book cost of all other current and accrued assets, appropriately designated and supported so as to show the nature of each asset included in the account.

§ 367.1750 - Account 175, Derivative instrument assets.

This account must include the amounts paid for derivative instruments, and the change in the fair value of all derivative instrument assets not designated as cash flow or fair value hedges. Account 421, Miscellaneous income or loss (§ 367.4210), must be credited or debited, as appropriate, with the corresponding amount of the change in the fair value of the derivative instrument.

§ 367.1760 - Account 176, Derivative instrument assets—Hedges.

(a) This account must include the amounts paid for derivative instruments, and the change in the fair value of derivative instrument assets designated by the service company as cash flow or fair value hedges.

(b) When a service company designates a derivative instrument asset as a cash flow hedge it will record the change in the fair value of the derivative instrument in this account with a concurrent charge to account 219, Accumulated other comprehensive income (§ 367.2190), with the effective portion of the gain or loss. The ineffective portion of the cash flow hedge must be charged to the same income or expense account that will be used when the hedged item enters into the determination of net income.

(c) When a service company designates a derivative instrument as a fair value hedge it must record the change in the fair value of the derivative instrument in this account with a concurrent charge to a subaccount of the asset or liability that carries the item being hedged. The ineffective portion of the fair value hedge must be charged to the same income or expense account that will be used when the hedged item enters into the determination of net income.

§ 367.1810 - Account 181, Unamortized debt expense.

This account must include expenses related to the issuance or assumption of debt securities. Amounts recorded in this account must be amortized over the life of each respective issue under a plan that will distribute the amount equitably over the life of the security. The amortization must be on a monthly basis, and the related amounts must be charged to account 428, Amortization of debt discount and expense (§ 367.4280). Any unamortized amounts outstanding at the time that the related debt is prematurely reacquired must be accounted for as indicated in General Instructions in § 367.16.

§ 367.1823 - Account 182.3, Other regulatory assets.

(a) This account must include the amounts of regulatory-created assets, not includible in other accounts, resulting from the ratemaking actions of regulatory agencies. (See Definitions § 367.1(a)(38).)

(b) The amounts included in this account are to be established by those charges which would have been included in net income, or accumulated other comprehensive income, determinations in the current period under the general requirements of the Uniform System of Accounts but for it being probable that such items will be included in a different period(s) for purposes of developing rates that the utility is authorized to charge for its utility services. When specific identification of the particular source of a regulatory asset cannot be made, such as in plant phase-ins, rate moderation plans, or rate levelization plans, account 407.4, Regulatory credits (§ 367.4074), must be credited. The amounts recorded in this account are generally to be charged, concurrently with the recovery of the amounts in rates, to the same account that would have been charged if included in income when incurred, except all regulatory assets established through the use of account 407.4 (§ 367.4074) must be charged to account 407.3, Regulatory debits (§ 367.4073), concurrent with the recovery in rates.

(c) If rate recovery of all or part of an amount included in this account is disallowed, the disallowed amount must be charged to Account 426.5, Other deductions (§ 367.4265), or Account 435, Extraordinary deductions (§ 367.4350), in the year of the disallowance.

(d) The records supporting the entries to this account must be kept so that the service company can furnish full information as to the nature and amount of each regulatory asset included in this account, including justification for inclusion of such amounts in this account.

§ 367.1830 - Account 183, Preliminary survey and investigation charges.

(a) This account must be charged with all expenditures for preliminary surveys, plans, investigations, and other similar items, made for the purpose of determining the feasibility of service company projects under contemplation. If construction results, this account must be credited and the appropriate service company property account charged. If the work is abandoned, the charge must be made to account 426.5, Other deductions (§ 367.4265), or to the appropriate operating expense account.

(b) The records supporting the entries to this account must be kept so that the service company can furnish complete information as to the nature and the purpose of the survey, plans, or investigations and the nature and amounts of the several charges.

(c) The amount of preliminary survey and investigation charges transferred to service company property must not exceed the expenditures that may reasonably be determined to contribute directly and immediately and without duplication to service company property.

§ 367.1840 - Account 184, Clearing accounts.

This account must include undistributed balances in clearing accounts at the date of the balance sheet. Balances in clearing accounts must be substantially cleared not later than the end of the calendar year unless the items held relate to a future period.

§ 367.1850 - Account 185, Temporary facilities.

This account must include amounts shown by project for property installed for temporary use for a period of less than one year. Each project must be charged with the cost of temporary facilities and credited with payments received from customers and net salvage realized on removal of the temporary facilities. Any net credit or debit resulting must be cleared to the construction or service project to which the facilities relate.

§ 367.1860 - Account 186, Miscellaneous deferred debits.

(a) This account must include all debits not provided for elsewhere, such as miscellaneous work in progress, and unusual or extraordinary expenses, not included in other accounts, that are in the process of amortization and items the proper final disposition of which is uncertain.

(b) The records supporting the entries to this account must be kept so that the service company can furnish full information as to each deferred debit included in this account.

§ 367.1880 - Account 188, Research, development, or demonstration expenditures.

(a) This account must be charged with the cost of all expenditures coming within the meaning of research, development and demonstration (RD&D) of this Uniform System of Accounts (See Definitions § 367.1(a)(40)), except those expenditures properly chargeable to account 107, Construction work in progress (§ 367.1070).

(b) Costs that are minor or of a general or recurring nature must be transferred from this account to the appropriate operating expense function or, if the costs are common to the overall operations or cannot be feasibly allocated to the various operating accounts, then the costs must be recorded in account 930.2, Miscellaneous general expenses (§ 367.9302).

(c) In certain instances, a service company may incur large and significant research, development, and demonstration expenditures that are nonrecurring and that would distort the annual research, development, and demonstration charges for the period. In such a case, the portion of such amounts that causes the distortion may be amortized to the appropriate operating expense account over a period not to exceed five years, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission.

(d) The entries in this account must be maintained so as to show separately each project along with complete detail of the nature and purpose of the research, development, and demonstration project together with the related costs.

§ 367.1890 - Account 189, Unamortized loss on reacquired debt.

This account must include the losses on long-term debt reacquired or redeemed. The amounts in this account must be amortized in accordance with General Instruction § 367.16.

§ 367.1900 - Account 190, Accumulated deferred income taxes.

(a) This account must be debited and account 411.1, Provision for deferred income taxes—Credit, operating income (§ 367.4111), or account 411.2, Provision for deferred income taxes—Credit, other income and deductions (§ 367.4112), as appropriate, must be credited with an amount equal to that by which income taxes payable for the year are higher because of the inclusion of certain items in income for tax purposes, which items for general accounting purposes will not be fully reflected in the service company's determination of annual net income until subsequent years.

(b) This account must be credited and account 410.1, Provision for deferred income taxes, operating income (§ 367.4101), or account 410.2, Provision for deferred income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4102), as appropriate, must be debited with an amount equal to that by which income taxes payable for the year are lower because of prior payment of taxes as provided by paragraph (a) of this section, because of difference in timing for tax purposes of particular items of income or income deductions from that recognized by the utility for general accounting purposes. The credit to this account and debit to account 410.1 (§ 367.4101), or 410.2 (§ 367.4102) must, in general, represent the effect on taxes payable in the current year of the smaller amount of book income recognized for tax purposes as compared to the amount recognized in the service company's current accounts with respect to the item or class of items for which deferred tax accounting by the service company was authorized by the Commission.

(c) The service company is restricted in its use of this account to the purpose provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. The service company must not make use of the balance in this account or any related portion except as provided in the text of this account, without prior approval of the Commission. Any remaining deferred tax account balance with respect to an amount for any prior year's tax deferral, the amortization of which or other recognition in the service company's income accounts has been completed, or other disposition made, must be debited to account 410.1, Provision for deferred income taxes, operating income (§ 367.4101), or account 410.2, Provision for deferred income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4102), as appropriate, or otherwise disposed of as the Commission may authorize or direct. (See General Instructions in § 367.17.)

§ 367.2010 - Account 201, Common stock issued.

This account must include the par or stated value of all common capital stock issued and outstanding.

§ 367.2040 - Account 204, Preferred stock issued.

This account must include the par or stated value of all preferred stock issued and outstanding.

§ 367.2110 - Account 211, Miscellaneous paid-in capital.

This account must include the balance of all other credits for paid-in capital that is not properly included in proprietary capital accounts. This account may include all commissions and expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of capital stock.

§ 367.2150 - Account 215, Appropriated retained earnings.

This account must include the amount of retained earnings that has been appropriated or set aside for special purposes. Separate subaccounts must be maintained under titles that will designate the purpose for which each appropriation was made.

§ 367.2160 - Account 216, Unappropriated retained earnings.

This account must include the balances, either debit or credit, of unappropriated retained earnings arising from earnings of the service company. This account must not include any amounts representing the undistributed earnings of subsidiary companies.

§ 367.2161 - Account 216.1, Unappropriated undistributed subsidiary earnings.

This account must include the balances, either debit or credit, of undistributed retained earnings of subsidiary companies since their acquisition. When dividends are received from subsidiary companies relating to amounts included in this account, this account must be debited and account 216, Unappropriated retained earnings (§ 367.2160), credited.

§ 367.2190 - Account 219, Accumulated other comprehensive income.

(a) This account must include revenues, expenses, gains, and losses that are properly includable in other comprehensive income during the period. Examples of other comprehensive income include, but are not limited to, minimum pension liability adjustments, and unrealized gains and losses on certain investments in debt and equity securities. Records supporting the entries to this account must be maintained so that the service company can furnish the amount of other comprehensive income for each item included in this account.

(b) This account also must be debited or credited, as appropriate, with amounts of accumulated other comprehensive income that have been included in the determination of net income during the period and in accumulated other comprehensive income in prior periods. Separate records for each category of items must be maintained to identify the amount of the reclassification adjustments from accumulated other comprehensive income to earnings made during the period.

§ 367.2230 - Account 223, Advances from associate companies.

(a) This account must include the face value of notes payable to associate companies and the amount of open book accounts representing advances from associate companies. It does not include notes and open accounts representing indebtedness subject to current settlement that are includible in account 233, Notes payable to associate companies (§ 367.2330), or account 234, Accounts payable to associate companies (§ 367.2340).

(b) The records supporting the entries to this account must be kept so that the service company can furnish complete information concerning each note and open account.

§ 367.2240 - Account 224, Other long-term debt.

(a) This account must include, until maturity, all long-term debt not otherwise provided for. This covers items such as receivers' certificates, real estate mortgages executed or assumed, assessments for public improvements, notes and unsecured certificates of indebtedness not owned by associate companies, receipts outstanding for long-term debt, and other obligations maturing more than one year from date of issue or assumption.

(b) Separate accounts must be maintained for each class of obligation, and records must be maintained to show for each class all details as to date of obligation, date of maturity, interest dates and rates, security for the obligation, and other similar items.

§ 367.2250 - Account 225, Unamortized premium on long-term debt.

(a) This account must include the excess of the cash value of consideration received over the face value upon the issuance or assumption of long-term debt securities.

(b) Amounts recorded in this account must be amortized over the life of each respective issue under a plan that will distribute the amount equitably over the life of the security. The amortization must be on a monthly basis, with the related amounts credited to account 429, Amortization of premium on debt—Credit (§ 367.4290) (see General Instructions in § 367.16).

§ 367.2260 - Account 226, Unamortized discount on long-term debt—Debit.

(a) This account must include the excess of the face value of long-term debt securities over the related cash value of consideration received, related to the issue or assumption of all types and classes of debt.

(b) Amounts recorded in this account must be amortized over the life of the respective issues under a plan that will distribute the amount equitably over the life of the securities. The amortization must be on a monthly basis, with the related amounts charged to account 428, Amortization of debt discount and expense (§ 367.4280). (see General Instructions in § 367.16.)

§ 367.2270 - Account 227, Obligations under capital lease—Non-current.

This account must include the portion not due within one year, of the obligations recorded for the amounts applicable to leased property recorded as assets in account 101.1, Property under capital leases (§ 367.1011).

§ 367.2282 - Account 228.2, Accumulated provision for injuries and damages.

(a) This account must be credited with amounts charged to account 925, Injuries and damages (§ 367.9250), or other appropriate accounts, to meet the probable liability, not covered by insurance, for deaths or injuries to employees and others and for damages to property neither owned nor held under lease by the service company.

(b) When liability for any injury or damage is admitted by the service company, either voluntarily or because of the decision of a court or other lawful authority, such as workmen's compensation board, the admitted liability must be charged to this account and credited to the appropriate current liability account. Details of these charges must be maintained according to the year the casualty occurred which gave rise to the loss.

(c) Recoveries or reimbursements for losses charged to this account must be credited to this account; the cost of repairs to property of others if provided for in this account must be charged to this account.

§ 367.2283 - Account 228.3, Accumulated provision for pensions and benefits.

(a) This account must include provisions made by the service company and amounts contributed by employees for pensions, accident and death benefits, savings, relief, hospital and other provident purposes, where the funds are included in the assets of the service company either in general or in segregated fund accounts.

(b) Amounts paid by the service company for the purposes for which this liability is established must be charged to this account.

(c) A separate account must be kept for each kind of provision included in this account.

(d) If employee pension or benefit plan funds are not included among the assets of the service company but are held by outside trustees, payments into such funds, or accruals therefore, must be included in this account.

§ 367.2300 - Account 230, Asset retirement obligations.

(a) This account must include the amount of liabilities for the recognition of asset retirement obligations related to service company property. This account must be credited for the amount of the liabilities for asset retirement obligations with amounts charged to the appropriate property account to record the related asset retirement costs.

(b) The service company must charge the accretion expense to account 411.10, Accretion expense (§ 367.4118), and credit account 230, Asset retirement obligations (§ 367.2300).

(c) This account must be debited with amounts paid to settle the asset retirement obligations recorded in this account.

(d) The service company must clear from this account any gains or losses resulting from the settlement of asset retirement obligations in accordance with the instructions prescribed in the General Instructions in § 367.22.

§ 367.2310 - Account 231, Notes payable.

This account must include the face value of all notes, drafts, acceptances, or other similar evidences of indebtedness, payable on demand or within a time not exceeding one year from date of issue, to other than associate companies.

§ 367.2320 - Account 232, Accounts payable.

This account must include all amounts payable by the service company within one year that are not provided for in other accounts.

§ 367.2330 - Account 233, Notes payable to associate companies.

(a) This account must include amounts owing to associate companies on notes, drafts, acceptances, or other similar evidences of indebtedness, and open accounts payable on demand or not more than one year from date of issue or creation.

(b) Exclude from this account notes and accounts that are includible in account 223, Advances from associate companies (§ 367.2230).

§ 367.2340 - Account 234, Accounts payable to associate companies.

This account must include all amounts payable to associate companies by the service company within one year, which are not provided for in other accounts.

§ 367.2360 - Account 236, Taxes accrued.

(a) This account must be credited with the amount of taxes accrued during the accounting period, corresponding debits being made to the appropriate accounts for tax charges. The credits may be based upon estimates, but from time to time during the year as the facts become known, the amount of the periodic credits must be adjusted so as to include as nearly as can be determined in each year the related applicable taxes. Any amount representing a prepayment of taxes applicable to the period subsequent to the date of the balance sheet, must be shown under account 165, Prepayments (§ 367.1650).

(b) If accruals for taxes are found to be insufficient or excessive, corrections must be made through current tax accruals.

(c) Accruals for taxes must be based upon the net amounts payable after credit for any discounts, and must not include any amounts for interest on tax deficiencies or refunds. Interest received on refunds must be credited to account 419, Interest and dividend income (§ 367.4190), and interest paid on deficiencies must be charged to account 431, Other interest expense (§ 367.4310).

(d) The records supporting the entries to this account must be kept so as to show for each class of taxes, the amount accrued, the basis for the accrual, the accounts to which charged, and the amount of tax paid.

§ 367.2370 - Account 237, Interest accrued.

This account must include the amount of interest accrued but not matured on all liabilities of the service company not including, however, interest that is added to the principal of the debt on which it is incurred. Supporting records must be maintained so as to show the amount of interest accrued on each obligation.

§ 367.2380 - Account 238, Dividends declared.

This account must include the amount of dividends that have been declared but not paid. Dividends must be credited to this account when they become a liability.

§ 367.2410 - Account 241, Tax collections payable.

(a) This account must include the amount of taxes collected by the service company through payroll deductions or otherwise pending transmittal of the taxes to the proper taxing authority.

(b) Do not include liability for taxes assessed directly against the service company that is accounted for as part of the service company's own tax expense.

§ 367.2420 - Account 242, Miscellaneous current and accrued liabilities.

This account must include the amount of all other current and accrued liabilities not provided for elsewhere, appropriately designated and supported so as to show the nature of each liability.

§ 367.2430 - Account 243, Obligations under capital leases—Current.

This account must include the portion, due within one year, of the obligations recorded for the amounts applicable to leased property recorded as assets in account 101.1, Property under capital leases (§ 367.1011).

§ 367.2440 - Account 244, Derivative instrument liabilities.

This account must include the change in the fair value of all derivative instrument liabilities not designated as cash flow or fair value hedges. Account 426.5, Other deductions (§ 367.4265), must be debited or credited as appropriate with the corresponding amount of the change in the fair value of the derivative instrument.

§ 367.2450 - Account 245, Derivative instrument liabilities—Hedges

(a) This account must include the change in the fair value of derivative instrument liabilities designated by the service company as cash flow or fair value hedges.

(b) A service company must record the change in the fair value of a derivative instrument liability related to a cash flow hedge in this account, with a concurrent charge to account 219, Accumulated other comprehensive income (§ 367.2190), with the effective portion of the derivative's gain or loss. The ineffective portion of the cash flow hedge must be charged to the same income or expense account that will be used when the hedged item enters into the determination of net income.

(c) A service company must record the change in the fair value of a derivative instrument liability related to a fair value hedge in this account, with a concurrent charge to a subaccount of the asset or liability that carries the item being hedged. The ineffective portion of the fair value hedge must be charged to the same income or expense account that will be used when the hedged item enters into the determination of net income.

§ 367.2530 - Account, 253, Other deferred credits.

This account must include advance billings and receipts and other deferred credit items, not provided for elsewhere, including amounts which cannot be entirely cleared or disposed of until additional information has been received.

§ 367.2540 - Account 254, Other regulatory liabilities.

(a) This account must include the amounts of regulatory liabilities, not includible in other accounts, imposed on the service company by the ratemaking actions of regulatory agencies. (See Definitions § 367.1(a)(38).)

(b) The amounts included in this account are to be established by those credits which would have been included in net income, or accumulated other comprehensive income, determinations in the current period under the general requirements of the USofA but for it being probable that: Such items will be included in a different period(s) for purposes of developing the rates that the service company is authorized to charge for its services; or refunds to customers, not provided for in other accounts, will be required. When specific identification of the particular source of the regulatory liability cannot be made or when the liability arises from revenues collected pursuant to tariffs on file at a regulatory agency, account 407.3, Regulatory debits (§ 367.4073), must be debited. The amounts recorded in this account generally are to be credited to the same account that would have been credited if included in income when earned except: All regulatory liabilities established through the use of account 407.3 (§ 367.4073) must be credited to account 407.4, Regulatory credits (§ 367.4074); and in the case of refunds, a cash account or other appropriate account should be credited when the obligation is satisfied.

(c) If it is later determined that the amounts recorded in this account will not be returned to customers through rates or refunds, such amounts must be credited to Account 421, Miscellaneous income or loss (§ 367.4210), or Account 434, Extraordinary income (§ 367.4340), as appropriate, in the year such determination is made.

(d) The records supporting the entries to this account must be so kept that the service company can furnish full information as to the nature and amount of each regulatory liability included in this account, including justification for inclusion of such amounts in this account.

§ 367.2550 - Account 255, Accumulated deferred investment tax credits.

This account must be credited with all investment tax credits deferred by companies that have elected to follow deferral accounting, partial or full, rather than recognizing in the income statement the total benefits of the tax credit as realized. After this election, a company may not transfer amounts from this account, except as authorized in this account and in accounts 411.4, Investment tax credit adjustments, service company property (§ 367.4114) or 411.5, Investment tax credit adjustments, other income and deductions (§ 367.4115), or with approval of the Commission.

§ 367.2820 - Account 282, Accumulated deferred income taxes—Other property.

(a) This account must include the tax deferrals resulting from adoption of the principle of comprehensive inter-period income tax allocation described in the General Instructions in § 367.17 that are related to all property other than accelerated amortization property.

(b) This account must be credited and accounts 410.1, Provision for deferred income taxes, operating income (§ 367.4101), or 410.2, Provision for deferred income taxes, Other income and deductions (§ 367.4102), as appropriate, must be debited with tax effects related to property described in paragraph (a) of this section where taxable income is lower than pretax accounting income due to differences between the periods in which revenue and expense transactions affect taxable income and the periods in which they enter into the determination of pretax accounting income.

(c) This account must be debited, and accounts 411.1, Provision for deferred income taxes—Credit, operating income (§ 367.4111), or 411.2, Provision for deferred income taxes—Credit, other income and deductions (§ 367.4112), as appropriate, must be credited with tax effects related to property described in paragraph (a) of this section where taxable income is higher than pretax accounting income due to differences between the periods in which revenue and expense transactions affect taxable income and the periods in which they enter into the determination of pretax accounting income.

(d) The service company is restricted in its use of this account to the purposes described in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section. It must not transfer the balance in this account or any related portion to retained earnings or make any other use of the balance except as provided in paragraph (a) through (c) of this section without prior approval of the Commission. Upon the disposition by sale, exchange, transfer, abandonment or premature retirement of property on which there is a related balance, this account must be charged with an amount equal to the related income tax expense, if any, arising from the disposition and accounts 411.1, Income taxes deferred in prior years—Credit, operating income (§ 367.4111), or 411.2, Income taxes deferred in prior years—Credit, other income and deductions (§ 367.4112), must be credited. When property is disposed of by transfer to a wholly-owned subsidiary, the related balance in this account also must be transferred. When the disposition relates to retirement of an item or items under a group method of depreciation where there is no tax effect in the year of retirement, no entries are required in this account if it can be determined that the related balance must be retained to offset future group item tax deficiencies.

§ 367.2830 - Account 283, Accumulated deferred income taxes—Other.

(a) This account must include all credit tax deferrals resulting from the adoption of the principles of comprehensive inter-period income tax allocation described in the General Instructions in § 367.17 other than those deferrals that are includible in account 282, Accumulated deferred income taxes—Other property (§ 367.2820).

(b) This account must be credited, and accounts 410.1 Provision for deferred income taxes, operating income (§ 367.4101), or 410.2 Provision for deferred income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4102), as appropriate, must be debited with tax effects related to items described in paragraph (a) of this section where taxable income is lower than pretax accounting income due to differences between the periods in which revenue and expense transactions affect taxable income and the periods in which they enter into the determination of pretax accounting income.

(c) This account must be debited, and accounts 411.1, Provision for deferred income taxes-Credit, operating income (§ 367.4111), or 411.2, Provision for deferred income taxes-Credit, other income and deductions (§ 367.4112), as appropriate, must be credited with tax effects related to items described in paragraph (a) of this account where taxable income is higher than pretax accounting income due to differences between the periods in which revenue and expense transactions affect taxable income and the periods in which they enter into the determination of pretax accounting income.

(d) Records with respect to entries to this account, as described in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, and the account balance, must be maintained so as to show the factors of calculation with respect to each annual amount of the item or class of items.

(e) The service company is restricted in its use of this account to the purposes described in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section. It must not transfer the balance in the account or any portion of the account to retained earnings or to any other account or make any use of the account except as provided in the text of this account, without prior approval of the Commission. Upon the disposition by sale, exchange, transfer, abandonment or premature retirement of items on which there is a related balance herein, this account must be charged with an amount equal to the related income tax effect, if any, arising from the disposition and accounts 411.1, Provision for deferred income taxes-Credit, operating income (§ 367.4111), or 411.2, Provision for deferred income taxes—Credit, other income and deductions (§ 367.4112), as appropriate, must be credited.

(f) When property is disposed of by transfer to a wholly-owned subsidiary, the related balance in this account also must be transferred. When the disposition relates to retirement of an item or items under a group method of depreciation where there is no tax effect in the year of retirement, no entries are required in this account if it can be determined that the related balance must be retained to offset future group item tax deficiencies.

authority: 15 U.S.C. 717
source: Order 684, 71 FR 65226, Nov. 7, 2006, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 367.1350