Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Mar 03, 2025
Table of Contents

§ 367.4000 - Account 400, Operating revenues.

§ 367.4010 - Account 401, Operation expense.

§ 367.4020 - Account 402, Maintenance expense.

§ 367.4030 - Account 403, Depreciation expense.

§ 367.4031 - Account 403.1, Depreciation expense for asset retirement costs.

§ 367.4040 - Account 404, Amortization of limited-term property.

§ 367.4050 - Account 405, Amortization of other property.

§ 367.4073 - Account 407.3, Regulatory debits.

§ 367.4074 - Account 407.4, Regulatory credits.

§ 367.4081 - Account 408.1, Taxes other than income taxes, operating income.

§ 367.4082 - Account 408.2, Taxes other than income taxes, other income and deductions.

§ 367.4091 - Account 409.1, Income taxes, operating income.

§ 367.4092 - Account 409.2, Income taxes, other income and deductions.

§ 367.4093 - Account 409.3, Income taxes, extraordinary items.

§ 367.4101 - Account 410.1, Provision for deferred income taxes, operating income.

§ 367.4102 - Account 410.2, Provision for deferred income taxes, other income and deductions.

§ 367.4111 - Account 411.1, Provision for deferred income taxes—Credit, operating income.

§ 367.4112 - Account 411.2, Provision for deferred income taxes—Credit, other income and deductions.

§ 367.4114 - Account 411.4, Investment tax credit adjustments, service company property.

§ 367.4115 - Account 411.5, Investment tax credit adjustments, other.

§ 367.4116 - Account 411.6, Gains from disposition of service company plant.

§ 367.4117 - Account 411.7, Losses from disposition of service company plant.

§ 367.4118 - Account 411.10, Accretion expense.

§ 367.4120 - Account 412, Cost and expenses of construction or other services.

§ 367.4160 - Account 416, Costs and expenses of merchandising, jobbing and contract work.

§ 367.4180 - Account 418, Non-operating rental income.

§ 367.4181 - Account 418.1, Equity in earnings of subsidiary companies.

§ 367.4190 - Account 419, Interest and dividend income.

§ 367.4191 - Account 419.1, Allowance for other funds used during construction.

§ 367.4210 - Account 421, Miscellaneous income or loss.

§ 367.4211 - Account 421.1, Gain on disposition of property.

§ 367.4212 - Account 421.2, Loss on disposition of property.

§ 367.4250 - Account 425, Miscellaneous amortization.

§ 367.4261 - Account 426.1, Donations.

§ 367.4262 - Account 426.2, Life insurance.

§ 367.4263 - Account 426.3, Penalties.

§ 367.4264 - Account 426.4, Expenditures for certain civic, political and related activities.

§ 367.4265 - Account 426.5, Other deductions.

§ 367.4270 - Account 427, Interest on long-term debt.

§ 367.4280 - Account 428, Amortization of debt discount and expense.

§ 367.4290 - Account 429, Amortization of premium on debt—Credit.

§ 367.4300 - Account 430, Interest on debt to associate companies.

§ 367.4310 - Account 431, Other interest expense.

§ 367.4320 - Account 432, Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction—Credit.

§ 367.4000 - Account 400, Operating revenues.

There must be shown under this caption the total amount included in the service company operating revenue accounts 457 through 459 (§§ 367.4570 through 367.4590).

§ 367.4010 - Account 401, Operation expense.

There must be shown under this caption the total amount included in the service company operation expense accounts 500 through 589 (§§ 367.5000 through 367.5890), 800 through 881 (§§ 367.8000 through 367.8810) and 901 through 931 (§§ 367.9010 through 367.9310).

§ 367.4020 - Account 402, Maintenance expense.

There must be shown under this caption the total amount included in the service company maintenance expense accounts 500 through 598 (§§ 367.5000 through 367.5890), 800 through 894 (§§ 367.8000 through 367.8810), and 935 (§ 367.9350).

§ 367.4030 - Account 403, Depreciation expense.

(a) This account must include the amount of depreciation for all service company property, the cost of which is included in accounts 390 through 399.1 (§§ 367.3900 through 367.3991). Provide subaccounts by each class of service company property owned or leased except the depreciation expense that is charged to clearing accounts or to account 416, Costs and expenses of merchandising, jobbing and contract work (§ 367.4160).

(b) The service company must keep the records of property and property retirements that will reflect the service life of property that has been retired and aid in estimating probable service life by mortality, turnover, or other appropriate methods; and also the records that will reflect the percentage of salvage and costs of removal for property retired from each account, or related subaccount, for depreciable property.

(c) Depreciation expenses applicable to transportation equipment, shop equipment, tools, work equipment, power operated equipment and other general equipment may be charged to clearing accounts as necessary in order to obtain a proper distribution of expenses between construction and operation.

§ 367.4031 - Account 403.1, Depreciation expense for asset retirement costs.

This account must include the depreciation expense for asset retirement costs included in service company property.

§ 367.4040 - Account 404, Amortization of limited-term property.

This account must include amortization charges applicable to amounts included in the service company property accounts for limited-term franchises, licenses, patent rights, limited-term interests in land, and expenditures on leased property where the service life of the improvements is terminable by action of the lease. The charges to this account must be sufficient to distribute the book cost of each investment as evenly as may be over the period of its benefit (See account 111, Accumulated provision for amortization of service company property (§ 367.1110)).

§ 367.4050 - Account 405, Amortization of other property.

(a) When authorized by the Commission, this account must include charges for amortization of intangible or other property that does not have a definite or terminable life and that is not subject to charges for depreciation expense.

(b) This account must be supported in sufficient detail to show the amortization applicable to each investment being amortized, together with the book cost of the investment and the period over which it is being written off.

§ 367.4073 - Account 407.3, Regulatory debits.

This account shall be debited, when appropriate, with amounts credited to Account 254, Other Regulatory Liabilities, to record regulatory liabilities imposed on the service company by the ratemaking actions of regulatory agencies. This account shall also be debited, when appropriate, with the amounts credited to Account 182.3, Other Regulatory Assets, concurrent with the recovery of such amounts in rates.

§ 367.4074 - Account 407.4, Regulatory credits.

This account shall be credited, when appropriate, with amounts debited to Account 182.3, Other Regulatory Assets, to establish regulatory assets. This account shall also be credited, when appropriate, with the amounts debited to Account 254, Other Regulatory Liabilities, concurrent with the return of such amounts to customers through rates.

§ 367.4081 - Account 408.1, Taxes other than income taxes, operating income.

This account must include those taxes, other than income taxes, that relate to service company operating income. This account must be maintained so as to allow ready identification of the various classes of taxes.

§ 367.4082 - Account 408.2, Taxes other than income taxes, other income and deductions.

This account must include those taxes, other than income taxes, that relate to other income and deductions.

§ 367.4091 - Account 409.1, Income taxes, operating income.

This account must include the amount of those local, state and Federal income taxes that relate to service company operating income.

§ 367.4092 - Account 409.2, Income taxes, other income and deductions.

This account must include the amount of those local, state and Federal income taxes (both positive and negative), that relate to other income and deductions.

§ 367.4093 - Account 409.3, Income taxes, extraordinary items.

This account must include the amount of those local, state and Federal income taxes (both positive and negative), that relate to extraordinary items.

§ 367.4101 - Account 410.1, Provision for deferred income taxes, operating income.

This account must include the amounts of those deferrals of taxes and allocations of deferred taxes that relate to service company operating income.

§ 367.4102 - Account 410.2, Provision for deferred income taxes, other income and deductions.

This account must include the amounts of those deferrals of taxes and allocations of deferred taxes that relate to other income and deductions.

§ 367.4111 - Account 411.1, Provision for deferred income taxes—Credit, operating income.

This account must include the amounts of those allocations of deferred taxes and deferrals of taxes, credit, that relate to service company operating income.

§ 367.4112 - Account 411.2, Provision for deferred income taxes—Credit, other income and deductions.

This account must include the amounts of those allocations of deferred taxes and deferrals of taxes, credit, that relate to other income and deductions.

§ 367.4114 - Account 411.4, Investment tax credit adjustments, service company property.

This account must include the amount of those investment tax credit adjustments that relate to service company property.

§ 367.4115 - Account 411.5, Investment tax credit adjustments, other.

This account must include the amount of those investment tax credit adjustments not properly included in other accounts.

§ 367.4116 - Account 411.6, Gains from disposition of service company plant.

(a) The service company must record in this account gains resulting from the settlement of asset retirement obligations related to service company plant in accordance with the accounting prescribed in General Instructions in § 367.22.

(b) Income taxes relating to losses, recorded in this account must be recorded in Account 409.1, Income Taxes, operating income (§ 367.4091).

§ 367.4117 - Account 411.7, Losses from disposition of service company plant.

(a) The service company must record in this account losses resulting from the settlement of asset retirement obligations related to service company plant in accordance with the accounting prescribed in General Instructions in § 367.22.

(b) Income taxes relating to losses, recorded in this account must be recorded in Account 409.1, Income Taxes, operating income (§ 367.4091).

§ 367.4118 - Account 411.10, Accretion expense.

This account must be charged for accretion expense on the liabilities associated with asset retirement obligations included in account 230, Asset retirement obligations (§ 367.2300), related to service company property.

§ 367.4120 - Account 412, Cost and expenses of construction or other services.

This account must include expenditures related to the performance of construction or service contracts, under which the service company undertakes projects to construct physical property for associate or non-associate companies (see General Instructions § 367.24, Construction and service contracts for other companies) and the cost of services performed for others not provided for elsewhere.

§ 367.4160 - Account 416, Costs and expenses of merchandising, jobbing and contract work.

(a) This account must include the following labor items for services provided:

(1) Canvassing and demonstrating appliances in homes and other places for the purpose of selling appliances.

(2) Demonstrating and selling activities in sales rooms.

(3) Installing appliances on customer premises where the work is done only for purchasers of appliances from the associated company.

(4) Installing wiring, piping, or other property work, on a jobbing or contract basis.

(5) Preparing advertising materials for appliance sales purposes.

(6) Receiving and handling customer orders for merchandise or for jobbing services.

(7) Cleaning and tidying sales rooms.

(8) Maintaining display counters and other equipment used in merchandising.

(9) Arranging merchandise in sales rooms and decorating display windows.

(10) Reconditioning repossessed appliances.

(11) Bookkeeping and other clerical work in connection with merchandise and jobbing activities.

(12) Supervising merchandise and jobbing operations.

(b) This account must include the following materials and expenses items:

(1) Advertising in newspapers, periodicals, radio, television, and other similar items.

(2) Cost of merchandise sold and of materials used in jobbing work.

(3) Stores expenses on merchandise and jobbing stocks.

(4) Fees and expenses of advertising and commercial artists' agencies.

(5) Printing booklets, dodgers, and other advertising data.

(6) Premiums given as inducement to buy appliances.

(7) Light, heat and power.

(8) Depreciation on equipment used primarily for merchandise and jobbing operations.

(9) Rent of sales rooms or of equipment.

(10) Transportation expense in delivery and pick-up of appliances by the associated company's facilities.

(11) Stationery and office supplies and expenses.

(12) Losses from uncollectible merchandise and jobbing accounts.

(c) Records in support of this account shall be so kept as to permit ready summarization of costs and expenses by such major items as are feasible.

(d) Related taxes must be recorded in account 408.2, Taxes other than income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4082), or account 409.2, Income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4092), as appropriate.

§ 367.4180 - Account 418, Non-operating rental income.

(a) The expenses shall include all elements of costs incurred in the ownership and rental of property and the accounts shall be maintained so as to permit ready summarization of operation, maintenance, rents, depreciation, and amortization.

(b) Related taxes shall be recorded in Account 408.2, Taxes other than income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4082) or Account 409.2, Income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4092), as appropriate.

§ 367.4181 - Account 418.1, Equity in earnings of subsidiary companies.

This account must include the service company's equity in the earnings or losses of subsidiary companies for the year.

§ 367.4190 - Account 419, Interest and dividend income.

(a) This account must include interest revenues on securities, loans, notes, advances, special deposits, tax refunds and all other interest-bearing assets, and dividends on stocks of other companies, whether the securities on which the interest and dividends are received are carried as investments or included in sinking or other special fund accounts.

(b) This account may include the pro rata amount necessary to extinguish (during the interval between the date of acquisition and the date of maturity) the difference between the cost to the service company and the face value of interest-bearing securities. The amounts credited or charged must be concurrently included in the accounts in which the securities are carried.

(c) Where significant in amount, expenses, excluding operating taxes and income taxes, applicable to security investments and to interest and dividend revenues on the account must be charged in this account.

(d) Related taxes must be recorded in account 408.2, Taxes other than income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4082), or account 409.2, Income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4092).

(e) Interest accrued, the payment of which is not reasonably assured, dividends receivable that have not been declared or guaranteed, and interest or dividends upon reacquired securities issued or assumed by the service company must not be credited to this account.

§ 367.4191 - Account 419.1, Allowance for other funds used during construction.

This account must include concurrent credits for allowance for other funds used during construction.

§ 367.4210 - Account 421, Miscellaneous income or loss.

This account must include all revenue and expense items except taxes properly includible in the income account and not provided for elsewhere. Related taxes must be recorded in account 408.2, Taxes other than income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4082), or account 409.2, Income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4092).

§ 367.4211 - Account 421.1, Gain on disposition of property.

This account must be credited with the gain on the sale, conveyance, exchange, or transfer of service or other property to another. Income taxes on gains recorded in this account must be recorded in account 409.2, Income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4092).

§ 367.4212 - Account 421.2, Loss on disposition of property.

This account must be charged with the loss on the sale, conveyance, exchange or transfer of service or other property to another. The reduction in income taxes relating to losses recorded in this account must be recorded in account 409.2, Income taxes, other income and deductions (§ 367.4092).

§ 367.4250 - Account 425, Miscellaneous amortization.

(a) This account must include amortization charges not includible in other accounts which are properly deductible in determining the income of the service company before interest charges. Charges included in this account, if significant in amount, must be in accordance with an orderly and systematic amortization program.

(b) This account must include the following items:

(1) Amortization of intangibles included in service company property.

(2) Other miscellaneous amortization charges authorized to be included in this account by the Commission.

§ 367.4261 - Account 426.1, Donations.

This account must include all payments or donations for charitable, social or community welfare purposes.

§ 367.4262 - Account 426.2, Life insurance.

This account must include all payments for life insurance of officers and employees where the service company is beneficiary (net premiums less increase in cash surrender value of policies).

§ 367.4263 - Account 426.3, Penalties.

This account must include payments by the service company for penalties or fines for violation of any regulatory statutes by the service company or its officials.

§ 367.4264 - Account 426.4, Expenditures for certain civic, political and related activities.

(a) This account must include expenditures for the purpose of influencing public opinion with respect to the election or appointment of public officials, referenda, legislation, or ordinances (either with respect to the possible adoption of new referenda, legislation or ordinances or repeal or modification of existing referenda, legislation or ordinances) or approval, modification, or revocation of franchises; or for the purpose of influencing the decisions of public officials.

(b) This account must not include expenditures that are directly related to appearances before regulatory or other governmental bodies in connection with an associate utility company's existing or proposed operations.

§ 367.4265 - Account 426.5, Other deductions.

This account must include other miscellaneous expenses that are not properly included in service company operations.

§ 367.4270 - Account 427, Interest on long-term debt.

(a) This account must include the amount of interest on outstanding long-term debt issued or assumed by the service company, the liability for which is included in account 224, Other long-term debt (§ 367.2240).

(b) This account must be kept or supported so as to show the interest accruals on each class and series of long-term debt.

(c) This account must not include interest on nominally issued or nominally outstanding long-term debt, including securities assumed.

§ 367.4280 - Account 428, Amortization of debt discount and expense.

(a) This account must include the amortization of unamortized debt discount and expense on outstanding long-term debt. Amounts charged to this account must be credited concurrently to accounts 181, Unamortized debt expense (§ 367.1810), and 226, Unamortized discount on long-term debt—Debit (§ 367.2260).

(b) This account must be kept or supported so as to show the debt discount and expense on each class and series of long-term debt.

§ 367.4290 - Account 429, Amortization of premium on debt—Credit.

(a) This account must include the amortization of unamortized net premium on outstanding long-term debt. Amounts credited to this account must be charged concurrently to account 225, Unamortized premium on long-term debt (§ 367.2250).

(b) This account must be kept or supported so as to show the premium on each class and series of long-term debt.

(c) This account must include the following items:

(1) Loss relating to investments in securities written-off or written-down.

(2) Loss on sale of investments.

(3) Loss on reacquisition, resale or retirement of service company's debt securities.

(4) Preliminary survey and investigation expenses related to abandoned projects, when not written-off to the appropriate operating expense account.

§ 367.4300 - Account 430, Interest on debt to associate companies.

This account must include interest accrued on amounts included in account 223, Advances from associate companies (§ 367.2230), and account 233, Notes payable to associate companies (§ 367.2330). The records supporting the entries to this account must be kept so as to show to who the interest is to be paid, the period covered by the accrual, the rate of interest and the principal amount of the advances or other obligations on which the interest is accrued. Separate subaccounts must be maintained for each related debt account.

§ 367.4310 - Account 431, Other interest expense.

This account must include all interest charges not provided for elsewhere.

§ 367.4320 - Account 432, Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction—Credit.

This account must include concurrent credits for allowance for borrowed funds used during construction.

authority: 15 U.S.C. 717
source: Order 684, 71 FR 65226, Nov. 7, 2006, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 367.4181