Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 19, 2025

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Feb 12, 2025
§ 375.101 - The Commission.

(a) Establishment. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory commission within the Department of Energy established by section 401 of the DOE Act.

(b) Offices. The principal office of the Commission is at 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426. Regional offices are maintained at Atlanta, GA, Chicago, IL, Portland, OR, New York, NY, and San Francisco, CA.

(c) Hours. Unless the Chairman otherwise directs, the offices of the Commission are open each day, except Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

(d) Sessions. The Commission may meet and exercise its powers at any place in the United States. The time and place of meetings of the Commission are announced in advance as provided in § 375.204.

(e) Quorum. A quorum for the transaction of business consists of at least three members present.

(f) Action by Commissioners or representatives. The Commission may, by one or more of its members or by such agents as it may designate, conduct any hearing, or other inquiry necessary or appropriate to its functions, except that nothing in this paragraph supersedes the provisions of section 556, of Title 5, United States Code relating to Administrative Law Judges.

[45 FR 21217, Apr. 1, 1980, as amended by Order 647, 69 FR 32439, June 10, 2004]
§ 375.102 - Custody and authentication of Commission records.

(a) Custody of official records. The Senior Agency Official for Records shall have legal custody of all records of the Commission. The individual Commission office that maintains a record shall have physical custody of that record.

(b) Authentication of action. All orders and other actions of the Commission shall be authenticated by the Secretary or the Secretary's designee, with the exception of actions taken pursuant to delegations of authority under 18 CFR part 375, subpart C, which will be authenticated by the issuing official. Issuances posted on the Commission's electronic filing system on the Commission's website are authenticated.

[Order 868, 85 FR 9663, Feb. 20, 2020]
§ 375.103 - Official seal.

The Commission hereby prescribes as its official seal, judicial notice of which shall be taken pursuant to section 401(e) of the DOE Act, the imprint illustrated below and described as follows:

A circle, the outside border of which shall consist of two concentric circles enclosing the words “Department of Energy” and “Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.” Within the inner circle shall appear a stylized eagle with head facing to its right. Its body shall be in the shape of a tapered shield, widest at the top, consisting of nine vertical stripes. The top of the shield contains five equally-spaced light color stars representing the five members of the Commission appointed by the President under Title IV of the DOE Act. Identical stylized wings appear on either side of the shield, each incorporating twenty stylized feathers protruding from a solid color wing-like shape. Below the eagle shall appear five squares, arranged in a horizontal line. Each of these squares shall contain a circle representing an area of the Commission's responsibility. The first square at the left of the line shall include a stylized representation of a pipeline; the second square shall represent a hydroelectric power facility; the third, and center square, shall represent a natural gas flame; the fourth square shall represent a drilling rig; the fifth square shall represent a stylized lightning bolt.

§ 375.104 - Transfer of proceedings from other agencies to the Commission.

(a) Transfer of pending proceedings. Pursuant to the authorization provided in section 705(b)(2), and the provisions of section 705(b)(1) of the DOE Act, all proceedings and applications pending at the time such Act took effect, before any department, agency, commission, or component thereof, the functions of which have been transferred to the Commission by the Act, have been transferred in accordance with the joint regulations issued by the Commission and the Secretary of Energy on October 1, 1977. Those joint regulations appear as an appendix to this section.

(b) Substitution of Commission for other agencies in court proceedings. Pursuant to section 705(e) of the DOE Act, the Commission authorizes the Solicitor of the Commission to file the appropriate pleadings to substitute the Commission for the Interstate Commerce Commission or the Federal Power Commission as necessary in any pending court litigation, responsibility for which is transferred to the Commission.


(a) Scope.This part establishes the transfer of proceedings pending with regard to those functions of various agencies which have been consolidated in the Department of Energy and identifies those proceedings which are transferred into the jurisdiction of the Secretary and those which are transferred into the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

(b) Proceedings transferred to the Secretary. The following proceedings are transferred to the Secretary:

(1) All Notices of Proposed Rulemaking, pending and outstanding, which have been proposed by the Department of Energy;

(2) All Notices of Inquiry which have been issued by the Department of Energy;

(3) All Requests for Interpretations which have been filed pursuant to 10 CFR part 205, subpart F, and on which no interpretation has been issued, with the Office of General Counsel of the Department of Energy;

(4) All Applications for Exception Relief which have been filed pursuant to 10 CFR part 205, subpart D, and on which no final decision and order has been issued, with the Office of Exceptions and Appeals of the Department of Energy;

(5) All petitions for special redress, relief or other extraordinary assistance which have been filed pursuant to 10 CFR part 205, subpart R, and on which no order has been issued, with the Office of Private Grievances and Redress of the Department of Energy;

(6) All appeals from Remedial Orders, Exception Decisions and Orders, Interpretations issued by the Office of General Counsel, and other agency orders which have been filed pursuant to 10 CFR part 205, subpart H, and on which no order has been issued prior to October 1, 1977, with the Office of Exceptions and Appeals of the Department of Energy;

(7) All applications for modification or rescission of any DOE order or interpretation which have been filed pursuant to 10 CFR part 205, subpart J, and on which no order has been issued prior to October 1, 1977, with the Office of Exceptions and Appeals of the Federal Energy Administration;


For a document relating to procedures for natural gas import and export proceedings see 42 FR 61856, Dec. 7, 1977.

(8) All applications for temporary stays and stays which have been filed pursuant to 10 CFR part 205, subpart I, and on which no order has been issued, with the Office of Exceptions and Appeals of the Department of Energy;

(9) All applications which have been filed with the Office of Regulatory Programs of the Department of Energy and on which no final order has been issued;

(10) All investigations which have been instituted and have not been resolved by the Office of Compliance of the Department of Energy;

(11) All Notices of Probable Violation which have been issued prior to October 1, 1977, by the Office of Compliance of Department of Energy;

(12) All Notices of Proposed Disallowance which have been issued prior to October 1, 1977, by the Office of Compliance of Department of Energy;

(13) All Prohibition Orders which have been issued pursuant to 10 CFR part 303 and as to which no Notice of Effectiveness has been issued;

(14) From the Department of the Interior:

(i) The tentative power rate adjustments for the Central Valley Project, California, proposed on September 12, 1977 (42 FR 46619, September 16, 1977).

(15) From the Interstate Commerce Commission:

(i) Ex Parte No. 308 (Sub-No. 1)—Investigation of Common Carrier Pipelines.

(16) From the Federal Power Commission:

(i) Cases:

(A) Northwest Pipeline Corporation, Docket No. CP75-340.

(B) Midwestern Gas Transmission Co., Docket No. CP77-458, et al.

(C) St. Lawrence Gas Company, Docket No. G-17500.

(D) U.S.D.I. Bonneville Power Administration, Docket No. E-9563.

(E) U.S.D.I. Southwestern Power Administration, Docket No. E-7201.

(F) U.S.D.I. Southeastern Power Administration, Docket No. E-6957.

(G) Tenneco InterAmerica, Inc., Docket No. CP77-561.

(ii) Applications:

(A) Maine Public Service Co., Docket No. E-6751, (ERA Docket No. IE-78-1).

(B) Northern States Power Co., Docket No. E-9589, (ERA Docket No. IE-78-2).

(C) Arizona Public Service Co., Docket No. IT-5331, (ERA Docket No. IE-78-3).

(D) Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., Docket No. E-7022, (ERA Docket No. IE-77-6).

(E) Maine Public Service Co., Docket No. IT-6027, (ERA Docket No. PP-12).

(F) Boise Cascade, Docket No. E-7765, (ERA Docket No. PP-52).

(G) Bonneville Power Administration, Docket No. IT-5959, (ERA Docket No. PP-10).

(H) EPR—Oregon (Geothermal Steam Leases).

(I) EPR—Utah (Geothermal Steam Leases).

(J) EPR—Idaho (Geothermal Steam Leases).

(K) EPR—Oregon (Geothermal Steam Leases).

(L) EPR—Idaho (Geothermal Steam Leases).

(iii) Rulemakings:

(A) Implementation of sections 382(b) and 382(c) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1971. Docket No. RM77-3.

(B) Naw Form Nos:

151, Docket No. RM76-19.

153, Docket No. RM76-27.

154, Docket No. RM36-33.

156, Docket No. RM76-32.

157, Docket No. RM76-21.

158, Docket No. RM76-31.

159, Docket No. RM76-23.

160, Docket No. RM76-20.

161, Docket No. RM76-26.

162, Docket No. RM76-34.

155, Docket No. RM76-28.

163, Docket No. RM76-30.

164, Docket No. RM76-25.

(C) Procedures for the Filing of Federal Rate Schedules Docket No. RM77-9.

(iv) Project withdrawals and power site revocations:

(A) Project 1021, 1226, 1606, and 1772—(Wyoming)—U.S. Forest Service (Applicant).

(B) Project Nos. 1021, 1226, 1606, and 1772—(Wyoming)—U.S. Forest Service (Applicant).

(C) Project Nos. 220 and 691—(Wyoming)—Cliff Gold Mining Co. (Applicant for P-691) The Colowyo Gold Mining Co. (Applicant for P-220).

(D) Project No. 1203—(Wyoming)—F. D. Foster (Applicant).

(E) Project No. 1241—(Wyoming)—F. B. Hommel (Applicant).

(F) Project No. 847—(Oregon)—H. L. Vorse (Applicant).

(G) Project No. 907—(Colorado)—S. B. Collins (Applicant).

(H) Project No. 941—(Colorado)—Marian Mining Company (Applicant).

(I) Project Nos. 347 and 418—(Colorado)—Jones Brothers (Applicant for P-347) Frank Gay et al. (Applicant for P-418).

(J) Project Nos. 373, 521, 937, 1024, 1415, 1546, 1547, and 1025—( )—U.S. Forest (Applicant).

(K) Project No. 163—(Colorado)—James F. Meyser and Edward E. Drach (Applicants).

(L) Project Nos. 385, 445, 506, 519, 1220, 1296, 1418, 1519, 1576, 1615, 1616, 1618, 1678, 1682, and 1750—(Colorado)—U.S. Forest Service (Applicant).

(M) DA-117—(Alaska)—Bureau of Land Management (Applicant).

(N) Project No. 114—(Alaska)—Elizabeth H. Graff et al. (Applicant).

(O) DA-222—(Washington)—Bureau of Land Management (Applicant).

(P) DA-562—(Oregon)—U.S. Geological Survey (Applicant).

(Q) DA-601—(Idaho)—Bureau of Land Management (Applicant).

(R) DA-509—(Colorado)—Fed. Highway Admin. (Applicant).

(S) DA-616—(Idaho)—U.S. Forest Service (Applicant).

(T) DA-1—(South Carolina)—U.S. Forest Service (Applicant).

(U) DA-1116—(California)—U.S. Geological Survey (Applicant).

(V) DA-154—(Arizona)—U.S. Geological Survey (Applicant).

(W) DA-1098—(California)—Merced Irrigation District (Applicant).

(c) Proceedings transferred to the Commission. There are hereby transferred to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission the following proceedings:

(1) From the Interstate Commerce Commission:

(i) Ex Parte No. 308—Valuation of Common Carrier Pipelines.

(ii) I&S 9164—Trans Alaska Pipeline System—Rate Filings (including I&S 9164 (Sub-No. 1), NOR 36611, NOR 36611 (Sub-No. 1). NOR 36611 (Sub-No. 2), NOR 36611 (Sub-No. 3), NOR 36611 (Sub-No. 4)).

(iii) I&S 9089—General Increase, December 1975, Williams Pipeline Company.

(iv) I&S 9128—Anhydrous Ammonia, Gulf Central Pipeline Company.

(v) NOR 35533 (Sub-No. 3)—Petroleum Products, Southwest & Midwest Williams Pipeline.

(vi) NOR 35794—Northville Dock Pipeline Corp. et al.

(vii) NOR 35895—Inexco Oil Company v. Belle Fourche Pipeline Co. et al.

(viii) NOR 36217—Department of Defense v. Interstate Storage & Pipeline Corp.

(ix) NOR 36423—Petroleum Products Southwest to Midwest Points.

(x) NOR 36520—Williams Pipeline Company—Petroleum Products Midwest.

(xi) NOR 36553—Kerr-McGee Refining Corporation v. Texoma Pipeline Co.

(xii) Suspension Docket 67124—Williams Pipeline Co.—General Increase.

(xiii) Valuation Docket 1423—Williams Pipeline Company (1971-1974 inclusive).

(2) To remain with the Commission until forwarding to the Secretary:

The following proceedings will continue in effect under the jurisdiction of the Commission until the timely filing of all briefs on and opposing exceptions to the initial decision of the presiding Administrative Law Judge, at which time the Commission shall forward the record of the proceeding to the Secretary for decision on those matters within his jurisdiction:

(i) El Paso Eastern Co., et al., Docket No. CP 77-330, et al.

(ii) Tenneco Atlantic Pipeline Co., et al., Docket No. CP 77-100, et al.

(iii) Distrigas of Massachusetts Corp., et al., Docket No. CP 70-196, et al.

(iv) Distrigas of Massachusetts Corp., et al., Docket No. CP 77-216, et al.

(v) Eascogas LNG, Inc., et al., Docket No. CP 73-47, et al.

(vi) Pacific Indonesia LNG Co., et al., Docket No. CP74-160, et al., (except as provided in paragraph (c)(3) of this section).

(3) The Amendment to Application of Western LNG Terminal Associates, filed on November 11, 1977, in Pacific Indonesia LNG Co., et al., FPC Docket No. CP74-160, et al., ERA Docket No. 77-001-LNG, is transferred to the jurisdiction of the Commission until timely filing of all briefs on and opposing exceptions to the Initial Decision of the presiding Administrative Law Judge on that Amendment, at which time the Commission shall forward a copy of the record of that proceeding to the Secretary of Energy for decision on those matters within his jurisdiction. (If the Commission waives the preparation of an initial decision, the Commission will forward a copy of the record after completion of the hearing, or after the timely filing of any briefs submitted to the Commission, whichever occurs later.)

(d) Residual clause. All proceedings (other than proceedings described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section) pending with regard to any function of the Department of Energy, the Department of Energy, Department of the Interior, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Navy, and the Naval Reactor and Military Applications Programs which is transferred to the Department of Energy (DOE) by the DOE Organization Act, will be conducted by the Secretary. All proceedings (other than proceedings described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section) before the Federal Power Commission or Interstate Commerce Commission will be conducted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

(Department of Energy Organization Act, Pub. L. 95-91; EO 12009, 42 FR 46267) [42 FR 55534, Oct. 17, 1977, as amended at 43 FR 21434, May 18, 1978; 43 FR 21658, May 19, 1978]
§ 375.105 - Filings.

(a) Filings in pending proceedings. All filings in proceedings referred to in § 375.104 shall be made with the Secretary.

(b) Filings in connection with functions transferred to the Commission. All persons required to file periodic or other reports with any agency or commission whose functions are transferred under such Act to the Commission shall file such reports which relate to those transferred functions with the Secretary. The Commission hereby continues in effect all previously-approved forms for making periodic or other reports.

(c) Where to make filings. All filings of documents with the Commission shall be made with the Secretary. The address for filings to be made with the Secretary is: Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First St., NE., Washington, DC 20426. Where a document to be filed with the Secretary is hand-delivered, it shall be submitted to Room 1A, 888 First St., NE., Washington, DC 20426. Documents received after regular business hours are deemed to have been filed on the next regular business day.

[45 FR 21217, Apr. 1, 1980, as amended by Order 647, 69 FR 32439, June 10, 2004]
source: 45 FR 21217, Apr. 1, 1980, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 375.103