Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Sep 25, 2024
§ 375.301 - Purpose and subdelegations.

(a) The purpose of this subpart is to set forth the authorities that the Commission has delegated to staff officials. Any action by a staff official under the authority of this subpart may be appealed to the Commission in accordance with § 385.1902 of this chapter.

(b) Where the Commission, in delegating functions to specified Commission officials, permits an official to further delegate those functions to a designee of such official, designee shall mean the deputy of such official, the head of a division, or a comparable official as designated by the official to whom the direct delegation is made.

(c) For purposes of Subpart C, uncontested and in uncontested cases mean that no motion to intervene, or notice of intervention, in opposition to the pending matter made under § 385.214 (intervention) has been received by the Commission.

[Order 112, 45 FR 79025, Nov. 28, 1980, as amended by Order 225, 47 FR 19058, May 3, 1982; Order 492, 53 FR 16062, May 5, 1988]
§ 375.302 - Delegations to the Secretary.

The Commission authorizes the Secretary, or the Secretary's designee to:

(a) Sign official general correspondence on behalf of the Commission, except as otherwise provided in this section.

(b) Prescribe, for good cause, a different time than that required by the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure or Commission order for filing by public utilities, licensees, natural gas companies, and other persons of answers to complaints, petitions, motions, and other documents.

(c) Schedule hearings and issue notices thereof.

(d) Accept for filing notices of intervention and petitions to intervene by commissions and agencies of the States and the Federal government.

(e) Pass upon motions to intervene before a presiding administrative law judge is designated. If a presiding administrative law judge has been designated, the provisions of § 385.504(b)(12) of this chapter are controlling.

(f) Deny motions for extensions of time (other than motions made while a proceeding is pending before a presiding officer as defined in § 385.102(e)), except that such motions may be granted in accordance with § 385.2008 of this chapter.

(g) Reject any documents filed later than the time prescribed by an order or rule of the Commission, except that such documents may be accepted in accordance with § 385.2008 of this chapter.

(h) Reject any documents filed that do not meet the requirements of the Commission's rules which govern matters of form, except that such documents may be accepted in accordance with § 385.2001 of this chapter for good cause shown.

(i) Waive requirements of the Commission's rules which govern matters of form, when consistent with the public interest in a particular case.

(j) Pass upon, in contested proceedings, questions of extending time for electric public utilities, licensees, natural gas companies, and other persons to file required reports, data, and information and to do other acts required to be done at or within a specific time by any rule, regulation, license, permit, certificate, or order of the Commission.

(k) Accept service of process on behalf of the Commission.

(l) Accept for filing bonds or agreements and undertakings submitted in rate suspension proceedings.

(m) Issue notices or orders instituting procedures to be followed concerning contested audit issues under part 41 or 158 of this chapter either when the utility:

(1) Initially notifies the Commission that it requests disposition of a contested issue pursuant to § 41.7 or 158.7 of this chapter; or

(2) Requests disposition of a contested issue pursuant to the shortened procedures provided in § 41.3 or 158.3 of this chapter.

(n) Publish notice of land withdrawals under section 24 of the Federal Power Act.

(o) Issue notices of applications filed under the Federal Power Act and the Natural Gas Act, fixing the time for filing comments, protests or petitions to intervene and schedule hearings on such applications when appropriate or required by law.

(p) Accept for filing amendments to agreements and contracts or rate schedules submitted in compliance with Commission orders accepting offers of rate settlements if such filings are in satisfactory compliance with such orders.

(q) Grant authorizations, pursuant to the provisions of § 35.1(a) of this chapter for a designated representative to post and file rate schedules of public utilities which are parties to the same rate schedule.

(r) Redesignate proceedings, licenses, certificates, rate schedules, and other authorizations and filing to reflect changes in the names of persons and municipalities subject to or invoking Commission jurisdiction under the Federal Power Act or the Natural Gas Act, where no substantive changes in ownership, corporate structure or domicile, or jurisdictional operation are involved.

(s) Change the appropriate hydroelectric project license article upon application by the licensee to reflect the specified reasonable rate of return as provided in § 2.15 of this chapter.

(t) Reject without prejudice all requests for rehearing and requests for modification of a proposed order issued in a proceeding under section 210 or section 211 of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 824i,824j.

(u) Reject without prejudice all motions for clarification that are combined with requests for rehearing and/or requests for modification of a proposed order issued in a proceeding under section 210 or section 211 of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 824i,824j.

(v) Toll the time for action on requests for rehearing, and toll the time for action on protested self-certifications and self-recertifications of qualifying facilities.

(w) Issue notices in compliance with section 206(b) of the Federal Power Act.

(x) Issue instructions for electronic registration pursuant to, grant applications for waivers of the requirements of, and make determinations regarding exemptions from 18 CFR part 390.

(y) Direct the staff of the Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) to contact the parties in a complaint proceeding and establish a date by which DRS must report to the Commission whether a dispute resolution process to address the complaint will be pursued by the parties.

(z) Issue instructions pertaining to allowable electronic file and document formats, the filing of complex documents, whether paper copies are required, and procedural guidelines for submissions via the Internet, on electronic media or via other electronic means.

(aa) Issue a notice that the Commission will not further review on its own motion a Notice of Penalty filed under Section 215(e) of the Federal Power Act.

[43 FR 36435, Aug. 17, 1978] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 375.302, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 375.303 - Delegations to the Director of the Office of Electric Reliability.

The Commission authorizes the Director or the Director's designee to:

(a) Program-Specific Delegated Authority: Take the following actions with respect to the following programs:

(1) Section 206 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 and corresponding Section 202(g) of the Federal Power Act.

(i) Accept for filing all uncontested contingency plans regarding shortages of electric energy or capacity, circumstances which may result in such shortages, and accommodations of any such shortages or circumstances, if said contingency plans comply with all applicable statutory requirements, and with all applicable Commission rules, regulations and orders for which waivers have not been granted, or if waivers have been granted by the Commission, if the filings comply with the terms of the waivers;

(ii) Reject a contingency plan regarding shortages of electric energy or capacity, unless accompanied by a request for waiver in conformity with § 385.2001 of this chapter, if it fails patently to comply with applicable statutory requirements and with all applicable Commission rules, regulations and orders;

(iii) Sign and issue deficiency letters;

(iv) Act on any request or petition for waiver, consistent with Commission policy.

(2) Section 215 of the Federal Power Act.

(i) Approve uncontested applications.

(ii) Reject an application, unless accompanied by a request for waiver in conformity with § 385.2001 of this chapter, if it fails patently to comply with applicable statutory requirements or with all applicable Commission rules, regulations or orders;

(iii) Act on any request or petition for waiver, consistent with Commission policy;

(iv) Sign and issue deficiency letters; and

(v) Direct the Electric Reliability Organization, Regional Entities, or users, owners, and operators of the Bulk-Power System within the United States (not including Alaska and Hawaii) to provide such information as is necessary to implement Section 215 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824o) pursuant to §§ 39.2(d) and 39.11 and Part 40 of this chapter.

(vi) Issue an order extending the period of time for consideration of a Notice of Penalty filed under Section 215(e) of the Federal Power Act for the purpose of directing the Electric Reliability Organization or the applicable Regional Entity to provide such information as is necessary to implement Section 215(e)(2) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824o(e)(2)) pursuant to § 39.2 and Part 40 of this chapter.

(b) Non-Program-Specific Delegated Authority:

(1) Take appropriate action on:

(i) Any notice of intervention or motion to intervene filed in an uncontested proceeding processed by the Office of Electric Reliability; and

(ii) Applications for extensions of time to file required filings, reports, data and information and to perform other acts required at or within a specific time by any rule, regulation, license, permit, certificate, or order by the Commission.

(2) Take appropriate action on requests or petitions for waivers of filing requirements for the appropriate statements and reports processed by the Office of Electric Reliability pursuant to §§ 141.51 and 141.300 of this chapter; and

(3) Undertake the following actions:

(i) Issue reports for public information purposes. Any report issued without Commission approval must:

(A) Be of a noncontroversial nature, and

(B) Contain the statement, “This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission,” in bold face type on the cover;

(ii) Upon request or otherwise, issue staff position papers to further the Electric Reliability Organization and Regional Entity reliability standard development process. Any such staff position paper issued without Commission approval must contain the statement, “This position paper does not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission,” in bold face type on the cover;

(iii) Issue and sign requests for additional information regarding applications, filings, reports and data processed by the Office of Electric Reliability.

(iv) Accept for filing, data and reports required by Commission regulations, rules or orders, or presiding officers' initial decisions upon which the Commission has taken no further action, if such filings are in compliance with such regulations, rules, orders or decisions and, when appropriate, notify the filing party of such acceptance.

[Order 701, 72 FR 61054, Oct. 29, 2007, by Order 721, redesignated at 74 FR 6541, Feb. 10, 2009; Order 766, 77 FR 59747, Oct. 1, 2012; Order 795, 79 FR 9403, Feb. 19, 2014]
§ 375.304 - Delegations to the Chief Administrative Law Judge.

(a) The Commission authorizes the Chief Administrative Law Judge and the Administrative Law Judge designated by the Chief Administrative Law Judge to exercise the power granted to a Presiding Officer by part 385, particularly § 385.504 of this chapter.

(b) The Commission authorizes the Chief Administrative Law Judge to

(1) For those proceedings pending under subpart E of part 385 of this chapter:

(i) Consolidate for hearing two or more proceedings on any or all issues,

(ii) Sever two or more proceedings or issues in a proceeding,

(iii) Designate and substitute presiding officers, and

(iv) Extend any close or record date ordered by the Commission in a proceeding for good cause, and

(v) Set or extend procedural time standards, including but not limited to hearing, briefing and initial decision dates, including dates set by the Commission, unless the Commission states otherwise in its hearing order.

(2) For proceedings under subparts I and J of part 385 of this chapter, designate presiding officers who will have all the authorities and duties vested in presiding officers by those rules and other applicable rules in conducting proceedings pursuant to sections 503(c) and 504(b)(1) of the Department of Energy Organization Act, 42 U.S.C. 7193(c) and 7194(b)(1) (1982).

(3) Deny or grant, in whole or in part, petitions for waivers of fees prescribed in §§ 381.303 and 381.304 of this chapter in accordance with § 381.106 of this chapter.

(c) The Commission authorizes the Chief Administrative Law Judge, and the Administrative Law Judge designated by the Chief Administrative Law Judge to serve as a settlement judge for a proceeding, to certify to the Commission uncontested offers of settlement.

[Order 492, 53 FR 16063, May 5, 1988, as amended by Order 629, 68 FR 6609, Feb. 10, 2003; Order 883, 87 FR 31730, May 25, 2022]
§ 375.305 - Delegations to the Solicitor.

The Commission authorizes the Solicitor, or the Solicitor's designee to:

(a) File with the appropriate court of the United States a certified list of the materials comprising the record of any proceeding which involves the Commission;

(b) Retain appropriate materials; and

(c) Deliver such materials to the court as required.

[43 FR 36435, Aug. 17, 1978. Redesignated and amended at 45 FR 21224, 21225, Apr. 1, 1980; Order 112, 45 FR 79025, Nov. 28, 1980]
§ 375.307 - Delegations to the Director of the Office of Energy Market Regulation.

The Commission authorizes the Director or the Director's designee to:

(a) Program-Specific Delegated Authority: Take the following actions with respect to the following programs:

(1) Sections 205 and 206 of the Federal Power Act. (i) Accept for filing all uncontested tariffs or rate schedules and uncontested tariff or rate schedule changes submitted by public utilities, including changes that would result in rate increases, if they comply with all applicable statutory requirements, and with all applicable Commission rules, regulations and orders for which waivers have not been granted, or if waivers have been granted by the Commission, if the filings comply with the terms of the waivers;

(ii) Reject a tariff or rate schedule filing, unless accompanied by a request for waiver in conformity with § 385.2001 of this chapter, if it fails patently to comply with applicable statutory requirements and with all applicable Commission rules, regulations and orders;

(iii) Take appropriate action on requests or petitions for waivers of notice as provided in section 205(d) of the Federal Power Act, provided the requests conform to the requirements of § 385.2001 of this chapter;

(iv) Refer to the Chief Administrative Law Judge (Chief ALJ) for action by the Chief ALJ, with the Chief ALJ's concurrence, uncontested motions that would result in lower interim settlement rates, pending Commission action on settlement agreements;

(v) Sign and issue deficiency letters; and

(vi) Act on requests for authorization for a designated representative to post and file rate schedules of public utilities which are parties to the same rate schedules.

(2) Other sections of the Federal Power Act. (i) Pass upon any uncontested application for authorization to issue securities or to assume obligations and liabilities filed by public utilities and licensees pursuant to Part 34 of this chapter;

(ii) Take appropriate action on uncontested applications for the sale or lease or other disposition of facilities, merger or consolidation of facilities, purchase or acquisition or taking of securities of a public utility, or purchase or lease or acquisition of an existing generation facility under section 203 of the Federal Power Act;

(iii) Take appropriate action on uncontested applications for interlocking positions under section 305(b) of the Federal Power Act; and

(iv) Sign and issue deficiency letters for filings under Federal Power Act sections 203, 204, 215, and 305(b).

(v) Take appropriate action on uncontested Electric Reliability Organization budget, business plan, and special assessment filings made pursuant to § 39.4 of this chapter.

(vi) Take appropriate action on uncontested filings proposing Electric Reliability Organization or Regional Entity organization rules or rule changes made pursuant to § 39.10 of this chapter.

(vii) Take appropriate action on uncontested delegation agreement filings by the Electric Reliability Organization or Regional Entity made pursuant to section 39.8 of this chapter.

(3) Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005. Take appropriate action on:

(i) Uncontested FERC-65A (exemption notification) filings;

(ii) Uncontested FERC-65B (waiver notification) filings; and

(iii) Uncontested applications under section 1275(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and/or the Federal Power Act to allocate service company costs to members of a holding company system.

(4) Federal Power Marketing Administration Filings. Approve uncontested rates and rate schedules filed by the Secretary of Energy or his designee, for power developed at projects owned and operated by the federal government and for services provided by federal power marketing agencies.

(5) Section 210(m) of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. (i) Approve uncontested applications;

(ii) Reject an application, unless accompanied by a request for waiver in conformity with § 385.2001 of this chapter, if it fails patently to comply with applicable statutory requirements or with all applicable Commission rules, regulations and orders;

(iii) Act on any request or petition for waiver, consistent with Commission policy; and

(iv) Sign and issue deficiency letters.

(6) Other sections of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. Take appropriate action on:

(i) Filings related to uncontested nonexempt qualifying small power production facilities;

(ii) Uncontested applications for certification of qualifying status for small power production and cogeneration facilities under § 292.207 of this chapter;

(iii) Requests or petitions for waivers of the requirements of subpart C of Part 292 of this chapter governing cogeneration and small power production facilities made by any state regulatory authority or nonregulated electric utility pursuant to § 292.402 of this chapter;

(iv) Requests or petitions for waivers of the Commission's regulations under the Federal Power Act related to nonexempt qualifying small power production facilities and related authorizations consistent with Massachusetts Refusetech, Inc., 31 FERC ¶ 61,048 (1985), and the orders cited therein without limitation as to whether qualifying status is by Commission certification or notice of qualifying status, provided that, in the case of a notice of qualifying status, any waiver is granted on condition that the filing party has correctly noticed the facility as a qualifying facility; and

(v) Requests or petitions for waivers of the technical requirements applicable to qualifying small power production facilities and qualifying cogeneration facilities.

(7) Sections 4 and 5 of the Natural Gas Act. (i) Accept for filing all uncontested tariffs or rate schedules and uncontested tariff or rate schedule changes, except major pipeline rate increases under section 4(e) of the Natural Gas Act and under subpart D of Part 154 of this chapter, if they comply with all applicable statutory requirements, and with all applicable Commission rules, regulations and orders for which waivers have not been granted, or if waivers have been granted by the Commission, if the filings comply with the terms of the waivers;

(ii) Accept for filing all uncontested tariff or rate schedules changes made in compliance with Commission orders;

(iii) Reject a tariff or rate schedule filing, unless accompanied by a request for waiver in conformity with § 385.2001 of this chapter, if it patently fails to comply with applicable statutory requirements and with all applicable Commission rules, regulations and orders;

(iv) Take appropriate action on requests or petitions for waiver of notice as provided in section 4(d) of the Natural Gas Act, provided the request conforms to the requirements of § 385.2001 of this chapter; and

(v) Refer to the Chief Administrative Law Judge (Chief ALJ) for action by the Chief ALJ, with the Chief ALJ's concurrence, uncontested motions that would result in lower interim settlement rates, pending Commission action on settlement agreements.

(8) Section 7 of the Natural Gas Act. Take appropriate action on the following types of uncontested applications for authorizations and uncontested amendments to applications and authorizations filed pursuant to section 7 of the Natural Gas Act and impose appropriate conditions:

(i) Applications by a pipeline for the deletion of delivery points but not facilities;

(ii) Applications to abandon pipeline services, but not facilities, involving a specific customer or customers, if such customer or customers have agreed to the abandonment;

(iii) Applications for temporary or permanent certificates (and for amendments thereto) for services, but not facilities, in connection with the transportation;

(iv) Blanket certificate applications by interstate pipelines and local distribution companies served by interstate pipelines filed pursuant to §§ 284.221 and 284.224 of this chapter;

(v) Applications for temporary certificates involving transportation service or sales, but not facilities, pursuant to § 157.17 of this chapter;

(vi) Dismiss any protest to prior notice filings involving existing service, made pursuant to § 157.205 of this chapter, that does not raise a substantive issue and fails to provide any specific detailed reason or rationale for the objection;

(vii) Applications pertaining to approval of changes in customer names where there is no change in rate schedule, rate, or other incident of service;

(viii) Applications for approval of customer rate schedule shifts;

(ix) Applications filed under section 1(c) of the Natural Gas Act and Part 152 of this chapter, for declaration of exemption from the provisions of the Natural Gas Act and certificates held by the applicant;

(x) Applications and amendments requesting authorizations filed pursuant to section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act for new or additional service through existing facilities to right-of-way grantors either directly or through distributors, where partial consideration for the granting of the rights-of-way was the receipt of gas service pursuant to section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act;

(xi) An uncontested request from the holder of an authorization, granted pursuant to the Director's delegated authority, to vacate all or part of such authorization; and

(xii) Sign and issue deficiency letters.

(9) Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978. (i) Notify jurisdictional agencies within 45 days after the date on which the Commission receives notice of a determination pursuant to § 270.502(b) of this chapter that the notice is incomplete under § 270.204 of this chapter;

(ii) Issue preliminary findings under § 270.502(a)(1) of this chapter;

(iii) Accept any uncontested item that has been filed under § 284.123 of this chapter consistent with Commission regulations and policy;

(iv) Reject an application filed pursuant to § 284.123 of this chapter, unless accompanied by a request for waiver in conformity with § 385.2001 of this chapter, if it fails patently to comply with applicable statutory requirements or Commission rules, regulations and orders; and

(v) Take appropriate action on petitions to permit after an initial 60-day period one additional 60-day period of exemption pursuant to § 284.264(b) of this chapter where the application for extension arrives at the Commission no later than 45 days after the commencement of the initial period of exemption and where only services are involved.

(10) Regulation of Oil Pipelines Under the Interstate Commerce Act. (i) Accept any uncontested item that has been filed consistent with Commission regulations and policy;

(ii) Reject any filing, unless accompanied by a request for waiver in conformity with § 385.2001 of this chapter, that patently fails to comply with applicable statutory requirements and with all applicable Commission rules, regulations and orders; and

(iii) Prescribe for carriers the classes of property for which depreciation charges may be properly included under operating expenses, review the fully documented depreciation studies filed by the carriers, and authorize or revise the depreciation rates reflected in the depreciation study with respect to each of the designated classes of property.

(b) General, Non-Program-Specific Delegated Authority. (1) Take appropriate action on:

(i) Any notice of intervention or motion to intervene, filed in an uncontested proceeding processed by the Office of Energy Market Regulation;

(ii) Applications for extensions of time to file required filings, reports, data and information and to perform other acts required at or within a specific time by any rule, regulation, license, permit, certificate, or order by the Commission; and

(iii) Filings for administrative revisions to electronic filed tariffs.

(2) Take appropriate action on requests or petitions for waivers of:

(i) Filing requirements for the appropriate statements and reports processed by the Office of Energy Market Regulation under Parts 46, 141, 260 and 357 of this chapter, §§ 284.13 and 284.126 of this chapter, and other relevant Commission orders; and

(ii) Fees prescribed in §§ 381.403 and 381.505 of this chapter in accordance with § 381.106(b) of this chapter.

(3) Undertake the following actions:

(i) Issue reports for public information purposes. Any report issued without Commission approval must:

(A) Be of a noncontroversial nature, and

(B) Contain the statement, “This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission,” in bold face type on the cover;

(ii) Issue and sign requests for additional information regarding applications, filings, reports and data processed by the Office of Energy Market Regulation; and

(iii) Accept for filing, data and reports required by Commission regulations, rules or orders, or presiding officers' initial decisions upon which the Commission has taken no further action, if such filings are in compliance with such regulations, rules, orders or decisions and, when appropriate, notify the filing party of such acceptance.

[Order 699, 72 FR 45326, Aug. 14, 2007, as amended by Order 701, 72 FR 61054, Oct. 29, 2007; Order 714, 73 FR 57537, Oct. 3, 2008; Order 766, 77 FR 59747, Oct. 1, 2012]
§ 375.308 - Delegations to the Director of the Office of Energy Projects.

The Commission authorizes the Director or the Director's designee to:

(a) Take appropriate action on uncontested applications and on applications for which the only motion or notice of intervention in opposition is filed by a competing preliminary permit or exemption applicant that does not propose and substantiate materially different plans to develop, conserve, and utilize the water resources of the region for the following:

(1) Licenses (including original, new, and transmission line licenses) under part I of the Federal Power Act;

(2) Exemptions from all or part of the licensing requirements of part I of the Federal Power Act; and

(3) Preliminary permits for proposed projects.

(b) Take appropriate action on uncontested applications for:

(1) Amendments (including changes in the use or disposal of water power project lands or waters or in the boundaries of water power projects) to licenses (including original, new, and transmission line licenses) under part I of the Federal Power Act, exemptions from all or part of the requirements of part I of the Federal Power Act, and preliminary permits; and

(2) Surrenders of licenses (including original and new), exemptions, and preliminary permits.

(c) Take appropriate action on the following:

(1) Determinations or vacations with respect to lands of the United States reserved from entry, location, or other disposal under section 24 of the Federal Power Act;

(2) Transfer of a license under section 8 of the Federal Power Act;

(3) Applications for the surrender of transmission line licenses pursuant to part 6 of this chapter;

(4) Motions filed by licensees, permittees, exemptees, applicants, and others requesting an extension of time to file required submittals, reports, data, and information and to do other acts required to be done at or within a specific time period by any rule, regulation, license, exemption, permit, notice, letter, or order of the Commission in accordance with § 385.2008 of this chapter;

(5) Declarations of intent and petitions for declaratory orders concerning the Commission's jurisdiction over a hydropower project under the Federal Power Act;

(6) New or revised exhibits, studies, plans, reports, maps, drawings, or specifications, or other such filings made voluntarily or in response to a term or condition in a preliminary permit, license, or exemption issued for a hydropower project, or in response to the requirements of an order of the Commission or presiding officer's initial decision concerning a hydropower project;

(7) Requests by applicants to withdraw, pursuant to § 385.216 of this chapter, any pleadings under part I of the Federal Power Act and any pleadings related to exemptions from all or part of part I of the Federal Power Act;

(8) Requests by licensees for exemption from:

(i) The requirement of filing FERC Form No. 80, Licensed Projects Recreation, under § 8.11 of this chapter; and

(ii) The fees prescribed in § 381.302(a) of this chapter in accordance with § 381.302(c) of this chapter and the fees in § 381.601 of this chapter, in accordance with § 381.106 of this chapter;

(9) Requests for waivers incidental to the exercise of delegated authority provided the request conforms to the requirements of § 385.2001 of this chapter;

(10) Proposals for the development of water resources projects submitted by other agencies of the Federal government for Commission review or comment. The Director shall direct comments, when necessary, to the sponsoring agency on matters including, but not limited to, the need for, and appropriate size of, any hydroelectric power installation proposed by any other agency of the Federal government;

(11) The reasonableness of disputed agency cost statements pursuant to § 4.303(e) of this chapter.

(d) Issue an order pursuant to section 5 of the Federal Power Act to cancel a preliminary permit if the permittee fails to comply with the specific terms and conditions of the permit; provided:

(1) The Director gives notice to the permittee of probable cancellation no less than 30 days prior to the issuance of the cancellation order, and

(2) The permittee does not oppose the issuance of the cancellation order.

(e) Issue an order to revoke an exemption of a small conduit hydroelectric facility from the licensing provisions of part I of the Federal Power Act granted pursuant to § 4.93 of this chapter, or an exemption of a small hydroelectric power project from the licensing provisions of part I of the Federal Power Act granted pursuant to § 4.105 of this chapter if the exemption holder fails to begin or complete actual construction of the exempted facility or project within the time specified in the order granting the exemption or in Commission regulations at § 4.94(c) or § 4.106(c) of this chapter, provided:

(1) The Director gives notice to the exemption holder by certified mail of probable revocation no less than 30 days prior to the issuance of the revocation order, and

(2) The holder of the exemption does not oppose the issuance of the revocation order.

(f) Issue an order pursuant to section 13 of the Federal Power Act to terminate a license granted under part I of the Federal Power Act if the licensee fails to commence actual construction of the project works within the time prescribed in the license, provided:

(1) The Director gives notice by certified mail to the licensee of probable termination no less than 30 days prior to the issuance of the termination order, and

(2) The licensee does not oppose the issuance of the termination order.

(g) Require licensees and applicants for water power projects to make repairs to project works, take any related actions for the purpose of maintaining the safety and adequacy of such works, make or modify emergency action plans, have inspections by independent consultants, and perform other actions necessary to comply with part 12 of this chapter or otherwise protect human life, health, property, or the environment.

(h) For any unlicensed or unexempted hydropower project, take the following actions:

(1) Conduct investigations to ascertain the Commission's jurisdiction,

(2) Make preliminary jurisdictional determinations, and

(3) If a project has been preliminarily determined to require a license, issue notification of the Commission's jurisdiction; require the filing of a license application; and require that actions necessary to comply with part 12 of this chapter or otherwise protect human life, health, property, or the environment are taken.

(i) Take appropriate action on uncontested settlements among non-Federal parties involving headwater benefits.

(j) Dismiss applications for licenses and approve the withdrawal of applications for hydropower project licenses, in instances where no petition for or notice of intervention contending that licensing is required under part I of the Federal Power Act has been filed and the Director determines that licensing is not required by such Part I.

(k) Reject or dismiss an application filed under Part I of the Federal Power Act or an application for an exemption from some or all of the requirements of Part I of the Federal Power Act if:

(1) An application is patently deficient under § 4.32(e)(2)(i);

(2) A revised application

(i) Does not conform to the requirements of §§ 4.32(a), 4.32(b), or 4.38, under § 4.32(d)(1) or

(ii) If revisions to an application are not timely submitted under § 4.32(e)(1)(iii); or

(3) The applicant fails to provide timely additional information, documents, or copies of submitted materials under § 4.32(g).

(l) Redesignate proceedings, licenses, and other authorizations and filings to reflect changes in the names of persons and municipalities subject to or invoking Commission jurisdiction under the Federal Power Act, where no substantive changes in ownership, corporate structure or domicile, or jurisdictional operation are involved.

(m) Determine payments for headwater benefits from the operation of Federal reservoir projects.

(n) Determine whether to allow a credit against annual charges for the use of government dams or other structures billed to licensees each year for contractual payments for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a Federal dam.

(o) Prepare and issue comments on general water policy and planning issues for the use of the Director of the Water Resources Council or the Assistant Secretaries of the Department of Energy.

(p) Prepare and transmit letters concerning power site lands to the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Geological Survey; respond to routine requests for information and any non-docketed correspondence; prepare and transmit letters requesting comments or additional information on applications for hydropower project licenses, preliminary permits, exemptions, amendments of licenses, permits, or exemptions, and other similar matters from Federal, state, and local agencies, from applicants, and from other appropriate persons; and prepare and transmit letters regarding whether transmission lines are works of a hydropower project and are required to be licensed.

(q) Reject an application or other filing under Section 405 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, unless accompanied by a request for waiver in conformity with § 385.2001 of this chapter, if it fails patently to comply with applicable statutory requirements or Commission rules, regulations, and orders.

(r) Pass upon petitions filed under §§ 292.210 and 292.211 of this chapter.

(s) Make any preliminary determination of inconsistency between a fish and wildlife agency's fish and wildlife recommendation and applicable law, and conduct through staff whatever consultation with the agency that is necessary or appropriate in order to attempt to resolve any inconsistency, under section 10(j) of the Federal Power Act, and to take such related actions as are required under that section.

(t) Waive the pre-filing consultation requirements in §§ 4.38 and 16.8 of this title whenever the Director, in his discretion, determines that an emergency so requires, or that the potential benefit of expeditiously considering a proposed improvement in safety, environmental protection, efficiency, or capacity outweighs the potential benefit of requiring completion of the consultation process prior to the filing of an application.

(u) Approve, on a case-specific basis, and issue such orders as may be necessary in connection with the use of alternative procedures, under § 4.34(i) of this chapter, for the development of an application for an original, new or subsequent license, exemption, or license amendment subject to the pre-filing consultation process, and assist in the pre-filing consultation and related processes.

(v) Take appropriate action on the following types of uncontested applications for authorizations and uncontested amendments to applications and authorizations and impose appropriate conditions:

(1) Applications or amendments requesting authorization for the construction or acquisition and operation of facilities that have a construction or acquisition cost less than the limits specified in column 2 of table I in § 157.208(d) of this chapter;

(2) Applications by a pipeline for the abandonment of pipeline facilities;

(3) Applications for temporary certificates for facilities pursuant to § 157.17 of this chapter;

(4) Petitions to amend certificates to conform to actual construction;

(5) Applications for temporary certificates for facilities pursuant to § 157.17 of this chapter;

(6) Dismiss any protest to prior notice filings made pursuant to § 157.205 of this chapter and involving pipeline facilities that does not raise a substantive issue and fails to provide any specific detailed reason or rationale for the objection;

(7) Applications for temporary or permanent certificates (and for amendments thereto) for the transportation, exchange or storage of natural gas, provided that the cost of construction of the applicant's related facility is less than the limits specified in column 2 of table 1 in § 157.208(d) of this chapter; and

(8) Applications for blanket certificates of public convenience and necessity pursuant to subpart F of part 157 of this chapter, including waiver of project cost limitations in §§ 157.208 and 157.215 of this chapter, and the convening of informal conferences during the 30-day reconciliation period pursuant to the procedures in § 157.205(f).

(w) Take appropriate action on the following:

(1) Any notice of intervention or petition to intervene, filed in an uncontested application for pipeline facilities;

(2) An uncontested request from one holding an authorization, granted pursuant to the Director's delegated authority, to vacate all or part of such authorization;

(3) Petitions to permit after an initial 60-day period one additional 60-day period of exemption pursuant to § 284.264(b) of this chapter where the application or extension arrives at the Commission later than 45 days after the commencement of the initial period of exemption when the emergency requires installation of facilities;

(4) Applications for extensions of time to file required reports, data, and information and to perform other acts required at or within a specific time by any rule, regulation, license, permit, certificate, or order by the Commission; and

(5) Requests for waiver of the landowner notification requirements in § 157.203(d) of this chapter.

(x) Undertake the following actions:

(1) Compute, for each calendar year, the project limits specified in table I of § 157.208 and table II of § 157.215(a) of this chapter, adjusted for inflation, and publish such limits as soon as possible thereafter in the Federal Register;

(2) Issue reports for public information purposes. Any report issued without Commission approval must:

(i) Be of a noncontroversial nature, and

(ii) Contain the statement, “This report does not necessarily reflect the view of the Commission,” in bold face type on the cover;

(3) Issue and sign deficiency letters regarding natural gas applications;

(4) Accept for filing, data and reports required by Commission orders, or presiding officers' initial decisions upon which the Commission has taken no further action, if such filings are in compliance with such orders or decisions and, when appropriate, notify the filing party of such acceptance;

(5) Reject requests which patently fail to comply with the provisions of 157.205(b) of this chapter;

(6) Take appropriate action on requests or petitions for waivers of any action incidental to the exercise of delegated authority, including waiver of notice as provided in section 4(d) of the Natural Gas Act, provided the request conforms to the requirements of § 385.2001 of this chapter; and

(7) Take whatever steps are necessary to ensure the protection of all environmental resources during the construction or operation of natural gas facilities, including authority to design and implement additional or alternative measures and stop work authority.

(y) Take appropriate action on the following:

(1) Any action incidental to the exercise of delegated authority, including waiver of notice as provided in section 4(d) of the Natural Gas Act, provided the request conforms to the requirements of § 385.2001 of this chapter; and

(2) Requests or petitions for waivers of filing requirements for statements and reports under §§ 260.8 and 260.9 of this chapter.

(z) Approve, on a case-specific basis, and make such decisions and issue guidance as may be necessary in connection with the use of the pre-filing procedures in § 157.21, “ Pre-filing procedures and review process for LNG terminal facilities and other natural gas facilities prior to filing of applications.”

(aa) Take the following actions to implement part 5 of this chapter on or after October 23, 2003:

(1) Act on requests for approval to use the application procedures of parts 4 or 16, pursuant to § 5.3 of this chapter;

(2) Approve a potential license applicant's proposed study plan with appropriate modifications pursuant to § 5.13 of this chapter;

(3) Resolve formal study disputes pursuant to § 5.14 of this chapter; and

(4) Resolve disagreements brought pursuant to § 5.15 of this chapter.

(bb) Establish a schedule for each Federal agency or officer, or State agency or officer acting pursuant to delegated Federal authority, to issue or deny Federal authorizations required for natural gas projects subject to section 3 or 7 of the Natural Gas Act.

[Order 492, 53 FR 16065, May 5, 1988] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 375.308, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 375.309 - Delegations to the General Counsel.

The Commission authorizes the General Counsel or the General Counsel's designee to:

(a) Designate officers empowered to administer oaths and affirmations, subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance and testimony, take evidence, compel the filing of special reports and interrogatories, gather information, and require the production of any books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, contracts, agreements, or other records, in the course of formal investigations conducted by the Office of the General Counsel to the extent the Commission's order of investigation expressly provides for the exercise of such investigative powers.

(b) Grant or deny requests of persons pursuant to § 1b.12 of this chapter to procure copies of the transcripts of their testimony taken during non-public investigations conducted by the Office of the General Counsel.

(c) Terminate any informal non-public investigation conducted by the Office of the General Counsel.

(d) Terminate the authority of officers to administer oaths and affirmations, subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance and testimony, take evidence, compel the filing of special reports and interrogatories, gather information, and require the production of any books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, contracts, agreements or other records in the course of formal investigations conducted by the Office of the General Counsel.

(e) Designate presiding officers for proceedings under § 385.1110, who will have all the authorities and duties vested in presiding officers by that section and other applicable rules in conducting proceedings pursuant to section 502(c) of the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978, 15 U.S.C. 3301-3432 (1982).

(f) Deny or grant, in whole or in part, petitions for waivers of fees prescribed in § 381.305 of this chapter in accordance with § 381.106 of this chapter.

(g) Grant uncontested applications for exempt wholesale generator status that do not involve unusual or interpretation issues; to act on uncontested motions to withdraw such applications; and to act on uncontested amendments to applications for EWG status that do not present unusual or interpretation issues.

(h) Deny or grant, in whole or in part, an appeal of a determination by the CEII Coordinator.

(i) Deny or grant, in whole or in part, an appeal of a Freedom of Information Act determination by the Director of the Office of External Affairs.

[Order 38, 44 FR 46453, Aug. 8, 1979] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 375.309, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 375.310 - Delegations during emergency conditions.

For delegations of Commission authority during emergency conditions, see subpart B of part 376 of this chapter.

[45 FR 21217, Apr. 1, 1980. Redesignated by Order 613, 64 FR 73407, Dec. 30, 1999]
§ 375.311 - Delegations to the Director of the Office of Enforcement.

The Commission authorizes the Director or the Director's designee to:

(a) Request information for purposes of a preliminary investigation under Part 1b of this chapter, or for purposes of conducting market surveillance from an entity whose activities may affect energy markets, and from state or federal agencies that monitor or regulate such entities, whether or not subject to the Commission's jurisdiction.

(b) Designate, and terminate the authority of, officers empowered to administer oaths and affirmations, subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance and testimony, take evidence, compel the filing of special reports and responses to interrogatories, gather information, and require the production of any books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, contracts, agreements, or other records, in the course of formal investigations conducted by the Office of Enforcement, to the extent the Commission's order of investigation expressly provides for the exercise of such investigative powers.

(c) Grant or deny requests of persons pursuant to § 1b.12 of this chapter to procure copies of the transcripts of their testimony taken during non-public investigations conducted by the Office of Enforcement.

(d) Terminate any informal non-public investigation conducted by the Office of Enforcement.

(e) Issue reports for public information purposes. Any report issued without Commission approval must

(1) Be of a non-controversial nature, and

(2) Contain the statement, “This report does not necessarily reflect the view of the Commission,” in bold-face type on the cover.

(f) Deny or grant, in whole or in part, requests for waiver of the requirements for particular forms, including Electric Quarterly Reports required under § 35.10b of this chapter.

(g) Take appropriate action on applications for extensions of time to file required reports, data and information, and to perform other acts required at or within a specific time by any rule, regulation, license, permit, certificate, or by order of the Commission.

(h) Undertake the following action with respect to data and reports submitted pursuant to Commission opinions or orders:

(1) Accept for filing data and reports that are in compliance and, when appropriate, notify the filing party of such acceptance;

(2) Reject for filing any data and reports which are not in compliance or not required and, when appropriate, notify the filing party of such rejection, or

(3) Issue deficiency letters regarding such data or reports.

(i) Sign all correspondence on behalf of the Commission with state regulatory commissions and agencies in connection with auditing matters.

(j) Pass upon actual legitimate original cost and depreciation thereon and the net investment in jurisdictional companies and revisions thereof, and sign audit reports involving jurisdictional companies,

(1) If the company agrees with the audit report, or

(2) If the company does not agree with the audit report, provided that any notification of the opportunity for a hearing required under Section 301(a) of the Federal Power Act or Section 8(a) of the Natural Gas Act accompanies the audit report.

(k) Act upon requests by state and federal agencies to review staff audit working papers in connection with audits if the company agrees to the release of the audit working papers, and provided that:

(1) The papers are examined at the Commission; and

(2) The requester

(i) Only makes general notes concerning the contents of the audit working papers,

(ii) Does not make copies of the audit working papers, and

(iii) Does not remove the audit working papers from the area designated by the Director.

(l) With regard to billing errors noted as a result of the Commission staff's examination of automatic adjustment tariffs approved by the Commission, approve corrective measures, including recomputation of billings and refunds, to the extent the company agrees.

(m) Sign all correspondence with respect to financial accounting and reporting matters on behalf of the Commission.

(n) Pass upon actual legitimate original cost and depreciation thereon and the net investment in jurisdictional companies and revisions thereof.

(o) Issue interpretations of the Uniform Systems of Accounts for public utilities and licensees, centralized service companies, natural gas companies and oil pipeline companies.

(p) Pass upon any proposed accounting matters submitted by or on behalf of jurisdictional companies that require Commission approval under the Uniform Systems of Accounts, except that if the proposed accounting matters involve unusually large transactions or unique or controversial features, the Director of the Office of Enforcement must present the matters to the Commission for consideration.

(q) Pass upon applications to increase the size or combine property units of jurisdictional companies.

(r) Deny or grant, in whole or in part, motions for extension of time to file, or requests for waiver of the requirements of the following forms, data collections, and reports: Annual Reports (Form Nos. 1, 1-F, 2, 2-A, and 6); Quarterly Reports (Form Nos. 3-Q and 6-Q); Annual Report of Centralized Service Companies (Form No. 60); Narrative Description of Service Company Functions (FERC-61); and Electric Quarterly Reports, as well as, where required, the electronic filing of such information (§ 385.2011 of this chapter, Procedures for filing on electronic media, paragraphs (a)(6), (c), and (e)).

(s) Provide notification if a submitted Annual Report (Form Nos. 1, 1-F, 2, 2-A, and 6), Quarterly Report (Form Nos. 3-Q and 6-Q), Annual Report of Centralized Service Companies (Form No. 60), Narrative Description of Service Company Functions (FERC-61), or Electric Quarterly Report fails to comply with applicable statutory requirements, and with all applicable Commission rules, regulations, and orders for which a waiver has not been granted, or, when appropriate, notify a party that a submission is acceptable.

(t) Deny or grant, in whole or in part, requests for waiver of the requirements of parts 352, 356, 367 and 368 of this chapter, except that, if the matters involve unusually large transactions or unique or controversial features, the Director of the Office of Enforcement must present the matters to the Commission for consideration.

[Order 632, 68 FR 25816, May 14, 2003, as amended at 69 FR 64661, Nov. 8, 2004; Order 691, 72 FR 5174, Feb. 5, 2007. Redesignated at Order 699, 72 FR 45326, Aug. 14, 2007; Order 721, 74 FR 6541, Feb. 10, 2009; Order 728, 74 FR 57248, Nov. 5, 2009; Order 795, 79 FR 9404, Feb. 19, 2014; Order 820, 80 FR 81179, Dec. 29, 2015; Order 870, 85 FR 19386, Apr. 7, 2020]
§ 375.312 - Delegations to the Office of the Executive Director.

The Commission authorizes the Executive Director or the Executive Director's designee to:

(a) Prescribe the updated fees for part 381 of this chapter in accordance with § 381.104 of this chapter.

(b) Prescribe the updated fees for part 381 of this chapter in accordance with § 388.109(b)(2) of this chapter.

(c) Deny or grant, in whole or in part, petitions for waiver of fees prescribed in § 381.302 of this chapter in accordance with § 381.106(b) of this chapter.

(d) Deny or grant, in whole or in part, petitions for exemption from fees prescribed in part 381 of this chapter in accordance with § 381.108 of this chapter.

(e) Determine the annual charges for administrative costs, for use of United States lands, and for use of government dams or other structures.

(f) Grant or deny waiver of penalty charges for late payment of annual charges.

(g) Give credit for overpayment of annual charges.

(h) Deny or grant, in whole or in part, petitions for exemption from annual charges under § 11.6 of this chapter for state and municipal licensees.

(i) Grant or deny petitions for waiver of annual charges for oil pipelines.

[Order 613, 64 FR 73407, Dec. 30, 1999, as amended by Order 632, 68 FR 25816, May 14, 2003; 69 FR 64661, Nov. 8, 2004]
§ 375.313 - Delegations to the Critical Energy/Electric Infrastructure Information (CEII) Coordinator.

The Commission authorizes the Coordinator or the Coordinator's designee to:

(a) Receive and review all requests for CEII as defined in § 388.113(c) of this chapter.

(b) Make determinations as to whether particular information fits within the definition of CEII found at § 388.113(c) of this chapter, including designating information, as appropriate.

(c) Make determinations that information designated as CEII should no longer be so designated when the unauthorized disclosure of the information could no longer be used to impair the security or reliability of the bulk-power system or distribution facilities or any other form of energy infrastructure.

(d) Make determinations as to whether a particular requester's need for and ability and willingness to protect CEII warrants limited disclosure of the information to the requester.

(e) Establish reasonable conditions on the release of CEII.

(f) Release CEII to requesters who satisfy the requirements in paragraph (d) of this section and agree in writing to abide by any conditions set forth by the Coordinator pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section.

[Order 630, 68 FR 9869, Mar. 3, 2003, as amended by Order 833, 81 FR 93748, Dec. 21, 2016]
§ 375.315 - Delegations to the Director of the Office of Energy Policy and Innovation.

The Commission authorizes the Director or the Director's designee to:

(a) Take appropriate action on:

(1) Any notice of intervention or motion to intervene, filed in an uncontested proceeding processed by the Office of Energy Policy and Innovation;

(2) Applications or motions for extensions of time to file required filings, reports, data and information and to perform other acts required at or within a specific time by any rule, regulation, license, permit, certificate, or order by the Commission, including applications or motions for extensions of time to file the Annual Report of Natural Gas Transactions (FERC Form No. 552) and the Report of Transmission Investment Activity (FERC-730); and

(3) Requests or petitions for waiver of the requirements of the Annual Report of Natural Gas Transactions (FERC Form No. 552) and the Report of Transmission Investment Activity (FERC-730).

(4) Notification to a party if a submitted Annual Report of Natural Gas Transactions (FERC Form No. 552) or Report of Transmission Investment Activity (FERC-730) fails to comply with applicable statutory requirements, and with all applicable Commission rules, regulations, and orders for which a waiver has not been granted, or, when appropriate notify a party that a submission is acceptable.

(b) Undertake the following actions:

(1) Issue reports for public information purposes. Any report issued without Commission approval must:

(i) Be of a noncontroversial nature, and

(ii) Contain the statement, “This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission,” in bold face type on the cover;

(2) Issue and sign requests for additional information regarding applications, filings, reports and data processed by the Office of Energy Policy and Innovation; and

(3) Accept for filing, data and reports required by Commission regulations, rules, or orders, or presiding officers' initial decisions upon which the Commission has taken no further action, if such filings are in compliance with such regulations, rules, orders or decisions and, when appropriate, notify the filing party of such acceptance.

[Order 736, 75 FR 32658, June 9, 2010, as amended by Order 870, 85 FR 19386, Apr. 7, 2020]
source: 45 FR 21217, Apr. 1, 1980, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 375.302