Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Sep 25, 2024
§ 385.201 - Applicability (Rule 201).

This subpart applies to any pleading, tariff or rate filing, notice of tariff or rate examination, order to show cause, intervention, or summary disposition.

§ 385.202 - Types of pleadings (Rule 202).

Pleadings include any application, complaint, petition, protest, notice of protest, answer, motion, and any amendment or withdrawal of a pleading. Pleadings do not include comments on rulemakings or comments on offers of settlement.

§ 385.203 - Content of pleadings and tariff or rate filings (Rule 203).

(a) Requirements for a pleading or a tariff or rate filing. Each pleading and each tariff or rate filing must include, as appropriate:

(1) If known, the reference numbers, docket numbers, or other identifying symbols of any relevant tariff, rate, schedule, contract, application, rule, or similar matter or material;

(2) The name of each participant for whom the filing is made or, if the filing is made for a group of participants, the name of the group, provided that the name of each member of the group is set forth in a previously filed document which is identified in the filing being made;

(3) The specific authorization or relief sought;

(4) The tariff or rate sheets or sections;

(5) The name and address of each person against whom the complaint is directed;

(6) The relevant facts, if not set forth in a previously filed document which is identified in the filing being made;

(7) The position taken by the participant filing any pleading, to the extent known when the pleading is filed, and the basis in fact and law for such position;

(8) Subscription or verification, if required;

(9) A certificate of service under Rule 2010(h), if service is required;

(10) The name, address, and telephone number of an individual who, with respect to any matter contained in the filing, represents the person for whom filing is made; and

(11) Any additional information required to be included by statute, rule, or order.

(b) Requirement for any initial pleading or tariff or rate filing. The initial pleading or tariff or rate filing submitted by a participant or a person seeking to become a party must conform to the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section and must include:

(1) The exact name of the person for whom the filing is made;

(2) The location of that person's principal place of business; and

(3) The name, address, and telephone number of at least one, but not more than two, persons upon whom service is to be made and to whom communications are to be addressed in the proceeding.

(c) Combined filings. If two or more pleadings, or one or more pleadings and a tariff or rate filing are included as items in a single filing each such item must be separately designated and must conform to the requirements which would be applicable to it if filed separately.

(d) Form of notice. If a pleading or tariff or rate filing must include a form of notice suitable for publication in the Federal Register, the company shall submit the draft notice in accordance with the form of notice specifications prescribed by the Secretary and posted on the Commission's website under Filing Procedures at

[Order 225, 47 FR 19022, May 3, 1982, as amended by Order 647, 69 FR 32439, June 10, 2004; Order 663, 70 FR 55725, Sept. 23, 2005; 71 FR 14642, Mar. 23, 2006; Order 714, 73 FR 57538, Oct. 3, 2008; Order 899, 88 FR 74032, Oct. 30, 2023]
§ 385.204 - Applications (Rule 204).

Any person seeking a license, permit, certification, or similar authorization or permission, must file an application to obtain that authorization or permission.

§ 385.205 - Tariff or rate filings (Rule 205).

(a) A person must make a tariff or rate filing in order to establish or change any specific rate, rate schedule, tariff, tariff schedule, fare, charge, or term or condition of service, or any classification, contract, practice, or any related regulation established by and for the applicant.

(b) A tariff or rate filing must be made electronically in accordance with the requirements and formats for electronic filing listed in the instructions for electronic filings. A tariff or rate filing not made in accordance with these requirements and formats will not have a statutory action date and will not become effective should the Commission not act by the requested action date.

[Order 714-A, 79 FR 29077, May 21, 2014]
§ 385.206 - Complaints (Rule 206).

(a) General rule. Any person may file a complaint seeking Commission action against any other person alleged to be in contravention or violation of any statute, rule, order, or other law administered by the Commission, or for any other alleged wrong over which the Commission may have jurisdiction.

(b) Contents. A complaint must:

(1) Clearly identify the action or inaction which is alleged to violate applicable statutory standards or regulatory requirements;

(2) Explain how the action or inaction violates applicable statutory standards or regulatory requirements;

(3) Set forth the business, commercial, economic or other issues presented by the action or inaction as such relate to or affect the complainant;

(4) Make a good faith effort to quantify the financial impact or burden (if any) created for the complainant as a result of the action or inaction;

(5) Indicate the practical, operational, or other nonfinancial impacts imposed as a result of the action or inaction, including, where applicable, the environmental, safety or reliability impacts of the action or inaction;

(6) State whether the issues presented are pending in an existing Commission proceeding or a proceeding in any other forum in which the complainant is a party, and if so, provide an explanation why timely resolution cannot be achieved in that forum;

(7) State the specific relief or remedy requested, including any request for stay or extension of time, and the basis for that relief;

(8) Include all documents that support the facts in the complaint in possession of, or otherwise attainable by, the complainant, including, but not limited to, contracts and affidavits;

(9) State

(i) Whether the Enforcement Hotline, Dispute Resolution Service, tariff-based dispute resolution mechanisms, or other informal dispute resolution procedures were used, or why these procedures were not used;

(ii) Whether the complainant believes that alternative dispute resolution (ADR) under the Commission's supervision could successfully resolve the complaint;

(iii) What types of ADR procedures could be used; and

(iv) Any process that has been agreed on for resolving the complaint.

(10) Include a form of notice of the complaint suitable for publication in the Federal Register in accordance with the specifications in § 385.203(d) of this part. The form of notice shall be on electronic media as specified by the Secretary.

(11) Explain with respect to requests for Fast Track processing pursuant to section 385.206(h), why the standard processes will not be adequate for expeditiously resolving the complaint.

(c) Service. Any person filing a complaint must serve a copy of the complaint on the respondent, affected regulatory agencies, and others the complainant reasonably knows may be expected to be affected by the complaint. Service must be simultaneous with filing at the Commission for respondents. Simultaneous or overnight service is permissible for other affected entities. Simultaneous service can be accomplished by electronic mail in accordance with § 385.2010(f)(3), facsimile, express delivery, or messenger.

(d) Notice. Public notice of the complaint will be issued by the Commission.

(e) [Reserved]

(f) Answers, interventions and comments. Unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, answers, interventions, and comments to a complaint must be filed within 20 days after the complaint is filed. In cases where the complainant requests privileged treatment for information in its complaint, answers, interventions, and comments are due within 30 days after the complaint is filed. In the event there is an objection to the protective agreement, the Commission will establish when answers will be due.

(g) Complaint resolution paths. One of the following procedures may be used to resolve complaints:

(1) The Commission may assign a case to be resolved through alternative dispute resolution procedures in accordance with §§ 385.604-385.606, in cases where the affected parties consent, or the Commission may order the appointment of a settlement judge in accordance with § 385.603;

(2) The Commission may issue an order on the merits based upon the pleadings;

(3) The Commission may establish a hearing before an ALJ;

(h) Fast Track processing. (1) The Commission may resolve complaints using Fast Track procedures if the complaint requires expeditious resolution. Fast Track procedures may include expedited action on the pleadings by the Commission, expedited hearing before an ALJ, or expedited action on requests for stay, extension of time, or other relief by the Commission or an ALJ.

(2) A complainant may request Fast Track processing of a complaint by including such a request in its complaint, captioning the complaint in bold type face “COMPLAINT REQUESTING FAST TRACK PROCESSING,” and explaining why expedition is necessary as required by section 385.206(b)(11).

(3) Based on an assessment of the need for expedition, the period for filing answers, interventions and comments to a complaint requesting Fast Track processing may be shortened by the Commission from the time provided in section 385.206(f).

(4) After the answer is filed, the Commission will issue promptly an order specifying the procedure and any schedule to be followed.

(i) Simplified procedure for small controversies. A simplified procedure for complaints involving small controversies is found in section 385.218 of this subpart.

(j) Satisfaction. (1) If the respondent to a complaint satisfies such complaint, in whole or in part, either before or after an answer is filed, the complainant and the respondent must sign and file:

(i) A statement setting forth when and how the complaint was satisfied; and

(ii) A motion for dismissal of, or an amendment to, the complaint based on the satisfaction.

(2) The decisional authority may order the submission of additional information before acting on a motion for dismissal or an amendment under paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section.

[Order 225, 47 FR 19022, May 3, 1982, as amended by Order 602, 64 FR 17097, Apr. 8, 1999; Order 602-A, 64 FR 43608, Aug. 11, 1999; Order 647, 69 FR 32440, June 10, 2004; Order 769, 77 FR 65476, Oct. 29, 2012]
§ 385.207 - Petitions (Rule 207).

(a) General rule. A person must file a petition when seeking:

(1) Relief under subpart I, J, or K of this part;

(2) A declaratory order or rule to terminate a controversy or remove uncertainty;

(3) Action on appeal from a staff action, other than a decision or ruling of a presiding officer, under Rule 1902;

(4) A rule of general applicability; or

(5) Any other action which is in the discretion of the Commission and for which this chapter prescribes no other form of pleading.

(b) Declarations of intent under the Federal Power Act. For purposes of this part, a declaration of intent under section 23(b) of the Federal Power Act is treated as a petition for a declaratory order.

(c) Except as provided in § 381.302(b), each petition for issuance of a declaratory order must be accompanied by the fee prescribed in § 381.302(a).

[Order 225, 47 FR 19022, May 3, 1982, as amended by Order 395, 49 FR 35357, Sept. 7, 1984]
§ 385.208 - [Reserved]
§ 385.209 - Notices of tariff or rate examination and orders to show cause (Rule 209).

(a) Issuance. (1) If the Commission seeks to determine the validity of any rate, rate schedule, tariff, tariff schedule, fare, charge, or term or condition of service, or any classification, contract, practice, or any related regulation established by and for the applicant which is demanded, observed, charged, or collected, the Commission will initiate a proceeding by issuing a notice of tariff or rate examination.

(2) The Commission may initiate a proceeding against a person by issuing an order to show cause.

(b) Contents. A notice of examination or an order to show cause will contain a statement of the matters about which the Commission is inquiring, and a statement of the authority under which the Commission is acting. The statement is tentative and sets forth issues to be considered by the Commission.

(c) Answers. A person who is ordered to show cause must answer in accordance with Rule 213.

§ 385.210 - Method of notice; dates established in notice (Rule 210).

(a) Method. When the Secretary gives notice of tariff or rate filings, applications, petitions, notices of tariff or rate examinations, and orders to show cause, the Secretary will give such notice in accordance with Rule 2009.

(b) Dates for filing interventions and protests. A notice given under this section will establish the dates for filing interventions and protests. Only those filings made within the time prescribed in the notice will be considered timely.

§ 385.211 - Protests other than under Rule 208 (Rule 211).

(a) General rule. (1) Any person may file a protest to object to any application, complaint, petition, order to show cause, notice of tariff or rate examination, or tariff or rate filing.

(2) The filing of a protest does not make the protestant a party to the proceeding. The protestant must intervene under Rule 214 to become a party.

(3) Subject to paragraph (a)(4) of this section, the Commission will consider protests in determining further appropriate action. Protests will be placed in the public file associated with the proceeding.

(4) If a proceeding is set for hearing under subpart E of this part, the protest is not part of the record upon which the decision is made.

(b) Service. (1) Any protest directed against a person in a proceeding must be served by the protestant on the person against whom the protest is directed.

(2) The Secretary may waive any procedural requirement of this subpart applicable to protests. If the requirement of service under this paragraph is waived, the Secretary will place the protest in the public file and may send a copy thereof to any person against whom the protest is directed.

§ 385.212 - Motions (Rule 212).

(a) General rule. A motion may be filed:

(1) At any time, unless otherwise provided;

(2) By a participant or a person who has filed a timely motion to intervene which has not been denied;

(3) In any proceeding except an informal rulemaking proceeding.

(b) Written and oral motions. Any motion must be filed in writing, except that the presiding officer may permit an oral motion to be made on the record during a hearing or conference.

(c) Contents. A motion must contain a clear and concise statement of:

(1) The facts and law which support the motion; and

(2) The specific relief or ruling requested.

[Order 225, 47 FR 19022, May 3, 1982, as amended by Order 225-A, 47 FR 35956, Aug. 18, 1982; Order 376, 49 FR 21705, May 23, 1984]
§ 385.213 - Answers (Rule 213).

(a) Required or permitted. (1) Any respondent to a complaint or order to show cause must make an answer, unless the Commission orders otherwise.

(2) An answer may not be made to a protest, an answer, a motion for oral argument, or a request for rehearing, unless otherwise ordered by the decisional authority. A presiding officer may prohibit an answer to a motion for interlocutory appeal. If an answer is not otherwise permitted under this paragraph, no responsive pleading may be made.

(3) An answer may be made to any pleading, if not prohibited under paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(4) An answer to a notice of tariff or rate examination must be made in accordance with the provisions of such notice.

(b) Written or oral answers. Any answer must be in writing, except that the presiding officer may permit an oral answer to a motion made on the record during a hearing conducted under subpart E or during a conference.

(c) Contents. (1) An answer must contain a clear and concise statement of:

(i) Any disputed factual allegations; and

(ii) Any law upon which the answer relies.

(2) When an answer is made in response to a complaint, an order to show cause, or an amendment to such pleading, the answerer must, to the extent practicable:

(i) Admit or deny, specifically and in detail, each material allegation of the pleading answered; and

(ii) Set forth every defense relied on.

(3) General denials of facts referred to in any order to show cause, unsupported by the specific facts upon which the respondent relies, do not comply with paragraph (a)(1) of this section and may be a basis for summary disposition under Rule 217, unless otherwise required by statute.

(4) An answer to a complaint must include documents that support the facts in the answer in possession of, or otherwise attainable by, the respondent, including, but not limited to, contracts and affidavits. An answer is also required to describe the formal or consensual process it proposes for resolving the complaint.

(5) When submitting with its answer any request for privileged treatment of documents and information in accordance with this chapter, a respondent must provide a public version of its answer without the information for which privileged treatment is claimed and its proposed form of protective agreement to each entity that has either been served pursuant to § 385.206(c) or whose name is on the official service list for the proceeding compiled by the Secretary.

(d) Time limitations. (1) Any answer to a motion or to an amendment to a motion must be made within 15 days after the motion or amendment is filed, except as described below or unless otherwise ordered.

(i) If a motion requests an extension of time or a shortened time period for action, then answers to the motion to extend or shorten the time period shall be made within 5 days after the motion is filed, unless otherwise ordered.

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) Any answer to a pleading or amendment to a pleading, other than a complaint or an answer to a motion under paragraph (d)(1) of this section, must be made:

(i) If notice of the pleading or amendment is published in the Federal Register, not later than 30 days after such publication, unless otherwise ordered; or

(ii) If notice of the pleading or amendment is not published in the Federal Register, not later than 30 days after the filing of the pleading or amendment, unless otherwise ordered.

(e) Failure to answer. (1) Any person failing to answer a complaint may be considered in default, and all relevant facts stated in such complaint may be deemed admitted.

(2) Failure to answer an order to show cause will be treated as a general denial to which paragraph (c)(3) of this section applies.

[Order 225, 47 FR 19022, May 3, 1982; 48 FR 786, Jan. 7, 1983, as amended by Order 376, 49 FR 21705, May 23, 1984; Order 602, 64 FR 17099, Apr. 8, 1999; Order 602-A, 64 FR 43608, Aug. 11, 1999; Order 769, 77 FR 65476, Oct. 29, 2012]
§ 385.214 - Intervention (Rule 214).

(a) Filing. (1) The Secretary of Energy is a party to any proceeding upon filing a notice of intervention in that proceeding. If the Secretary's notice is not filed within the period prescribed under Rule 210(b), the notice must state the position of the Secretary on the issues in the proceeding.

(2) Any State Commission, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and the Interior, any state fish and wildlife, water quality certification, or water rights agency; or Indian tribe with authority to issue a water quality certification is a party to any proceeding upon filing a notice of intervention in that proceeding, if the notice is filed within the period established under Rule 210(b). If the period for filing notice has expired, each entity identified in this paragraph must comply with the rules for motions to intervene applicable to any person under paragraph (a)(3) of this section including the content requirements of paragraph (b) of this section.

(3) Any person seeking to intervene to become a party, other than the entities specified in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, must file a motion to intervene.

(4) No person, including entities listed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, may intervene as a matter of right in a proceeding arising from an investigation pursuant to Part 1b of this chapter.

(b) Contents of motion. (1) Any motion to intervene must state, to the extent known, the position taken by the movant and the basis in fact and law for that position.

(2) A motion to intervene must also state the movant's interest in sufficient factual detail to demonstrate that:

(i) The movant has a right to participate which is expressly conferred by statute or by Commission rule, order, or other action;

(ii) The movant has or represents an interest which may be directly affected by the outcome of the proceeding, including any interest as a:

(A) Consumer,

(B) Customer,

(C) Competitor, or

(D) Security holder of a party; or

(iii) The movant's participation is in the public interest.

(3) If a motion to intervene is filed after the end of any time period established under Rule 210, such a motion must, in addition to complying with paragraph (b)(1) of this section, show good cause why the time limitation should be waived.

(c) Grant of party status. (1) If no answer in opposition to a timely motion to intervene is filed within 15 days after the motion to intervene is filed, the movant becomes a party at the end of the 15 day period.

(2) If an answer in opposition to a timely motion to intervene is filed not later than 15 days after the motion to intervene is filed or, if the motion is not timely, the movant becomes a party only when the motion is expressly granted.

(d) Grant of late intervention. (1) In acting on any motion to intervene filed after the period prescribed under Rule 210, the decisional authority may consider whether:

(i) The movant had good cause for failing to file the motion within the time prescribed;

(ii) Any disruption of the proceeding might result from permitting intervention;

(iii) The movant's interest is not adequately represented by other parties in the proceeding;

(iv) Any prejudice to, or additional burdens upon, the existing parties might result from permitting the intervention; and

(v) The motion conforms to the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) Except as otherwise ordered, a grant of an untimely motion to intervene must not be a basis for delaying or deferring any procedural schedule established prior to the grant of that motion.

(3)(i) The decisional authority may impose limitations on the participation of a late intervener to avoid delay and prejudice to the other participants.

(ii) Except as otherwise ordered, a late intervener must accept the record of the proceeding as the record was developed prior to the late intervention.

(4) If the presiding officer orally grants a motion for late intervention, the officer will promptly issue a written order confirming the oral order.

[Order 225, 47 FR 19022, May 3, 1982; 48 FR 786, Jan. 7, 1983, as amended by Order 376, 49 FR 21705, May 23, 1984; Order 2002, 68 FR 51142, Aug. 25, 2003; Order 718, 73 FR 62886, Oct. 22, 2008]
§ 385.215 - Amendment of pleadings and tariff or rate filings (Rule 215).

(a) General rules. (1) Any participant, or any person who has filed a timely motion to intervene which has not been denied, may seek to modify its pleading by filing an amendment which conforms to the requirements applicable to the pleading to be amended.

(2) A tariff or rate filing may be amended or modified only as provided in the regulations under this chapter. A tariff or rate filing may not be amended, except as allowed by statute. The procedures provided in this section do not apply to amendment of tariff or rate filings.

(3)(i) If a written amendment is filed in a proceeding, or part of a proceeding, that is not set for hearing under subpart E, the amendment becomes effective as an amendment on the date filed.

(ii) If a written amendment is filed in a proceeding, or part of a proceeding, which is set for hearing under subpart E, that amendment is effective on the date filed only if the amendment is filed more than five days before the earlier of either the first prehearing conference or the first day of evidentiary hearings.

(iii) If, in a proceeding, or part of a proceeding, that is set for hearing under subpart E, a written amendment is filed after the time for filing provided under paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, or if an oral amendment is made to a presiding officer during a hearing or conference, the amendment becomes effective as an amendment only as provided under paragraph (d) of this section.

(b) Answers. Any participant, or any person who has filed a timely motion to intervene which has not been denied, may answer a written or oral amendment in accordance with Rule 213.

(c) Motion opposing an amendment. Any participant, or any person who has filed a timely motion to intervene which has not been denied, may file a motion opposing the acceptance of any amendment, other than an amendment under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, not later than 15 days after the filing of the amendment.

(d) Acceptance of amendments. (1) An amendment becomes effective as an amendment at the end of 15 days from the date of filing, if no motion in opposition to the acceptance of an amendment under paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section is filed within the 15 day period.

(2) If a motion in opposition to the acceptance of an amendment is filed within 15 days after the filing of the amendment, the amendment becomes effective as an amendment on the twentieth day after the filing of the amendment, except to the extent that the decisional authority, before such date, issues an order rejecting the amendment, wholly or in part, for good cause.

(e) Directed amendments. A decisional authority, on motion or otherwise, may direct any participant, or any person seeking to be a party, to file a written amendment to amplify, clarify, or technically correct a pleading.

[Order 225, 47 FR 19022, May 3, 1982, as amended by Order 714, 73 FR 57538, Oct. 3, 2008]
§ 385.216 - Withdrawal of pleadings (Rule 216).

(a) Filing. Any person that filed a pleading may seek to withdraw it by filing a notice of withdrawal. The procedures provided in this section do not apply to withdrawals of tariff or rate filings, which may be withdrawn only as provided in the regulations under this chapter.

(b) Action on withdrawals. (1) The withdrawal of any pleading is effective at the end of 15 days from the date of filing of a notice of withdrawal, if no motion in opposition to the notice of withdrawal is filed within that period and the decisional authority does not issue an order disallowing the withdrawal within that period. The decisional authority may disallow, for a good cause, all or part of a withdrawal.

(2) If a motion in opposition to a notice of withdrawal is filed within the 15 day period, the withdrawal is not effective until the decisional authority issues an order accepting the withdrawal.

(c) Conditional withdrawal. In order to prevent prejudice to other participants, a decisional authority may, on motion or otherwise, condition the withdrawal of any pleading upon a requirement that the withdrawing person leave material in the record or otherwise make material available to other participants.

[Order 225, 47 FR 19022, May 3, 1982, as amended by Order 714, 73 FR 57538, Oct. 3, 2008; Order 846, 83 FR 23808, May 23, 2018]
§ 385.217 - Summary disposition (Rule 217).

(a) Applicability. This section applies to:

(1) Any proceeding, or any part of a proceeding, while the Commission is the decisional authority; and

(2) Any proceeding, or part of a proceeding, which is set for hearing under subpart E.

(b) General rule. If the decisional authority determines that there is no genuine issue of fact material to the decision of a proceeding or part of a proceeding, the decisional authority may summarily dispose of all or part of the proceeding.

(c) Procedures. (1) Any participant may make a motion for summary disposition of all or part of a proceeding.

(2) If a decisional authority, other than the Commission, is considering summary disposition of a proceeding, or part of a proceeding, in the absence of a motion for summary disposition by a participant, the decisional authority will grant the participants an opportunity to comment on the proposed disposition prior to any summary disposition, unless, for good cause shown, the decisional authority provides otherwise.

(3) If, prior to setting a matter for hearing, the Commission is considering summary disposition of a proceeding or part of a proceeding in the absence of a motion for summary disposition by any participant and the Commission determines that notice and comment on summary disposition are practicable and necessary, the Commission may notify the participants and afford them an opportunity to comment on any proposed summary disposition.

(d) Disposition. (1)(i) If a decisional authority, other than the Commission, summarily disposes of an entire proceeding, the decisional authority will issue an initial decision for the entire proceeding.

(ii) Except as provided under paragraph (d)(1)(iii) of this section, a decisional authority, other than the Commission, which summarily disposes of part of a proceeding may:

(A) Issue a partial initial decision; or

(B) Postpone issuing an initial decision on the summarily disposed part and combine it with the initial decision on the entire proceeding or other appropriate part of the proceeding.

(iii) If the decisional authority, other than the Commission, summarily disposes of part of a proceeding and such disposition requires the filing of new tariff or rate schedule sheets or sections, the decisional authority will issue an initial decision on that part of the proceeding.

(2) Any initial decision issued under paragraph (d)(1) of this section is considered an initial decision issued under subpart G of this part, except that the following rules do not apply: Rule 704 (rights of participants before initial decision), Rule 705 (discretion of presiding officer before initial decision), Rule 706 (initial and reply briefs before initial decision), Rule 707 (oral argument before initial decision), and Rule 709 (other types of decisions).

[Order 225, 47 FR 19022, May 3, 1982; Order 225-A, 47 FR 35956, Aug. 18, 1982, as amended by Order 714, 73 FR 57538, Oct. 3, 2008]
§ 385.218 - Simplified procedure for complaints involving small controversies (Rule 218).

(a) Eligibility. The procedures under this section are available to complainants if the amount in controversy is less than $100,000 and the impact on other entities is de minimis.

(b) Contents. A complaint filed under this section must contain:

(1) The name of the complainant;

(2) The name of the respondent;

(3) A description of the relationship to the respondent;

(4) The amount in controversy;

(5) A statement why the complaint will have a de minimis impact on other entities;

(6) The facts and circumstances surrounding the complaint, including the legal or regulatory obligation breached by the respondent; and

(7) The requested relief.

(c) Service. The complainant is required to simultaneously serve the complaint on the respondent and any other entity referenced in the complaint.

(d) Notice. Public notice of the complaint will be issued by the Commission.

(e) Answers, interventions and comments. (1) An answer to a complaint is required to conform to the requirements of § 385.213(c)(1), (2), and (3).

(2) Answers, interventions and comments must be filed within 10 days after the complaint is filed. In cases where the complainant requests privileged treatment for information in its complaint, answers, interventions, and comments must be filed within 20 days after the complaint is filed. In the event there is an objection to the protective agreement, the Commission will establish when answers, interventions, and comments are due.

(f) Privileged treatment. If a complainant seeks privileged treatment for any documents submitted with the complaint, a complainant must use the procedures described in section 385.206(e). If a respondent seeks privileged treatment for any documents submitted with the answer, a respondent must use the procedures described in section 385.213(c)(5).

[Order 602, 64 FR 17099, Apr. 8, 1999]
source: Order 225, 47 FR 19022, May 3, 1982, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 385.206