Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Sep 25, 2024
§ 4.300 - Purpose, definitions, and applicability.

(a) Purpose. This subpart implements the amendments of section 30 of the Federal Power Act enacted by section 7(c) of the Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 (ECPA). It establishes procedures for reimbursing fish and wildlife agencies for costs incurred in connection with applications for an exemption from licensing and applications for licenses seeking benefits under section 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, as amended, for a project that would impound or divert the water of a natural watercourse by means of a new dam or diversion.

(b) Definitions. For the purposes of this subpart—

(1) Cost means an expenditure made by a fish and wildlife agency:

(i) On or after the effective date of this regulation for an application filed on or after the effective date of this regulation; and

(ii) Directly related to setting mandatory terms and conditions for a proposed project pursuant to section 30(c) of the Federal Power Act.

(2) Cost statement means a statement of the total costs for which a fish and wildlife agency requests reimbursement including an itemized schedule of costs including, but not limited to, costs of fieldwork and testing, contract costs, travel costs, personnel costs, and administrative and overhead costs.

(3) Mandatory terms and conditions means terms and conditions of a license or exemption that a fish and wildlife agency determines are appropriate to prevent loss of, or damage to, fish and wildlife resources pursuant to section 30(c) of the Federal Power Act.

(4) New dam or diversion license applicant means an applicant for a license for a project that would impound or divert the water of a natural watercourse by means of a new dam or diversion, as defined in section 210(k) of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, as amended.

(5) PURPA benefits means benefits under section 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, as amended.

(6) Section 30(c) application means an application for an exemption from licensing or a new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits.

(c) Applicability. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, this subpart applies to:

(1) Any application for exemption filed on or after the effective date of these regulations for costs incurred by fish and wildlife agencies after the effective date of these regulations;

(2) Any new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits filed on or after April 16, 1988;

(3) Any new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits filed after the effective date of this regulation, but before April 16, 1988, if the applicant fails to demonstrate in a monetary resources petition filed with the Commission pursuant to § 292.208 of this chapter that, before October 16, 1986, it had committed substantial monetary resources directly related to the development of the proposed project and to the diligent and timely completion of all requirements of the Commission for filing an acceptable application; and

(4) Any new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits filed after the effective date of this regulation, if the application is not accepted for filing before October 16, 1989.

(d) Exceptions. (1) This subpart does not apply to any new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits if the moratorium described in section 8(e) of ECPA is in effect. The moratorium will end at the expiration of the first full session of Congress following the session during which the Commission reports to Congress on the results of the study required under section 8(d) of ECPA.

(2) This subpart does not apply to any new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits for a project located at a Government dam, as defined in section 3(10) of the Federal Power Act, at which non-Federal hydroelectric development is permissible.

§ 4.301 - Notice to fish and wildlife agencies and estimation of fees prior to filing.

(a) Notice to agencies—(1) New dam or diversion license applicants. During the initial stage or pre-filing agency consultation under § 4.38(b)(1), a prospective new dam or diversion license applicant must inform each fish and wildlife agency consulted in writing with a copy to the Commission whether it will seek PURPA benefits.

(2) Exemption applicants. During the initial stage of pre-filing agency consultation under § 4.38(b)(1), a prospective exemption applicant must notify each fish and wildlife agency consulted that it will seek an exemption from licensing.

(b) Estimate of fees. Within the comment period provided in § 4.38(c)(5), a fish and wildlife agency must provide a prospective section 30(c) applicant with a reasonable estimate of the total costs the agency anticipates it will incur to set mandatory terms and conditions for the proposed project. An agency may provide an applicant with an updated estimate as it deems necessary. If an agency believes that its most recent estimate will be exceeded by more than 25 percent, it must supply the prospective applicant or applicant with a new estimate and submit a copy to the Commission.

[Order 141, 12 FR 8485, Dec. 19, 1947, as amended by Order 756, 77 FR 4894, Feb. 1, 2012]
§ 4.302 - Fees at filing.

(a) Filing requirement. A section 30(c) application must be accompanied by a fee or a bond, together with copies of the most recent cost estimates provided by fish and wildlife agencies pursuant to § 4.301(b).

(b) Amount. The fee required under paragraph (a) of this section must be in an amount equal to 50 percent of the most recent cost estimates provided by fish and wildlife agencies pursuant to § 4.301(b). In lieu of this amount, an applicant may provide an unlimited term surety bond from a company on the Department of Treasury's list of companies certified to write surety bonds. Applicants bonded by a company whose certification by the Department of the Treasury lapses must provide evidence of purchase of another bond from a certified company. A bond must be for an amount no less than 100 percent of the agencies' most recent cost estimates pursuant to § 4.301(b).

(c) Failure to file. The Commission will reject a section 30(c) application if the applicant fails to comply with the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

§ 4.303 - Post-filing procedures.

(a) Submission of cost statement—(1) Accepted applications. Within 60 days after the last date for filing mandatory terms and conditions pursuant to § 4.32(c)(4) for a new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits, § 4.93(b) for an application for exemption of a small conduit hydroelectric facility, or § 4.105(b)(1) for an application for case-specific exemption of a small hydroelectric power project, a fish and wildlife agency must file with the Commission a cost statement of the reasonable costs the agency incurred in setting mandatory terms and conditions for the proposed project. An agency may request, in writing, along with any supporting documentation an extension of this 60-day period.

(2) Rejected, withdrawn or dismissed applications. The Director of the Office of Energy Projects (Director) will, by letter, notify each fish and wildlife agency if a section 30(c) application is rejected, withdrawn or dismissed. Within 60 days from the date of notification, a fish and wildlife agency must file with the Commission a cost statement of the reasonable costs the agency incurred prior to the date the application was rejected, withdrawn, or dismissed. An agency may submit a written request for an extension of this 60-day period along with any supporting documentation.

(b) If an agency has not submitted a cost statement or extension request within the time provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, it waives its right to receive fees for that project pursuant to this subpart.

(c) Billing. After the Commission receives a cost statement from all fish and wildlife agencies as required by paragraph (a) of this section, the Commission will bill the section 30(c) applicant. The bill will show:

(1) The cost statement submitted to the Commission by each fish and wildlife agency;

(2) Any amounts already paid by the applicant pursuant to § 4.302; and

(3)(i) The amount due, if the amount already paid by the applicant pursuant to § 4.302 is less than the total of all the cost statements; or

(ii) The amount to be refunded to the applicant, if the amount already paid by the applicant pursuant to § 4.302 is more than the total of all the cost statements.

(d) Within 45 days from the date of a bill issued under paragraph (b) of this section, a section 30(c) applicant must pay in full to the Commission any remaining amounts due on the cost statements regardless of whether any of these amounts are in dispute.

(e) Dispute procedures—(1) When to dispute. Any dispute regarding the reasonableness of any fish and wildlife agency cost statement must be made within 45 days from the date of a bill issued under paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) Assessment of disputed cost statements The burden of showing that an agency's cost statement is unreasonable is on the applicant. However, a fish and wildlife agency must supply the disputing applicant and the Commission with the documentation necessary to support its cost statement. The Director of the Office of Energy Projects will determine the reasonableness of a disputed fish and wildlife agency cost statement. The Director's decision will be in writing. The Director will notify the disputing applicant and the fish and wildlife agency of the decision by letter. Any decision of the Director may be appealed by either party pursuant to 18 CFR 385.1902. In deciding whether or not a disputed cost statement is reasonable, the Director will review the application, the disputed cost statement and any other documentation relating to the particular environmental problems associated with the disputing applicant's proposed project. The Director will consider such factors as:

(i) The time the fish and wildlife agency spent reviewing the application;

(ii) The proportion of the cost statement to the time the fish and wildlife agency spent reviewing the application;

(iii) Whether the fish and wildlife agency's expenditures conform to Federal expenditure guidelines for such items as travel, per diem, personnel, and contracting; and

(iv) Whether the studies conducted by the agency, if any, are duplicative, limited to the proposed project area, unnecessary to determine the impacts to or mitigation measures for the particular fish and wildlife resources affected by the proposed project, or otherwise unnecessary to set terms and conditions for the proposed project.

(3) Unreasonable cost statements. If the Director determines that a disputed fish and wildlife agency cost statement is unreasonable, the disputing applicant and the fish and wildlife agency will be afforded 45 days from the date of notification to attempt to reach an agreement regarding the reimbursable costs of the agency. If the disputing applicant and the fish and wildlife agency fail to reach an agreement on the disputed cost statement within 45 days from the date of notification, the Director will determine the costs that the agency should reasonably have incurred.

(f) Refunds. (1) If the amount paid by a section 30(c) applicant under § 4.302 exceeds the total amount of the cost statements submitted by fish and wildlife agencies under paragraph (a) of this section, the Commission will notify the Treasury to refund the difference to the applicant within 45 days from the date of the bill issued to the applicant under paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) If the amount paid by a section 30(c) applicant exceeds the amount determined to be reasonable by the Director pursuant to paragraph (d)(2) of this section, the Commission will notify the Treasury to refund the difference to the applicant within 45 days of the resolution of all dispute proceedings.

[Order 487, 52 FR 48404, Dec. 22, 1987, as amended by Order 647, 69 FR 32438, June 10, 2004]
§ 4.304 - Payment.

(a) A payment required under this subpart must be made by check payable to the United States Treasury. The check must indicate that the payment is for ECPA Fees.

(b) If a payment required under this subpart is not made within the time period prescribed for making such payment, interest and penalty charges will be assessed. Interest and penalty charges will be computed in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3717 and 4 CFR part 102.

(c) The Commission will not issue a license or exemption, unless the applicant has made full payments of any fees due under § 4.303(c).

§ 4.305 - Enforcement.

(a) The Commission may take any appropriate action permitted by law if a section 30(c) applicant does not make a payment required under this subpart. The Commission will not be liable to any fish and wildlife agency for failure to collect any amounts under this subpart.

(b) If the Commission is unable to collect the full amount due by a section 30(c) applicant on behalf of more than one agency, the amount the Commission does collect will be distributed to the agencies on a pro-rata basis except if an agency's cost statement is greater than its most recent estimate to the applicant under § 4.301(b), then the difference between the estimate and the cost statement will not be reimbursed until any amounts owed to other agencies have been paid.

source: Order 141, 12 FR 8485, Dec. 19, 1947, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 4.303