Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Sep 25, 2024
§ 701.51 - The Council.

Decisions of the Council are made as hereinafter described in §§ 701.53 and 701.54.

§ 701.52 - Definitions.

As used in this part the term Member means the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Transportation, and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, or Alternate appointed in accordance with § 701.53(a) when the alternate is acting for one of the above-named.

§ 701.53 - Council decisions by Members.

Council decisions by Members may be made by direct vote at Council meetings or by a written communication which may provide for either a written or telephone response. Written communications shall state the time limit for voting on issues which they contain; however, extensions of time may be granted by the Director or Chairman when it is deemed necessary. Issues raised at Council meetings shall be decided by majority vote of Members present and voting. Issues identified in written communications must receive approval of all Members. If an action item does not receive approval of all Members, it will be considered as an agenda item at the next Council meeting. For purposes of this section, approval of all Members shall be defined as approval without a negative vote within the time limit for voting provided within each action memorandum. Decisions affecting the authority or responsibility of a Member, within the meaning of section 3(b) of the Act, (42 U.S.C. 1962-1(b)), can be made only with that Member's concurrence.

(a) Each of the Members in § 701.5(b) shall designate in writing to the Chairman, with a copy to the Director, those individuals who may act as their Alternates in fulfilling the duties as a Member. Each Member shall designate one Alternate and one second Alternate to represent the Member on the Council.

(b) A quorum for the transaction of business at Council meetings shall consist of five or more Members and a majority shall consist of at least four votes.

(c) Each Member has equal responsibility and authority in all decisions and actions of the Council. Each Member may place an item on a meeting agenda or, acting through the Director, circulate in writing an item for Council action. Each Member, as well as each Associate Member and each Observer, shall have full access to all information relating to the performance of his duties and responsibilities.

(d) No vote shall be taken at Council meetings until each Member and Associate Member present has had full opportunity to express his views.

(e) Members shall meet regularly at least quarterly, upon the call of the Chairman, or when requested by a majority of Members.

(f) Matters specifically reserved for Council decision by Members are:

(1) Actions requiring Presidential action or approval.

(2) Approval of Annual Budget requests and the Annual Operating Program of the Office of the Water Resources Council.

(3) Decisions involving substantial policy issues.

(4) Delegations of authority.

(5) Determination that testimony taken or evidence received shall be taken under oath.

(6) Issuance of invitations to become Associate Members or Observers.

(7) Appointment and termination of the appointment of the Director.

[43 FR 25945, June 15, 1978, as amended at 45 FR 24460, Apr. 10, 1980]
§ 701.54 - Interagency Liaison Committee.

There is established within the Council an Interagency Liaison Committee (hereafter referred to as ILC).

(a) The ILC shall be composed of one representative for each Member, Associate Member, and Observer. Additional agency representatives may participate in the ILC meeting whenever necessary.

(b) The chairmanship of the ILC shall rotate quarterly among the Members' representatives. Secretarial assistance shall be the responsibility of the ILC Chairman.

(c) The function of the ILC will be to provide a forum for discussion of agenda items prior to Council meetings to advise the Director of the Members' views on such agenda items, and with the Director, to develop the final agenda. It shall be the duty of the Director or his representative to brief the ILC on each agenda item at these meetings.

(d) The ILC may meet at other times upon the call of the Chairman or Director, to consider other items.

(e) Draft agenda items shall be submitted to ILC representatives at least 30 days prior to the Council meeting. The ILC shall meet at least 20 days prior to the Council meeting. Final Council agenda material shall be submitted to the Members at least 7 days prior to the Council meeting.

(f) All ILC meetings will be open except when privileged information is discussed. At such meetings only representatives of Members shall be present.

[43 FR 25945, June 15, 1978, as amended at 45 FR 58834, Sept. 5, 1980]
§ 701.55 - Associate Members.

(a) The Chairman, with concurrence of the Council, may invite the heads of other Federal agencies having authorities and responsibilities relating to the work of the Council to become Associate Members. Associate Members, on the same terms and conditions as Members, may designate persons, in accordance with the same procedure identified in § 701.53(a), to serve for them as Associate Members.

(b) Associate Members may participate with Members in consideration of all matters relating to their areas of responsibility, except that their concurrence on a decision of the Council is not required.

§ 701.56 - Observers.

(a) Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of River Basin Commissions established under Title II of the Act shall be Observers.

(b) The Chairman, with the concurrence of the Council, may invite the heads of offices or other officials of the Executive Office of the President or other Federal agencies to become Observers.

(c) Observers may designate persons to attend Council meetings of Members. Observers will be furnished agenda and other materials on the same basis as Associate Members.

§ 701.57 - Official decisions of the Council.

Official decisions of the Council shall be of record. Such decisions shall be recorded in accepted minutes of duly called regular or special meetings or set forth in resolutions, memoranda, or other documents approved by Members. Decisions which would affect the authority and responsibilities of heads of other Federal agencies, including Associate Members, within the meaning of section 3(b) of the Act, shall only be made during a regular or special meeting of Members and recorded in the minutes thereof.

§ 701.58 - Task forces.

The Director with Council concurrence or the Council may establish task forces from time to time to aid in the preparation of issues for presentation to the Council.

(a) Any Member, Associate Member, or Observer may provide representation on each task force.

(b) The Director or the Council may designate the chairman of each task force.

(c) For each task force, the Director or the Council shall set forth the purpose and specific functions of each task force and their termination dates in establishing such task forces. Such charter documents shall also identify the relationship of each task force to functions of the Council.

(d) Each duly constituted task force will be provided administrative and secretarial support by the Water Resources Council Staff to the extent possible, directly or through arrangements with other Federal agencies.

§ 701.59 - Advisory committees.

The Council may establish standing and ad hoc advisory committees. The establishment, operation, and termination of such committees shall be in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463) and other pertinent law and directives.

§ 701.60 - Procedures for revision of rules and regulations.

Revisions proposed by the Water Resources Council Members to the Principles and Standards Manual of Procedures promulgated as rules and regulations by the Water Resources Council are to be submitted in writing by one or more Members of the Water Resouces Council to the Director, Water Resources Council, to be handled as an action item in accordance with § 701.53. Proposed revisons adopted by the Council in accordance with § 701.53 will be published in the Federal Register as proposed interim, or final changes. Proposed or interim changes shall be subject to a minimum 60-day public comment period; after the comment period, the Water Resources Council will publich notice that the revision is final as written or as changed to reflect comment or is revoked. Final changes will not be subject to a public comment period following publication in the Federal Register and will become effective when published or at specified date.

[44 FR 72584, Dec. 14, 1979]
§ 701.71 - The Chairman.

(a) The Chairman shall preside at Council Meetings of Members.

(b) The Chairman is the official spokesman of the Council and represents it in its relations with the Congress, the States, Federal agencies, persons, or the public. He shall from time to time report, on behalf of the Council, to the President. He shall keep the Council apprised of his actions under this section.

(c) The Chairman shall request the heads of other Federal agencies to participate with the Council when matters affecting their responsibilities are considered by the Council.

(d) In the case of absence, disability, or vacancy, the acting Chairman shall be, in order of precedence, as designated (1) by the President (2) by the Chairman from among the Members, or (3) by the Council from among the Members.

§ 701.76 - The Water Resources Council Staff.

The Water Resources Council Staff (hereinafter the Staff) serves the Council and the Chairman in the performance of their functions and in the exercise of their authorities in accordance with the Act, the rules and regulations and other decisions of the Council, and all other laws, rules, regulations, and orders applicable to the Water Resources Council, and will be organized in accordance with a structure approved by the Council.

§ 701.77 - Director—duties and responsibilities.

The Director shall serve as the principal executive officer for the Council and as the head of the staff, and shall see to the faithful execution of the policies, programs, and decisions of the Council; report thereon to the Council from time to time or as the Council may direct; administer the office and staff of the Council within the limits of the Annual Budget and the Annual Operating Program related thereto; make recommendations to the Council and the Chairman relating to the performance of their functions and the exercise of their authorities; and facilitate the work of the Council and the Chairman. His duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a) Acting for the Chairman, represents the Council in its relations with the Congress, States, Federal agencies, persons, or the public under the general supervision and direction of the Council.

(b) Establishes the line of succession as Acting Director among the other officers of the Council below the Deputy Director.

(c) Directs the Staff in its service to the Council and the Chairman in the performance of their functions and in the exercise of their authorities. The Director is responsible to the council for the organization of the Staff, employment and discharge of personnel, training and personnel development program, assignment of duties and responsibilities, and the conduct of its work.

(d) Insures that the quality of the work of the Staff in its studies, reports, and in other assignments is high that the professional integrity of its personnel is respected, and that its overall perspective and independence of judgment with regard to water and related land resources matters is approximately maintained within the context of the inter-agency, intergovernmental, and other staff collaboration that is both necessary and desirable in the fulfillment of the purpose of the Council as set forth in § 701.3.

(e) Prepares and recommends reports on legislation, Executive orders, and other documents requested of the Council.

(f) Prepares and recommends an Annual Budget request in accordance with policies, rules, and regulations applicable thereto. During its consideration by the Office of Management and Budget the President and the Congress, the Director shall seek acceptance of the proposed Annual Budget by every appropriate means. On behalf of the Council, he is authorized in his descretion to make appeals and agree to adjustments. However, to the extent that time and circumstances permit, he shall consult with and obtain the approval of the Council on all substantial appeals and adjustments.

(g) Prepares and recommends the Annual Operating Program to carry out the work of the Council, within the appropriations provided by the Congress and allowances approved by the Office of Management and Budget.

(h) Prepares and recommends proposed rules and regulations, including proposed delegations of authority, for carrying out the provisions of the Act, or other provisions of law which are administered by the Council.

(i) Prepares and recommends reports and materials for public information that are explanatory of the work and accomplishments of the Council.

(j) Appoints staff representatives to each task force established pursuant to § 701.58.

(k) Establishes and enforces administrative rules and regulations pertaining to the Staff consistent with applicable laws, Executive Orders, Budget Circulars, and other regulations and orders.

§ 701.78 - Director—delegation of authorities.

(a) Under the authority of section 403 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 1962d-2), the Director is delegated authority to:

(1) Hold hearings, sit and act at such times and places, take such testimony, receive such evidence, and print or otherwise reproduce and distribute so much of its proceedings and reprints thereon as he may deem advisable.

(2) Acquire, furnish, and equip such office space as is necessary.

(3) Use the U.S. mails in the same manner and upon the same conditions as other departments and agencies of the United States.

(4) Employ and fix compensation of all personnel as the Director deems advisable in accordance with the civil service laws and the Classification Act of 1949, as amended; assign duties and responsibilities among such personnel and supervise personnel so employed.

(5) Procure services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 3109), at rates not in excess of the daily equivalent of the rate prescribed for grade GS-18 under section 5332 of Title 5 of the United States Code in the case of individual experts or consultants.

(6) Purchase, hire, operate, and maintain passenger motor vehicles.

(7) Utilize and expend such funds as are deemed advisable for proper administration of the authorities delegated herein. However, contract and individual modifications there of in excess of $100,000 or which involve significant policy decisions shall be submitted to the Council for approval before execution.

(8) Request any Federal department or agency (i) to furnish to the Council such information as may be necessary for carrying out its functions and as may be available to or procurable by such department or agency, and (ii) to detail personnel to temporary duty with the Council on a reimbursable basis.

(9) Make available for public inspection during ordinary office hours all appropriate records and papers of the Council.

(10) Compute and certify for payment funds to the States in accordance with standards and formula approved by the Council, and perform related functions of the Council contained in section 305 of the Act.

(11) Serve as a duly authorized representative of the Chairman of the Council for the purpose of audit and examination of any pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of the recipient of a grant under Title III of the Act, and recommend to the Chairman the appointment of further representatives as may be necessary for such function.

(12) Review, for compliance, State programs approved under Title III; conduct full inquiries as the Council may direct; and recommend for Council decision such withholding or reinstatement of payments as is appropriate and authorized by section 304 of the Act.

(13) Serve as the “responsible agency official” under part 705 of these rules and regulations.

(b) The authorities delegated in this section may be redelegated by the Director to the extent determined by him to be necessary and desirable for proper administration.

§ 701.79 - Selection policy for professional personnel.

In the selection for employment of the professional staff as a whole, the Director shall be guided by the following criteria:

(a) Outstanding character and competence—both personal and professional.

(b) Spread and balance of training and experience in the several relevant professions—ecology; economics; economic geography; engineering; fish and wildlife biology; forestry; hydrology; irrigation; landscape architecture; law; political science; recreation; sanitary engineering; soil conservation; urban and other land planning; etc.

(c) Diversity of prior identification and experience, both planning and operating in Washington and in the field; including personnel with prior identification and experience with Federal, State, or local government, private enterprise, or university teaching and research.

authority: Sec. 402, Pub. L. 89-80; 79 Stat. 244, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1962-1962d-5), unless otherwise noted
cite as: 18 CFR 701.56