Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 19 - Customs Duties last revised: Sep 10, 2024
§ 142.11 - Entry summary form.

(a) CBP Form 7501. The entry summary must be on the CBP Form 7501, or its electronic equivalent, unless a different form or format is prescribed elsewhere in this chapter. CBP Form 7501, or its electronic equivalent, must be used for merchandise formally entered for consumption, formally entered for warehouse, or rewarehouse in accordance with § 144.11 of this chapter, and formally entered temporarily under bond under § 10.31 of this chapter. The entry summary for merchandise which may be entered free of duty in accordance with § 10.1(g) or (h) may be on CBP Form 3311, or its electronic equivalent, instead of on a CBP Form 7501 (or its electronic equivalent). For merchandise entitled to be entered under an informal entry, see § 143.23 of this chapter.

(b) Extra copies. The CBP may require additional copies of the entry summary if filed in paper.

[CBP Dec. No. 15-14, 80 FR 61289, Oct. 13, 2015]
§ 142.12 - Time for filing or submission for preliminary review.

(a) At option of importer—(1) Filing. Except as provided in § 142.13, the importer may file the entry summary documentation at the time of entry in which case the entry summary, with estimated duties attached, shall serve as both the entry and the entry summary.

(2) Submission for preliminary review. If the importer intends to file the entry summary documentation at the time of entry, he may submit the entry summary documentation for preliminary review before arrival of the merchandise, in accordance with § 141.63(a) of this chapter. After preliminary review is completed, the entry summary shall be returned to the importer for filing in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(b) When required. If the importer is not required to file the entry summary documentation at the time of entry under the provisions of § 142.13, or if he does not elect to do so, the entry summary documentation shall be filed, with estimated duties attached, within 10 working days after the time of entry.

(c) Estimated duties. Estimated duties, if any, shall be deposited in accordance with the provisions of subpart G of part 141 of this chapter.

§ 142.13 - When entry summary must be filed at time of entry.

(a) Authority of CBP. The CBP may require that the entry summary documentation be filed and that estimated duties, if any, be deposited at the time of entry before the merchandise is released if the importer:

(1) Has failed repeatedly to file timely entry summary documentation without justification,

(2) Has not taken prompt action to settle a claim for liquidated damages issued under § 142.15 for failure to file entry summary documentation timely, or a claim for liquidated damages issued under the basic importation and entry bond for failure to deposit estimated duties, taxes and charges timely, as provided in such bond. “Prompt action” means that the importer, within the time specified in a claim for liquidated damages, shall petition for relief or pay the amount claimed and, in appropriate cases, file the entry summary documentation and deposit estimated duties, if any, or

(3) Has repeatedly delivered entry summary documentation, which is incomplete or which contains erroneous information.

(4) Is substantially or habitually delinquent in the payment of Customs bills. See § 142.14.

(b) Special classes of merchandise—(1) Quota-class merchandise. Quota-class merchandise shall not be released upon delivery of entry documentation before presentation of:

(i) An entry summary for consumption with estimated duties attached; or

(ii) A withdrawal for consumption with estimated duties attached; or

(iii) An entry summary for consumption, without the estimated duties attached, if the entry/entry summary information and a valid scheduled statement date have been successfully received by Customs via the Automated Broker Interface. (See part 132 and § 24.25 of this chapter.)

(2) Other classes of merchandise. Entry summary documentation, with estimated duties attached, or a withdrawal for consumption with estimated duties attached, or an entry summary for consumption, without the estimated duties attached if the entry/entry summary information and a valid scheduled statement date have previously been transmitted to Customs via the Automated Broker Interface (see § 24.25 of this chapter) shall be filed at the time of entry before release of any other merchandise of a class designated by Customs Headquarters.

(c) [Reserved]

(d) Brokers; restriction. A broker shall not circumvent an action taken under this section by applying for release of the importer's merchandise in the broker's name and under the broker's bond.

[T.D. 79-221, 44 FR 46821, Aug. 9, 1979, as amended by T.D. 89-104, 54 FR 50498, Dec. 7, 1989; T.D. 93-37, 58 FR 30984, May 28, 1993; T.D. 95-77, 60 FR 50020, Sept. 27, 1995; CBP Dec. No. 16-26, 81 FR 93020, Dec. 20, 2016]
§ 142.14 - Delinquent payment of Customs bills.

The following procedure shall be followed if an importer is substantially or habitually delinquent in the payment of Customs bills:

(a) Notice. The importer shall be advised in writing by the port director in which he is substantially or habitually delinquent that he shall file the entry summary documentation with estimated duties attached, before his merchandise may be released from Customs custody at that port. The notice shall state the reason for the action and advise the importer that if payment of all his delinquent Customs bills is not made within 10 working days from the date of the notice, he shall be required to file the entry summary document with estimated duties attached, before his merchandise may be released. In either case, the entry summary shall serve as both the entry and the entry summary.

(b) Removal of requirement by port. If the importer pays all his delinquent Customs bills within 10 working days after the date of the notice, the requirement shall be removed, and the importer need file only the entry documentation specified in § 142.3 to secure release of his merchandise.

(c) Removal of requirement by Headquarters. If the importer has not paid all his delinquent Customs bills within 10 working days after the date of the notice, he also shall be required to file the entry summary documentation, with estimated duties attached, at each Customs port. In this case, the entry summary shall serve as both the entry and the entry summary. This requirement shall remain in effect in each port of entry until notification is received from Headquarters that the requirement is removed and that the importer need submit only the entry documentation listed in § 142.3 to secure release of his merchandise.

§ 142.15 - Failure to file entry summary timely.

If the entry summary documentation is not filed timely, the port director shall make an immediate demand for liquidated damages in the entire amount of the bond in the case of a single entry bond. When the transaction has been charged against a continuous bond, the demand shall be for the amount that would have been demanded if the merchandise had been released under a single entry bond. Any application to cancel liquidated damages incurred shall be made in accordance with part 172 of this chapter.

(R.S. 251, as amended, secs. 623, as amended, 624, 46 Stat. 759, as amended (19 U.S.C. 66,1623,1624.D. 79-221, 44 FR 46821, Aug. 9, 1979, as amended by T.D. 84-213, 49 FR 41185, Oct. 19, 1984]
§ 142.16 - Entry summary documentation.

(a) Entry summary not filed at time of entry. When the entry documentation is filed in paper before the entry summary documentation, one copy of the entry document and the commercial invoice, or the documentation filed in place of a commercial invoice in the instances listed in § 141.83(d) of this chapter, will be returned to the importer after CBP authorizes release of the merchandise. Entry documentation may also be transmitted electronically to the CBP Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) or any other CBP-authorized electronic data interchange system. The importer may use these documents in preparing the entry summary, CBP Form 7501, or its electronic equivalent, and must file them with the entry summary documentation within the time period stated in § 142.12(b). The entry summary documentation also must include any other documentation required for a particular shipment unless a bond for missing documentation is on file, as provided in § 141.66 of this chapter.

(b) Entry summary filed at time of entry. When the entry summary documentation is filed or transmitted electronically at time of entry, the documentation listed in § 142.3 must be filed at the same time, except that CBP Form 3461 or 7533, or their electronic equivalents, will not be required. The importer also must file any additional invoice required for a particular shipment.

[CBP Dec. 15-14, 80 FR 61289, Oct. 13, 2015]
§ 142.17 - One entry summary for multiple entries.

(a) Requirements. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the Center director may permit the filing of one entry summary for merchandise the subject of separate entries if:

(1) The merchandise has the same country of exportation, and the same country of origin,

(2) The merchandise arrives by land, by the same vessel or by the same air carrier,

(3) The merchandise is consigned to the same consignee,

(4) The time between the date of the first entry and the date of the last entry does not exceed 1 week,

(5) The entry summary document is filed within 10 working days from the date of the first entry, and

(6) Each entry is identified separately by entry number on the entry summary.

(b) Merchandise not eligible. One entry summary shall not be used for multiple entries of the following:

(1) Quota-class merchandise,

(2) Prohibited merchandise,

(3) Merchandise subject to restrictions which require processing and documentation more frequently than on a weekly basis,

(4) Merchandise for which liquidation has been withheld, and

(5) Merchandise classifiable under the same Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States subheading number, to the eight-digit level having different rates of duty for which entries or immediate transportation entries have been filed. However, this provision is not applicable in the following circumstances:

(i) Entries. Entries may be consolidated if the time of entry is:

(A) Before the date of change in rate of duty, or

(B) On or after the date of change in rate of duty.

(ii) Immediate transportation entries. Immediate transportation entries may be consolidated if the date of acceptance is:

(A) Before the date of change in the rate of duty, or

(B) On or after the date of change in rate of duty.

(c) Entry documentation not in proper form. If an entry summary covering multiple entries refers to entry documentation which is not in proper form, the entry summary and the entry documentation shall be returned for correction.

[T.D. 79-221, 44 FR 46821, Aug. 9, 1979, as amended by T.D. 89-1, 53 FR 51262, Dec. 21, 1988]
§ 142.17a - One consolidated entry summary for multiple ultimate consignees.

(a) Applicability. The Center director may permit a broker as nominal consignee to file a consolidated entry summary in his own name under his own bond covering shipments of like or similar merchandise consigned to various ultimate consignees provided that all the merchandise is:

(1) Imported on the same day,

(2) Itemized as to each category of merchandise by Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated subheading to the ten-digit level, and

(3) Released on the same day, either under the entry documentation specified in § 142.3, or under a special permit for immediate delivery. A consolidated entry summary may be filed for merchandise arriving by land, by the same vessel, or by the same air carrier.

(b) Information required on the entry summary—(1) Separate listing according to ultimate consignee. The broker shall list separately on the face of the consolidated entry summary the merchandise for each ultimate consignee, together with the appropriate entry or special permit numbers.

(2) If different land carriers are involved. If merchandise arriving by different land carriers is included on one entry summary, necessary information pertaining to each carrier shall be shown on the face of the entry summary, related to the applicable shipment.

[T.D. 79-221, 44 FR 46821, Aug. 9, 1979, as amended by T.D. 89-1, 53 FR 51262, Dec. 21, 1988]
§ 142.18 - Entry summary not required for prohibited merchandise.

(a) Exportation or destruction of prohibited merchandise. If merchandise released at time of entry is later found to be prohibited, an authorized CBP official shall demand its return to Customs custody in accordance with § 141.113 of this chapter, and an entry summary and the deposit of estimated duties, if any, shall not be required provided:

(1) An entry for exportation filed using an in-bond application pursuant to part 18 of this chapter, or an application to destroy the merchandise under CBP supervision is made within 10 days after the time of entry, and the exportation or destruction is accomplished promptly, or

(2) An entry for transportation and exportation, filed using an in-bond application pursuant to part 18 of this chapter, is made within 10 days after the time of entry and domestic carriage of the merchandise does not conflict with the requirements of another Federal agency.

(b) Procedures for exportation or destruction. The exportation or destruction of prohibited merchandise as required by paragraph (a) shall be in accordance with §§ 158.41 and 158.45(c) of this chapter.

[T.D. 79-221, 44 FR 46821, Aug. 9, 1979, as amended by CBP Dec. 17-13, 82 FR 45406, Sept. 28, 2017]
§ 142.19 - Release of merchandise under the entry summary.

Merchandise, for which an entry summary serves as both an entry and an entry summary, shall not be released from Customs custody until a bond has been filed, or the entry has been liquidated, as follows:

(a) Bond. Merchandise not designated for examination may be released to, or upon the order of, the carrier if a bond is filed on Customs Form 301, containing the bond conditions set forth in § 113.62 of this chapter. Merchandise designated for examination may be released under the bond after examination has been completed if:

(1) It has been found to be truly and correctly invoiced,

(2) It is entitled to admission into the commerce of the United States, and

(3) Its release is not precluded by any law or regulation. If merchandise is entered by or on behalf of a United States Government department or agency, the stipulation prescribed in § 141.102(d) of this chapter shall be accepted in place of a bond.

(b) After liquidation. If a bond has not been filed in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, the merchandise shall not be released before:

(1) The entry has been liquidated and the full amount of all duties and taxes due, including dumping or other special duties and charges, has been paid, or the right to free entry established.

(2) The port director determines that the merchandise may be admitted into the commerce of the United States, and

(3) All documents relating to the merchandise which are required by law or regulation have been filed.

(R.S. 251, as amended, secs. 623, as amended, 624, 46 Stat. 759, as amended (19 U.S.C. 66,1623,1624.D. 79-221, 44 FR 46821, Aug. 9, 1979, as amended by T.D. 84-213, 49 FR 41185, Oct. 19, 1984]
authority: 19 U.S.C. 66,1448,1484,1624
source: T.D. 79-221, 44 FR 46821, Aug. 9, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 19 CFR 142.15