Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 19 - Customs Duties last revised: Sep 10, 2024
§ 144.31 - Right to withdraw.

Withdrawals from bonded warehouse may be made only by the person primarily liable for the payment of duties on the merchandise being withdrawn, i.e., the importer of record on the warehouse entry, the actual owner if an actual owner's declaration and superseding bond have been filed in accordance with § 141.20 of this chapter, or the transferee if the right to withdraw the merchandise has been transferred in accordance with subpart C of this part. No new declaration of the consignee or agent is required.

§ 144.32 - Statement of quantity; charges and liens.

(a) On each withdrawal. Each withdrawal filed shall have indicated thereon, preferably in the lower part of the left-hand margin if there is no space designated on the form for such information, a summary statement of the account to which it is related. The statement shall indicate:

(1) The quantity (i.e., the number of outer containers, or tons, etc.) in the warehouse account before the withdrawal;

(2) The quantity being withdrawn; and

(3) The quantity remaining in warehouse after the withdrawal. The quantity in each instance may be shown as a cumulative total event though it may include a group of varied units such as boxes, cases, or cartons, and may consist of more than one commodity, such as distilled spirits, chinaware, etc.

(b) Transferred merchandise. When all or a portion of an original lot has been transferred to a new owner in accordance with subpart C of this part, each withdrawal by the transferee shall show only the quantity on hand in the transferee's name before the withdrawal, the quantity being withdrawn by the transferee, and the transferred quantity remaining in the warehouse after the withdrawal. The quantity retained by the original importer and the quantity transferred shall be treated as separate accounts.

(c) Charges and liens. Upon receipt of an application to withdraw merchandise the appropriate Customs officer shall determine whether there are any cartage, storage, labor, or any other charges due the Government in connection with the goods remaining unpaid or whether there is on file any notice of lien filed by a carrier. If there are no charges or liens or all charges and liens have been satisfied, and all other requirements of law or regulations have been met, the application to withdraw shall be approved.

[T.D. 73-175, 38 FR 17464, July 2, 1973, as amended by T.D. 82-204, 47 FR 49376, Nov. 1, 1982; T.D. 86-118, 51 FR 22516, June 20, 1986]
§ 144.33 - Minimum quantities to be withdrawn.

Unless by special authority of the Commissioner of Customs, merchandise shall not be withdrawn from bonded warehouse in quantities less than an entire bale, cask, box, or other package, or, if in bulk, in quantities less than 1 ton in weight or the entire quantity imported, whichever is smaller.

§ 144.34 - Transfer to another warehouse.

(a) At the same port. With the concurrence of the proprietors of the delivering and receiving warehouses, merchandise may be transferred from one bonded warehouse to another at the same port under Customs supervision and at the expense of the importer upon his written request to the port director, who shall issue an order for such transfer on Customs Form 6043. However, the port director may require the filing of a rewarehouse entry under § 144.41 if he determines it necessary for proper control of the merchandise. All charges shall be paid before merchandise is transferred from a warehouse of class 1 (see § 19.1 of this chapter for classes of warehouses). The quantities of goods so transferred shall be subject to the joint determination of the warehouse proprietor and the cartman, lighterman, or private bonded carrier, as provided in § 19.6 of this chapter.

(b) At another port. Merchandise may be transferred to a warehouse which is under the jurisdiction of another port by withdrawing the merchandise for transportation in accordance with § 144.36 and entering it for rewarehouse in accordance with § 144.41 upon arrival at destination. All charges shall be paid before merchandise is transferred from the warehouse of class 1 (see § 19.1 of this chapter for classes of warehouses).

(c) Transfers between integrated bonded warehouses—(1) Eligibility. (i) Only an importer who will transfer warehoused merchandise among Class 2 and 9 warehouses listed on the application in paragraph (c)(2) of this section is eligible to participate.

(ii) The importer must have a centralized inventory control system that shows the location of all of the warehoused merchandise at all times, including merchandise in transit.

(iii) The importer and its surety must sign the application. If the application to use this alternative procedure is approved by the appropriate port director, the importer's entry bond containing the conditions provided under § 113.62 of this chapter will continue to attach to any merchandise transferred under these alternative procedures.

(iv) Each proprietor of a warehouse listed on the application and each surety who underwrites that proprietor's custodial bond coverage under § 113.63 of this chapter shall sign the application.

(2) Application. Application must be made in writing to the port director of the port in which the applicant's centralized inventory control system exists, with copies to all affected port directors, for exemptions from the requirements for transfer of merchandise from one bonded warehouse to another set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. The application must list all bonded warehouses to and from which the merchandise may be transferred; all such warehouses must be covered by the same centralized inventory control system. Only blanket exemption requests will be considered; exemptions will not be considered for individual transfers. The application may be in letter form, signed by all participants, and contain a certification to the port director by the applicant that he maintains accounting records, documents and financial statements and reports that adequately support Customs activities.

(3) Operation. An importer who receives approval to transfer merchandise between bonded warehouses in accordance with the provisions of this section may, after entry into the first warehouse, transfer that merchandise to any other warehouse without filing a withdrawal from warehouse or a rewarehouse entry. The warehoused merchandise will be treated as though it remains in the first warehouse so long as the actual location of the merchandise at all times is recorded as provided under the provisions of this section.

(4) Inventory control requirements. The records required to be maintained must include a centralized inventory control system and supporting documentation which meets the following requirements:

(i) Provide Customs upon demand with the proper on-hand balance of each inventory item in each warehouse facility and each storage location within each warehouse;

(ii) Provide Customs upon demand with the proper on-hand balance for each open warehouse entry and the actual quantity in each warehouse facility;

(iii) If an alternative inventory system has been approved, provide Customs upon demand with the proper on-hand balance for each unique identifier and the quantity related to each open warehouse entry and the quantity in each warehouse facility;

(iv) Maintain documentation for all intracompany movements, including authorizations for the movement, shipping documents and receiving reports. These documents must show the appropriate warehouse entry number or unique identifier, the description and quantity of the merchandise transferred, and must be properly authorized and signed evidencing shipment from and delivery to each location;

(v) Maintain a consolidated permit file folder at the location where the merchandise was originally warehoused. The consolidated permit file folder must meet the requirements of § 19.12(d)(4) of this chapter regardless of the warehouse facility in which the action occurred. Documentation for all intracompany movements, including authorizations for movement, shipping documents, receiving reports, as well as documentation showing ultimate disposition of the merchandise must be filed in the consolidated permit file folder within seven business days;

(vi) Maintain a subordinate permit file at all intracompany locations where merchandise is transferred containing copies of documentation required by § 19.12(d)(4) of this chapter and by paragraph (c)(3)(v) of this section relating to merchandise quantities transferred to the location. A copy of all documents in the subordinate permit file folder must be filed in the consolidated permit file folder within seven business days; no exceptions will be granted to this requirement. When the final withdrawal is made on the respective entry, the subordinate permit file shall be considered closed and filed at the intracompany location to which the merchandise was transferred; and

(vii) File the withdrawal from Customs custody at the original warehouse location at which the merchandise was entered.

(5) Waiver of permit file folder requirements. The permit file folder requirements of paragraphs (c)(3)(v) and (c)(3)(vi) of this section may be waived if the proprietor's recordkeeping and inventory control system qualifies under the requirements of § 19.12(d)(4)(iii) of this chapter at all locations where bonded merchandise is stored.

(6) Procedure not available—(i) Liens. The transfer procedures permitted under paragraph (c) of this section shall not be available for merchandise with respect to which Customs is notified of the existence of a lien, as prescribed in § 141.112 of this chapter (see 19 U.S.C. 1564), until proof shall be produced at the original warehouse location that the lien has been satisfied or discharged.

(ii) Restricted merchandise. With the exception of alcohol and tobacco products, merchandise subject to a restriction on release such as covered by a licensing, quota or visa requirement, is not eligible.

[T.D. 73-175, 38 FR 17464, July 2, 1973, as amended by T.D. 82-204, 47 FR 49376, Nov. 1, 1982; T.D. 97-19, 62 FR 15840, Apr. 3, 1997]
§ 144.35 - Withdrawal of vessel and aircraft supplies and equipment.

Supplies and equipment for vessels and aircraft may be withdrawn from warehouse under the procedures set forth in this subpart and in §§ 10.59 through 10.65 of this chapter.

§ 144.36 - Withdrawal for transportation.

(a) Time limit. Merchandise may be withdrawn from warehouse for transportation to another port of entry if withdrawal for consumption or exportation can be accomplished at the port of destination before the expiration of the warehousing period.

(b) Physical deposit in warehouse not needed. All or any part of the merchandise covered by an entry summary, Customs Form 7501, or its electronic equivalent, may be withdrawn for transportation without deposit in a bonded warehouse and may be permitted to remain on the vessel or other vehicle or on the pier in a constructive warehouse status pending examination. When any such merchandise not deposited in a warehouse is not forwarded under the withdrawal for transportation on account of damage or other cause, the importer shall be required to withdraw such merchandise immediately for consumption or exportation, or designate a warehouse to which it may be sent and, upon his failure to do so, it shall be treated as unclaimed.

(c) Form. (1) A withdrawal for transportation shall be filed by submitting an in-bond application pursuant to part 18 of this chapter.

(2) Separate withdrawals for transportation from a single warehouse, via a single conveyance, consigned to the same consignee, and deposited into a single warehouse, can be filed using one in-bond application, under one control number, provided that the information for each withdrawal, as required in paragraph (d) of this section is provided in the in-bond application for certification by CBP. With the exception of alcohol and tobacco products, this procedure will not be allowed for merchandise that is in any way restricted (for example, quota/visa).

(3) The requirement that an in-bond application be filed and the information required in paragraph (d) of this section be shown will not be required if the merchandise qualifies under the exemption in § 144.34(c).

(d) Information required. In addition to the statement of quantity required by § 144.32, the following information for the merchandise being withdrawn must be provided in the in-bond application:

(1) The original entry number, date of entry, date of entry summary, and port at which filed;

(2) The name of the consignee at the port of destination;

(3) Any ascertained weight, gauge, or measure;

(4) The entered value of the merchandise;

(5) Estimated duties, if any;

(6) A statement that the merchandise is or is not admissible for consumption and the reason for non-admissibility, if applicable; and

(7) The statistical information required by § 141.61(e) of this chapter.

When the withdrawal is made after the merchandise has been rewarehoused, the rewarehouse entry number, date, and port at which filed also shall be shown.

(e) Duty on samples withdrawn. The duty on any samples withdrawn at the original port from a shipment covered by a withdrawal for transportation shall be collected at such port and a notation thereof made on the withdrawal form. No separate invoice or extract from the original invoice shall be required to cover such samples.

(f) Forwarding procedure. The merchandise must be forwarded in accordance with the general provisions for transportation in bond (§§ 18.1 through 18.9 of this chapter). However, when the alternate procedures for transfers between integrated bonded warehouses under § 144.34(c) are employed, the merchandise need not be delivered to a bonded carrier for transportation, and an entry for transportation and a rewarehouse entry will not be required.

(g) Procedure at destination. Upon arrival at destination, the merchandise may be:

(1) Entered for rewarehouse in accordance with § 144.41;

(2) Entered for combined rewarehouse and withdrawal for consumption in accordance with § 144.42;

(3) Exported in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section;

(4) Forwarded to another port or returned to the origination port in accordance with §§ 18.5(c) or 18.9 of this chapter;

(5) Admitted to a foreign trade zone in zone-restricted status as provided in part 146 of this chapter; or

(6) Deposited into the proprietor's bonded warehouse or duty free store warehouse without rewarehouse entry as required in § 144.41, if the merchandise qualifies for the exemption specified in § 144.34(c).

(h) Exportation. A consignee of merchandise withdrawn for transportation who desires to export the merchandise upon arrival at destination shall so advise the port director at destination in writing. The port director shall then permit the exportation of the merchandise under Customs supervision in the same manner as a withdrawal for indirect exportation under § 144.37.

[T.D. 73-175, 38 FR 17464, July 2, 1973, as amended by T.D. 79-221, 44 FR 46828, Aug. 9, 1979; T.D. 84-129, 49 FR 23168, June 5, 1984; T.D. 84-212, 49 FR 39047, Oct. 3, 1984; T.D. 86-16, 51 FR 5064, Feb. 11, 1986; T.D. 86-118, 51 FR 22516, June 20, 1986; T.D. 97-19, 62 FR 15841, Apr. 3, 1997; CBP Dec. 15-14, 80 FR 61290, Oct. 13, 2015; CBP Dec. 17-13, 82 FR 45406, Sept. 28, 2017]
§ 144.37 - Withdrawal for exportation.

(a) Form. A withdrawal for either direct or indirect exportation must be filed by submitting an in-bond application pursuant to part 18 of this chapter or on CBP Form 7501 in 3 copies for merchandise being exported under cover of a TIR carnet. The in-bond application or CBP Form 7501 must contain all of the statistical information as provided in § 141.61(e) of this chapter. The port director may require an extra copy or copies of CBP Form 7501 for use in connection with the delivery of merchandise to the carrier.

(b) Procedure for indirect exportation—(1) Forwarding. Merchandise withdrawn for indirect exportation (transportation and exportation) must be forwarded to the port of exportation in accordance with the general provisions for transportation in bond (part 18 of this chapter).

(2) Dividing of shipments. The dividing up for exportation of shipments arriving under warehouse withdrawals for indirect exportation will be permitted only when various portions of a shipment are destined to different destinations, when the export vessel cannot properly accommodate the entire quantity, or in other similar circumstances. In the case of merchandise moving under cover of a TIR carnet, if the merchandise is not to be exported or if the shipment is to be divided, appropriate entry will be required and the carnet discharged. The provisions of §§ 18.23 and 18.24 of this chapter concerning change of destination or retention of merchandise on the dock must also be followed in applicable cases.

(c) Exportation by mail. Merchandise may be withdrawn from warehouse for exportation by mail in accordance with the provisions of subpart F of part 145 of this chapter.

(d) Marks on packages. The exportation must be made under the original marks of importation. Port marks may be added by authority of the port director under CBP supervision. The original and port marks must appear in all CBP papers pertaining to the exportation.

(e) Weight, gauge, or measure. Merchandise in bulk and packaged articles which are customarily bought and sold by weight, gauge, or measure may be withdrawn for exportation or transportation only at the actual quantities ascertained at the time of the original entry for warehouse, except as otherwise provided for by law. In any case, the port director may require a special report of weight, gauge, or measure of the merchandise being exported if he deems it necessary.

(f) Merchandise not laden. Merchandise withdrawn for exportation but not laden must be sent to general order unless other disposition is prescribed by the port director.

(g) Exportation at a foreign trade zone. Merchandise may be withdrawn for exportation at a foreign trade zone in the same or at a different port. The merchandise will be considered exported upon admission to a zone in zone-restricted status, as provided in § 146.44(c) of this chapter.

(h) Class 9 warehouse withdrawals for exportation—(1) Applicability of sales ticket procedure. Merchandise in a Class 9 warehouse (duty-free store) may be withdrawn for any of the purposes set forth in this subpart. However, only conditionally duty-free merchandise in a Class 9 warehouse intended for exportation or for delivery to persons and organizations set forth in subpart I, part 148, of this chapter, will be eligible for withdrawal under the sales ticket procedure specified in this paragraph.

(2) Sales ticket content and handling. Sales ticket withdrawals must be made only under a blanket permit to withdrawal (see § 19.6(d) of this chapter) and the sales ticket will serve as the equivalent of the supplementary withdrawal. A sales ticket is an invoice of the proprietor's design which will include:

(i) Serial number and date of preparation of each ticket;

(ii) Warehouse entry number or specific identifier, if approved by the port director;

(iii) Quantity of goods sold;

(iv) Brief description of the articles including the size of bottles;

(v) The full name and address of the purchaser. However, the port director may waive the address requirement for all merchandise except for alcoholic beverages in quantities in excess of 4 liters and cigarettes in quantities in excess of 3 cartons. Also, the address requirement is not applicable with respect to purchasers at airport duty-free enterprises; and

(vi) A statement on the original copy (purchaser's copy) to the effect that goods purchased in a duty-free store will be subject to duty and/or tax with personal exemption if returned to the United States. At the time of purchase, the original sales ticket must be made out in the name of the purchaser and given to the purchaser. One copy of the sales ticket must be retained by the proprietor. This copy may be maintained electronically. A permit file copy will be attached to the parcel containing the purchased articles unless the proprietor has established and maintained an effective method to match the parcel containing the purchased articles with the purchaser. Additional copies may be retained by the proprietor.

(3) Sales ticket register. In addition to the records required in § 19.12(a) of this chapter, Class 9 warehouse proprietors must maintain a sales ticket register or similar accounting record for each warehouse entry. The sales ticket register of the proprietor must include the following information:

(i) Warehouse entry number;

(ii) Specific identifier, if applicable;

(iii) Sales ticket date and number;

(iv) Description;

(v) Quantity; and

(vi) Current balance.

As each warehouse entry is closed out, the warehouse proprietor must verify the sales ticket register total with the amount withdrawn so as to account for all merchandise so withdrawn and certify on the register that all the goods have been exported or sold to qualifying persons and organizations under part 148 of this chapter. The sales ticket register must be included in the permit file folder with or in lieu of the blanket permit summary, as provided in § 19.6(d)(5) of this chapter. A copy of all sales tickets must be retained by the proprietor for not less than 5 years after the date of the last sales ticket in the entry. In lieu of placing a copy of sales tickets in each permit file folder, the warehouse proprietor may keep all sales tickets in a readily retrievable manner in a separate file. [T.D. 73-175, 38 FR 17464, July 2, 1973] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 144.37, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 144.38 - Withdrawal for consumption.

(a) Form. Withdrawals for consumption of merchandise in bonded warehouses shall be filed on Customs Form 7501, or its electronic equivalent, in triplicate, and shall contain all of the statistical information as provided in § 141.61(e) of this chapter.

(b) Withdrawal for exportation to Canada or Mexico. A withdrawal for exportation to Canada or Mexico or for entry into a duty-deferral program in Canada or Mexico is considered a withdrawal for consumption pursuant to § 181.53 of this chapter.

(c) Information to be shown on withdrawal. Each withdrawal shall show all information for which spaces are provided on the withdrawal form, and shall also show the separate value of each package and the total dutiable value of the merchandise being withdrawn. In the case of merchandise in packages which are uniform in kind, quantity, value, and duty, the number of each package to be withdrawn need not be shown on the withdrawal if the lowest and highest numbers in the number series of such packages are shown. In the case of merchandise subject to quota, or textiles and textile products subject to levels of restraint, the description shall reflect any correction thereof reported after the filing of the warehouse entry. Additionally, on each withdrawal of cigars, cigarettes, or cigarette papers or tubes subject to internal revenue tax, the statement for tax purposes required by § 275.81 of the regulations of the Internal Revenue Service (26 CFR § 275.81) shall be made on the withdrawal form.

(d) Deposit of estimated duties. Estimated duties on the merchandise being withdrawn shall be deposited in accordance with subpart G of part 141 of this chapter. The Center director may increase or decrease the amount of estimated duties to be deposited on the final withdrawal to bring the aggregate amount of duties deposited into balance with the amount which he estimates will be finally due upon liquidation.

(e) Permit for release of merchandise. When the duties and other charges have been paid, and all other requirements of law and regulations have been met, a permit on Customs Form 7501, or its electronic equivalent, shall be issued and delivered to the person making the warehouse withdrawal.

(f) Textiles and textile products. Textiles and textile products subject to quota, visa or export license requirements in their condition at the time of importation may not be withdrawn from warehouse for consumption if during the warehouse period there has been a change by manipulation or other means:

(1) In the country of origin of the merchandise as defined by § 102.21 or § 102.22 of this chapter, as applicable,

(2) To exempt from quota or visa or export license requirements other than a change brought about by statute, treaty, executive order or Presidential proclamation, or

(3) From one textile category to another textile category.

[T.D. 73-175, 38 FR 17464, July 2, 1973] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 144.38, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 144.39 - Permit to transfer and withdraw merchandise.

With the exception of merchandise transferred under the procedures of § 144.34(c), if all legal and regulatory requirements are met, the appropriate Customs officer shall approve the application to transfer or withdraw merchandise from a bonded warehouse by endorsing the permit copy and returning it to the applicant. The approved permit shall be presented by the withdrawer to the warehouse proprietor as evidence of Customs authorization of the transfer or withdrawal. The approved permit copy shall thereafter be retained in the warehouse entry file of the proprietor. Goods covered by permit may be retained in the bonded warehouse at the option of the proprietor.

[T.D. 82-204, 47 FR 49376, Nov. 1, 1982, as amended by T.D. 97-19, 62 FR 15842, Apr. 3, 1997]
source: T.D. 73-175, 38 FR 17464, July 2, 1973, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 19 CFR 144.39