Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 19 - Customs Duties last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 191.171 - General; drawback allowance.
(a) General. Section 313(p) of the Act, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1313(p)), provides for drawback on the basis of qualified articles which consist of either petroleum derivatives that are imported, duty-paid, and qualified for drawback under the unused merchandise drawback law (19 U.S.C. 1313(j)(1)), or petroleum derivatives that are manufactured or produced in the United States, and qualified for drawback under the manufacturing drawback law (19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b)).
(b) Allowance of drawback. Drawback may be granted under 19 U.S.C. 1313(p):
(1) In cases where there is no manufacture, upon exportation of the imported article, an article of the same kind and quality, or any combination thereof; or
(2) In cases where there is a manufacture or production, upon exportation of the manufactured or produced article, an article of the same kind and quality, or any combination thereof.
(c) Merchandise processing fees. In cases where the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section have been met, merchandise processing fees will be eligible for drawback.
(d) Federal excise tax. For purposes of drawback of internal revenue tax imposed under Chapters 32 and 38 (with the exception of Subchapter A of Chapter 38) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (IRC), drawback granted on the export of substituted merchandise will be limited to the amount of taxes paid (and not returned by refund, credit, or drawback) on the substituted merchandise.
[T.D. 98-16, 63 FR 11006, Mar. 5, 1998, as amended by T.D. 02-16, 67 FR 16637, Apr. 8, 2002; CBP Dec. 04-33, 69 FR 60083, Oct. 7, 2004; USCBP-2018-0029, 83 FR 65067, Dec. 18, 2018]
§ 191.172 - Definitions.
The following are definitions for purposes of this subpart only:
(a) Qualified article. “Qualified article” means an article described in headings 2707, 2708, 2710 through 2715, 2901, 2902, 2909.19.14, or 3901 through 3914 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). In the case of an article described in headings 3901 through 3914, the definition covers the article in its primary forms as provided in Note 6 to chapter 39 of the HTSUS.
(b) Same kind and quality article. “Same kind and quality article” means an article which is commercially interchangeable with, or which is referred to under the same 8-digit classification of the HTSUS as, the article to which it is compared. (For example, unleaded gasoline and jet fuel (naphtha or kerosene-type), both falling under the same HTSUS classification (2710.00.15) would be considered same kind and quality articles because they fall under the same 8 digit HTSUS classification, even though they are not “commercially interchangeable”.)
(c) Exported article. “Exported article” means an article which has been exported and is the qualified article, an article of the same kind and quality as the qualified article, or any combination thereof.
[T.D. 98-16, 63 FR 11006, Mar. 5, 1998, as amended by T.D. 02-16, 67 FR 16637, Apr. 8, 2002]
§ 191.173 - Imported duty-paid derivatives (no manufacture).
When the basis for drawback under 19 U.S.C. 1313(p) is imported duty-paid petroleum derivatives (that is, not articles manufactured under 19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b)), the requirements for drawback are as follows:
(a) Imported duty-paid merchandise. The imported duty-paid merchandise designated for drawback must be a “qualified article” as defined in § 191.172(a) of this subpart;
(b) Exported article. The exported article on which drawback is claimed must be an “exported article” as defined in § 191.172(c) of this subpart;
(c) Exporter. The exporter of the exported article must have either:
(1) Imported the qualified article in at least the quantity of the exported article; or
(2) Purchased or exchanged (directly or indirectly) from an importer an imported qualified article in at least the quantity of the exported article;
(d) Time of export. The exported article must be exported within 180 days after the date of entry of the designated imported duty-paid merchandise; and
(e) Amount of drawback. The amount of drawback payable may not exceed the amount of drawback which would be attributable to the imported qualified article under 19 U.S.C. 1313(j)(1) which serves as the basis for drawback.
[T.D. 98-16, 63 FR 11006, Mar. 5, 1998, as amended by T.D. 02-16, 67 FR 16637, Apr. 8, 2002]
§ 191.174 - Derivatives manufactured under 19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b).
When the basis for drawback under 19 U.S.C. 1313(p) is petroleum derivatives which were manufactured or produced in the United States and qualify for drawback under the manufacturing drawback law (19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b)), the requirements for drawback are as follows:
(a) Merchandise. The merchandise which is the basis for drawback under 19 U.S.C. 1313(p) must:
(1) Have been manufactured or produced as described in 19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b) from crude petroleum or a petroleum derivative; and
(2) Be a “qualified article” as defined in § 191.172(a) of this subpart;
(b) Exported article. The exported article on which drawback is claimed must be an “exported article” as defined in § 191.172(c) of this subpart;
(c) Exporter. The exporter of the exported article must have either:
(1) Manufactured or produced the qualified article in at least the quantity of the exported article; or
(2) Purchased or exchanged (directly or indirectly) from a manufacturer or producer described in 19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b) the qualified article in at least the quantity of the exported article;
(d) Manufacture in specific facility. The qualified article must have been manufactured or produced in a specific petroleum refinery or production facility which must be identified;
(e) Time of export. The exported article must be exported either:
(1) During the period provided for in the manufacturer's or producer's specific manufacturing drawback ruling (see § 191.8 of this part) in which the qualified article is manufactured or produced; or
(2) Within 180 days after the close of the period in which the qualified article is manufactured or produced; and
(f) Amount of drawback. The amount of drawback payable may not exceed the amount of drawback which would be attributable to the article manufactured or produced under 19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b) which serves as the basis for drawback.
§ 191.175 - Drawback claimant; maintenance of records.
(a) Drawback claimant. A drawback claimant under 19 U.S.C. 1313(p) must be the exporter of the exported article, or the refiner, producer, or importer of either the qualified article or the exported article. Any of these persons may designate another person to file the drawback claim.
(b) Certificate of manufacture and delivery or delivery—(1) General. A drawback claimant under 19 U.S.C. 1313(p) must provide a certificate of manufacture and delivery or a certificate of delivery, as applicable, establishing the drawback eligibility of the articles for which drawback is claimed.
(2) Article substituted for the qualified article. (i) Subject to paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section, the manufacturer, producer, or importer of a qualified article may transfer to the exporter an article of the same kind and quality as the qualified article, as so certified, respectively, in a certificate of manufacture and delivery or a certificate of delivery, in a quantity not greater than the quantity of the qualified article.
(ii) Subject to paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section, any intermediate party in the chain of commerce leading to the exporter from the manufacturer, producer, or importer of a qualified article may also transfer to the exporter or to another intermediate party an article of the same kind and quality as the article purchased or exchanged from the prior transferor (whether the manufacturer, producer, importer, or another intermediate transferor), as so certified in a certificate of delivery, in a quantity not greater than the quantity of the article purchased or exchanged.
(iii) Under either paragraph (b)(2)(i) or (b)(2)(ii) of this section, the article transferred, regardless of its origin (imported, manufactured, substituted, or any combination thereof), so designated on a certificate of delivery or, in the case of the manufacturer or producer of a qualified article under 19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b), on a certificate of manufacture and delivery, will be the qualified article eligible for drawback for purposes of section 1313(p), provided that the following conditions are met:
(A) The party who issues the applicable certificate for the transferred article must expressly state on the certificate that the certificate is prepared pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 1313(p) (the article may not be designated for any other drawback purposes);
(B) The party must certify to the Commissioner of Customs on the certificate or an attachment that it has not, and will not, designate on that certificate and on any other such certificates issued a quantity of the article greater than the amount eligible for drawback; and
(C) The party must certify to the Commissioner of Customs on the applicable certificate or on an attachment that it will maintain appropriate records which establish that it has not designated on any such certificates issued a greater quantity than the amount eligible for drawback.
(c) Maintenance of records. The manufacturer, producer, importer, transferor, exporter and drawback claimant of the qualified article and the exported article must all maintain their appropriate records required by this part.
[T.D. 98-16, 63 FR 11006, Mar. 5, 1998, as amended by T.D. 02-16, 67 FR 16637, Apr. 8, 2002]
§ 191.176 - Procedures for claims filed under 19 U.S.C. 1313(p).
(a) Applicability. The general procedures for filing drawback claims shall be applicable to claims filed under 19 U.S.C. 1313(p) unless otherwise specifically provided for in this section.
(b) Administrative efficiency, frequency of claims, and restructuring of claims. The procedures regarding administrative efficiency, frequency of claims, and restructuring of claims (as applicable, see § 191.53 of this part) shall apply to claims filed under this subpart.
(c) Imported duty-paid derivatives (no manufacture). When the basis for drawback under 19 U.S.C. 1313(p) is imported duty-paid petroleum (not articles manufactured under 19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b)), claims under this subpart may be paid and liquidated if:
(1) The claim is filed on Customs Form 7551; and
(2) The claimant provides a certification stating the basis (such as company records, or customer's written certification), for the information contained therein and certifying that:
(i) The exported merchandise was exported within 180 days of entry of the designated, imported merchandise;
(ii) The qualified article and the exported article are commercially interchangeable or both articles are subject to the same 8-digit HTSUS tariff classification;
(iii) To the best of the claimant's knowledge, the designated imported merchandise, the qualified article and the exported article have not and will not serve as the basis of any other drawback claim;
(iv) Evidence in support of the certification will be retained by the person providing the certification for 3 years after payment of the claim; and
(v) Such evidence will be available for verification by Customs.
(d) Derivatives manufactured under 19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b). When the basis for drawback under 19 U.S.C. 1313(p) is articles manufactured under 19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b), claims under this section may be paid and liquidated if:
(1) The claim is filed on Customs Form 7551;
(2) All documents required to be filed with a manufacturing claim under 19 U.S.C. 1313(a) or (b) are filed with the claim;
(3) The claim identifies the specific refinery or production facility at which the derivatives were manufactured or produced;
(4) The claim states the period of manufacture for the derivatives; and
(5) The claimant provides a certification stating the basis (such as company records or a customer's written certification), for the information contained therein and certifying that:
(i) The exported merchandise was exported during the manufacturing period for the qualified article or within 180 days after the close of that period;
(ii) The qualified article and the exported article are commercially interchangeable or both articles are subject to the same 8-digit HTSUS tariff classification;
(iii) To the best of the claimant's knowledge, the designated imported merchandise, the qualified article and the exported article have not and will not serve as the basis of any other drawback claim;
(iv) Evidence in support of the certification will be retained by the person providing the certification for 3 years after payment of the claim; and
(v) Such evidence will be available for verification by Customs.
source: T.D. 98-16, 63 FR 11006, Mar. 5, 1998, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 19 CFR 191.174