Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 19 - Customs Duties last revised: Sep 10, 2024
§ 351.701 - Applicability dates.

The regulations contained in this part 351 apply to all administrative reviews initiated on the basis of requests made on or after the first day of July, 1997, to all investigations and other segments of proceedings initiated on the basis of petitions filed or requests made after June 18, 1997 and to segments of proceedings self-initiated by the Department after June 18, 1997. Segments of proceedings to which part 351 do not apply will continue to be governed by the regulations in effect on the date the petitions were filed or requests were made for those segments, to the extent that those regulations were not invalidated by the URAA or replaced by the interim final regulations published on May 11, 1995 (60 FR 25130 (1995)). For segments of proceedings initiated on the basis of petitions filed or requests made after January 1, 1995, but before part 351 applies, part 351 will serve as a restatement of the Department's interpretation of the requirements of the Act as amended by the URAA.

§ 351.702 - Applicability dates for countervailing duty regulations.

(a) Notwithstanding § 351.701, the regulations in subpart E of this part apply to:

(1) All CVD investigations initiated on the basis of petitions filed after December 28, 1998;

(2) All CVD administrative reviews initiated on the basis of requests filed on or after the first day of January 1999; and

(3) To all segments of CVD proceedings self-initiated by the Department after December 28, 1998.

(b) Segments of CVD proceedings to which subpart E of this part does not apply will continue to be guided by the Department's previous methodology (in particular, as described in the 1989 Proposed Regulations), except to the extent that the previous methodology was invalidated by the URAA, in which case the Secretary will treat subpart E of this part as a restatement of the Department's interpretation of the requirements of the Act as amended by the URAA.

[63 FR 65417, Nov. 25, 1998]
Appendix - Annex I to Part 351—Deadlines for Parties in Countervailing Investigations
Day 1 Event Regulation
0 daysInitiation
31 days 2Notification of difficulty in responding to questionnaire351.301(c)(2)(iv) (14 days after date of receipt of initial questionnaire)
37 daysApplication for an administrative protective order351.305(b)(3)
40 daysRequest for postponement by petitioner351.205(e) (25 days or more before preliminary determination)
45 daysAllegation of critical circumstances351.206(c)(2)(i) (20 days before preliminary determination)
47 daysQuestionnaire response351.301(c)(2)(iii) (30 days from date of receipt of initial questionnaire)
55 daysAllegation of upstream subsidies351.301(d)(4)(ii)(A) (10 days before preliminary determination)
65 days (Can be extended)Preliminary determination351.205(b)(1)
72 daysSubmission of proposed suspension agreement351.208(f)(1)(B) (7 days after preliminary determination)
75 days 3Submission of factual information351.301(b)(1) (7 days before date on which verification is to commence)
75 daysSubmission of ministerial error comments351.224(c)(2) (5 days after release of disclosure documents)
77 days 4Request to align a CVD case with a concurrent AD case351.210(i) (5 days after date of publication of preliminary determination)
102 daysRequest for a hearing351.310(c) (30 days after date of publication of preliminary determination)
119 daysCritical circumstances allegation351.206(e) (21 days or more before final determination)
122 daysRequests for closed hearing sessions351.310(f) (No later than the date the case briefs are due)
122 daysSubmission of briefs351.309(c)(1)(i) (50 days after date of publication of preliminary determination)
125 daysAllegation of upstream subsidies351.301(d)(4)(ii)(B) (15 days before final determination)
127 daysSubmission of rebuttal briefs351.309(d) (5 days after dead-line for filing case brief)
129 daysHearing351.310(d)(1) (2 days after submission of rebuttal briefs)
140 days (Can be extended)Final determination351.210(b)(1) (75 days after preliminary determination)
150 daysSubmission of ministerial error comments351.224(c)(2) (5 days after release of disclosure documents)
155 daysSubmission of replies to ministerial error comments351.224(c)(3) (5 days after filing of comments)
192 daysOrder issued351.211(b)

1 Indicates the number of days from the date of initiation. Most of the deadlines shown here are approximate. The actual deadline in any particular segment of a proceeding may depend on the date of an earlier event or be established by the Secretary.

2 Assumes that the Department sends out the questionnaire within 10 days of the initiation and allows 7 days for receipt of the questionnaire from the date on which it was transmitted.

3 Assumes about 17 days between the preliminary determination and verification.

4 Assumes that the preliminary determination is published 7 days after issuance (i.e., signature).

Appendix - Annex II to Part 351—Deadlines for Parties in Countervailing Administrative Reviews
Day 1 Event Regulation
0 daysRequest for review351.213(b) (Last day of the anniversary month)
30 daysPublication of initiation notice351.221(c)(1)(i) (End of month following the anniversary month)
66 days 2Notification of difficulty in responding to questionnaire351.301(c)(2)(iv) (14 days after date of receipt of initial questionnaire)
75 daysApplication for an administrative protective order351.305(b)(3)
90 days 3Questionnaire response351.301(c)(2)(iii) (At least 30 days after date of receipt of initial questionnaire)
120 daysWithdrawal of request for review351.213(d)(1) (90 days after date of publication of initiation)
130 daysRequest for verification351.307(b)(1)(v) (100 days after date of publication of initiation)
140 daysSubmission of factual information351.301(b)(2)
245 days (Can be extended)Preliminary results of review351.213(h)(1)
282 days 4Request for a hearing and/or closed hearing session351.310(c); 351.310(f) (30 days after date of publication of preliminary results)
282 daysSubmission of briefs351.309(c)(1)(ii) (30 days after date of publication of preliminary results)
287 daysSubmission of rebuttal briefs351.309(d)(1) (5 days after deadline for filing case briefs)
289 daysHearing351.310(d)(1) (2 days after submission of rebuttal briefs)
372 days (Can be extended)Final results of review351.213(h)(1) (120 days after date of publication of preliminary results)
382 daysSubmission of ministerial error comments351.224(c)(2) (5 days after release of disclosure documents)
387 daysReplies to ministerial error comments351.224(c)(3) (5 days after filing of comments)

1 Indicates the number of days from the end of the anniversary month. Most of the deadlines shown here are approximate. The actual deadline in any particular segment of a proceeding may depend on the date of an earlier event or be established by the Secretary.

2 Assumes that the Department sends out the questionnaire 45 days after the last day of the anniversary month and allows 7 days for receipt of the questionnaire from the date on which it was transmitted.

3 Assumes that the Department sends out the questionnaire on day 45 and the response is due 45 days later.

4 Assumes that the preliminary results are published 7 days after issuance (i.e., signature).

Appendix - Annex III to Part 351—Deadlines for Parties in Antidumping Investigations
Day 1 Event Regulation
0 daysInitiation
37 daysApplication for an administrative protective order351.305(b)(3)
50 daysCountry-wide cost allegation351.301(d)(2)(i)(A) (20 days after date on which initial questionnaire was transmitted)
51 days 2Notification of difficulty in responding to questionnaire351.301(c)(2)(iv) (Within 14 days after date of receipt of initial questionnaire)
51 daysSection A responseNone
67 daysSections B, C, D, E responses351.301(c)(2)(iii) (At least 30 days after date of receipt of initial questionnaire)
70 daysViability arguments351.301(d)(1) (40 days after date on which initial questionnaire was transmitted)
87 daysCompany-specific cost allegations351.301(d)(2)(i)(B)
87 daysMajor input cost allegations351.301(d)(3)
115 daysRequest for postponement by petitioner351.205(e) (25 days or more before preliminary determination)
120 daysAllegation of critical circumstances351.206(c)(2)(i) (20 days before preliminary determination)
140 days (Can be extended)Preliminary determination351.205(b)(1)
150 daysSubmission of ministerial error comments351.224(c)(2) (5 days after release of disclosure documents)
155 daysSubmission of proposed suspension agreement351.208(f)(1)(A) (15 days after preliminary determination)
161 days 3Submission of factual information351.301(b)(1) (7 days before date on which verification is to commence)
177 days 4Request for a hearing351.310(c) (30 days after date of publication of preliminary determination)
187 daysSubmission of publicly available information to value factors (NME's)351.301(c)(3)(i) (40 days after date of publication of preliminary determination)
194 daysCritical circumstance allegation351.206(e) (21 days before final determination)
197 days (Can be changed)Request for closed hearing sessions351.310(f) (No later than the date the case briefs are due)
197 days (Can be changed)Submission of briefs351.309(c)(1)(i) (50 days after date of publication of preliminary determination)
202 daysSubmission of rebuttal briefs351.309(d) (5 days after dealine for filing case briefs)
204 daysHearing351.310(d)(1) (2 days after submission of rebuttal briefs)
215 daysRequest for postponement of the final determination351.210(e)
215 days (Can be extended)Final determination351.210(b)(1) (75 days after preliminary determination)
225 daysSubmission ministerial error comments351.224(c)(2) (5 days after release of disclosure documents)
230 daysReplies to ministerial error comments351.224(c)(3) (5 days after filing of comments)
267 daysOrder issued351.211(b)

1 Indicates the number of days from the date of initiation. Most of the deadlines shown here are approximate. The actual deadline in any particular segment of a proceeding may depend on the date of an earlier event or be established by the Secretary.

2 Assumes that the Department sends out the questionnaire 5 days after the ITC vote and allows 7 days for receipt of the questionnaire from the date on which it was transmitted.

3 Assumes about 28 days between the preliminary determination and verification.

4 Assumes that the preliminary determination is published 7 days after issuance (i.e., signature).

Appendix - Annex IV to Part 351—Deadlines for Parties in Antidumping Administrative Reviews
Day 1 Event Regulation
0 daysRequest for review351.213(b) (Last day of the anniversary month)
30 daysPublication of initiation351.221 (c)(1)(i) (End of month following the anniversary month)
37 daysApplication for an administrative protective order351.305(b)(3)
60 daysRequest to examine absorption of duties (AD)351.213(j) (30 days after date of publication of initiation)
66 days 2Notification of difficulty in responding to questionnaire351.301(c)(2)(iv) (14 days after date of receipt of initial questionnaire)
66 daysSection A responseNone
85 daysViability arguments351.301(d)(1) (40 days after date of transmittal of initial questionnaire)
90 days 3Sections B, C, D, E response351.301(c)(2)(iii) (At least 30 days after date of receipt of initial questionnaire)
110 daysCompany-specific cost allegations351.301(d)(2)(i)(B) (20 days after relevant section is filed)
110 daysMajor input cost allegations351.301(d)(3) (20 days after relevant section is filed)
120 daysWithdrawal of request for review351.213(d)(1) (90 days after date of publication of initiation)
130 daysRequest for verification351.307(b)(1)(v) (100 days after date of publication of initiation)
140 daysSubmission of factual information351.301(b)(2)
245 days (Can be extended)Preliminary results of review351.213(h)(1)
272 days 4Submission of publicly available information to value factors (NME's)351.301(c)(3)(ii) (20 days after date of publication of preliminary results)
282 daysRequest for a hearing and/or closed hearing session351.310(c); 351.310(f) (30 days after date of publication of preliminary results)
282 daysSubmission of briefs351.309(c)(1)(ii) (30 days after date of publication of preliminary results)
287 daysSubmission of rebuttal briefs351.309(d)(1) (5 days after deadline for filing case briefs)
289 daysHearing; closed hearing session351.310(d)(1) (2 days after submission of rebuttal briefs)
372 days (Can be extended)Final results of review351.213(h)(1) (120 days after date of publication of preliminary results)
382 daysMinisterial error comments351.224(c)(2) (5 days after release of disclosure documents)
387 daysReplies to ministerial error comments351.224(c)(3) (5 days after filing of comments)

1 Indicates the number of days from the end of the anniversary month. Most of the deadlines shown here are approximate. The actual deadline in any particular segment of a proceeding may depend on the date of an earlier event or be established by the Secretary.

2 Assumes that the Department sends out the questionnaire 45 days after the last day of the anniversary month and allows 7 days for receipt of the questionnaire from the date on which it was transmitted.

3 Assumes that the Department sends out the questionnaire on day 45 and the response is due 45 days later.

4 Assumes that the preliminary results are published 7 days after issuance (i.e., signature).

Appendix - Annex V to Part 351—Comparison of Prior and New Regulations
Prior New Description
Subpart A—Scope and Definitions
353.1351.101Scope of regulations
353.3351.104Record of proceedings
353.4351.105Public, proprietary, privileged & classified
353.5RemovedTrade and Tariff Act of 1984 amendments
353.6351.106De minimis weighted-average dumping margin
Subpart B—Antidumping Duty Procedures
353.12351.202Petition requirements
353.13351.203Determination of sufficiency of petition
353.14351.204(e)Exclusion from antidumping duty order
353.15351.205Preliminary determination
353.16351.206Critical circumstances
353.17351.207Termination of investigation
353.18351.208Suspension of investigation
353.19351.209Violation of suspension agreement
353.20351.210Final determination
353.21351.211Antidumping duty order
353.21(c)351.204(e)Exclusion from antidumping duty order
1353.22(a)-(d)351.213, 351.221Administrative reviews under 751(a) of the Act
353.22(e)351.212(c)Automatic assessment of duties
353.22(f)351.216, 351.221(c)(3)Changed circumstances reviews
353.22(g)351.215, 351.221(c)(2)Expedited antidumping review
353.23351.212(d)Provisional measures deposit cap
353.24351.212(e)Interest on overpayments and under-payments
353.25351.222Revocation of orders; termination of suspended investigations
353.26351.402(f)Reimbursement of duties
353.27351.223Downstream product monitoring
353.28351.224Correction of ministerial errors
353.29351.225Scope rulings
Subpart C—Information and Argument
353.31(a)-(c)351.301Time Limits for submission of factual information
353.31(a)(3)351.301(d), 351.104(a)(2)Return of untimely material
353.31(b)(3)351.302(c)Request for extension of time
353.31(d)-(i)351.303Filing, format, translation, service and certification
353.32351.304Request for proprietary treatment of information
353.33351.104, 351.304(a)(2)Information exempt from disclosure
353.34351.305, 351.306Disclosure of information under protective order
353.35RemovedEx parte meeting
353.37351.308Determination on the basis of the facts available
353.38(a)-(e)351.309Written argument
Subpart D—Calculation of Export Price, Constructed Export Price, Fair Value and Normal Value
353.41351.402Calculation of export price
353.42(a)351.102Fair value (definition)
353.42(b)351.104(c)Transaction and persons examined
353.43351.403(b)Sales used in calculating normal value
353.44RemovedSales at varying prices
353.45351.403Transactions between affiliated parties
353.46351.404Selection of home market as the basis for normal value
353.47RemovedIntermediate countries
353.48351.404Basis for normal value if home market sales are inadequate
353.49351.404Sales to a third country
353.50351.405, 351.407Calculation of normal value based on constructed value
353.51351.406, 351.407Sales at less than the cost of production
353.52351.408Nonmarket economy countries
353.53RemovedMultinational corporations
353.54351.401(b)Claims for adjustments
353.55351.409Differences in quantities
353.56351.410Differences in circumstances of sale
353.57351.411Differences in physical characteristics
353.58351.412Levels of trade
353.59(a)351.413Insignificant adjustments
353.59(b)351.414Use of averaging
353.60351.415Conversion of currency
Subpart A—Scope and Definitions
355.1351.001Scope of regulations
355.3351.004Record of proceeding
355.4351.005Public, proprietary, privileged & classified
355.5351.003(a)Subsidy library
355.6RemovedTrade and Tariff Act of 1984 amendments
355.7351.006De minimis net subsidies
Subpart B—Countervailing Duty Procedures
355.12351.102Petition requirements
355.13351.103Determination of sufficiency of petition
355.14351.104(e)Exclusion from countervailing duty order
355.15351.105Preliminary determination
355.16351.106Critical circumstances
355.17351.107Termination of investigation
355.18351.108Suspension of investigation
355.19351.109Violation of agreement
355.20351.110Final determination
355.21351.111Countervailing duty order
355.21(c)351.104(e)Exclusion from countervailing duty order
355.22(a)-(c)351.113, 351.121Administrative reviews under 751(a) of the Act
355.22(d)RemovedCalculation of individual rates
355.22(e)351.113(h)Possible cancellation or revision of suspension agreements
355.22(f)RemovedReview of individual producer or exporter
355.22(g)351.112(c)Automatic assessment of duties
355.22(h)351.116, 351.121(c)(3)Changed circumstances review
355.22(i)351.120, 351.221(c)(7)Review at the direction of the President
355.23351.112(d)Provisional measures deposit cap
355.24351.112(e)Interest on overpayments and underpayments
355.25351.112Revocation of orders; termination of suspended investigations
355.27351.123Downstream product monitoring
355.28351.124Correction of ministerial errors
355.29351.125Scope determinations
Subpart C—Information and Argument
355.31(a)-(c)351.301Time limits for submission of factual information
355.31(a)(3)351.302(d), 351.104(a)(2)Return of untimely material
355.31(b)(3)351.302(c)Request for extension of time
355.31(d)-(i)351.303Filing, format, translation, service and certification
355.32351.304Request for proprietary treatment of information
355.33351.104, 351.304(a)(2)Information exempt from disclosure
355.34351.305, 351.306Disclosure of information under protective order
355.35RemovedEx parte meeting
355.37351.308Determinations on the basis of the facts available
355.38(a)-(e)351.309Written argument
355.39351.311Subsidy practice discovered during investigation or review
Subpart D—Quota Cheese Subsidy Determinations
355.41RemovedDefinition of subsidy
355.42351.601Annual list and quarterly update
355.43351.602Determination upon request
355.44351.603Complaint of price-undercutting
355.45351.604Access to information
Appendix - Annex VI to Part 351—Countervailing Investigations Timeline
Appendix - Annex VII to Part 351—Antidumping Investigations Timeline
Appendix - Annex VIII-A to Part 351—Schedule for 90-Day Sunset Reviews
Day 1 Event Regulation
0Initiation§ 351.218(c)
15Filing of Notice of Intent to Participate by domestic interested parties§ 351.218(d)(1)(i) (not later than 15 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
20Notification to the ITC that no domestic interested party has responded to the Notice of Initiation§ 351.218(d)(1)(iii)(B)(2) (normally not later than 20 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
30Filing of substantive response to the Notice of Initiation by all interested parties and industrial users and consumers§§ 351.218(d)(3)(i) and 351.218(d)(3)(vi) (not later than 30 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
35Filing of rebuttal to substantive response to the Notice of Initiation§ 351.218(d)(4) (not later than 5 days after the substantive response is filed with the Department)
40Notification to the ITC that no domestic interested party has responded to the Notice of Initiation (based on inadequate response from domestic interested parties)§ 351.218(e)(1)(i)(C)(2) (normally not later than 40 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
90Final determination revoking an order or terminating a suspended investigation where no domestic interested party responds to the Notice of Initiation§§ 351.218(d)(1)(iii)(B)(3) and 351.222(i)(1)(i) (not later than 90 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)

1 Indicates the number of days from the date of publication in the Federal Register of the Notice of Initiation.

[63 FR 13524, Mar. 20, 1998]
Appendix - Annex VIII-B to Part 351—Schedule for Expedited Sunset Reviews
Day 1 Event Regulation
0Initiation§ 351.218(c)
15Filing of Notice of Intent to Participate by domestic interested parties§ 351.218(d)(1)(i) (not later than 15 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
30Filing of Statement of Waiver by respondent interested parties§ 351.218(d)(2)(i) (not later than 30 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
30Filing of substantive response to the Notice of Initiation by all interested parties and industrial users and consumers§§ 351.218(d)(3)(i) and 351.218(d)(3)(vi) (not later than 30 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
35Filing of rebuttal to substantive response to the Notice of Initiation§ 351.218(d)(4) (not later than 5 days after the substantive response is filed with the Department)
50Notification to the ITC that respondent interested parties provided inadequate response to the Notice of Initiation§ 351.218(e)(1)(ii)(C)(1) (normally not later than 50 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
70Comments on adequacy of response and appropriateness of expedited sunset review§ 351.309(e)(ii) (not later than 70 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
120Final results of expedited sunset review where respondent interested parties provide inadequate response to the Notice of Initiation§§ 351.218(e)(1)(ii)(B) and 351.218(e)(1)(ii)(C)(2) (not later than 120 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)

1 Indicates the number of days from the date of publication in the Federal Register of the Notice of Initiation.

[63 FR 13525, Mar. 20, 1998]
Appendix - Annex VIII-C to Part 351—Schedule for Full Sunset Reviews
Day 1 Event Regulation
0Initiation§ 351.218(c)
15Filing of Notice of Intent to Participate by domestic interested parties§ 351.218(d)(1)(i) (not later than 15 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
30Filing of Statement of Waiver by respondent interested parties§ 351.218(d)(2)(i) (not later than 30 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
30Filing of substantive response to the Notice of Initiation by all interested parties and industrial users and consumers§§ 351.218(d)(3)(i) and 351.218(d)(3)(vi) (not later than 30 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
35Filing of rebuttal to substantive response to the Notice of Initiation§ 351.218(d)(4) (not later than 5 days after the substantive response is filed with the Department)
110Preliminary results of full sunset review§ 351.218(f)(1) (normally not later than 110 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
120Verification in a full sunset review, where needed§ 351.218(f)(2)(ii) (approximately 120 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
160Filing of case brief in full sunset review§ 351.309(c)(1)(i) (50 days after the date of publication of the preliminary results of full sunset review)
165Filing of rebuttal brief in full sunset review§ 351.309(d)(1) (5 days after the time limit for filing a case brief)
167Hearing in full sunset review if requested§ 351.310(d)(i) (2 days after the time limit for filing a rebuttal brief)
240Final results of full sunset review§ 351.218(f)(3)(i) (not later than 240 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation)
330Final results of full sunset review if fully extended§ 351.218(f)(3)(ii) (if full sunset review is extraordinarily complicated, period for issuing final results may be extended by not more than 90 days)

1 Indicates the number of days from the date of publication in the Federal Register of the Notice of Initiation.

[63 FR 13525, Mar. 20, 1998]
source: 62 FR 27379, May 19, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 19 CFR 351.701