Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 19 - Customs Duties last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 206.21 - Applicability of subpart.

This subpart applies specifically to investigations under section 302 of the USMCA Implementation Act (19 U.S.C. 4552). For other applicable rules, see subpart A of this part and part 201 of this chapter.

[88 FR 14890, Mar. 10, 2023]
§ 206.22 - Definition applicable to subpart C.

For the purposes of this subpart, the term surge means a significant increase in imports over the trend for a recent representative base period.

§ 206.23 - Who may file a request.

If the President, under section 302(b) of the USMCA Implementation Act (19 U.S.C. 4552(b)), has excluded imports from a USMCA country or countries from an action under chapter 1 of title II of the Trade Act of 1974, any entity that is representative of an industry for which such action is being taken may request the Commission to conduct an investigation to determine whether a surge in such imports undermines the effectiveness of the action.

[88 FR 14890, Mar. 10, 2023]
§ 206.24 - Contents of request.

The request for an investigation shall include the following information:

(a) The identity of the entity submitting the request; a description of the relief action the effectiveness of which is allegedly being undermined; and a description of the imported article, identifying the United States tariff provision under which it is classified, and the name of the country or countries from which the surge in imports is alleged to be coming;

(b) The information required in § 206.14(b) of this subpart concerning representativeness of the entity filing the request;

(c) Data concerning imports from the USMCA country or countries that form the basis of requestor's claim that a surge in imports has occurred;

(d) Information supporting the claim that such surge in imports undermines the effectiveness of the relief action.

[59 FR 5091, Feb. 3, 1994, as amended at 88 FR 14890, Mar. 10, 2023]
§ 206.25 - Time for reporting.

The Commission will submit the findings of its investigation to the President no later than 30 days after the request is received.

§ 206.26 - Public report.

Upon making a report to the President of the results of an investigation to which this subpart C relates, the Commission will make such report public (with the exception of any confidential business information) and cause a summary thereof to be published in the Federal Register.

source: 59 FR 5091, Feb. 3, 1994, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 19 CFR 206.25