Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 19 - Customs Duties last revised: Sep 10, 2024
§ 207.60 - Definitions.

For purposes of this subpart:

(a) The term five-year review means a five-year review conducted pursuant to section 751(c) of the Act. The provisions of part 201 of this chapter and subpart A of this part pertaining to “investigations” are generally applicable to five-year reviews, unless superseded by a provision in this subpart of more specific application.

(b) The term expedited review means a five-year review conducted by the Commission pursuant to section 751(c)(3)(B) of the Act.

(c) The term full review means a five-year review that has not been expedited by the Commission or terminated pursuant to section 751(c)(3) of the Act.

(d) The term notice of institution shall refer to the notice of institution of five-year review that the Commission shall publish in the Federal Register requesting that interested parties provide information to the Commission upon initiation of a five-year review.

§ 207.61 - Responses to notice of institution.

(a) When information must be filed. Responses to the notice of institution shall be submitted to the Commission no later than 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register.

(b) Information to be filed with the Secretary. The notice of institution shall direct each interested party to make a filing pursuant to §§ 201.6, 201.8 and 207.3 of this chapter containing the following:

(1) A statement expressing its willingness to participate in the review by providing information requested by the Commission;

(2) A statement regarding the likely effects of revocation of the order(s) or termination of the suspended investigation(s) under review;

(3) Such information or industry data as the Commission may specify in the notice of institution.

(c) When requested information cannot be supplied. Any interested party that cannot furnish the information requested by the notice of institution in the requested form and manner shall, promptly after issuance of the notice, notify the Commission, provide a full explanation of why it cannot furnish the requested information, and indicate alternative forms in which it can provide equivalent information. The Commission may modify its requests to the extent necessary to avoid posing an unreasonable burden on that party.

(d) Submissions by persons other than interested parties. Any person who is not an interested party may submit to the Commission, in a filing satisfying the requirements of § 201.8 of this chapter, information relevant to the Commission's review no later than 50 days after publication of the notice of institution in the Federal Register.

(e) A document filed under this section shall be filed electronically, and nine (9) true paper copies shall be submitted on the same business day.

[44 FR 76468, Dec. 26, 1979, as amended at 74 FR 2849, Jan. 16, 2009; 76 FR 61944, Oct. 6, 2011; 79 FR 35925, June 25, 2014]
§ 207.62 - Rulings on adequacy and nature of Commission review.

(a) Basis for rulings on adequacy. The Commission will assess the adequacy of aggregate interested party responses to the notice of institution with respect to each order or suspension agreement under review and, where the underlying affirmative Commission determination found multiple domestic like products, on the basis of each domestic like product.

(b) Comments to the Commission. (1) Comments to the Commission concerning whether the Commission should conduct an expedited review may be submitted by:

(i) Any interested party that is a party to the five-year review and that has responded to the notice of institution; and

(ii) Any party, other than an interested party, that is a party to the five-year review.

(2) Comments shall be submitted within the time specified in the notice of institution. In a grouped review, only one set of comments shall be filed per party. Comments shall be filed electronically, and nine (9) true paper copies shall be submitted on the same business day. Comments shall not exceed fifteen (15) pages of textual material, double spaced and single sided, when printed out on paper measuring 8.5 × 11 inches. Comments containing new factual information shall be disregarded.

(c) Notice of scheduling of full review. If the Commission concludes that interested parties' responses to the notice of institution are adequate, or otherwise determines that a full review should proceed, investigative activities pertaining to that review will continue. The Commission will publish in the Federal Register a notice of scheduling pertaining to subsequent procedures in the review.

(d) Procedures for expedited reviews. (1) If the Commission concludes that interested parties' responses to the notice of institution are inadequate, it may decide to conduct an expedited review. In that event, the Commission shall direct the Secretary to issue a notice stating that the Commission has decided to conduct an expedited review and inviting those parties to the review described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section to file written comments with the Secretary on what determination the Commission should reach in the review. The date on which such comments must be filed will be specified in the notice to be issued by the Secretary. Comments containing new factual information shall be disregarded.

(2) The following parties may file the comments described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section:

(i) Any interested party that is a party to the five-year review and that has filed an adequate response to the notice of institution; and

(ii) Any party, other than an interested party, that is a party to the five-year review.

(3) Any person that is neither a party to the five-year review nor an interested party may submit a brief written statement (which shall not contain any new factual information) pertinent to the review within the time specified for the filing of written comments.

(4) The Director shall prepare and place in the record, prior to the date on which the comments described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section must be filed, a staff report containing information concerning the subject matter of the review. A version of the staff report containing business proprietary information shall be placed in the nonpublic record and made available to persons authorized to receive business proprietary information under § 207.7, and a nonbusiness proprietary version of the staff report shall be placed in the public record.

(e) Use of facts available. The Commission's determination in an expedited review will be based on the facts available, in accordance with section 776 of the Act.

[63 FR 30608, June 5, 1998, as amended at 68 FR 32978, June 3, 2003; 76 FR 61944, Oct. 6, 2011; 79 FR 35925, June 25, 2014]
§ 207.63 - Circulation of draft questionnaires.

(a) The Director shall circulate draft questionnaires to the parties for comment in each full review.

(b) Any party desiring to comment on the draft questionnaires shall submit such comments in writing to the Commission within a time specified by the Director. All requests for collecting new information should be presented at this time. The Commission will disregard subsequent requests for collection of new information absent a showing that there is a compelling need for the information and that the information could not have been requested in the comments on the draft questionnaires.

§ 207.64 - Staff reports.

(a) Prehearing staff report. The Director shall prepare and place in the record, prior to the hearing, a prehearing staff report containing information concerning the subject matter of the five-year review. A version of the staff report containing business proprietary information shall be placed in the nonpublic record and made available to persons authorized to receive business proprietary information under § 207.7, and a nonbusiness proprietary version of the staff report shall be placed in the public record.

(b) Final staff report. After the hearing, the Director shall revise the prehearing staff report and submit to the Commission, prior to the Commission's determination, a final version of the staff report. The final staff report is intended to supplement and correct the information contained in the prehearing staff report. The Director shall place the final staff report in the record. A public version of the final staff report shall be made available to the public and a business proprietary version shall also be made available to persons authorized to receive business proprietary information under § 207.7.

[63 FR 30608, June 5, 1998, as amended at 68 FR 32978, June 3, 2003]
§ 207.65 - Prehearing briefs.

Each party to a five-year review may submit a prehearing brief to the Commission on the date specified in the scheduling notice. A prehearing brief shall be signed and shall include a table of contents. A prehearing brief shall be filed electronically, and nine (9) true paper copies shall be submitted (on paper measuring 8.5 × 11 inches and single-sided) on the same business day. The prehearing brief should present a party's case concisely and shall, to the extent possible, refer to the record and include information and arguments which the party believes relevant to the subject matter of the Commission's determination.

[79 FR 35925, June 25, 2014]
§ 207.66 - Hearing.

(a) In general. The Commission shall hold a hearing in each full review. The date of the hearing shall be specified in the scheduling notice.

(b) Procedures. Hearing procedures in five-year reviews will conform to those for final phase antidumping and countervailing duty investigations set forth in § 207.24.

§ 207.67 - Posthearing briefs and statements.

(a) Briefs from parties. Any party to a five-year review may file with the Secretary a posthearing brief concerning the information adduced at or after the hearing within a time specified in the scheduling notice or by the presiding official at the hearing. A posthearing brief shall be filed electronically, and nine (9) true paper copies shall be submitted on the same business day. No such posthearing brief shall exceed fifteen (15) pages of textual material, double spaced and single sided, when printed out on paper measuring 8.5 × 11 inches and single-sided. In addition, the presiding official may permit persons to file answers to questions or requests made by the Commission at the hearing within a specified time. The Secretary shall not accept for filing posthearing briefs or answers which do not comply with this section.

(b) Statements from nonparties. Any person other than a party may submit a brief written statement of information pertinent to the review within the time specified for the filing of posthearing briefs.

[63 FR 30608, June 5, 1998, as amended at 76 FR 61944, Oct. 6, 2011; 79 FR 35926, June 25, 2014]
§ 207.68 - Final comments on information.

(a) The Commission shall specify a date after the filing of posthearing briefs on which it will disclose to all parties to the five-year review all information it has obtained on which the parties have not previously had an opportunity to comment. Any such information that is business proprietary information will be released to persons authorized to obtain such information pursuant to § 207.7.

(b) The parties shall have an opportunity to file comments on any information disclosed to them after they have filed their posthearing brief pursuant to § 207.67. Comments shall be filed electronically, and nine (9) true paper copies shall be submitted on the same business day. Comments shall only concern such information, and shall not exceed 15 pages of textual material, double spaced and single-sided, when printed out on paper measuring 8.5 × 11 inches and single-sided. A comment may address the accuracy, reliability, or probative value of such information by reference to information elsewhere in the record, in which case the comment shall identify where in the record such information is found. Comments containing new factual information shall be disregarded. The date on which such comments must be filed will be specified by the Commission when it specifies the time that information will be disclosed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section. The record shall close on the date such comments are due, except with respect to changes in bracketing of business proprietary information in the comments permitted by § 207.3(c).

[63 FR 30608, June 5, 1998, as amended at 76 FR 61944, Oct. 6, 2011; 79 FR 35926, June 25, 2014]
§ 207.69 - Publication of determinations.

Whenever the Commission makes a determination concluding a five-year review, the Secretary shall serve copies of the determination and, when applicable, the nonbusiness proprietary version of the final staff report on all parties to the review, and on the administering authority. The Secretary shall publish notice of such determination in the Federal Register.

source: 44 FR 76468, Dec. 26, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 19 CFR 207.68