Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 19 - Customs Duties last revised: Sep 10, 2024
§ 212.01 - Purpose.

(a) The Equal Access to Justice Act, 5 U.S.C. 504 (called “the Act” in this part), provides for the award of attorney fees and other expenses to eligible individuals and entities who are parties to certain administrative proceedings (called “adversary adjudications”) before an agency. Under the Act an eligible party may receive an award when it prevails over an agency, unless the agency's position in the proceeding was substantially justified or special circumstances make an award unjust. The rules in this part describe the parties eligible for awards and the Commission proceedings that are covered. They also explain how to apply for awards, and the procedures and standards that the Commission will use to make them.

§ 212.02 - When the Act applies.

The Act applies to any adversary adjudication pending before the Commission at any time between October 1, 1981 and September 30, 1984. This includes proceedings begun before October 1, 1981 if final Commission action has not been taken before that date, and proceedings pending on September 30, 1984, regardless of when they were initiated or when final Commission action occurs.

§ 212.03 - Proceedings covered.

(a) The Act applies to adversary adjudications conducted by the Commission. These are adjudications under 5 U.S.C. 554 in which the position of the Commission is presented by an attorney or other representative who enters an appearance and participates in the proceeding. The Commission proceedings covered are those conducted under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, 19 U.S.C. 1337. No award shall be made, however, for fees and expenses related to those portions of the proceedings conducted for the consideration of relief, the public interest, and bonding pursuant to subsections 337 (d), (e), and (f) of the Tariff Act of 1930 and 19 CFR 210.14.

(b) An award may be made against the Commission only in connection with a proceeding brought by the Commission upon its own complaint.

(c) If a proceeding includes both matters covered by the Act and matters specifically excluded from coverage, any award made will include only fees and expenses related to covered issues.

§ 212.04 - Eligibility of applicants.

(a) To be eligible for an award of attorney fees and other expenses under the Act, the applicant must be a party to the adversary adjudication for which it seeks an award. The term party is defined in 5 U.S.C. 551(3) and 19 CFR 210.04. The applicant must show that it meets all conditions of eligibility set out in this subpart and in subpart B.

(b) The types of eligible applicants are as follows:

(1) An individual with a net worth of not more than $1 million;

(2) The sole owner of an unincorporated business who has a net worth of not more than $5 million, including both personal and business interests, and not more than 500 employees;

(3) A charitable or other tax-exempt organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3)) with not more than 500 employees;

(4) A cooperative association as defined in section 15(a) of the Agricultural Marketing Act (12 U.S.C. 1144j(a)) with not more than 500 employees; and

(5) Any other partnership, corporation, association, or public or private organization with a net worth of not more than $5 million and not more than 500 employees.

(c) For the purpose of eligibility, the net worth and number of employees of an applicant shall be determined as of the date the adversary adjudication was initiated.

(d) An applicant who owns an unincorporated business will be considered to be an “individual” rather than a “sole owner of an unincorporated business” if the issues on which the applicant prevails are related primarily to personal interests rather than to business interests.

(e) The employees of an applicant include all persons who regularly perform services for remuneration for the applicant under the applicant's direction and control. Part-time employees shall be included on a proportional basis.

(f) The net worth and number of employees of the applicant and all of its affiliates shall be aggregated to determine eligibility. Any individual, corporation or other entity that directly or indirectly controls or owns a majority of the voting shares or other interest of the applicant, or any corporation or other entity of which the applicant directly or indirectly owns or controls a majority of the voting shares or other interest, will be considered an affiliate for purposes of this part, unless the presiding officer determines that such treatment would be unjust and contrary to the purposes of the Act in light of the actual relationship between the affiliated entities. In addition, the presiding officer may determine that financial relationships of the applicant other than those described in this paragraph constitute special circumstances that would make an award unjust.

(g) An applicant that participates in a proceeding primarily on behalf of one or more other persons or entities that would be ineligible is not itself eligible for an award.

§ 212.05 - Standards for awards.

(a) The determination whether an applicant is a prevailing party shall be made on a case-by-case basis.

(b) A prevailing applicant may receive an award for fees and expenses incurred in connection with an adversary adjudication, or in a significant and discrete substantive portion of the adversary adjudication, unless the position of the Commission investigative attorney was substantially justified. The burden of proof that an award should not be made to an eligible prevailing applicant is on the Commission investigative attorney. An award may be avoided by showing that the position of the Commission was reasonable in law and fact.

(c) An award will be reduced or denied if the applicant has unduly or unreasonably protracted the adversary adjudication or if special circumstances make the award sought unjust. The burden of proof that an award should be reduced or denied for either of these reasons is on the Commission investigative attorney.

§ 212.06 - Allowable fees and expenses.

(a) Awards will be based on rates customarily charged by persons engaged in the business of acting as attorneys, agents and expert witnesses, even if the services were made available without charge or at a reduced rate to the applicant.

(b) No award for the fee of an attorney or agent under these rules may exceed $75.00 per hour. No award to compensate an expert witness may exceed the highest rate at which the Commission pays expert witnesses. However, an award may include the reasonable expenses of the attorney, agent, or expert witness as a separate item if the attorney, agent or expert witness ordinarily charges clients separately for such expenses.

(c) In determining the reasonableness of the fee sought for an attorney, agent or expert witness, the presiding officer shall consider the following:

(1) If the attorney, agent or expert witness is in private practice, his or her customary fee for similar services, or, if an employee of the applicant, the fully allocated cost of the service;

(2) The prevailing rate for similar services in the community in which the attorney, agent or expert witness ordinarily performs services;

(3) The time actually spent in the representation of the applicant;

(4) The time reasonably spent in light of the difficulty or complexity of the issues in the adversary adjudication; and

(5) Such other factors as may bear on the value of the services provided.

(d) The reasonable cost of any study, analysis, engineering report, test, project or similar matter prepared on behalf of a party may be awarded to the extent that the charge for the service does not exceed the prevailing rate for similar services and the study or other matter was necessary for preparation of the applicant's case.

§ 212.07 - Rulemaking on maximum rates for attorney fees.

(a) If warranted by an increase in the cost of living or by special circumstances (such as limited availability of attorneys qualified to handle certain types of proceedings), the Commission may adopt regulations providing that attorney fees may be awarded at a rate higher than $75 per hour in the proceedings covered by this part. The Commission will conduct any rulemaking proceedings for this purpose under the informal rulemaking procedures of the Administrative Procedure Act.

(b) Any person may file with the Commission a petition for rulemaking to increase the maximum rate for attorney fees. The petition should identify the rate the petitioner believes the Commission should establish. It should also explain fully the reasons why the higher rate is warranted. The Commission will respond to the petition within 60 days after it is filed by initiating a rulemaking proceeding, denying the petition, or taking other appropriate action.

authority: Sec. 203(a)(1), Pub. L. 96-481, 94 Stat. 2325 (5 U.S.C. 504(c)(1))
source: 47 FR 9391, Mar. 5, 1982, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 19 CFR 212.06