Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 19 - Customs Duties last revised: Sep 10, 2024
§ 122.181 - Definition of Customs security area.

For purposes of this section, the term “Customs security area” means the Federal inspection services area at any airport accommodating international air commerce designated for processing passengers, crew, their baggage and effects arriving from, or departing to, foreign countries, as well as the aircraft deplaning and ramp area and other restricted areas designated by the port director. These areas will be posted as restricted to the extent possible and are established for the purpose of prohibiting unauthorized entries or contact with persons or objects.

[T.D. 90-82, 55 FR 42557, Oct. 22, 1990, as amended by T.D. 02-40, 67 FR 48984, July 29, 2002]
§ 122.182 - Security provisions.

(a) Customs access seal required. With the exception of all Federal and uniformed State and local law enforcement personnel and aircraft passengers and crew, all persons located at, operating out of, or employed by any airport accommodating international air commerce or its tenants or contractors, including air carriers, who have unescorted access to the Customs security area, must openly display or produce upon demand an approved access seal issued by Customs. The approved Customs access seal must be in the possession of the person in whose name it is issued whenever the person is in the Customs security area and must be used only in furtherance of that person's employment in accordance with the description of duties submitted by the employer under paragraph (c)(1) of this section. The Customs access seal remains the property of Customs, and any bearer must immediately surrender it as provided in paragraph (g) of this section or upon demand by any authorized Customs officer for any cause referred to in § 122.187(a). Unless surrendered pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section or § 122.187, each approved Customs access seal issued under paragraph (c)(1) of this section will remain valid for 2 years from January 1, 2002, in the case of a Customs access seal issued prior to that date and for 2 years from the date of issuance in all other cases. Retention of an approved Customs access seal beyond the applicable 2-year period will be subject to the reapplication provisions of paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(b) Employers responsibility. Employers operating in Customs airport security areas shall advise all employees of the provisions of the Customs regulations relative to those areas, require employees to familiarize themselves with those provisions and insure employee compliance. The employer shall also advise the port director of any changes of employment pursuant to § 122.182(g).

(c) Application requirements—(1) Initial application. An application for an approved Customs access seal, as required by this section, must be filed by the applicant with the port director on Customs Form 3078 and must be supported by a written request and justification for issuance prepared by the applicant's employer that describes the duties that the applicant will perform while in the Customs security area. The application requirement applies to all employees required to display an approved Customs access seal by this section, regardless of the length of their employment. The application must be supported by the bond of the applicant's employer or principal on Customs Form 301 containing the bond conditions set forth in § 113.62, § 113.63, or § 113.64 of this chapter, relating to importers or brokers, custodians of bonded merchandise, or international carriers. If the applicant's employer is not the principal on a Customs bond on Customs Form 301 for one or more of the activities to which the bond conditions set forth in § 113.62, § 113.63, or § 113.64 relate, the application must be supported by an Airport Customs Security Area Bond, as set forth in appendix A of part 113 of this chapter. The latter bond may be waived, however, for State or local government-related agencies in the discretion of the port director. Waiver of this bond does not relieve the agency in question or its employees from compliance with all other provisions of this subpart. In addition, in connection with an application for an approved Customs access seal under this section:

(i) The port director may require the applicant to submit fingerprints on form FD-258 or on any other approved medium either at the time of, or following, the filing of the application. If required, the port director will inform the applicant of the current Federal Bureau of Investigation user fee for conducting fingerprint checks and the Customs administrative processing fee, the total of which must be tendered by, or on behalf of, the applicant with the application; and

(ii) Proof of citizenship or authorized residency and a photograph may also be required.

(2) Reapplication. If a person wishes to retain an approved Customs access seal for one or more additional 2-year periods beyond the 2-year period referred to in paragraph (a) of this section, that person must submit a new application no later than 30 calendar days prior to the start of each additional period. The new application must be filed in the manner specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section for an initial application, and the port director may also require the submission of fingerprints as provided in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section. The new application will be subject to review on a de novo basis as if it were an initial application except that the written attestation referred to in paragraph (d) of this section will not be required if there has been no change in the employment of the applicant since the last attestation was submitted to Customs.

(d) Background check. An authorized official of the employer must attest in writing that a background check has been conducted on the applicant, to the extent allowable by law. The background check must include, at a minimum, references and employment history, to the extent necessary to verify representations made by the applicant relating to employment in the preceding 5 years. The authorized official of the employer must attest that, to the best of his knowledge, the applicant meets the conditions necessary to perform functions associated with employment in the Customs security area. Additionally, the application may be investigated by Customs and a report prepared concerning the character of the applicant. Records of background investigations conducted by employers must be retained for a period of one year following cessation of employment and made available upon request of the port director.

(e) Law Enforcement officers and other governmental officials. Law enforcement officers and other Federal, State, or local officials whose official duties require access to the Customs security area may request from the port director the issuance of an approved Customs access seal. They need not make application nor submit to background checks for security area access. An Airport Customs Security Area Bond is not required.

(f) Replacement access seal. A new Custom access seal may be obtained from the port director in the following circumstances, without the completion of an additional application, except as determined by the port director in his discretion:

(1) A change in employee name or address;

(2) A change in the name or ownership of the employing company;

(3) A change in employer or airport authority identification card format; or

(4) Loss or theft of the Customs access seal (see § 122.185 of this part).

(g) Surrender of access seal. Where the employee no longer requires access to the Customs security area for an extended period of time at the airport of issuance due to a change in duties, termination of employment, or other reason, or where the 2-year period referred to in paragraph (a) of this section expires and a new application under paragraph (c)(2) of this section has not been approved, the employer shall notify the port director in writing, at the time of such change, and shall return the Customs access seal to Customs. The notification shall include information regarding the disposition of the approved Customs access seal of the employee.

[T.D. 90-82, 55 FR 42557, Oct. 22, 1990, as amended by T.D. 93-18, 58 FR 15773, Mar. 24, 1993; T.D. 02-40, 67 FR 48984, July 29, 2002; 67 FR 51928, Aug. 9, 2002]
§ 122.183 - Denial of access.

(a) Grounds for denial. Access to the Customs security area will not be granted, and therefore an approved Customs access seal will not be issued, to any person whose access to the Customs security area will, in the judgment of the port director, endanger the revenue or the security of the area or pose an unacceptable risk to public health, interest or safety, national security, or aviation safety. Specific grounds for denial of access to the Customs security area include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Any cause which would justify a demand for surrender of a Customs access seal or the revocation or suspension of access under § 122.182(g) or § 122.187;

(2) Evidence of a pending or past investigation establishing probable cause to believe that the applicant has engaged in any conduct which relates to, or which could lead to a conviction for, a disqualifying offense listed under paragraph (a)(4) of this section;

(3) The arrest of the applicant for, or the charging of the applicant with, a disqualifying offense listed under paragraph (a)(4) of this section on which prosecution or other disposition is pending;

(4) A disqualifying offense committed by the applicant. For purposes of this paragraph, an applicant commits a disqualifying offense if the applicant has been convicted of, or found not guilty of by reason of insanity, or has committed any act or omission involving, any of the following in any jurisdiction during the 5-year period, or any longer period that the port director deems appropriate for the offense in question, prior to the date of the application submitted under § 122.182 or at any time while in possession of an approved Customs access seal:

(i) Forgery of certificates, false marking of aircraft, and other aircraft registration violation (49 U.S.C. 46306);

(ii) Interference with air navigation (49 U.S.C. 46308);

(iii) Improper transportation of a hazardous material (49 U.S.C. 46312);

(iv) Aircraft piracy in the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States (49 U.S.C. 46502(a));

(v) Interference with flight crew members or flight attendants (49 U.S.C. 46504);

(vi) Commission of certain crimes aboard aircraft in flight (49 U.S.C. 46506);

(vii) Carrying a weapon or explosive aboard aircraft (49 U.S.C. 46505);

(viii) Conveying false information and threats (49 U.S.C. 46507);

(ix) Aircraft piracy outside the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States (49 U.S.C. 46502(b));

(x) Lighting violations involving transportation of controlled substances (49 U.S.C. 46315);

(xi) Unlawful entry into an aircraft or airport area that serves air carriers or foreign air carriers contrary to established security requirements (49 U.S.C. 46314);

(xii) Destruction of an aircraft or aircraft facility (18 U.S.C. 32);

(xiii) Murder;

(xiv) Assault with intent to murder;

(xv) Espionage;

(xvi) Sedition;

(xvii) Kidnapping or hostage taking;

(xviii) Treason;

(xix) Rape or aggravated sexual abuse;

(xx) Unlawful possession, use, sale, distribution, or manufacture of an explosive or weapon;

(xxi) Extortion;

(xxii) Armed or felony unarmed robbery;

(xxiii) Distribution of, or intent to distribute, a controlled substance;

(xxiv) Felony arson;

(xxv) Felony involving:

(A) A threat;

(B) Willful destruction of property;

(C) Importation or manufacture of a controlled substance;

(D) Burglary;

(E) Theft;

(F) Dishonesty, fraud, or misrepresentation;

(G) Possession or distribution of stolen property;

(H) Aggravated assault;

(I) Bribery; or

(J) Illegal possession of a controlled substance punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of more than one year;

(xxvi) Violence at an airport serving international civil aviation (18 U.S.C. 37);

(xxvii) Embezzlement;

(xxviii) Perjury;

(xxix) Robbery;

(xxx) Crimes associated with terrorist activities;

(xxxi) Sabotage;

(xxxii) Assault with a deadly weapon;

(xxxiii) Illegal use or possession of firearms or explosives;

(xxxiv) Any violation of a U.S. immigration law;

(xxxv) Any violation of a Customs law or any other law administered or enforced by Customs involving narcotics or controlled substances, commercial fraud, currency or financial transactions, smuggling, failure to report, or failure to declare;

(xxxvi) Airport security violations; or

(xxxvii) Conspiracy or attempt to commit any of the offenses or acts referred to in paragraphs (a)(4)(i) through (a)(4)(xxxv) of this section;

(5) Denial or suspension of the applicant's unescorted access authority to a Security Identification Display Area (SIDA) pursuant to regulations promulgated by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration or other appropriate government agency; or

(6) Inability of the applicant's employer or Customs to complete a meaningful background check or investigation of the applicant.

(b) Notification of denial. The port director shall give written notification to any person whose application for access to the Customs security area has been denied, fully stating the reasons for denial and setting forth specific appeal procedures. The employer shall be notified in writing that the applicant has been denied access to the area and that the detailed reasons for the denial have been furnished to the applicant. Detailed reasons regarding the denial, however, shall not be furnished to the employer by Customs.

(c) Appeal of denial. The denial will be final unless the applicant files with the port director a written notice of appeal within 10 days following receipt of the notice of denial. The notice of appeal shall be filed in duplicate and shall set forth the response of the applicant to the statement of the port director. The port director will render his decision on the appeal to the applicant in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of the notice of appeal and, if the application is denied on appeal, the decision will advise the applicant of the procedures for filing a further appeal pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section.

(d) Further appeal of denial. Where the application on appeal is denied by the port director, the applicant may file a further written notice of appeal with the director of field operations at the Customs Management Center having jurisdiction over the office of the port director within 10 calendar days of receipt of the port director's decision on the appeal. The further notice of appeal must be filed in duplicate and must set forth the response of the applicant to the decision of the port director. The director of field operations will review the appeal and render a written decision. The final decision will be transmitted to the port director and served by him on the applicant.

[T.D. 90-82, 55 FR 42557, Oct. 22, 1990, as amended by T.D. 02-40, 67 FR 48985, July 29, 2002]
§ 122.184 - Change of identification; change in circumstances of employee; additional employer responsibilities.

(a) Change of identification. The Customs access seal may be removed from the employee by the port director where, for security reasons, a change in the nature of the identification card or other medium on which it appears is necessary.

(b) Change in circumstances of employee. If, after issuance of a Customs access seal to an employee, any circumstance arises (for example, an arrest or conviction for a disqualifying offense) that constitutes a ground for denial of access to the Customs security area under § 122.183(a) or for revocation or suspension of access to the Customs security area and surrender of the Customs access seal under § 122.187(a), the employee must within 24 hours advise the port director in writing of that change in circumstance. In the case of an arrest or prosecution for a disqualifying offense listed in § 122.183(a)(4), the employee also must within 5 calendar days advise the port director in writing of the final disposition of that arrest or prosecution. In addition, if an airport operator or an aircraft operator suspends an employee's unescorted access authority to a Security Identification Display Area pursuant to regulations promulgated by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration or other appropriate government agency and the employee also has an approved Customs access seal, the employee must within 24 hours advise the port director in writing of the fact of, and basis for, the suspension.

(c) Additional employer responsibilities. If an employer becomes aware of any change in the circumstances of its employee as described in paragraph (b) of this section, the employer must immediately advise the port director of that fact even though the employee may have separately reported that fact to the port director under paragraph (b) of this section. In addition, each employer must submit to the port director during the first month of each calendar quarter a report setting forth a current list of all its employees who have an approved Customs access seal. The quarterly report must list separately all additions to, and deletions from, the previous quarterly report. Moreover, each employer must take appropriate steps to ensure that an employee uses an approved Customs access seal only in connection with activities relating to his employment.

[T.D. 02-40, 67 FR 48986, July 29, 2002; 67 FR 51928, Aug. 9, 2002]
§ 122.185 - Report of loss or theft of Customs access seal.

The loss or theft of an approved Customs access seal must be promptly reported in writing by the employee to the port director. The Customs access seal may be replaced, as provided in § 122.182(f).

[T.D. 02-40, 67 FR 48986, July 29, 2002]
§ 122.186 - Presentation of Customs access seal by other person.

If an approved Customs access seal is presented by a person other than the one to whom it was issued, the Customs access seal will be removed and destroyed. An approved Customs access seal may be removed from an employee by any Customs officer designated by the port director.

[T.D. 02-40, 67 FR 48986, July 29, 2002]
§ 122.187 - Revocation or suspension of access.

(a) Grounds for revocation or suspension of access—(1) General. The port director:

(i) Must immediately revoke or suspend an employee's access to the Customs security area and demand the immediate surrender of the employee's approved Customs access seal for any ground specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section; or

(ii) May propose the revocation or suspension of an employee's access to the Customs security area and the surrender of the employee's approved Customs access seal whenever, in the judgment of the port director, it appears for any ground not specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section that continued access might pose an unacceptable risk to public health, interest or safety, national security, aviation safety, the revenue, or the security of the area. In this case the port director will provide the employee with an opportunity to respond to the notice of proposed action.

(2) Specific grounds. Access to the Customs security area will be revoked or suspended, and surrender of an approved Customs access seal will be demanded, in any of the following circumstances:

(i) There is probable cause to believe that an approved Customs access seal was obtained through fraud, a material omission, or the misstatement of a material fact;

(ii) The employee is or has been convicted of, or found not guilty of by reason of insanity, or there is probable cause to believe that the employee has committed any act or omission involving, an offense listed in § 122.183(a)(4);

(iii) The employee has been arrested for, or charged with, an offense listed in § 122.183(a)(4) and prosecution or other disposition of the arrest or charge is pending;

(iv) The employee has engaged in any other conduct that would constitute a ground for denial of access to the Customs security area under § 122.183;

(v) The employee permits the approved Customs access seal to be used by any other person or refuses to openly display or produce it upon the proper demand of a Customs officer;

(vi) The employee uses the approved Customs access seal in connection with a matter not related to his employment or not constituting a duty described in the written justification required by § 122.182(c)(1);

(vii) The employee refuses or neglects to obey any proper order of a Customs officer, or any Customs order, rule, or regulation;

(viii) For all employees of the bond holder, if the bond required by § 122.182(c) is determined to be insufficient in amount or lacking sufficient sureties, and a satisfactory new bond with good and sufficient sureties is not furnished within a reasonable time;

(ix) The employee no longer requires access to the Customs security area for an extended period of time at the airport of issuance because of a change in duties, termination of employment, or other reason; or

(x) The employee or employer fails to provide the notification of a change in circumstances as required under § 122.184(b) or (c) or the employee fails to report the loss or theft of a Customs access seal as required under § 122.185.

(b) Notice of revocation or suspension. The port director will revoke or suspend access to the Customs security area and demand surrender of the Customs access seal by giving notice of the revocation or suspension and demand in writing to the employee, with a copy of the notice to the employer. The notice will indicate whether the revocation or suspension is effective immediately or is proposed.

(1) Immediate revocation or suspension. When the revocation or suspension of access and the surrender of the Customs access seal are effective immediately, the port director will issue a final notice of revocation or suspension. The port director or his designee may deny physical access to the Customs security area and may demand surrender of an approved Customs access seal at any time on an emergency basis prior to issuance of a final notice of revocation or suspension whenever in the judgment of the port director or his designee an emergency situation involving public health, safety, or security is involved and, in such a case, a final notice of revocation or suspension will be issued to the affected employee within 10 calendar days of the emergency action. A final notice of revocation or suspension will state the specific grounds for the immediate revocation or suspension, direct the employee to immediately surrender the Customs access seal if that Customs access seal has not already been surrendered, and advise the employee that he may choose to pursue one of the following two options:

(i) Submit a new application for an approved Customs access seal, in accordance with the provisions of § 122.182(c), on or after the 180th calendar day following the date of the final notice of revocation or suspension; or

(ii) File a written administrative appeal of the final notice of revocation or suspension with the port director in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section within 30 calendar days of the date of the final notice of revocation or suspension. The appeal may request that a hearing be held in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section, and in that case the appeal also must demonstrate that there is a genuine issue of fact that is material to the revocation or suspension action.

(2) Proposed revocation or suspension—(i) Issuance of notice. When the revocation or suspension of access and the surrender of the Customs access seal is proposed, the port director will issue a notice of proposed revocation or suspension. The notice of proposed revocation or suspension will state the specific grounds for the proposed action, inform the employee that he may continue to have access to the Customs security area and may retain the Customs access seal pending issuance of a final notice under paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section, and advise the employee that he may file with the port director a written response addressing the grounds for the proposed action within 10 calendar days of the date the notice of proposed action was received by the employee. The employee may respond by accepting responsibility, explaining extenuating circumstances, and/or providing rebuttal evidence. The employee also may ask for a meeting with the port director or his designee to discuss the proposed action.

(ii) Final notice—(A) Based on nonresponse. If the employee does not respond to the notice of proposed action, the port director will issue a final notice of revocation or suspension within 30 calendar days of the date the notice of proposed action was received by the employee. The final notice of revocation or suspension will state the specific grounds for the revocation or suspension, direct the employee to immediately surrender the Customs access seal, and advise the employee that he may choose to pursue one of the two options specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(B) Based on response. If the employee files a timely response, the port director will issue a final determination regarding the status of the employee's right of access to the Customs security area within 30 calendar days of the date the employee's response was received by the port director. If this final determination is adverse to the employee, then the final notice of revocation or suspension will state the specific grounds for the revocation or suspension, direct the employee to immediately surrender the Customs access seal, and advise the employee that he may choose to pursue one of the two options specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(c) Appeal procedures—(1) Filing of appeal. The employee may file a written appeal of the final notice of revocation or suspension with the port director within 10 calendar days following receipt of the final notice of revocation or suspension. The appeal must be filed in duplicate and must set forth the response of the employee to the statement of the port director. The port director may, in his discretion, allow the employee additional time to submit documentation or other information in support of the appeal.

(2) Action by port director—(i) If a hearing is requested. If the appeal requests that a hearing be held, the port director will first review the appeal to determine whether there is a genuine issue of fact that is material to the revocation or suspension action. If a hearing is required because the port director finds that there is a genuine issue of fact that is material to the revocation or suspension action, a hearing will be held, and a decision on the appeal will be rendered, in accordance with paragraphs (d) through (f) of this section. If the port director finds that there is no genuine issue of fact that is material to the revocation or suspension action, no hearing will be held and the port director will forward the administrative record as provided in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section for the rendering of a decision on the appeal under paragraph (c)(3) of this section.

(ii) CMC review. If no hearing is requested or if the port director finds that a requested hearing is not required, following receipt of the appeal the port director will forward the administrative record to the director of field operations at the Customs Management Center having jurisdiction over the office of the port director for a decision on the appeal. The transmittal of the port director must include a response to any disputed issues raised in the appeal.

(3) Action by the director. Following receipt of the administrative record from the port director, the director of field operations will render a written decision on the appeal based on the record forwarded by the port director. The decision will be rendered within 30 calendar days of receipt of the record and will be transmitted to the port director and served by the port director on the employee. A decision on an appeal rendered under this paragraph will constitute the final administrative action on the matter.

(d) Hearing. A hearing will be conducted in connection with an appeal of a final notice of revocation or suspension of access to the Customs security area only if the affected employee in writing requests a hearing and demonstrates that there is a genuine issue of fact that is material to the revocation or suspension action. If a hearing is required, it must be held before a hearing officer designated by the Commissioner, or his designee. The employee will be notified of the time and place of the hearing at least 5 calendar days before the hearing. The employee may be represented by counsel at the revocation or suspension hearing. All evidence and testimony of witnesses in the proceeding, including substantiation of charges and the answer to the charges, must be presented. Both parties will have the right of cross'examination. A stenographic record of the proceedings will be made upon request and a copy furnished to the employee. At the conclusion of the proceedings or review of a written appeal, the hearing officer must promptly transmit all papers and the stenographic record to the director of field operations, together with the recommendation for final action. If neither the employee nor his attorney appears for a scheduled hearing, the hearing officer must record that fact, accept any appropriate testimony, and conclude the hearing. The hearing officer must promptly transmit all papers, together with his recommendations, to the director of field operations.

(e) Additional written views. Within 10 calendar days after delivery of a copy of the stenographic record of the hearing to the director of field operations, either party may submit to the director of field operations additional written views and arguments on matters in the record. A copy of any submission will be provided to the other party. Within 10 calendar days of receipt of the copy of the submission, the other party may file a reply with the director of field operations, and a copy of the reply will be provided to the other party. No further submissions will be accepted.

(f) Decision. After consideration of the recommendation of the hearing officer and any additional written submissions and replies made under paragraph (e) of this section, the director of field operations will render a written decision. The decision will be transmitted to the port director and served by the port director on the employee. A decision on an appeal rendered under this paragraph will constitute the final administrative action on the matter.

[T.D. 02-40, 67 FR 48986, July 29, 2002; 67 FR 51928, Aug. 9, 2002; 67 FR 54023, Aug. 20, 2002]
§ 122.188 - Issuance of temporary Customs access seal.

(a) Conditions for issuance. When an approved Customs access seal is required under § 122.182(a) of this part and the port director determines that the application cannot be administratively processed in a reasonable period of time, an employer may, upon written request, be issued a temporary Customs access seal for his employee. The employer must satisfy the port director that a hardship would result if the request is not granted. Surety on the bond, as required by § 122.182(c), may be waived in the discretion of the port director but only for the period of the temporary Customs access seal and its renewal period.

(b) Validation period. The temporary Customs access seal shall be valid for a period of 60 days. The port director may renew the temporary Customs access seal for additional 30 day periods where the circumstances under which the temporary Customs access seal was originally issued continue to exist. The temporary Customs access seal shall be destroyed by the port director when the permanent approved Customs access seal is issued, or the privileges granted thereby are withdrawn.

(c) Temporary employees and official visitors. The provisions of this section shall also apply to temporary employees and official visitors requiring access to the Customs security area. In the case of temporary employees, the Customs access seal shall be valid for a period of 30 days. In the case of official visitors, the temporary Customs access seal shall be valid for the day of issuance only. Temporary employee and official visitor Customs access seal are renewable for periods equal to their original period of validity.

(d) Revocation of denial and access. The temporary Customs access seal may be revoked and access to the Customs security area denied at any time if the holder of the temporary Customs access seal refuses or neglects to obey any proper order of a Customs officer, or any Customs order, rule, or regulation, or if, in the judgment of the port director, continuation of the privileges granted thereby would endanger the revenue or pose a threat to the Customs security area.

[T.D. 90-82, 55 FR 42557, Oct. 22, 1990, as amended by T.D. 02-40, 67 FR 48988, July 29, 2002]
§ 122.189 - Bond liability.

Any failure on the part of a principal to comply with the conditions of the bond required under § 122.182(c), including a failure of an employer to comply with any requirement applicable to the employer under this subpart, will constitute a breach of the bond and may result in a claim for liquidated damages under the bond.

[T.D. 02-40, 67 FR 48988, July 29, 2002]
source: T.D. 88-12, 53 FR 9292, Mar. 22, 1988, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 19 CFR 122.189