Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 408.601 - What is this subpart about?
(a) Explanation of representative payment. This subpart explains the policies and procedures we follow to determine whether to pay your benefits to a representative payee and to select a representative payee for you. It also explains the responsibilities your representative payee has for using the funds he or she receives on your behalf. A representative payee may be either an individual or an organization. We will select a representative payee to receive your benefits if we believe your interests will be better served by paying a representative payee than by paying you directly. Generally, we appoint a representative payee if we determine you are unable to manage or direct the management of your own benefit payments. Because the representative payment policies and procedures we use for the title VIII program closely parallel our title II policies and procedures, we provide cross-references to the appropriate material in our title II representative payment rules in subpart U of part 404 of this chapter.
(b) Policy we use to determine whether to make representative payment. For an explanation of the policy we use to determine whether to pay your SVB to a representative payee, see § 404.2001(b) of this chapter.
§ 408.610 - When will we send your SVB payments to a representative payee?
In determining when we will pay your benefits to a representative payee, we follow the rules in § 404.2010(a) of this chapter.
§ 408.611 - What happens to your monthly benefits while we are finding a suitable representative payee for you?
For an explanation of the policy we use to determine what happens to your monthly benefits while we are finding a suitable representative payee for you, see § 404.2011 of this chapter.
§ 408.615 - What information do we consider in determining whether we will pay your benefits to a representative payee?
We determine whether to pay your benefits to a representative payee after considering the information listed in § 404.2015 of this chapter.
§ 408.618 -
For information about advance designation, how to designate representative payees in advance, how to make changes to advance designations, how we consider an advance designation when we select a representative payee, how we consider an advance designation when we select a subsequent representative payee, and other relevant information, see §§ 404.2018, 404.2020, and 404.2021 of this chapter.
[85 FR 7665, Feb. 11, 2020]
§ 408.620 - What information do we consider in selecting the proper representative payee for you?
To select a proper representative payee for you, we consider the information listed in § 404.2020 of this chapter.
§ 408.621 - What is our order of preference in selecting a representative payee for you?
We use the preference list in § 404.2021(a) of this chapter as a guide in selecting the proper representative payee for you.
§ 408.622 - Who may not serve as a representative payee?
For a list of individuals who may not serve as a representative payee, see § 404.2022 of this chapter.
§ 408.624 - How do we investigate a representative payee applicant?
Before selecting an individual or organization as your representative payee, we investigate him or her following the rules in § 404.2024 of this chapter.
§ 408.625 - What information must a representative payee report to us?
Your representative payee must report to us information as described in § 404.2025 of this chapter.
§ 408.626 - How do we investigate an appointed representative payee?
After we select an individual as your representative payee, we investigate him or her following the rules in § 404.2026 of this chapter.
[84 FR 4325, Feb. 15, 2019, as amended at 84 FR 57319, Oct. 25, 2019]
§ 408.630 - How will we notify you when we decide you need a representative payee?
(a) We notify you in writing of our determination to make representative payment. If you are legally incompetent, our written notice is sent to your legal guardian or legal representative. The notice explains that we have determined that representative payment is in your interest, and it provides the name of the representative payee we have selected. The notice:
(1) Contains language that is easily understandable to the reader.
(2) Identifies the person designated as your representative payee.
(3) Explains that you, your legal guardian, or your legal representative can appeal our determination that you need a representative payee.
(4) Explains that you, your legal guardian, or your legal representative can appeal our designation of a particular person to serve as representative payee.
(b) If you, your legal guardian, or your legal representative objects to representative payment or to the designated payee, you can file a formal appeal.
§ 408.635 - What are the responsibilities of your representative payee?
For a list of your representative payee's responsibilities, see § 404.2035 of this chapter.
§ 408.640 - How must your representative payee use your benefits?
Your representative payee must use your benefits in accordance with the rules in § 404.2040 of this chapter.
§ 408.641 - Who is liable if your representative payee misuses your benefits?
For the rules we follow to determine who is liable for repayment of misused benefits, see § 404.2041 of this chapter.
§ 408.645 - What must your representative payee do with unused benefits?
If your representative payee has accumulated benefits for you, he or she must conserve or invest them as provided in § 404.2045 of this chapter.
§ 408.650 - When will we select a new representative payee for you?
We follow the rules in § 404.2050 of this chapter to determine when we will select a new representative payee for you.
§ 408.655 - When will we stop making your payments to a representative payee?
To determine when we will stop representative payment for you, we follow the rules in § 404.2055 of this chapter.
§ 408.660 - What happens to your accumulated funds when your representative payee changes?
For a description of what happens to your accumulated funds (including the interest earned on the funds) when we change your representative payee or when you begin receiving benefits directly, see § 404.2060 of this chapter.
§ 408.665 - How does your representative payee account for the use of your SVB payments?
(a) Your representative payee must account for the use of your benefits. We require written reports from your representative payee at least once a year.
(b) Your representative payee is exempt from the accounting requirement when your representative payee is the spouse of an individual eligible for SVB payments.
(c) We may verify how your representative payee used your benefits. Your representative payee should keep records of how benefits were used in order to provide accounting reports and must make those records available upon our request. If your representative payee fails to provide an annual accounting of benefits or other required report, we may require your payee to appear in person at the local Social Security field office or a United States Government facility that we designate serving the area in which you reside. The decision to have your representative payee receive your benefits in person may be based on a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons may include the payee's history of past performance or our past difficulty in contacting the payee. We may ask your representative payee to give us the following information:
(1) Where you lived during the accounting period;
(2) Who made the decisions on how your benefits were spent or saved;
(3) How your benefit payments were used; and
(4) How much of your benefit payments were saved and how the savings were invested.
[87 FR 35653, June 13, 2022]
source: 68 FR 16418, Apr. 4, 2003, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 408.601