Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
Table of Contents

§ 408.900 - What is this subpart about?

§ 408.901 - What is an underpayment?

§ 408.902 - What is an overpayment?

§ 408.903 - How do we determine the amount of an underpayment or overpayment?

§ 408.904 - How will you receive an underpayment?

§ 408.905 - Will we withhold or adjust an underpayment to reduce an overpayment if that overpayment occurred in a different period?

§ 408.910 - When will we waive recovery of an SVB overpayment?

§ 408.911 - What happens when we waive recovery of an SVB overpayment?

§ 408.912 - When are you without fault regarding an overpayment?

§ 408.913 - When would overpayment recovery defeat the purpose of the title VIII program?

§ 408.914 - When would overpayment recovery be against equity and good conscience?


§ 408.918 - What notices will you receive if you are overpaid or underpaid?


§ 408.920 - When will we seek refund of an SVB overpayment?


§ 408.922 - When will we adjust your SVB payments to recover an overpayment?

§ 408.923 - Is there a limit on the amount we will withhold from your SVB payments to recover an overpayment?


§ 408.930 - Are title II and title XVI benefits subject to adjustment to recover title VIII overpayments?

§ 408.931 - How much will we withhold from your title II and title XVI benefits to recover a title VIII overpayment?

§ 408.932 - Will you receive notice of our intention to apply cross-program recovery?

§ 408.933 - When will we begin cross-program recovery from your current monthly benefits?


§ 408.940 - When will we refer an SVB overpayment to the Department of the Treasury for tax refund offset?

§ 408.941 - Will we notify you before we refer an SVB overpayment for tax refund offset?

§ 408.942 - Will you have a chance to present evidence showing that the overpayment is not past due or is not legally enforceable?

§ 408.943 - What happens after we make our determination on your request for review or your request for waiver?

§ 408.944 - How can you review our records related to an SVB overpayment?

§ 408.945 - When will we suspend tax refund offset?

§ 408.946 - What happens if your tax refund is insufficient to cover the amount of your SVB overpayment?


§ 408.950 - Will we accept a compromise settlement of an overpayment debt or suspend or terminate collection of an overpayment?

§ 408.900 - What is this subpart about?

This subpart explains what happens when you receive less or more than the correct amount of SVB than you are entitled to receive. Sections 408.901 through 408.903 define overpayment and underpayment and describe how we determine the amount of the overpayment or underpayment. When you receive less than the correct amount of SVB (which we refer to as an underpayment), we will take the actions described in §§ 408.904 and 408.905. Waiver of recovery of overpayments (payments of more than the correct amount) is discussed in §§ 408.910 through 408.914, and the methods we use to recover overpayments are discussed in §§ 408.920 through 408.946. In § 408.950, we explain when we will accept a compromise settlement of an overpayment or suspend or terminate collection of an overpayment.

§ 408.901 - What is an underpayment?

(a) An underpayment can occur only with respect to a period for which you filed an application for benefits and met all conditions of eligibility for benefits.

(b) An underpayment is:

(1) Nonpayment, where payment was due but was not made; or

(2) Payment of less than the amount due for a period.

(c) For purposes of this section, payment has been made when certified by the Social Security Administration to the Department of the Treasury. Payment is not considered to have been made where payment has not been received by the designated payee, or where payment was returned.

§ 408.902 - What is an overpayment?

(a) As used in this subpart, the term overpayment means payment of more than the amount due for any period. For purposes of this section, payment has been made when certified by the Social Security Administration to the Department of the Treasury. Payment is not considered to have been made where payment has not been received by the designated payee, or where payment was returned.

(b) As used in this subpart, the term pandemic period for the purposes of the waiver authority in § 408.910 refers exclusively to the period of time beginning on March 1, 2020, and ending on September 30, 2020.

[69 FR 25955, May 10, 2004, as amended at 85 FR 52914, Aug. 27, 2020]
§ 408.903 - How do we determine the amount of an underpayment or overpayment?

(a) General. The amount of an underpayment or overpayment is the difference between the amount you are paid and the amount you are due for a given period. An underpayment or overpayment period begins with the first month for which there is a difference between the amount paid and the amount actually due for that month. The period ends with the month in which we make the initial determination of the overpayment or underpayment. With respect to the period established, there can be no underpayment to you if we paid you more than the correct amount of SVB, even though we waived recovery of any overpayment to you for that period under the provisions of §§ 408.910 through 408.914. A later initial determination of an overpayment will require no change with respect to a prior determination of overpayment or to the period relating to such prior determination to the extent that the basis of the prior overpayment remains the same.

(b) Limited delay in payment of an underpayment. Where we have detected a potential overpayment but we have not made a determination of the overpayment (see § 408.918(a)), we will not delay making a determination of underpayment and paying you unless we can make an overpayment determination before the close of the month following the month in which we discovered the potential underpayment.

(c) Delay in payment of underpayment to ineligible individual. If you are no longer entitled to SVB, we will delay a determination and payment of an underpayment that is otherwise due you so that we can resolve all overpayments, incorrect payments, and adjustments.

§ 408.904 - How will you receive an underpayment?

We will pay you the amount of any underpayment due you in a separate payment or by increasing the amount of your monthly payment. If you die before we pay you all or any part of an underpayment, the balance of the underpayment reverts to the general fund of the U.S. Treasury.

§ 408.905 - Will we withhold or adjust an underpayment to reduce an overpayment if that overpayment occurred in a different period?

We will withhold or adjust any underpayment due you to reduce any overpayment to you that we determine for a different period, unless we have waived recovery of the overpayment under the provisions of §§ 408.910 through 408.914.

§ 408.910 - When will we waive recovery of an SVB overpayment?

We will waive recovery of an overpayment when:

(a) You are without fault in connection with the overpayment, and

(b) Recovery of such overpayment would either:

(1) Defeat the purpose of the title VIII program, or

(2) Be against equity and good conscience.

(c) We will apply the procedures in this paragraph (c) when an individual requests waiver of all or part of a qualifying overpayment.

(1) For purposes of this paragraph (c), a qualifying overpayment is one that accrued during the pandemic period (see § 408.902(b)) because of the actions that we took in response to the COVID-19 national public health emergency, including the suspension of certain of our manual workloads that would have processed actions identifying and stopping certain overpayments.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subpart, we will presume that an individual who requests waiver of a qualifying overpayment is without fault in causing the overpayment (see § 408.912) unless we determine that the qualifying overpayment made to a beneficiary or a representative payee was the result of fraud or similar fault or involved misuse of benefits by a representative payee (see § 408.641).

(3) If we determine under paragraph (c)(2) of this section that an individual or a representative payee is without fault in causing a qualifying overpayment, we will also determine that recovery of the qualifying overpayment would be against equity and good conscience. For purposes of this paragraph (c)(3) only, “against equity and good conscience” is not limited to the meaning used in § 408.914 but means a broad concept of fairness that takes into account all of the facts and circumstances of the case.

(4) The provisions of this paragraph (c) will apply to a qualifying overpayment identified by December 31, 2020.

[69 FR 25955, May 10, 2004, as amended at 85 FR 52914, Aug. 27, 2020]
§ 408.911 - What happens when we waive recovery of an SVB overpayment?

Waiver of recovery of an overpayment from you (or, after your death, from your estate) frees you and your estate from the obligation to repay the amount of the overpayment covered by the waiver. Example: You filed for waiver of recovery of a $600 overpayment. We found that you are eligible for waiver of recovery of $260 of that amount. Only $340 of the overpayment would be recoverable from you or your estate.

§ 408.912 - When are you without fault regarding an overpayment?

(a) General—when fault is relevant. If you request waiver of recovery of an overpayment, we must determine whether you were without fault. You are not relieved of liability and are not without fault solely because we may have been at fault in making the overpayment.

(b) The factors we consider to determine whether you were without fault. When we determine whether you were without fault, we consider all the pertinent circumstances relating to the overpayment. We consider your understanding of your obligation to give us information affecting your payments, your agreement to report events, your knowledge of the occurrence of events that should have been reported, the efforts you made to comply with the reporting requirements, the opportunities you had to comply with the reporting requirements, your ability to comply with the reporting requirements (e.g., your age, comprehension, memory, physical and mental condition), and your understanding of the obligation to return payments that were not due. In determining whether you are without fault based on these factors, we will take into account any physical, mental, educational, or language limitations (including any lack of facility with the English language) you may have. We will determine that you were at fault if, after considering all of the circumstances, we find that the overpayment resulted from one of the following:

(1) Your failure to furnish information which you knew or should have known was material;

(2) An incorrect statement you made which you knew or should have known was incorrect (this includes furnishing your opinion or conclusion when you were asked for facts), or

(3) You did not return a payment, which you knew, or could have been expected to know, was incorrect.

(c) Special rule for qualifying overpayments. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subpart, we will not determine any overpaid individual to be at fault in causing a qualifying overpayment (see § 408.910(c)(1)) unless we determine that the qualifying overpayment made to an individual or a representative payee during the pandemic period (see § 408.902(b)) was the result of fraud or similar fault or involved misuse of benefits by a representative payee (see § 408.641).

[69 FR 25955, May 10, 2004, as amended at 85 FR 52914, Aug. 27, 2020]
§ 408.913 - When would overpayment recovery defeat the purpose of the title VIII program?

We will waive recovery of an overpayment when you are without fault (as defined in § 408.912) and recovery of the overpayment would defeat the purpose of the title VIII program. Recovery of an overpayment would defeat the purpose of the title VIII program to the extent that our recovery action would deprive you of income and resources you need to meet your ordinary and necessary living expenses as described in § 404.508(a) of this chapter.

§ 408.914 - When would overpayment recovery be against equity and good conscience?

We will waive recovery of an overpayment when you are without fault (as defined in § 408.912) and recovery would be against equity and good conscience. Recovery would be against equity and good conscience if you changed your position for the worse or gave up a valuable right in reliance on our notice that payment would be made or because of the incorrect payment itself. Example: Upon our notice that you are eligible for SVB payments, you signed a lease on an apartment renting for $15 a month more than the one you previously occupied. You were subsequently found ineligible for SVB and no benefits are payable. In this case, recovery of the overpayment would be considered “against equity and good conscience.”

§ 408.918 - What notices will you receive if you are overpaid or underpaid?

(a) Notice of overpayment or underpayment determination. Whenever we determine that you were overpaid or underpaid for a given period, as defined in § 408.903, we will send you a written notice of the correct and incorrect amounts you received for each month in the period, even if part or all of the underpayment must be withheld in accordance with § 408.905. The notice of overpayment will advise you about recovery of the overpayment, as explained in §§ 408.920-408.923, and your rights to appeal the determination and to request waiver of recovery of the overpayment under the provisions of § 408.910.

(b) Notice of waiver determination. Written notice of an initial determination regarding waiver of recovery will be mailed to you in accordance with § 408.1005 unless you were not given notice of the overpayment in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.

§ 408.920 - When will we seek refund of an SVB overpayment?

We will seek refund of an SVB overpayment in every case in which we have not waived recovery. An overpayment may be refunded by you or by anyone on your behalf. If you are receiving SVB currently and you have not refunded the overpayment, adjustment as set forth in § 408.922 will be proposed. If you die before we recover the full overpayment, we will seek refund of the balance from your estate.

§ 408.922 - When will we adjust your SVB payments to recover an overpayment?

If you do not refund your overpayment to us, and waiver of recovery is not applicable, we will adjust any SVB payments due you to recover the overpayment. Adjustment will generally be accomplished by withholding each month the amount set forth in § 408.923 from the benefit payable to you.

§ 408.923 - Is there a limit on the amount we will withhold from your SVB payments to recover an overpayment?

(a) Amount of the withholding limit. Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the amount we will withhold from your monthly SVB payment to recover an overpayment is limited to the lesser of (1) the amount of your Federal SVB payment or (2) an amount equal to 10 percent of the maximum SVB monthly payment amount as defined in § 408.505(a).

(b) Your right to request a different rate of withholding. When we notify you of the rate we propose to withhold from your monthly SVB payment, we will give you the opportunity to request a higher or lower rate of withholding than that proposed. If you request a rate of withholding that is lower than the one established under paragraph (a) of this section, we will set a rate that is appropriate to your financial condition after we evaluate all the pertinent facts. An appropriate rate is one that will not deprive you of income required for ordinary and necessary living expenses. We will evaluate your income, resources, and expenses as described in § 404.508 of this chapter.

(c) Fraud, misrepresentation or concealment of material information. If we determine that there was fraud, willful misrepresentation, or concealment of material information by you in connection with the overpayment, the limits in paragraph (a)(2) of this section do not apply and we will not lower the rate of withholding under paragraph (b) of this section. Concealment of material information means an intentional, knowing, and purposeful delay in making or in failing to make a report that will affect your SVB payment amount and/or eligibility. It does not include a mere omission on your part; it is an affirmative act to conceal.

§ 408.930 - Are title II and title XVI benefits subject to adjustment to recover title VIII overpayments?

(a) Definitions—(1) Cross-program recovery. Cross-program recovery is the process that we will use to collect title VIII overpayments from benefits payable to you under title II or title XVI of the Social Security Act.

(2) Benefits payable. For purposes of this section, benefits payable means the amount of title II or title XVI benefits you actually would receive. For title II benefits, it includes your monthly benefit and your past-due benefits after any reductions or deductions listed in § 404.401(a) and (b) of this chapter. For title XVI benefits, it includes your monthly benefit and your past-due benefits as described in § 416.420 of this chapter.

(b) When may we collect title VIII overpayments using cross-program recovery? We may use cross-program recovery to collect a title VIII overpayment you owe when benefits are payable to you under title II, title XVI, or both.

[70 FR 15, Jan. 3, 2004]
§ 408.931 - How much will we withhold from your title II and title XVI benefits to recover a title VIII overpayment?

(a) If past-due benefits are payable to you, we will withhold the lesser of the entire overpayment balance or the entire amount of past-due benefits.

(b)(1) We will collect the overpayment from current monthly benefits due in a month under title II and title XVI by withholding the lesser of the amount of the entire overpayment balance or:

(i) 10 percent of the monthly title II benefits payable for that month and

(ii) in the case of title XVI benefits, an amount no greater than the lesser of the benefit payable for that month or an amount equal to 10 percent of your income for that month (including such monthly benefit but excluding payments under title II when recovery is also made from title II benefits and excluding income excluded pursuant to §§ 416.1112 and 416.1124 of this chapter).

(2) Paragraph (b)(1) of this section does not apply if:

(i) You request and we approve a different rate of withholding, or

(ii) You or your spouse willfully misrepresented or concealed material information in connection with the overpayment.

(c) In determining whether to grant your request that we withhold less than the amount described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, we will use the criteria applied under § 408.923 to similar requests about withholding from title VIII benefits.

(d) If you or your spouse willfully misrepresented or concealed material information in connection with the overpayment, we will collect the overpayment by withholding the lesser of the overpayment balance or the entire amount of title II benefits and title XVI benefits payable to you. We will not collect at a lesser rate. (See § 408.923 for what we mean by concealment of material information.)

[70 FR 16, Jan. 3, 2005]
§ 408.932 - Will you receive notice of our intention to apply cross-program recovery?

Before we collect an overpayment from you using cross-program recovery, we will send you a written notice that tells you the following information:

(a) We have determined that you owe a specific overpayment balance that can be collected by cross-program recovery;

(b) We will withhold a specific amount from the title II or title XVI benefits (see § 408.931(b));

(c) You may ask us to review this determination that you still owe this overpayment balance;

(d) You may request that we withhold a different amount from your current monthly benefits (the notice will not include this information if § 408.931(d) applies); and

(e) You may ask us to waive collection of this overpayment balance.

[70 FR 16, Jan. 3, 2005]
§ 408.933 - When will we begin cross-program recovery from your current monthly benefits?

(a) We will begin collecting the overpayment balance by cross-program recovery from your title II and title XVI current monthly benefits no sooner than 30 calendar days after the date of the notice described in § 408.932. If within that 30-day period you pay us the full overpayment balance stated in the notice, we will not begin cross-program recovery from your current monthly benefits.

(b) If within that 30-day period you ask us to review our determination that you still owe us this overpayment balance, we will not begin cross-program recovery from your current monthly benefits before we review the matter and notify you of our decision in writing.

(c) If within that 30-day period you ask us to withhold a different amount than the amount stated in the notice, we will not begin cross-program recovery from your current monthly benefits until we determine the amount we will withhold. This paragraph does not apply when § 408.931(d) applies.

(d) If within that 30-day period you ask us to waive recovery of the overpayment balance, we will not begin cross-program recovery from your current monthly benefits before we review the matter and notify you of our decision in writing. See §§ 408.910 through 408.914.

[70 FR 16, Jan. 3, 2005]
§ 408.940 - When will we refer an SVB overpayment to the Department of the Treasury for tax refund offset?

(a) General. The standards we will apply and the procedures we will follow before requesting the Department of the Treasury to offset income tax refunds due you to recover outstanding overpayments are set forth in §§ 408.940 through 408.946 of this subpart. These standards and procedures are authorized by 31 U.S.C. 3720A,as.2.

(b) We will use the Department of the Treasury tax refund offset procedure to collect overpayments that are certain in amount, past due and legally enforceable and eligible for tax refund offset under regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury. We will use these procedures to collect overpayments from you only when you are not currently entitled to monthly SVB under title VIII of the Act, and we are not recovering your SVB overpayment from your monthly benefits payable under title II of the Act. We refer overpayments to the Department of the Treasury for offset against Federal tax refunds regardless of the amount of time the debts have been outstanding.

[69 FR 25955, May 10, 2004, as amended at 76 FR 65108, Oct. 20, 2011]
§ 408.941 - Will we notify you before we refer an SVB overpayment for tax refund offset?

Before we request that an overpayment be collected by reduction of Federal and State income tax refunds, we will send a written notice of our action to the overpaid person. In our notice of intent to collect an overpayment through tax refund offset, we will state:

(a) The amount of the overpayment; and

(b) That we will collect the overpayment by requesting that the Department of the Treasury reduce any amounts payable to the overpaid person as refunds of Federal and State income taxes by an amount equal to the amount of the overpayment unless, within 60 calendar days from the date of our notice, the overpaid person:

(1) Repays the overpayment in full; or

(2) Provides evidence to us at the address given in our notice that the overpayment is not past due or legally enforceable; or

(3) Asks us to waive collection of the overpayment under section 204(b) of the Act.

(c) The conditions under which we will waive recovery of an overpayment under section 808(c) of the Act;

(d) That we will review any evidence presented that the overpayment is not past due or not legally enforceable;

(e) That you have the right to inspect and copy our records related to the overpayment as determined by us and you will be informed as to where and when the inspection and copying can be done after we receive notice from you requesting inspection and copying.

[69 FR 25955, May 10, 2004, as amended at 76 FR 65108, Oct. 20, 2011]
§ 408.942 - Will you have a chance to present evidence showing that the overpayment is not past due or is not legally enforceable?

(a) Notification. If you receive a notice as described in § 408.941 of this subpart, you have the right to present evidence that all or part of the overpayment is not past due or not legally enforceable. To exercise this right, you must notify us and present evidence regarding the overpayment within 60 calendar days from the date of our notice.

(b) Submission of evidence. You may submit evidence showing that all or part of the debt is not past due or not legally enforceable as provided in paragraph (a) of this section. Failure to submit the notification and evidence within 60 calendar days will result in referral of the overpayment to the Department of the Treasury, unless, within this 60-day time period, you ask us to waive collection of the overpayment under § 408.910 and we have not yet determined whether we can grant the waiver request. If you ask us to waive collection of the overpayment, we may ask you to submit evidence to support your request.

(c) Review of the evidence. If you submit evidence on a timely basis, we will consider all available evidence related to the overpayment. We will make findings based on a review of the written record, unless we determine that the question of indebtedness cannot be resolved by a review of the documentary evidence.

(d) Written findings. We will issue our written findings including supporting rationale to you, your attorney or other representative. The findings will be our final action with respect to the past-due status and enforceability of the overpayment.

§ 408.943 - What happens after we make our determination on your request for review or your request for waiver?

(a) If we make a determination that all or part of the overpayment is past due and legally enforceable and/or your waiver request cannot be granted, we will refer the overpayment to the Department of the Treasury for recovery from any Federal income tax refund due you. We will not suspend our referral of the overpayment to the Department of the Treasury under § 408.945 of this subpart pending any further administrative review of the waiver determination that you may seek.

(b) We will not refer the overpayment to the Department of the Treasury if we reverse our prior finding that the overpayment is past due and legally enforceable or, upon consideration of a waiver request, we determine that waiver of recovery of the overpayment is appropriate.

§ 408.944 - How can you review our records related to an SVB overpayment?

(a) What you must do. If you intend to inspect or copy our records related to the overpayment, you must notify us stating your intention to inspect or copy.

(b) What we will do. If you notify us that you intend to inspect or copy our records related to the overpayment as described in paragraph (a) of this section, we will notify you of the location and time when you may do so. We may also, at our discretion, mail copies of the overpayment-related records to you.

§ 408.945 - When will we suspend tax refund offset?

If, within 60 days of the date of the notice described in § 408.941 of this subpart, you notify us that you are exercising a right described in § 408.942(a) of this subpart and submit evidence pursuant to § 408.942(b) of this subpart or request a waiver under § 408.910 of this subpart, we will suspend any notice to the Department of the Treasury until we have issued written findings that affirm that an overpayment is past due and legally enforceable and, if applicable, make a determination that a waiver request cannot be granted.

§ 408.946 - What happens if your tax refund is insufficient to cover the amount of your SVB overpayment?

If your tax refund is insufficient to recover an overpayment in a given year, the case will remain with the Department of the Treasury for succeeding years, assuming that all criteria for certification are met at that time.

§ 408.950 - Will we accept a compromise settlement of an overpayment debt or suspend or terminate collection of an overpayment?

(a) General. If we find that you do not, or your estate does not, have the present or future ability to pay the full amount of the overpayment within a reasonable time or the cost of collection is likely to exceed the amount of recovery, we may take any of the following actions, as appropriate.

(1) We may accept a compromise settlement (payment of less than the full amount of the overpayment) to discharge the entire overpayment debt.

(2) We may suspend our efforts to collect the overpayment.

(3) We may terminate our efforts to collect the overpayment.

(b) Rules we apply. In deciding whether to take any of the actions described in paragraph (a) of this section, we will apply the rules in § 404.515(b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) of this chapter and other applicable rules, including the Federal Claims Collection Standards (31 CFR 900.3 and parts 902 and 903).

(c) Effect of compromise, suspension or termination. When we suspend or terminate collection of the overpayment debt, we may take collection action in the future in accordance with provisions of the Social Security Act, other laws, and the standards set forth in 31 CFR chapter IX. A compromise settlement satisfies the obligation to repay the overpayment if you or your estate comply with the terms of the settlement. Failure to make payment in the manner and within the time that we require in the settlement will result in reinstatement of our claim for the full amount of the overpayment less any amounts paid.

source: 68 FR 16418, Apr. 4, 2003, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 408.913