Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 411.500 - Definitions of terms used in this subpart.
(a) Payment calculation base means for any calendar year—
(1) In connection with a title II disability beneficiary (including a concurrent title II/title XVI disability beneficiary), the average monthly disability insurance benefit payable under section 223 of the Act for months during the preceding calendar year to all beneficiaries who are in current pay status for the month for which the benefit is payable; and
(2) In connection with a title XVI disability beneficiary (who is not concurrently a title II disability beneficiary), the average monthly payment of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits based on disability payable under title XVI (excluding State supplementation) for months during the preceding calendar year to all beneficiaries who—
(i) Have attained age 18 but have not attained age 65;
(ii) Are not concurrent title II/title XVI beneficiaries; and
(iii) Are in current pay status for the month for which the payment is made.
(b) Outcome payment period means a period of 36 months for a title II disability beneficiary or a period of 60 months for a title XVI disability beneficiary who is not concurrently a title II disability beneficiary, not necessarily consecutive, for which Social Security disability benefits and Federal SSI cash benefits are not payable to the beneficiary because of the performance of substantial gainful activity (SGA) or by reason of earnings from work activity. The outcome payment period begins with the first month, ending after the date on which the ticket was first assigned to an EN (or to a State VR agency acting as an EN), for which such benefits are not payable to the beneficiary because of SGA or by reason of earnings from work activity. The outcome payment period ends as follows:
(1) For a title II disability beneficiary (including a concurrent title II/title XVI disability beneficiary), the outcome payment period ends with the 36th month, consecutive or otherwise, ending after the date on which the ticket was first assigned to an EN (or to a State VR agency acting as an EN), for which Social Security disability benefits and Federal SSI cash benefits are not payable to the beneficiary because of earnings from work activity (except as provided for in § 411.551).
(2) For a title XVI disability beneficiary who is not concurrently a title II disability beneficiary, the outcome payment period ends with the 60th month, consecutive or otherwise, ending after the date on which the ticket was first assigned to an EN (or to a State VR agency acting as an EN), for which Federal SSI cash benefits are not payable to the beneficiary by reason of earnings from work activity (except as provided for in § 411.551).
(c) Outcome payment system is a system providing a schedule of payments to an EN (or a State VR agency acting as an EN) for each month, during an individual's outcome payment period, for which Social Security disability benefits and Federal SSI cash benefits are not payable to the individual because of work or earnings.
(d) Outcome payment means the payment for an outcome payment month.
(e) Outcome payment month means a month, during the beneficiary's outcome payment period, for which Social Security disability benefits and Federal SSI cash benefits are not payable to the beneficiary because of work or earnings.
(f) Outcome-milestone payment system is a system providing a schedule of payments to an EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) that includes, in addition to any outcome payments which may be made during the individual's outcome payment period, payments for completion by a title II or title XVI disability beneficiary of up to four Phase 1 milestones; and up to eleven Phase 2 milestones for a title II disability beneficiary or a concurrent beneficiary or up to eighteen Phase 2 milestones for a title XVI disability beneficiary who is not a concurrent title II disability beneficiary.
(1) Phase 1 milestones are based on the beneficiary achieving a level of earnings that reflects initial efforts at self-supporting employment. They are based on the earnings threshold that we use to establish a trial work period service month as defined in § 404.1592(b) of this chapter. We use this threshold amount as defined in § 404.1592(b) of this chapter in order to measure whether the beneficiary's earnings level meets the milestone objective.
(2) Phase 2 milestones are based on the beneficiary achieving a level of earnings that reflects substantial efforts at self-supporting employment. They are based on the earnings threshold that we use to determine if work activity is SGA. We use the SGA earnings threshold amount in § 404.1574(b)(2) of this chapter. We use the SGA threshold amounts in order to measure whether the beneficiary's gross earnings level meets the milestone objective.
(g) Transition case is a case where milestones or outcomes had been attained before July 21, 2008 (that is, the work required to meet such a milestone or outcome had been completed by that date). Section 411.551 explains how subsequent payments will be made to the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) on a transition case.
(h) Reconciliation payment is a final payment equal to the milestone payments that are unpaid when the beneficiary enters the outcome payment period before all the milestone payments are paid (see §§ 411.525(c) and 411.536).
[66 FR 67420, Dec. 28, 2001, as amended at 73 FR 29345, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.505 - How is an EN paid?
An EN (including a State VR agency acting as an EN) can elect to be paid under either the outcome payment system or the outcome-milestone payment system. The EN will elect a payment system at the time the EN enters into an agreement with us. (For State VR agencies, see § 411.365.) The EN (or State VR agency) may periodically change its elected EN payment system as described in § 411.515.
[73 FR 29346, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.510 -
(a) The State VR agency's payment choices are described in § 411.355.
(b) The State VR agency's decision to serve the beneficiary must be communicated to the program manager (PM). (See § 411.115(k) for a definition of the PM.) At the same time, the State VR agency must notify the PM of its selected payment system for that beneficiary.
(c) If a beneficiary who is receiving services from the State VR agency under an existing IPE becomes eligible for a ticket that is available for assignment, the State VR agency is limited to the cost reimbursement payment system, unless both the beneficiary and the State VR agency agree to have the ticket assigned to the State VR agency (see § 411.390).
[66 FR 67420, Dec. 28, 2001, as amended at 73 FR 29346, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.515 - Can the EN change its elected payment system?
(a) Yes. Any change by an EN in its elected EN payment system will apply to beneficiaries who assign their ticket to the EN after the EN's change in election becomes effective. A change in the EN's election will become effective with the first day of the month following the month in which the EN notifies us of the change. For beneficiaries who already assigned their ticket to the EN under the EN's earlier elected payment system, the EN's earlier elected payment system will continue to apply. These rules also apply to a change by a State VR agency in its elected EN payment system for cases in which the State VR agency serves a beneficiary as an EN.
(b) After an EN (or a State VR agency) first elects an EN payment system, the EN (or State VR agency) can choose to make one change in its elected payment system in each calendar year (January-December) thereafter. The first EN payment system election constitutes the only election an EN may make for that calendar year.
[66 FR 67420, Dec. 28, 2001, as amended at 73 FR 29346, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.520 - How are beneficiaries whose tickets are assigned to an EN affected by a change in that EN's elected payment system?
A change in an EN's (or State VR agency's) elected payment system has no effect upon the beneficiaries who have assigned their ticket to the EN (or State VR agency).
§ 411.525 - What payments are available under each of the EN payment systems?
(a) For payments for outcome payment months, both EN payment systems use the payment calculation base as defined in § 411.500(a)(1) or (a)(2), as appropriate.
(1)(i) Under the outcome payment system, we can pay up to 36 outcome payments to the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) for a title II disability beneficiary (including a concurrent title II/title XVI disability beneficiary). We can pay up to 60 outcome payments to the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) for a title XVI disability beneficiary who is not concurrently a title II disability beneficiary. For each month during the beneficiary's outcome payment period for which Social Security disability benefits and Federal SSI cash benefits are not payable to the beneficiary because of the performance of SGA or by reason of earnings from work activity, the EN (or the State VR agency acting as an EN) is eligible for a monthly outcome payment. Payment for an outcome payment month under the outcome payment system is equal to 67% of the payment calculation base for the calendar year in which such month occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar (see § 411.550).
(ii) If a disabled beneficiary's entitlement to Social Security disability benefits ends (see §§ 404.316(b), 404.337(b) and 404.352(b) of this chapter) or eligibility for SSI benefits based on disability or blindness terminates (see § 416.1335 of this chapter) because of the performance of SGA or by reason of earnings from work activity, we will consider any month after the month with which such entitlement ends or eligibility terminates to be a month for which Social Security disability benefits and Federal SSI cash benefits are not payable to the individual because of work or earnings if—
(A) The individual has gross earnings from employment (or net earnings from self-employment as defined in § 416.1110(b) of this chapter) in that month that are more than the SGA threshold amount in § 404.1574(b)(2) of this chapter (or in § 404.1584(d) of this chapter for an individual who is statutorily blind); and
(B) The individual is not entitled to any monthly benefits under title II or eligible for any benefits under title XVI for that month.
(2) Under the outcome-milestone payment system:
(i) We can pay the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) for up to four Phase 1 milestones attained within the required earnings period for a title II or title XVI disability beneficiary who has assigned his or her ticket to the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN). The first Phase 1 milestone is met when a beneficiary has worked in a month and earned at least 50% of the amount of earnings considered to represent a trial work period service month as defined in § 404.1592(b) of this chapter. The second Phase 1 milestone is met after a beneficiary has worked for three months within a six-month period and has gross earnings in each of those three months equal to or greater than a trial work period service amount as defined in § 404.1592(b) of this chapter. The third Phase 1 milestone is met after a beneficiary has worked for a total of six months within a twelve-month period and had gross earnings in each of those six months equal to a trial work period service amount as defined in § 404.1592(b) of this chapter. The fourth Phase 1 milestone is met after a beneficiary has worked a total of nine months within an 18-month period and had gross earnings in each of those nine months equal to a trial work period service amount as defined in § 404.1592(b) of this chapter and the EN has substantially completed the services agreed to in the IWP/IPE, including any amendments. Earnings used to meet the first, second or third Phase 1 milestone may be counted again when determining if a later Phase 1 milestone is met, provided the earlier earnings fall within the relevant time period for meeting the later milestone.
(ii) We can also pay the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) up to eleven Phase 2 milestones achieved by a title II disability beneficiary (including a concurrent title II/title XVI disability beneficiary) or up to eighteen Phase 2 milestones achieved by a title XVI disability beneficiary (who is not concurrently a title II disability beneficiary) who has assigned his or her ticket to the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN). A Phase 2 milestone is met for each calendar month in which the beneficiary has worked and has gross earnings from employment (or net earnings from self-employment as defined in § 404.1080 of this chapter) in that month that are more than the SGA threshold amount as defined in § 404.1574 of this chapter.
(iii) We pay available milestone payments in sequence except when the beneficiary's outcome period begins before the beneficiary has achieved all Phase 1 and Phase 2 milestones. Example: The individual, in the first month of employment after assigning the ticket, earns above the SGA level. Despite having exceeded trial work period level earnings and earned above the SGA level as required for Phase 2 payments in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, based on the individual's earning we would pay the EN the sequentially available milestone, which in this case would be Phase 1, milestone 1.
(iv) In addition to the milestone payments, monthly outcome payments can be paid to the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) during the outcome payment period.
(b) The outcome-milestone payment system is designed so that the total payments to the EN (or the State VR agency acting as an EN) for a beneficiary are less than the total amount that would have been paid if the EN were paid under the outcome payment system. Under the outcome-milestone payment system, the total payment to the EN (or the State VR agency acting as an EN) is about 90% of the total that would have been potentially payable under the outcome payment system for the same beneficiary.
(c) Except as provided in § 411.536 (reconciliation payments) the milestones for which payments may be made must occur prior to the beginning of the beneficiary's outcome payment period.
(d) We will pay an EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) to which the beneficiary has assigned a ticket for milestones or outcomes achieved only in months prior to the month in which the ticket terminates (see § 411.155). We will not pay a milestone or outcome payment to an EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) based on a beneficiary's work or earnings activity in or after the month in which the ticket terminates.
(e) If a title XVI disability beneficiary becomes entitled to title II benefits after we authorize the first milestone or outcome payment, we will continue to calculate the EN payments using title XVI payment calculation base under the outcome payment system on the basis of paragraph (a)(1)(i) and under the outcome-milestone payment system on the basis of paragraph (a)(2). This applies even if the title XVI eligibility is subsequently terminated and the person becomes only a title II beneficiary.
[66 FR 67420, Dec. 28, 2001, as amended at 73 FR 29346, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.535 - Under what circumstances will milestones be paid?
(a)(1)(i) Under the outcome-milestone payment system, an EN (or a State VR agency acting as an EN) can earn up to four Phase 1 milestone payments for serving beneficiaries whose gross earnings were less than the trial work level in each of the 18 months before the ticket was first assigned to an EN. All work and earnings counted toward reaching the four Phase 1 milestones must occur after the ticket is assigned and before the beginning of the beneficiary's outcome payment period (see § 411.500(f)) except as provided in § 411.536 (reconciliation payments).
(ii) Significant work activity prior to ticket assignment will limit the availability of Phase 1 milestone payments. The PM will make this assessment of work activity prior to the first ticket assignment on each ticket, irrespective of the EN's chosen payment system, in order to determine how many milestone payments may be available for serving an individual in the Ticket to Work program. The first Phase 1 milestone payment is not available to be made to an EN if the beneficiary has worked above the trial work level in the calendar month prior to the first ticket assignment on each ticket in the Ticket to Work program. The second Phase 1 milestone payment is not available if the beneficiary has worked above the trial work level in three of the six months prior to the first ticket assignment on each ticket in the Ticket to Work program. The third Phase 1 milestone is not available if the beneficiary has worked above the trial work level in six of the twelve months prior to the first ticket assignment on each ticket in the Ticket to Work program. The fourth Phase 1 milestone is not available if the beneficiary has worked above the trial work level in nine of the 18 months prior to the first ticket assignment on each ticket in the Ticket to Work program.
(iii) If a beneficiary had a ticket that otherwise was available for assignment and chose to receive services under an IPE from a State VR agency that elected the VR cost reimbursement option, payment of Phase 1 milestones to an EN or a different VR agency acting as an EN with respect to the same ticket is precluded if the State VR Agency that elected the VR cost reimbursement option achieved an employment outcome (as described in 34 CFR 361.56) before case closure. An EN or a different VR agency acting as an EN can be paid Phase 2 milestones as described in paragraph (2) of this section with respect to this ticket.
(2) Under the outcome-milestone payment system, an EN can receive up to eleven Phase 2 milestone payments for work by a title II disability beneficiary (including a concurrent title II/title XVI disability beneficiary), or up to eighteen Phase 2 milestone payments for work by a title XVI disability beneficiary. Earnings prior to the first assignment of the ticket in the Ticket to Work program are not taken into account when determining whether sufficient earnings exist for payment of Phase 2 milestones.
(3) If the beneficiary's outcome payment period begins before the beneficiary has achieved all Phase 1 and Phase 2 milestones, then we will pay the EN a final payment in accordance with § 411.536 (reconciliation payments) to account for unpaid milestone payments that had been available when the ticket was first assigned.
(b) An EN can be paid for a milestone only if the milestone is attained after a beneficiary has assigned his or her ticket to the EN. See § 411.575 for other milestone payment criteria.
[66 FR 67420, Dec. 28, 2001, as amended at 73 FR 29347, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.536 - Under what circumstances can we make a reconciliation payment under the outcome-milestone payment system?
When the beneficiary's outcome payment period begins before the beneficiary has attained all Phase 1 and Phase 2 milestones, we will pay the EN (or a State VR agency acting as an EN) a reconciliation payment. The reconciliation payment will equal the total amount of the milestone payments that were available with respect to that ticket, when the ticket was first assigned, but that have not yet been paid. The reconciliation payment will be based on the payment calculation base for the calendar year in which the first month of the beneficiary's outcome period occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar. The payment will be made after an EN has qualified for 12 outcome payments. Where multiple ENs had the ticket assigned at some time, the PM will apply the rule under § 411.560 to determine the allocation of the reconciliation payment.
[73 FR 29347, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.540 - How are the payment amounts calculated for each of the milestones?
(a) For both title II disability beneficiaries and title XVI disability beneficiaries, the payment amount for each of the Phase 1 milestone payments is equal to 120% of the payment calculation base for title II (as defined in § 411.500(a)(1)) for the calendar year in which the month of attainment of the milestone occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
(b) The payment amount for each of the Phase 2 milestones:
(1) For title II disability beneficiaries (including concurrent title II/title XVI disability beneficiaries) is equal to 36% of the payment calculation base as defined in § 411.500(a)(1) for the calendar year in which the month of attainment of the milestone occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar;
(2) For title XVI beneficiaries (who are not concurrently title II disability beneficiaries) is equal to 36% of the payment calculation base as defined in § 411.500(a)(2) for the calendar year in which the month of attainment of the milestone occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
[73 FR 29347, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.545 - How are the outcome payments calculated under the outcome-milestone payment system?
The amount of each monthly outcome payment under the outcome-milestone payment system is calculated as follows:
(a) For title II disability beneficiaries (including concurrent title II/title XVI disability beneficiaries), an outcome payment is equal to 36 percent of the payment calculation base as defined in § 411.500(a)(1) for the calendar year in which the month occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar;
(b) For title XVI disability beneficiaries (who are not concurrently title II/title XVI disability beneficiaries), an outcome payment is equal to 36% of the payment calculation base as defined in § 411.500(a)(2) for the calendar year in which the month occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
(c) The following chart provides an example of how an EN could receive milestone and outcome payments:
Outcome-Milestone Payment Table
Chart I—New Outcome-Milestone Payment Table
[2008 figures for illustration only]
Payment type
| Beneficiary earnings
| Title II amount of payment
| Title XVI amount of payment
Phase 1 (120% of Title II PCB)
| | | |
Milestone 1 | $335/mo. $670/mo. × 3 mo. work in a 6-month period | $1,177 | $1,177
Milestone 2 | $1,177 | $1,177
| |
Milestone 3 | $670/mo. × 6 mo. work in a 12-month period | $1,177 | $1,177
Milestone 4 | $670/mo. × 9 mo. work in an 18-month period | $1,177 | $1,177
Total Phase 1 milestones | | $4,708 | $4,708
Phase 2 (36% of PCB) | Gross Earnings>SGA
| | |
Title II milestones 1-11 | $353 × 11 = $3,883
| | |
Title XVI milestones 1-18 | $203 × 18 = $3,654
| | |
Total Phase 1 + 2 | $8,591 | $8,362
| |
| Outcome payments (36% of PCB)
| | |
Title II = 1-36 | Monthly cash benefit not payable due to SGA | $353 × 36 = $12,708
| |
Title XVI = 1-60 | Sufficient earnings for federal cash benefits = “0” | 203 × 60 = $12,180
| |
Total milestone and outcome payments | $21,299 | $20,542 | |
Definitions and amounts: Payment Calculation Base (PCB)—The average title II disability insurance benefit payable under section 223 of the Social Security Act for all beneficiaries for months during the preceding calendar year; and the average payment of supplemental security income benefits based on disability payable under title XVI (excluding State supplementation) for months during the preceding calendar year to all beneficiaries who have attained 18 years of age but have not attained 65 years of age. (2008 title II = $981.17, title XVI = $563.35).
Gross earnings requirements for Phase 1 are based on Trial Work level amounts.
For Phase 1 milestones only, the payments are calculated for both title XVI and title II beneficiaries using the higher title II payment calculation base. All other payments are based on a percentage of the Payment Calculation Base (PCB) for the respective program (title XVI or title II). See § 411.535 for a discussion of the circumstances under which we will pay milestones.
Phase 1 milestones = 120% of PCB.
Phase 2 milestones = 36% of PCB.
Outcome payments (under the outcome-milestone payment system) = 36% of PCB Earnings used to meet the first, second, or third Phase 1 milestone may be counted again when determining if a later milestone is met, provided the earlier earnings fall within the relevant time period for meeting the later Phase 1 milestone (see 411.525(a)(2) for the relevant time period for each milestone).
[73 FR 29348, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.550 - How are the outcome payments calculated under the outcome payment system?
The amount of each monthly outcome payment under the outcome payment system is calculated as follows:
(1) For title II disability beneficiaries (including concurrent title II/title XVI disability beneficiaries), an outcome payment is equal to 67% of the payment calculation base as defined in § 411.500(a)(1) for the calendar year in which the month occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar;
(2) For title XVI disability beneficiaries (who are not concurrently title II/title XVI disability beneficiaries), an outcome payment is equal to 67% of the payment calculation base as defined in § 411.500(a)(2) for the calendar year in which the month occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Chart II—New Outcome Payment System Table—Title II and Concurrent
[2008 figures for illustration only]
Payment type
| Beneficiary earnings
| Title II amount of monthly outcome payment
| Title II total outcome payments
Outcome payments 1-36 (67% of PCB) | Monthly cash benefit not payable due to SGA | $657.00 | $23,652 |
Chart III—New Outcome Payment System Table—Title XVI Only
[2008 figures for illustration only]
Payment type
| Beneficiary earnings
| Title XVI amount of monthly outcome payment
| Title XVI total outcome payments
Outcome payments 1-60 (67% of PCB) | Earnings sufficient to “0” out Federal SSI cash benefits | $377.00 | $22,620 |
Outcome payment (outcome payment system) = 67% of PCB Individual payments are rounded to the nearest dollar amount.
2008 non-blind SGA level = $940.
2008 Blind SGA = $1570.
2008 TWP service amount = $670.
[73 FR 29348, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.551 - How are EN payments calculated for transition cases pending on July 21, 2008?
A Transition case is a case where a ticket had been assigned and milestones or outcomes had been attained as of June 30, 2008 (that is, the individual has completed the necessary work to trigger a milestone or outcome payment before July 21, 2008 regardless of whether the payment has actually been made). We will pay outcome and milestone payments at the rate in effect when the work leading to such outcome or milestone is attained. Since milestone and outcome payments are numbered and attained in sequence, the EN must request the final payment for which it expects payment under the prior rules before we can determine the number of the milestone or outcome payment that represents the first payment after July 21, 2008. In addition, for cases on which an EN has attained an outcome payment before July 21, 2008 we must know the sum of the amount paid on the ticket before we can determine the remaining amount that can be paid in outcome payments on the ticket. Therefore, with respect to a ticket, we will only accept payment requests for milestones or outcomes attained under the prior rules until March 31, 2009 or until we make the first payment on the ticket under § 411.525. Payments to an EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) after July 21, 2008 on a transition case will be made as follows:
(a) The four milestones under the prior rules will be equated with the four Phase 1 milestones available under the rules after July 21, 2008. For example, if a beneficiary had attained milestone 1 under our prior rules (1 month above the gross SGA level, e.g., $940 in 2008), then the next milestone to be achieved would be Phase 1 milestone 2 under these rules (work in three months with gross earnings in each of these months equal to a trial work period service month, e.g., $670 in 2008).
(b) If the beneficiary had attained all four of the milestones under the prior rules, the next milestone to be achieved would be the first Phase 2 milestone (a calendar month in which the beneficiary has worked and has gross earnings from employment or net earnings from self-employment that are more than the substantial gainful activity threshold level, e.g., $900 in 2007).
(c) The maximum number of outcome payments available to an EN with respect to a ticket for a transition case will be computed as follows:
(1) First, we will compute the total dollar amount already paid or payable with respect to a ticket, including all outcome and milestone payments.
(2) Then, we will subtract the total dollar amount already paid from the total value of the ticket under the new rules for the year when these rules take effect. The total value of the ticket will be calculated based on the elected payment system for the beneficiary, i.e., the outcome or the outcome-milestone payment system, and on the appropriate payment calculation base for either a title II disability beneficiary (including a concurrent title II and title XVI disability) or a title XVI disability beneficiary (see §§ 411.500 and 411.505). For accounting purposes, we will use the payment calculation base for 2008 and assume that all payments could be earned in that year in calculating the total value of the ticket.
(3) We then will divide this amount by the applicable outcome payment amount (whether title II or title XVI) payable for 2008 and round the result in accordance with customary rounding principles. The resulting number represents the number of outcome payments available to be paid with respect to the ticket. In no case can this number exceed 60.
[73 FR 29349, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.552 - What effect will the subsequent entitlement to title II benefits have on EN payments for title XVI beneficiaries after they assign their ticket?
If a beneficiary is only eligible for title XVI benefits when we authorize the first milestone or outcome for which an EN can be paid, but the beneficiary later becomes entitled to title II benefits, we will continue to make payments as though the beneficiary were only a title XVI beneficiary, up to the maximum number of milestone and outcome payments payable for that ticket for title XVI beneficiaries. If a beneficiary who is eligible for title XVI disability benefits becomes entitled to title II disability benefits before we authorize the first milestone or outcome payment, we will make payments to the EN pursuant to the rate, payment calculation base and number of payments available for title II beneficiaries, as described in this subpart.
[73 FR 29349, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.555 - Can the EN keep the milestone and outcome payments even if the beneficiary does not achieve all outcome months?
(a) Yes. The EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) can keep each milestone and outcome payment for which the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) is eligible, even though the title II beneficiary does not achieve all 36 outcome months or the title XVI beneficiary does not achieve all 60 outcome months.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, payments which we make or deny to an EN (or a State VR agency acting as an EN) may be subject to adjustment (including recovery, as appropriate) if we determine that more or less than the correct amount was paid. This may happen, for example, because we determine that the payment determination was in error or because of an allocation of payment under § 411.560.
(c) If we determine that an overpayment or underpayment to an EN has occurred, we will notify the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) of the adjustment. We will not seek an adjustment if a determination or decision about a beneficiary's right to benefits causes an overpayment to the EN. Any dispute which the EN (or State VR agency) has regarding the adjustment may be resolved under the rules in § 411.590(a) and (b).
[73 FR 29349, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.560 - Is it possible to pay a milestone or outcome payment to more than one EN?
It is possible for more than one EN (including a State VR agency acting as an EN) to receive payment based on the same milestone or outcome. If the beneficiary has assigned the ticket to more than one EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) at different times, and more than one EN (or State VR agency) requests payment for the same milestone, outcome or reconciliation payment under its elected payment system, the PM will make a determination of the allocation of payment to each EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN). The PM will make this determination based upon the contribution of the services provided by each EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) toward the achievement of the outcomes or milestones. Outcome and milestone payments will not be increased because the payments are shared between two or more ENs (including a State VR agency acting as an EN).
[73 FR 29350, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.565 - What happens if two or more ENs qualify for payment on the same ticket but have elected different EN payment systems?
We will pay each EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) according to its elected EN payment system in effect at the time the beneficiary assigned the ticket to the EN (or the State VR agency acting as an EN).
[73 FR 29350, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.566 - May an EN use outcome or milestone payments to make payments to the beneficiary?
Yes, an EN may use milestone or outcome payments to make payments to a beneficiary.
[73 FR 29350, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.570 - Can an EN request payment from the beneficiary who assigned a ticket to the EN?
No. Section 1148(b)(4) of the Act prohibits an EN from requesting or receiving compensation from the beneficiary for the services of the EN.
§ 411.575 - How does the EN request payment for milestones or outcome payment months achieved by a beneficiary who assigned a ticket to the EN?
The EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) will send its request for payment, evidence of the beneficiary's work or earnings, and other information to the PM. In addition, we or the PM may require a summary of the services provided as described in the IWP/IPE.
(a) Milestone payments. (1) We will pay the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) for milestones only if—
(i) The outcome-milestone payment system was the EN's (or State VR agency's) elected payment system in effect at the time the beneficiary assigned a ticket to the EN (or the State VR agency acting as an EN);
(ii) The milestones occur prior to the outcome payment period (see § 411.500(b));
(iii) The requirements in § 411.535 are met; and
(iv) The ticket has not terminated for any of the reasons listed in § 411.155.
(2) The EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) must request payment for each milestone attained by a beneficiary who has assigned a ticket to the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN). The request must include evidence that the milestone was attained after ticket assignment and other information as we may require to evaluate the EN's (or State VR agency's) request. If the EN is requesting payment for months after the ticket is no longer assigned to it, the payment request shall include evidence that the services agreed to in the IWP/IPE were provided and those services contributed to the employment milestones or outcomes that the beneficiary attained in months after the ticket had been assigned to the EN. We do not have to stop monthly benefit payments to the beneficiary before we can pay the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) for milestones attained by the beneficiary.
(b) Outcome payments. (1) We will pay an EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) an outcome payment for a month if—
(i)(A) Social Security disability benefits and Federal SSI cash benefits are not payable to the individual for that month due to work or earnings; or
(B) The requirements of § 411.525(a)(1)(ii) are met in a case where the beneficiary's entitlement to Social Security disability benefits has ended or eligibility for SSI benefits based on disability or blindness has terminated because of work activity or earnings; and
(ii) We have not already paid for 36 outcome payment months for a title II disability beneficiary (or a concurrent title II/title XVI disability beneficiary), or paid for 60 outcome payment months for a title XVI disability beneficiary who is not concurrently a title II disability beneficiary, on the same ticket; and
(iii) The ticket has not terminated for any of the other reasons listed in § 411.155.
(2) The EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) must request payment for outcome payment months. In its initial request, the EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) must submit evidence of the beneficiary's work or earnings (e.g., a statement of monthly earnings from the employer or the employer's designated payroll preparer, or an unaltered copy of the beneficiary's pay stub). After we have started paying outcome payments to an EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) based on evidence of the beneficiary's earnings, the EN (or State VR agency) must provide documentation of the beneficiary's continued work or earnings in such a manner or form and at such time or times as we may require. Exception: If the EN (or State VR agency) does not currently hold the ticket because it is assigned to another EN (or State VR agency), the EN (or State VR agency) must request payment, but is not required to submit evidence of the beneficiary's work or earnings. However, if the payment request is for work the beneficiary attained in a month in which the EN no longer held the ticket, the payment request should include evidence that the services agreed to in the IWP/IPE were provided and those services contributed to the beneficiary's work.
(c) Evidence requirements for payment. As primary evidence, we require original pay slips, or oral or written statements from an employer or the employer's designated payroll preparer. In lieu of primary evidence, we accept two sources of secondary evidence, such as photocopies of pay slips, a signed beneficiary statement, State unemployment records or federal/state tax returns. The evidence must be clear and legible and include the beneficiary's name, gross earnings or net earnings from self employment, pay date and pay period of wages or monthly net earnings of self-employment earnings.
[66 FR 67420, Dec. 28, 2001, as amended at 73 FR 29350, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.580 - Can an EN receive payments for milestones or outcome payment months that occur before the beneficiary assigns a ticket to the EN?
No. An EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) may be paid only for milestones or outcome payment months that are achieved after the month in which the ticket is assigned to the EN or State VR agency acting as an EN (except as provided for in § 411.536).
[73 FR 29351, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.581 - Can an EN receive milestone and outcome payments for months after a beneficiary takes his or her ticket out of assignment?
Yes. If an individual whose ticket is assigned to an EN (or State VR agency acting as an EN) takes his or her ticket out of assignment (see § 411.145), the EN (or State VR agency) can receive payments under its elected payment system for milestones or outcome payment months that occur after the ticket is taken out of assignment, provided the ticket has not terminated for any of the reasons listed in § 411.155. The PM will make a determination about eligibility for a payment based upon the contribution of services provided by an EN toward the achievement of the outcome or milestones. See § 411.560 for situations in which payment may be made to more than one EN or State VR agency based on the same milestone or outcome.
[73 FR 29351, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.582 - Can a State VR agency receive payment under the cost reimbursement payment system if a continuous 9-month period of substantial gainful activity is completed after the ticket is assigned to an EN?
Yes. If a State VR agency provides services to a beneficiary under 34 CFR part 361, and elects payment under the cost reimbursement payment system under subpart V of part 404 (or subpart V of part 416) of this chapter, the State VR agency can receive payment under the cost reimbursement payment system for services provided to the beneficiary if all the requirements under subpart V of part 404 (or subpart V of part 416) of this chapter and § 411.585 are met even when these requirements are met after the ticket has been assigned to the EN. The EN can be paid during this period in accordance with §§ 411.525 and 411.535.
[73 FR 29351, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.585 - Can a State VR agency and an EN both receive payment for serving the same beneficiary?
Yes. A State VR agency and an EN can both receive payment for serving the same beneficiary, but the ticket can only be assigned to one EN, including a State VR agency acting as an EN, at a time. It also cannot be assigned to an EN and placed in the VR cost reimbursement status at the same time.
(a) A State VR agency may act as an EN and serve a beneficiary. In this case, both the State VR agency acting as an EN and another EN may be eligible for payment based on the same ticket (see § 411.560).
(b) If a State VR agency is paid by us under the VR cost reimbursement option, such payment does not preclude payment by us to an EN or to another State VR agency acting as an EN under its elected EN payment system. A subsequent VR agency also may choose to be paid under the VR cost reimbursement option.
(c) If an EN or a State VR agency acting as an EN is paid by us under one of the EN payment systems, that does not preclude payment by us to a different State VR agency under the VR cost reimbursement option. The subsequent State VR agency also may choose to be paid under its elected EN payment system.
[73 FR 29351, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.590 - What can an EN do if the EN disagrees with our decision on a payment request?
(a) If an EN other than a State VR agency has a payment dispute with us, the dispute shall be resolved under the dispute resolution procedures contained in the EN's agreement with us.
(b) If a State VR agency serving a beneficiary as an EN has a dispute with us regarding payment under an EN payment system, the State VR agency may, within 60 days of receiving notice of our decision, request reconsideration in writing. The State VR agency must send the request for reconsideration to the PM. The PM will forward to us the request for reconsideration and a recommendation. We will notify the State VR agency of our reconsidered decision in writing.
(c) An EN (including a State VR agency) cannot appeal determinations we make about an individual's right to benefits (e.g. determinations that disability benefits should be suspended, terminated, continued, denied, or stopped or started on a different date than alleged). Only the beneficiary or applicant or his or her representative can appeal these determinations. See §§ 404.900 et seq. and 416.1400 et seq. of this chapter.
(d) Determinations or decisions we make about a beneficiary's right to benefits may cause payments we have already made to an EN (or denial of payment to an EN) to be incorrect, resulting in an underpayment or overpayment to the EN. If this happens, we will make any necessary adjustments to future payments (see § 411.555). See § 411.555(c) for when we will not make an adjustment in a case in which an overpayment results from a determination or decision we make about a beneficiary's right to benefits.) While an EN cannot appeal our determination about an individual's right to benefits, the EN may furnish any evidence the EN has which relates to the issue(s) to be decided on appeal if the individual appeals our determination.
[66 FR 67420, Dec. 28, 2001, as amended at 73 FR 29351, May 20, 2008]
§ 411.595 - What oversight procedures are planned for the EN payment systems?
We use audits, reviews, studies and observation of daily activities to identify areas for improvement. Internal reviews of our systems security controls are regularly performed. These reviews provide an overall assurance that our business processes are functioning as intended. The reviews also ensure that our management controls and financial management systems comply with the standards established by the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act and the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act. These reviews operate in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget Circulars A-123, A-127 and Appendix III to A-130. Additionally, our Executive Internal Control Committee meets periodically and provides further oversight of program and management control issues.
§ 411.597 - Will SSA periodically review the outcome payment system and the outcome-milestone payment system for possible modifications?
(a) Yes. We will periodically review the system of payments and their programmatic results to determine if they provide an adequate incentive for ENs to assist beneficiaries to enter the work force, while providing for appropriate economies.
(b) We will specifically review the limitation on monthly outcome payments as a percentage of the payment calculation base, the difference in total payments between the outcome-milestone payment system and the outcome payment system, the length of the outcome payment period, and the number and amount of milestone payments, as well as the benefit savings and numbers of beneficiaries going to work. We will consider altering the payment system conditions based upon the information gathered and our determination that an alteration would better provide for the incentives and economies noted above.
authority: Secs. 702(a)(5) and 1148 of the Social Security Act (
42 U.S.C. 902(a)(5) and 1320b-19); sec. 101(b)-(e), Public Law 106-170, 113 Stat. 1860, 1873 (
42 U.S.C. 1320b-19 note)
source: 66 FR 67420, Dec. 28, 2001, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 411.570