Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 222.20 - When determination of relationship as divorced spouse, surviving divorced spouse, or remarried widow(er) is made.
(a) Divorced spouse. The claimant's relationship as the divorced spouse of an employee is determined when the purported divorced spouse applies for an annuity, or when there is a claim which would include a divorced spouse in the computation of the social security overall minimum provision. Such a determination is also made when a spouse annuitant age 62 or over secures a final divorce from the employee after 10 years of marriage.
(b) Surviving divorced spouse. The claimant's relationship as the surviving divorced spouse of an employee is determined when the purported surviving divorced spouse applies for an annuity on the basis of age, disability, or having a child in care. Such a determination is also made when there is a divorced spouse annuitant and the employee dies.
(c) Remarried widow(er). The claimant's relationship as a remarried widow(er) of an employee is determined when the purported remarried widow(er) applies for an annuity. Such a determination is also made when a widow(er) who is receiving an annuity remarries after age 60, or when a widow(er) who is receiving a disability annuity remarries after age 50.
§ 222.21 - When marriage is terminated by final divorce.
A final divorce, often referred to as an absolute divorce, completely dissolves the marriage relationship and restores the parties to the status of single persons. A legal separation, qualified or preliminary divorce, divorce from bed and board, interlocutory decree of divorce, or similar court order is not considered a final divorce for family relationship and benefit entitlement purposes.
§ 222.22 - Relationship as divorced spouse.
A claimant will be considered to be the divorced spouse of an employee if—
(a) His or her marriage to the employee has been terminated by a final divorce; and
(b) He or she is not married (if the claimant remarried after the divorce from the employee, the later marriage has been terminated by death, final divorce, or annulment); and
(c) He or she had been validly married to the employee, as set forth in § 222.11, for a period of 10 years immediately before the date the divorce became final. The claimant meets this requirement even if the claimant and employee were divorced within the ten-year period, provided that the claimant and employee were remarried no later than the calendar year immediately following the year in which the divorce took place.
§ 222.23 - Relationship as surviving divorced spouse.
A claimant will be considered to be the surviving divorced spouse of a deceased employee if the conditions in either paragraph (a) or (b) of this section are met:
(a) Age or disability. The claimant applied for an annuity on the basis of age or disability, and the conditions set forth in § 222.22 are met.
(b) Child in care. The claimant applied for an annuity on the basis of having a child in care, and—
(1) His or her marriage to the employee has been terminated by a final divorce; and
(2) He or she is not married (if the claimant remarried after the divorce from the employee, the later marriage has been terminated by death, final divorce, or annulment); and
(3) He or she either—
(i) Was the natural parent of the employee's child; or
(ii) Had been married to the employee when either the employee or the claimant legally adopted the other's child or when they both legally adopted a child who was then under 18 years of age.
§ 222.24 - Relationship as remarried widow(er).
(a) New eligibility. A claimant will have the relationship of a remarried widow(er) if he or she is the widow(er), as discussed in § 222.11, of an employee and the claimant—
(1) Remarried after attaining age 60, or remarried after attaining age 50 and after the date on which he or she became disabled; or
(2) Remarried before attaining age 60, but is now unmarried, or remarried before attaining age 50 or before the date on which he or she became disabled, but is now unmarried.
(b) Reentitlement. A claimant will have the relationship of a remarried widow(er) if he or she remarries after his or her entitlement to an annuity as a widow(er) has been established, and the claimant—
(1) Remarries after attaining age 60, or remarries after attaining age 50 and after the date on which he or she became disabled; or
(2) Is entitled to an annuity based upon having a child of the employee in care and remarries, but this marriage is to a person who is entitled to a retirement, disability, widow(er)'s, mother's, father's, parent's, or disabled child's benefit under the Railroad Retirement Act or Social Security Act.
source: 54 FR 42949, Oct. 19, 1989, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 222.24