Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 225.20 - General.

The Survivor Tier I PIA and the Employee RIB PIA are used in computing the tier I component of a survivor annuity. The Combined Earnings PIA, Social Security Earnings PIA and Railroad Earnings PIA may be used in computing a vested dual benefit offset in the survivor tier II component when the survivor tier II is based on a percentage of the employee annuity tier II. In addition, these three PIA's are identical to those dual benefit PIA's used in computing an employee retirement annuity, as described in subpart B of this part, when the employee died after being entitled to an annuity. Survivor annuity computations are discussed in part 228 of this chapter. The Residual Lump-Sum PIA (RLS PIA) is used in computing the amount of the residual lump-sum payable when retirement annuity payments were made, as explained in part 234 of this chapter.

§ 225.21 - Survivor Tier I PIA.

The Survivor Tier I PIA is used in computing the tier I component of a survivor annuity. This PIA is determined in accordance with section 215 of the Social Security Act using the deceased employee's combined railroad and social security earnings after 1950 (or after 1936 if a higher PIA would result) through the date of the employee's death.

§ 225.22 - Employee RIB PIA used in survivor annuities.

The Employee Retirement Insurance Benefit PIA (Employee RIB PIA) is used to compute the employee RIB amount when the employee had received a retirement annuity which was reduced for early retirement. As explained in part 228 of this chapter, the employee RIB amount may be used in the survivor tier I component. This PIA is computed in accordance with section 215 of the Social Security Act using the deceased employee's combined railroad and social security earnings. The Employee RIB PIA is the same as the Survivor Tier I PIA when the employee had no earnings in the year of death. Earnings in the year of death are used in the recomputed PIA beginning January 1 of the year after the employee's death. (See subpart F of this part for a discussion of PIA recomputations.)

§ 225.23 - Combined Earnings PIA used in survivor annuities.

The Combined Earnings PIA used in survivor annuities may be used in computing the tier II component when the survivor tier II is based on a percentage of the employee annuity tier II and the employee had been or would be, if he or she were still alive, entitled to a vested dual benefit. If the employee received a retirement annuity before death, this PIA is identical to the retirement Combined Earnings Dual Benefit PIA described in subpart B of this part. If a retirement annuity was not paid before the employee's death, the PIA is determined as if the employee were 65 years old in the month of his or her death. The Combined Earnings PIA used in survivor annuities is determined in accordance with section 215 of the Social Security Act as in effect on December 31, 1974. It is computed using the deceased employee's combined railroad and social security earnings after 1950 (or after 1936 if a higher PIA would result) through December 31, 1974.

§ 225.24 - SS Earnings PIA used in survivor annuities.

The Social Security Earnings PIA (SS Earnings PIA) used in survivor annuities may be used in computing the tier II component when the survivor tier II is based on a percentage of the employee annuity tier II and the employee had been or would be, if he or she were still alive, entitled to a vested dual benefit. If the employee received a retirement annuity before death, this PIA is identical to the retirement SS Earnings Dual Benefit PIA described in subpart B of this part. If a retirement annuity was not paid before the employee's death, the PIA is determined as if the employee were 65 years old in the month of his or her death. The SS Earnings PIA used in survivor annuities is determined in accordance with section 215 of the Social Security Act as in effect on December 31, 1974. It is computed using the deceased employee's social security earnings after 1950 (or after 1936, if a higher PIA would result) through December 31, 1974.

§ 225.25 - RR Earnings PIA used in survivor annuities.

The Railroad Earnings PIA (RR Earnings PIA) used in survivor annuities may be used in computing the tier II component when the survivor tier II is based on a percentage of the employee annuity tier II and the employee had been or would be, if he or she were still alive, entitled to a vested dual benefit. If the employee received a retirement annuity before death, this PIA is identical to the retirement RR Earnings Dual Benefit PIA described in subpart B of this part. If a retirement annuity was not paid before the employee's death, the PIA is determined as if the employee were 65 years old in the month of his or her death. The RR Earnings PIA used in survivor annuities is determined in accordance with section 215 of the Social Security Act as in effect on December 31, 1974. It is computed using the deceased employee's railroad earnings after 1950 (or after 1936, if a higher PIA would result) through December 31, 1974.

§ 225.26 - Residual Lump-Sum PIA.

The Residual Lump-Sum PIA (RLS PIA) is used to compute the regular retirement annuity amounts to be deducted from the gross residual lump-sum amount in determining the amount of the residual lump-sum payable, as explained in part 234 of this chapter. The RLS PIA is determined in accordance with section 215 of the Social Security Act using the employee's railroad compensation after 1950 (or after 1936, if a higher PIA would result) as if it were social security earnings. The RLS PIA is computed just like the retirement Tier I PIA described in subpart B of this part, except that social security earnings are not used to compute the RLS PIA.

authority: 45 U.S.C. 231f(b)(5)
source: 54 FR 12903, Mar. 29, 1989, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 225.21