Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 323.1 - Introduction.
(a) This part defines the phrase nongovernmental plan for unemployment or sickness insurance and sets forth the procedure by which an employer may obtain a determination by the Railroad Retirement Board as to whether a particular plan that such employer maintains for its employees qualifies as a nongovernmental plan. In general, any payment by an employer to an employee for services rendered as an employee will be considered to be remuneration within the meaning of section 1(j) of the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act and part 322 of this chapter. This includes employer payments that relate to an employee's loss of earnings during a period of time when the employee is unemployed or sick, including sickness resulting from injury. The exception is when an employer pays an employee a benefit pursuant to the provisions of a nongovernmental plan for unemployment or sickness insurance established by an employer for the benefit of its employees. Benefit payments under such plans are not remuneration and do not affect an employee's eligibility for unemployment or sickness benefits under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act.
(b) This part does not have any general applicability to private insurance contracts under which an insurance company, pursuant to a policy of insurance maintained by or for an employee, pays medical or hospital expenses or other cash benefits to or in behalf of an employee. Nor does this part apply to any private plan for relief of unemployment established by a party other than an employer such as, for example, a plan established by a labor union under which it undertakes to pay benefits to striking members of the union out of a strike insurance fund. Insurance policy benefits and strike unemployment benefits, although paid under plans that are nongovernmental in nature, are not considered remuneration for services under the general definition of remuneration. See part 322 of this chapter.
§ 323.2 - Definition of nongovernmental plan for unemployment or sickness insurance.
A nongovernmental plan for unemployment or sickness insurance is a benefit plan, program or policy that is in the nature of insurance and is designed and established by an employer for the purpose of supplementing the benefits that an employee of such employer may receive under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act during a period of unemployment or sickness. A nongovernmental plan may be established by labor-management agreement or by unilateral employer action. Payments under such plans are referred to as supplemental unemployment benefits (SUB pay) or supplemental sickness benefits, rather than as wages, salary or pay for time lost, because their inherent nature is to supplement benefit payments under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act rather than to replace or duplicate such payments.
§ 323.3 - Standards for Board approval of a nongovernmental plan.
An unemployment or sickness benefit plan qualifies as a nongovernmental plan if it conforms to the following standards:
(a) The plan is in writing and has been published or otherwise communicated to covered employees prior to the inception of the plan;
(b) Benefits under the plan are payable only to employees who are involuntarily laid off or separated from the service of the employer or who are absent from work on account of illness or injury;
(c) Payment of benefits under the plan is conditioned upon a covered employee's meeting the eligibility conditions governing payment of benefits under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. However, a plan will not be disqualified merely because it:
(1) Provides benefits during any waiting period required under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, or
(2) Provides benefits after an employee has exhausted rights to benefits under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, or
(3) Provides benefits during a period when the employee is not a “qualified employee”, within the meaning of part 302 of this chapter;
(d) Payment of benefits under the plan is coordinated with benefit payments to which the employee may be entitled under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. In general, plan benefit payments will be considered coordinated with Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act benefit payments when computation of the plan benefits takes Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act benefit entitlement into consideration in such a way as to make it clear that the plan is supplementing Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act benefit payments for days of unemployment or days of sickness. For example, a plan that provides for payment of a specified daily benefit amount is considered coordinated with Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act benefit payments if the plan provides that the daily benefit amount otherwise payable to the employee is reduced by the amount of benefits that the employee received or could receive under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act for the same day if the employee had met all the eligibility criteria for such benefit. Similarly, there is acceptable coordination if the plan simply provides for payment of an amount as an “add-on” benefit to the amount of Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act benefits paid or payable. On the other hand, a plan that allows payment so as to compensate an employee for railroad or non-railroad earnings that are lower in amount than what the employee would get under the plan if he or she were not employed is not considered coordinated with benefit payments under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act because an employer payment made under such circumstances supplements earnings rather than benefit payments under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. No Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act benefits are payable to an employee who is earning remuneration from railroad or non-railroad employment. Employer payments that make up for low earnings are pay for time lost and therefore are compensation and remuneration;
(e) The plan confers upon covered employees an enforceable right to the benefits under the plan. The plan may not commit to management discretion any decision as to whether such employee will actually be paid the benefits to which he is entitled under the plan or the amount to be paid;
(f) The plan may not provide benefits to a covered employee in an amount that, when added to his or her Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act benefits, is greater than the wages of salary that would have been paid if the employee were employed; and
(g) The plan incorporates the features set forth in § 323.4 of this part and has been approved by the Board's Director of Unemployment and Sickness Insurance as a nongovernmental plan for unemployment or sickness insurance.
§ 323.4 - Guidelines for content of a nongovernmental plan.
At a minimum, a nongovernmental plan for unemployment or sickness insurance should contain the following features:
(a) The title of the plan (e.g., Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan or Supplemental Sickness Benefit Plan);
(b) A statement of purpose, such as the following:
There is hereby established a nongovernmental plan for (unemployment insurance) (sickness insurance) [specify which one] within the meaning of section 1(j) of the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. The purpose of this plan is to supplement the benefits that an eligible employee may receive under that Act and not to replace or duplicate such benefits. Payments under this plan are designed as one of the benefits of employment with [name of employer] and are not intended as pay for time lost or any other form of remuneration for services rendered as an employee;
(c) A statement as to which class or craft of employees, or other specified group of employees, is covered by the plan;
(d) The criteria governing a particular covered employee's eligibility for supplemental benefits under the plan;
(e) The dollar amount of supplemental benefits payable on a periodic basis to an eligible employee, the duration of supplemental benefits, how such benefits will be computed, and the conditions under which an employee will be disqualified or benefit payments reduced or terminated; and
(f) The identity of the plan administrator and the procedure by which a covered employee may claim supplemental benefits under the plan, including forms to be filed (if any), how to file, the time limit for filing, and how an employee may appeal from a denial of supplemental benefits.
§ 323.5 - Submitting proposed plan for Board approval.
An employer shall submit each proposed plan, or a proposed revision to an existing plan, to the Director of Unemployment and Sickness Insurance, Railroad Retirement Board, 844 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. The Director shall determine whether the plan or revision conforms to this part. Approval shall be effective as of the effective date of the plan. If not approved, the Director will advise the employer in which particular respects the proposed plan or revision does not conform to this part.
§ 323.6 - Treatment of benefit payments under a nongovernmental plan for purposes of contributions.
Benefit payments under nongovernmental plans approved by the Board under this part are not compensation as defined in section 1(i) of the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, and therefore they are not subject to contribution under part 345 of this chapter.
§ 323.7 - Effective date.
(a) This part shall not apply to a plan approved by the Director of Unemployment and Sickness Insurance prior to the effective date of this part. However, it shall apply to any proposed revision to such plan.
(b) Any plan in effect on the effective date of this part that has not been approved by the Director of Unemployment and Sickness Insurance shall be considered a proposed plan for purposes of § 323.5.
source: 56 FR 26328, June 7, 1991, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 323.7