Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Sep 30, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 30.500 - What special statutory definitions apply to survivors under EEOICPA?

§ 30.501 - What order of precedence will OWCP use to determine which survivors are entitled to receive compensation under EEOICPA?

§ 30.502 - When is entitlement for survivors determined for purposes of EEOICPA?


§ 30.505 - What procedures will OWCP follow before it pays any compensation?

§ 30.506 - To whom and in what manner will OWCP pay compensation?

§ 30.507 - What compensation will be provided to covered Part B employees who only establish beryllium sensitivity under Part B of EEOICPA?

§ 30.508 - What is beryllium sensitivity monitoring?

§ 30.509 - Under what circumstances may a survivor claiming under Part E of the Act choose to receive the benefits that would otherwise be payable to a covered Part E employee who is deceased?


§ 30.510 - How does OWCP notify an individual of a payment made on a claim?

§ 30.511 - What is an “overpayment” for purposes of EEOICPA?

§ 30.512 - What does OWCP do when an overpayment is identified?

§ 30.513 - Under what circumstances may OWCP waive recovery of an overpayment?

§ 30.514 - If OWCP finds that the recipient of an overpayment was not at fault, what criteria are used to decide whether to waive recovery of it?

§ 30.515 - Is a recipient responsible for an overpayment that resulted from an error made by OWCP?

§ 30.516 - Under what circumstances would recovery of an overpayment defeat the purpose of the Act?

§ 30.517 - Under what circumstances would recovery of an overpayment be against equity and good conscience?

§ 30.518 - Can OWCP require the recipient of the overpayment to submit additional financial information?

§ 30.519 - How does OWCP communicate its final decision concerning recovery of an overpayment?

§ 30.520 - How are overpayments collected?

§ 30.500 - What special statutory definitions apply to survivors under EEOICPA?

(a) For the purposes of paying compensation to survivors under both Parts B and E of EEOICPA, OWCP will use the following definitions:

(1) Surviving spouse means the wife or husband of a deceased covered Part B employee or deceased covered Part E employee who was married to that individual for the 365 consecutive days immediately prior to the death of that individual.

(2) Child of a deceased covered Part B employee or deceased covered Part E employee means only a biological child, a stepchild or an adopted child of that individual.

(b) For the purposes of paying compensation to survivors only under Part B of EEOICPA, OWCP will use the following additional definitions:

(1) Parent includes fathers and mothers of a deceased covered Part B employee through adoption.

(2) Grandchild means a child of a child of a deceased covered Part B employee.

(3) Grandparent means a parent of a parent of a deceased covered Part B employee.

(c) For the purposes of paying compensation to survivors under Part E of EEOICPA, OWCP will use the following additional definitions:

(1) Covered child means a child that is, as of the date of the deceased covered Part E employee's death, either under the age of 18 years, or under the age of 23 years and a full-time student who was continuously enrolled in one or more educational institutions since attaining the age of 18 years, or any age and incapable of self-support. A child's marital status or dependency on the covered employee for support is irrelevant to his or her eligibility for benefits as a covered child under Part E.

(2) Incapable of self-support means that the child must have been physically and/or mentally incapable of self-support at the time of the covered employee's death.

[71 FR 78534, Dec. 29, 2006, as amended at 84 FR 3052, Feb. 8, 2019]
§ 30.501 - What order of precedence will OWCP use to determine which survivors are entitled to receive compensation under EEOICPA?

(a) Under Part B of the Act, if OWCP determines that a survivor or survivors are entitled to receive compensation under EEOICPA because a covered Part B employee who would otherwise have been entitled to benefits is deceased, that compensation will be disbursed as follows, subject to the qualifications set forth in § 30.5(hh)(3):

(1) If there is a surviving spouse, the compensation shall be paid to that individual.

(2) If there is no surviving spouse, the compensation shall be paid in equal shares to all children of the deceased covered Part B employee.

(3) If there is no surviving spouse and no children, the compensation shall be paid in equal shares to the parents of the deceased covered Part B employee.

(4) If there is no surviving spouse, no children and no parents, the compensation shall be paid in equal shares to all grandchildren of the deceased covered Part B employee.

(5) If there is no surviving spouse, no children, no parents and no grandchildren, the compensation shall be paid in equal shares to the grandparents of the deceased covered Part B employee.

(6) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this section, if there is a surviving spouse and at least one child of the deceased covered Part B employee who is a minor at the time of payment and who is not a recognized natural child or adopted child of such surviving spouse, half of the compensation shall be paid to the surviving spouse, and the other half of the compensation shall be paid in equal shares to each child of the deceased covered Part B employee who is a minor at the time of payment.

(b) Under Part E of the Act, if OWCP determines that a survivor or survivors are entitled to receive compensation under EEOICPA because a covered Part E employee who would otherwise have been entitled to benefits is deceased, that compensation will be disbursed as follows, subject to the qualifications set forth in § 30.5(hh)(3):

(1) If there is a surviving spouse, the compensation shall be paid to that individual.

(2) If there is no surviving spouse, the compensation shall be paid in equal shares to all “covered” children of the deceased covered Part E employee.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section, if there is a surviving spouse and at least one “covered” child of the deceased covered Part E employee who is living at the time of payment and who is not a recognized natural child or adopted child of such surviving spouse, then half of such payment shall be made to such surviving spouse, and the other half of such payment shall be made in equal shares to each “covered” child of the employee who is living at the time of payment.

[71 FR 78534, Dec. 29, 2006, as amended at 84 FR 3052, Feb. 8, 2019]
§ 30.502 - When is entitlement for survivors determined for purposes of EEOICPA?

Entitlement to any lump-sum payment for survivors under the EEOICPA, other than for “covered” children under Part E, will be determined as of the time OWCP makes such a payment. As noted in § 30.500(c)(1), a child of a deceased Part E employee will only qualify as a “covered” child of that individual if he or she satisfied one of the additional statutory criteria for a “covered” child as of the date of the deceased Part E employee's death.

[84 FR 3053, Feb. 8, 2019]
§ 30.505 - What procedures will OWCP follow before it pays any compensation?

(a) In cases involving the approval of a claim, whether in whole or in part, OWCP shall take all necessary steps to determine the amount of any offset or coordination of EEOICPA benefits before paying any benefits, and to verify the identity of the covered Part B employee, the covered Part E employee, or the eligible surviving beneficiary or beneficiaries. To perform these tasks, OWCP may conduct any investigation, require any claimant to provide or execute any affidavit, record or document, or authorize the release of any information as OWCP deems necessary to ensure that the compensation payment is made in the correct amount and to the correct person or persons. OWCP shall also require every claimant under Part B of the Act to execute and provide any necessary affidavit described in § 30.620 of these regulations. Should a claimant fail or refuse to execute an affidavit or release of information, or fail or refuse to provide a requested document or record or to provide access to information, such failure or refusal may be deemed to be a rejection of the payment, unless the claimant does not have and cannot obtain the legal authority to provide, release, or authorize access to the required information, records, or documents.

(b) To determine the amount of any offset, OWCP shall require the covered Part B employee, covered Part E employee or each eligible surviving beneficiary filing a claim under this part to execute and provide an affidavit (or declaration made under oath on Form EE-1 or EE-2) reporting the amount of any payment made pursuant to a final judgment or settlement in litigation seeking damages. Even if someone other than the covered Part B employee or the covered Part E employee receives a payment pursuant to a final judgment or settlement in litigation seeking damages (e.g., the surviving spouse of a deceased covered Part B employee or a deceased covered Part E employee), the receipt of any such payment must be reported.

(1) For the purposes of this paragraph (b) only, “litigation seeking damages” refers to any request or demand for money (other than for workers' compensation) by the covered Part B employee or the covered Part E employee, or by another individual if the covered Part B employee or the covered Part E employee is deceased, made or sought in a civil action or in anticipation of the filing of a civil action, for injuries incurred on account of an exposure for which compensation is payable under EEOICPA. This term does not also include any request or demand for money made or sought pursuant to a life insurance or health insurance contract, or any request or demand for money made or sought by an individual other than the covered Part B employee or the covered Part E employee in that individual's own right (e.g., a spouse's claim for loss of consortium), or any request or demand for money made or sought by the covered Part B employee or the covered Part E employee (or the estate of a deceased covered Part B employee or deceased covered Part E employee) not for injuries incurred on account of an exposure for which compensation is payable under the EEOICPA (e.g., a covered Part B employee's or a covered Part E employee's claim for damage to real or personal property).

(2) If a payment has been made pursuant to a final judgment or settlement in litigation seeking damages, OWCP shall subtract a portion of the dollar amount of such payment from the benefit payments to be made under EEOICPA. OWCP will calculate the amount to be subtracted from the benefit payments in the following manner:

(i) OWCP will first determine the value of the payment made pursuant to either a final judgment or settlement in litigation seeking damages by adding the dollar amount of any monetary damages (excluding contingent awards) and any medical expenses for treatment provided on or after the date the covered Part B employee or the covered Part E employee filed a claim for EEOICPA benefits that were paid for under the final judgment or settlement. In the event that these payments include a “structured” settlement (where a party makes an initial cash payment and also arranges, usually through the purchase of an annuity, for payments in the future), OWCP will usually accept the cost of the annuity to the purchaser as the dollar amount of the right to receive the future payments.

(ii) OWCP will then make certain deductions from the above dollar amount to arrive at the dollar amount to be subtracted from any unpaid EEOICPA benefits. Allowable deductions consist of attorney's fees OWCP deems reasonable, and itemized costs of suit (out-of-pocket expenditures not part of the normal overhead of a law firm's operation like filing fees, travel expenses, witness fees, and court reporter costs for transcripts) provided that adequate supporting documentation is submitted to OWCP.

(iii) The EEOICPA benefits that will be reduced will consist of any unpaid lump-sum payments payable in the future and medical benefits payable in the future. In those cases where it has not yet paid EEOICPA benefits, OWCP will reduce such benefits on a dollar-for-dollar basis, beginning with the lump-sum payments first. If the amount to be subtracted exceeds the lump-sum payments, OWCP will reduce ongoing EEOICPA medical benefits payable in the future by the amount of any remaining surplus. This means that OWCP will apply the amount it would otherwise pay to reimburse the covered Part B employee or the covered Part E employee for any ongoing EEOICPA medical treatment to the remaining surplus until it is absorbed. In addition to this reduction of ongoing EEOICPA medical benefits, OWCP will not be the first payer for any medical expenses that are the responsibility of another party (who will instead be the first payer) as part of a final judgment or settlement in litigation seeking damages.

(3) The above reduction of EEOICPA benefits will not occur if an EEOICPA claimant had his or her award under section 5 of RECA reduced by the full amount of the payment made pursuant to a final judgment or settlement in litigation seeking damages. It will also not occur if an EEOICPA claimant's prior payment of EEOICPA benefits, or his or her workers' compensation benefits, were offset to reflect the full amount of the payment made pursuant to a final judgment or settlement in litigation seeking damages. However, if the prior reduction or offset of the above benefits did not reflect the full amount of the payment made pursuant to a final judgment or settlement in litigation seeking damages, OWCP will reduce currently payable EEOICPA benefits by the amount of any surplus final judgment or settlement payment that remains.

(c) Except as provided in § 30.506(b) of these regulations, when OWCP has verified the identity of every claimant who is entitled to the compensation payment, or to a share of the compensation payment, and has determined the correct amount of the payment or the share of the payment, OWCP shall notify every claimant, every duly appointed guardian or conservator of a claimant, or every person with power of attorney for a claimant, and require such person or persons to complete a Form EN-20 providing payment information. Such form shall be signed and returned to OWCP within sixty days of the date of the form or within such greater period as may be allowed by OWCP. Failure to sign and return the form within the required time may be deemed to be a rejection of the payment. If the claimant dies before the payment is received, the person who receives the payment shall return it to OWCP for redetermination of the correct disbursement of the payment. No payment shall be made until OWCP has made a determination concerning the survivors related to a respective claim for benefits.

(d) The total amount of compensation (other than medical benefits) under Part E that can be paid to all claimants as a result of the exposure of a covered Part E employee shall not be more than $250,000 in any circumstances.

§ 30.506 - To whom and in what manner will OWCP pay compensation?

(a) Except with respect to claims under Part B of the Act for beryllium sensitivity, payment shall be made to the covered Part B employee or the covered Part E employee, to the duly appointed guardian or conservator of that individual, or to the person with power of attorney for that individual, unless the covered Part B employee or covered Part E employee is deceased at the time of the payment. In all cases involving a deceased covered Part B employee or deceased covered Part E employee, payment shall be made to the eligible surviving beneficiary or beneficiaries, to the duly appointed guardian or conservator of the eligible surviving beneficiary or beneficiaries, or to every person with power of attorney for an eligible surviving beneficiary, in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in sections 7384s(e), 7384u(e), and 7385s-3(c) and (d) of EEOICPA.

(b) Under Part B of the Act, compensation for any consequential injury, illness, impairment or disease is limited to payment of medical benefits for that injury, illness, impairment or disease. Under Part E of the Act, compensation for any consequential injury, illness, impairment or disease consists of medical benefits for that injury, illness, impairment or disease, as well as any additional monetary benefits that are consistent with the terms of § 30.505(d).

(c) Rejected compensation payments, or shares of compensation payments, shall not be distributed to other eligible surviving beneficiaries, but shall be returned to the Fund.

(d) No covered Part B employee may receive more than one lump-sum payment under Part B of EEOICPA for any occupational illnesses he or she contracted. However, any individual, including a covered Part B employee who has received a lump-sum payment for his or her own occupational illness or illnesses, may receive one lump-sum payment for each deceased covered Part B employee for whom he or she qualifies as an eligible surviving beneficiary under Part B of the Act.

§ 30.507 - What compensation will be provided to covered Part B employees who only establish beryllium sensitivity under Part B of EEOICPA?

The establishment of beryllium sensitivity does not entitle a covered Part B employee, or the eligible surviving beneficiary or beneficiaries of a deceased covered Part B employee, to any lump-sum payment provided for under Part B. Instead, a covered Part B employee whose sole accepted occupational illness is beryllium sensitivity shall receive beryllium sensitivity monitoring, as well as medical benefits for the treatment of this occupational illness in accordance with § 30.400 of these regulations.

§ 30.508 - What is beryllium sensitivity monitoring?

Beryllium sensitivity monitoring shall consist of medical examinations to confirm and monitor the extent and nature of a covered Part B employee's beryllium sensitivity. Monitoring shall also include regular medical examinations, with diagnostic testing, to determine if the covered Part B employee has established chronic beryllium disease.

§ 30.509 - Under what circumstances may a survivor claiming under Part E of the Act choose to receive the benefits that would otherwise be payable to a covered Part E employee who is deceased?

(a) If a covered Part E employee dies after filing a claim but before monetary benefits are paid under Part E of the Act, and his or her death is from a cause other than a covered illness, his or her survivor can choose to receive either the survivor benefits payable on account of the death of that covered Part E employee, or the monetary benefits that would otherwise have been payable to the covered Part E employee.

(b) For the purposes of this section only, a death “from a cause other than a covered illness” refers only to a death that was solely caused by a non-covered illness or illnesses. Therefore, the choice referred to in paragraph (a) of this section will not be available if a covered illness contributed to the death of the covered Part E employee in any manner. In those instances, survivor benefits will still be payable to the claimant, but he or she cannot choose to receive the monetary benefits that would have otherwise been payable to the deceased covered Part E employee in lieu of survivor benefits.

(c) OWCP only makes impairment determinations based on rationalized medical evidence in the case file that is sufficiently detailed and meets the various requirements for the many different types of impairment determinations possible under the American Medical Association's Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (AMA's Guides). Therefore, OWCP will only make an impairment determination for a deceased covered Part E employee pursuant to this section if the medical evidence of record is sufficient to satisfy the pertinent requirements in the AMA's Guides and subpart J of this part.

[71 FR 78534, Dec. 29, 2006, as amended at 84 FR 3053, Feb. 8, 2019]
§ 30.510 - How does OWCP notify an individual of a payment made on a claim?

(a) In addition to providing narrative descriptions to recipients of benefits paid or payable, OWCP includes on each check a clear indication of the reason the payment is being made. For payments sent by electronic funds transfer, a notification of the date and amount of payment appears on the statement from the recipient's financial institution.

(b) By these means, OWCP puts the recipient on notice that a payment was made and the amount of the payment. If the amount received differs from the amount indicated on the written notice or bank statement, the recipient is responsible for notifying OWCP of the difference. Absent affirmative evidence to the contrary, the recipient will be presumed to have received the notice of payment, whether mailed or transmitted electronically.

§ 30.511 - What is an “overpayment” for purposes of EEOICPA?

An “overpayment” is any amount of compensation paid under sections 7384s, 7384t, 7384u, 7385s-2 or 7385s-3 of the EEOICPA to a recipient that constitutes, as of the time OWCP makes such payment:

(a) Payment where no amount is payable under this part; or

(b) Payment in excess of the correct amount determined by OWCP.

§ 30.512 - What does OWCP do when an overpayment is identified?

Before seeking to recover an overpayment or adjust benefits, OWCP will advise the recipient of the overpayment in writing that:

(a) The overpayment exists, and the amount of overpayment;

(b) A preliminary finding shows either that the recipient was or was not at fault in the creation of the overpayment;

(c) He or she has the right to inspect and copy OWCP records relating to the overpayment; and

(d) He or she has the right to present written evidence which challenges the fact or amount of the overpayment, and/or challenges the preliminary finding that he or she was at fault in the creation of the overpayment. He or she may also request that recovery of the overpayment be waived. Any submission of evidence or request that recovery of the overpayment be waived must be presented to OWCP within 30 days of the date of the written notice of overpayment.

§ 30.513 - Under what circumstances may OWCP waive recovery of an overpayment?

(a) OWCP may consider waiving recovery of an overpayment only if the recipient was not at fault in accepting or creating the overpayment. Recipients of benefits paid under EEOICPA are responsible for taking all reasonable measures to ensure that payments received from OWCP are proper. The recipient must show good faith and exercise a high degree of care in reporting events which may affect entitlement to or the amount of benefits. A recipient who has done any of the following will be found to be at fault with respect to creating an overpayment:

(1) Made an incorrect statement as to a material fact which he or she knew or should have known to be incorrect; or

(2) Failed to provide information which he or she knew or should have known to be material; or

(3) Accepted a payment which he or she knew or should have known to be incorrect. (This provision applies only to the overpaid individual.)

(b) Whether or not OWCP determines that a recipient was at fault with respect to the creation of an overpayment depends on the circumstances surrounding the overpayment. The degree of care expected may vary with the complexity of those circumstances and the recipient's capacity to realize that he or she is being overpaid.

§ 30.514 - If OWCP finds that the recipient of an overpayment was not at fault, what criteria are used to decide whether to waive recovery of it?

If OWCP finds that the recipient of an overpayment was not at fault, repayment will still be required unless:

(a) Adjustment or recovery of the overpayment would defeat the purpose of the Act (see § 30.516); or

(b) Adjustment or recovery of the overpayment would be against equity and good conscience (see § 30.517).

§ 30.515 - Is a recipient responsible for an overpayment that resulted from an error made by OWCP?

(a) The fact that OWCP may have erred in making the overpayment does not by itself relieve the recipient of the overpayment from liability for repayment if the recipient also was at fault in accepting the overpayment.

(b) However, OWCP may find that the recipient was not at fault if failure to report an event affecting compensation benefits, or acceptance of an incorrect payment, occurred because:

(1) The recipient relied on misinformation given in writing by OWCP regarding the interpretation of a pertinent provision or EEOICPA of this part; or

(2) OWCP erred in calculating either the percentage of impairment or wage-loss under Part E of EEOICPA.

§ 30.516 - Under what circumstances would recovery of an overpayment defeat the purpose of the Act?

Recovery of an overpayment will defeat the purpose of the Act if such recovery would cause hardship to the recipient because:

(a) The recipient from whom OWCP seeks recovery needs substantially all of his or her current income to meet current ordinary and necessary living expenses; and

(b) The recipient's assets do not exceed two months' expenditures as determined by OWCP using the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey tables.

§ 30.517 - Under what circumstances would recovery of an overpayment be against equity and good conscience?

(a) Recovery of an overpayment is considered to be against equity and good conscience when the recipient would experience severe financial hardship in attempting to repay the debt.

(b) Recovery of an overpayment is also considered to be against equity and good conscience when the recipient, in reliance on such payments or on notice that such payments would be made, gives up a valuable right or changes his or her position for the worse. In making such a decision, OWCP does not consider the recipient's current ability to repay the overpayment.

(1) To establish that a valuable right has been relinquished, it must be shown that the right was in fact valuable, that it cannot be regained, and that the action was based chiefly or solely in reliance on the payments or on the notice of payment. Gratuitous transfers of funds to other individuals are not considered relinquishments of valuable rights.

(2) To establish that a recipient's position has changed for the worse, it must be shown that the decision made would not otherwise have been made but for the receipt of benefits, and that this decision resulted in a loss.

§ 30.518 - Can OWCP require the recipient of the overpayment to submit additional financial information?

(a) The recipient of the overpayment is responsible for providing information about income, expenses and assets as specified by OWCP. This information is needed to determine whether or not recovery of an overpayment would defeat the purpose of the Act, or would be against equity and good conscience. This information will also be used to determine the repayment schedule, if necessary.

(b) Failure to submit this requested information within 30 days of the request shall result in denial of waiver, and no further request for waiver shall be considered until the requested information is furnished.

§ 30.519 - How does OWCP communicate its final decision concerning recovery of an overpayment?

(a) After considering any written documentation or argument submitted to OWCP within the 30-day period set out in § 30.512(d), OWCP will issue a final decision on the overpayment. OWCP will send a copy of the final decision to the individual from whom recovery is sought and his or her representative, if any.

(b) The provisions of subpart D of this part do not apply to any decision regarding the recovery of an overpayment.

§ 30.520 - How are overpayments collected?

(a) When an overpayment has been made to a recipient who is entitled to further payments, the recipient shall refund to OWCP the amount of the overpayment as soon as the error is discovered or his or her attention is called to same. If no refund is made, OWCP shall recover the overpayment by reducing any further lump-sum payments due currently or in the future, taking into account the financial circumstances of the recipient, and any other relevant factors, so as to minimize any hardship. Should the recipient die before collection has been completed, further collection shall be made by decreasing later payments, if any, payable under EEOICPA with respect to the underlying occupational illness or covered illness.

(b) When an overpayment has been made to a recipient and OWCP is unable to recover the overpayment by reducing compensation due currently, the recipient shall refund to OWCP the amount of the overpayment as soon as the error is discovered or his or her attention is called to same. The overpayment is subject to the provisions of the Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966, as amended (31 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.), and may be reported to the Internal Revenue Service as income. If the recipient fails to make such refund, OWCP may recover the overpayment through any available means, including offset of salary, annuity benefits, or other Federal payments, including tax refunds as authorized by the Tax Refund Offset Program, or referral of the debt to a collection agency or to the Department of Justice.

authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 31 U.S.C. 3716 and 3717; 42 U.S.C. 7384d,7384t,7384u; Executive Order 13179, 65 FR 77487, 3 CFR, 2000 Comp., p. 321; Secretary of Labor's Order No. 10-2009, 74 FR 58834
source: 71 FR 78534, Dec. 29, 2006, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 30.513