Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Sep 30, 2024
§ 30.800 - What types of wage-loss are compensable under Part E of EEOICPA?

Years of wage-loss occurring prior to normal retirement age that are the result of a covered illness contracted by a covered Part E employee through work-related exposure to a toxic substance at a Department of Energy facility or a RECA section 5 facility, as appropriate, may be compensable under Part E of the Act. Whether years of wage-loss are compensable depends on determinations with respect to:

(a) The average annual wage of the employee as determined by OWCP in accordance with § 30.810;

(b) The percentage of his or her average annual wage that the employee was able to earn during the calendar year(s) in question as determined by OWCP in accordance with § 30.811; and

(c) Whether the employee's inability to earn at least as much as his or her average annual wage was due to a covered illness as defined in § 30.5(s).

[71 FR 78534, Dec. 29, 2006, as amended at 84 FR 3059, Feb. 8, 2019]
§ 30.801 - What special definitions does OWCP use in connection with Part E wage-loss determinations?

For the purposes of paying compensation based on wage-loss under Part E of the Act, OWCP will apply the following definitions:

(a) Average annual wage means 12 times the average monthly wage of a covered Part E employee for the 36 months preceding the month during which he or she first experienced wage-loss due to exposure to a toxic substance at a DOE facility or RECA section 5 facility (referred to as the “trigger month”), excluding any months during which the employee was unemployed. Because being “retired” is not equivalent to being “unemployed,” months during which an employee had no wages because he or she was retired will not be excluded from this calculation.

(b) Normal retirement age means the age at which a covered Part E employee first became eligible for unreduced retirement benefits under the Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) provisions of the Social Security Act. In general, persons born during or before 1937 are eligible for unreduced OASDI retirement benefits at age 65, and that age increases in monthly increments until it reaches 67, which is the age at which persons born during or after 1960 become eligible for unreduced OASDI retirement benefits.

(c) Month during which the employee was unemployed means any month during which the covered Part E employee had $250 (in constant 2013 dollars) or less in wages unless the month is one during which the employee was retired.

(d) Quarter means the three-month period January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December.

(e) Quarter during which the employee was unemployed means any quarter during which the covered Part E employee had $750 (in constant 2013 dollars) or less in wages unless the quarter is one during which the employee was retired.

(f) Trigger month means the calendar month during which the employee first experienced a loss in wages due to exposure to a toxic substance at a DOE facility or RECA section 5 facility.

(g) Wages mean all monetary payments that the covered Part E employee earns from his or her regular employment or services that are taxed as income by the Internal Revenue Service. Salaries, overtime compensation, sick leave, vacation leave, tips, and bonuses received for employment services are considered wages under this subpart. However, capital gains, IRA distributions, pensions, annuities, unemployment compensation, state workers' compensation benefits, medical retirement benefits, and Social Security benefits are not considered wages.

(h) Year of wage-loss means a calendar year during which the covered Part E employee's earnings were less than his or her average annual wage, after such earnings have been adjusted using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), as produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, to reflect their value in the year during which the employee first experienced wage-loss due to exposure to a toxic substance at a DOE facility or RECA section 5 facility.

[71 FR 78534, Dec. 29, 2006, as amended at 84 FR 3059, Feb. 8, 2019]
§ 30.805 - What are the criteria for eligibility for wage-loss benefits under Part E?

(a) In addition to satisfying the general eligibility requirements applicable to all Part E claims, a claimant seeking benefits for calendar years of qualifying wage-loss has the burden of proof to establish each of the following criteria:

(1) He or she held a job at which he or she earned wages;

(2) He or she experienced a loss in those wages in a particular month (referred to as the “trigger month” in this section);

(3) The wage-loss in the trigger month was caused by the covered Part E employee's covered illness, i.e., that he or she would have continued to earn wages in the trigger month from that employment but for the covered illness;

(4) His or her average annual wage;

(5) His or her normal retirement age and the calendar year in which he or she would reach that age;

(6) Beginning with the calendar year of the trigger month, the percentage of the average annual wage that was earned in each calendar year up to and including the retirement year;

(7) The number of those calendar years in which the covered illness caused the covered Part E employee to earn 50% or less of his or her average annual wage; and

(8) The number of those calendar years in which the covered illness caused him or her to earn more than 50% but not more than 75% of his or her average annual wage.

(b) OWCP will discontinue development of a request for wage-loss benefits, during which the claimant must meet his or her burden of proof to establish each of the criteria listed in paragraph (a) of this section, at any point when the claimant is unable to meet such burden and proceed to issue a recommended decision to deny the request.

[84 FR 3059, Feb. 8, 2019]
§ 30.806 - What kind of medical evidence must the claimant submit to prove that he or she lost wages due to a covered illness?

OWCP requires the submission of rationalized medical evidence of sufficient probative value to convince the fact-finder that the covered Part E employee experienced a loss in wages in his or her trigger month due to a covered illness, i.e., medical evidence based on a physician's fully explained and reasoned decision (see § 30.805(a)(3)). A loss in wages in the trigger month due solely to non-covered illness matters, such as a reduction in force or voluntary retirement, is not proof of compensable wage-loss under Part E.

[84 FR 3059, Feb. 8, 2019]
§ 30.807 - What factual evidence does OWCP use to determine a covered Part E employee's average annual wage?

(a) OWCP may rely on annual or quarterly wage information reported to the Social Security Administration to establish a covered Part E employee's presumed average annual wage (see § 30.810) and the duration and extent of any years of wage-loss that are compensable under Part E of the Act (see § 30.811). OWCP may also rely on other probative evidence of a covered Part E employee's wages, and may ask the claimant for additional evidence needed to make this determination, if necessary. For the purposes of making these two types of determinations, OWCP will consider all monetary payments that the covered Part E employee received as wages (see § 30.801(g)).

(b) A claimant who disagrees with the evidence OWCP has obtained under paragraph (a) of this section and alleges a different average annual wage for the covered Part E employee, or that there was a greater duration or extent of wage-loss, may submit records that were produced in the ordinary course of business due to the employee's employment to rebut that evidence, to the extent that such records are determined to be authentic by OWCP. The average annual wage and/or wage-loss of the covered Part E employee will then be determined by OWCP in the exercise of its discretion.

[84 FR 3059, Feb. 8, 2019]
§ 30.810 - How will OWCP calculate the average annual wage of a covered Part E employee?

To calculate the average annual wage of a covered Part E employee as defined in § 30.801(a), OWCP will:

(a) Aggregate the wages for the 36 months that preceded the trigger month, excluding any month during which the employee was unemployed;

(b) Add any additional wages earned by the employee during those same months as evidenced by records described in § 30.807;

(c) Divide the sum of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section by 36, less the number of months during which the employee was unemployed; and

(d) Multiply this figure by 12 to calculate the covered Part E employee's average annual wage.

[71 FR 78534, Dec. 29, 2006, as amended at 84 FR 3060, Feb. 8, 2019]
§ 30.811 - How will OWCP calculate the duration and extent of a covered Part E employee's initial period of compensable wage-loss?

(a) To determine the initial calendar years of wage-loss, OWCP will use the evidence it receives under §§ 30.805 through 30.807 to compare the calendar-year wages for the covered Part E employee, as adjusted, with the average annual wage determined under § 30.810 for each calendar year beginning with the calendar year that includes the trigger month, and concluding with the last calendar year of wage-loss prior to the submission of the claim or the calendar year in which the employee reached normal retirement age (as defined in § 30.801(b)), whichever occurred first.

(b) OWCP will then aggregate separately the number of calendar years of wage-loss in which the employee's wages, as adjusted, did not exceed 50 percent of the average annual wage determined under § 30.810, and the number of calendar years of wage-loss in which the employee's wages, as adjusted, exceeded 50 percent of such average annual wage, but did not exceed 75 percent of such average annual wage.

(c) For each calendar year of wage-loss determined under paragraph (c) of this section during which the employee's wages did not exceed 50 percent of his or her average annual wage, OWCP will pay the employee $15,000 as compensation for wage-loss. For each calendar year of wage-loss determined under paragraph (c) of this section during which the employee's calendar-year wages exceeded 50 percent of his or her average annual wage but did not exceed 75 percent of such average annual wage, OWCP will pay the employee $10,000 as compensation for wage-loss.

[71 FR 78534, Dec. 29, 2006, as amended at 84 FR 3060, Feb. 8, 2019]
§ 30.812 - May a covered Part E employee claim for subsequent periods of compensable wage-loss?

A covered Part E employee previously awarded compensation for wage-loss under § 30.811 may file for additional compensation for wage-loss suffered by the employee during periods subsequent to a period for which a wage-loss claim for the employee has already been adjudicated by OWCP. However, no compensation for wage-loss shall be awarded for any period following the year during which the covered Part E employee attained normal retirement age for purposes of the Social Security Act as described in § 30.801(b).

§ 30.815 - Are there special rules that OWCP will use to determine the extent of a deceased covered Part E employee's compensable wage-loss?

(a) For purposes of adjudicating a claim of a survivor of a deceased covered Part E employee only, OWCP will presume that such employee experienced wage-loss for each calendar year subsequent to the calendar year of his or her death through and including the calendar year in which the employee would have reached normal retirement age under the Social Security Act. During these particular calendar years, OWCP will also presume that the deceased covered Part E employee's subsequent calendar-year wages did not exceed 50 percent of his or her average annual wage as determined under § 30.810.

(b) Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, OWCP will calculate the wage-loss of a deceased covered Part E employee in conformance with the provisions of §§ 30.800 through 30.811.

(c) If OWCP determines that a deceased covered Part E employee had an aggregate of not less than ten calendar years of adjusted earnings that did not exceed 50 percent of his or her average annual earnings, it will pay the eligible surviving beneficiary(s) additional compensation (the basic survivor award payable under section 7385s-3(a)(1) is $125,000) in the amount of $25,000 pursuant to section 7385s-3(a)(2) of the Act. In the alternative, if OWCP determines that the aggregate number of such years is not less than 20 years, it will pay the eligible surviving beneficiary(s) additional compensation in the amount of $50,000 pursuant to section 7385s-3(a)(3).

authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 31 U.S.C. 3716 and 3717; 42 U.S.C. 7384d,7384t,7384u; Executive Order 13179, 65 FR 77487, 3 CFR, 2000 Comp., p. 321; Secretary of Labor's Order No. 10-2009, 74 FR 58834
source: 71 FR 78534, Dec. 29, 2006, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 30.810