Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Sep 30, 2024
§ 658.700 - Scope and purpose of subpart.

This subpart sets forth the procedures which the Department must follow upon either discovering independently or receiving from other(s) information indicating that SWAs may not be adhering to ES regulations.

§ 658.701 - Statements of policy.

(a) It is the policy of the Department to take all necessary action, including the imposition of the full range of sanctions set forth in this subpart, to ensure State Workforce Agencies comply with all requirements established by ES regulations.

(b) It is the policy of the Department to initiate decertification procedures against SWAs in instances of serious or continual violations of ES regulations if less stringent remedial actions taken in accordance with this subpart fail to resolve noncompliance.

(c) It is the policy of the Department to act on information concerning alleged violations by SWAs of the ES regulations received from any person or organization.

§ 658.702 - Initial action by the Regional Administrator.

(a) The ETA Regional Administrator is responsible for ensuring that all SWAs in their region are in compliance with ES regulations.

(b) Wherever a Regional Administrator discovers or is apprised of possible SWA violations of ES regulations by the review and assessment activities under subpart G of this part, or through required reports or written complaints from individuals, organizations, or employers which are elevated to the Department after the exhaustion of SWA administrative remedies, the Regional Administrator must conduct an investigation. Within 10 business days after receipt of the report or other information, the Regional Administrator must make a determination whether there is probable cause to believe that a SWA has violated ES regulations.

(c) The Regional Administrator must accept complaints regarding possible SWA violations of ES regulations from employee organizations, employers or other groups, without exhaustion of the complaint process described at subpart E of this part, if the Regional Administrator determines that the nature and scope of the complaint are such that the time required to exhaust the administrative procedures at the State level would adversely affect a significant number of applicants. In such cases, the Regional Administrator must investigate the matter within 10 business days, may provide the SWA 10 business days for comment, and must make a determination within an additional 10 business days whether there is probable cause to believe that the SWA has violated ES regulations.

(d) If the Regional Administrator determines that there is no probable cause to believe that a SWA has violated ES regulations, they must retain all reports and supporting information in Department files. In all cases where the Regional Administrator has insufficient information to make a probable cause determination, they must so notify the Administrator in writing and the time for the investigation must be extended 20 additional business days.

(e) If the Regional Administrator determines there is probable cause to believe a SWA has violated ES regulations, they must issue a Notice of Initial Findings of Non-compliance by registered mail (or other legally viable means) to the offending SWA. The notice will specify the nature of the violation, cite the regulations involved, and indicate corrective action which may be imposed in accordance with paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section. If the non-compliance involves services to MSFWs or the Complaint System, a copy of said notice must be sent to the NMA.

(f)(1) The SWA may have 20 business days to comment on the findings, or up to 20 additional days, if the Regional Administrator determines a longer period is appropriate. The SWA's comments must include agreement or disagreement with the findings and suggested corrective actions, where appropriate.

(2) After the period elapses, the Regional Administrator must prepare within 20 business days, written final findings which specify whether the SWA has violated ES regulations. If in the final findings the Regional Administrator determines the SWA has not violated ES regulations, the Regional Administrator must notify the State Administrator of this finding and retain supporting documents in their files. If the final finding involves services to MSFWs or the Complaint System, the Regional Administrator also must notify the RMA and the NMA. If the Regional Administrator determines a SWA has violated ES regulations, the Regional Administrator must prepare a Final Notice of Noncompliance which must specify the violation(s) and cite the regulations involved. The Final Notice of Noncompliance must be sent to the SWA by registered mail or other legally viable means. If the noncompliance involves services to MSFWs or the Complaint System, a copy of the Final Notice must be sent to the RMA and the NMA.

(g) If the violation involves the misspending of grant funds, the Regional Administrator may order in the Final Notice of Noncompliance a disallowance of the expenditure and may either demand repayment or withhold future funds in the amount in question. If the Regional Administrator disallows costs, the Regional Administrator must give the reasons for the disallowance, inform the SWA that the disallowance is effective immediately and that no more funds may be spent in the disallowed manner, and offer the SWA the opportunity to request a hearing pursuant to § 658.707. The offer, or the acceptance of an offer of a hearing, however, does not stay the effectiveness of the disallowance. The Regional Administrator must keep complete records of the disallowance.

(h) If the violation does not involve misspending of grant funds or the Regional Administrator determines that the circumstances warrant other action:

(1) The Final Notice of Noncompliance must direct the SWA to implement a specific corrective action plan to correct all violations. If the SWA's comment demonstrates with supporting evidence (except where inappropriate) that all violations have already been corrected, the Regional Administrator need not impose a corrective action plan and instead may cite the violation(s) and accept the SWA's resolution, subject to follow-up review, if necessary. If the Regional Administrator determines that the violation(s) cited had been found previously and that the corrective action(s) taken had not corrected the violation(s) contrary to the findings of previous follow-up reviews, the Regional Administrator must apply remedial actions to the SWA pursuant to § 658.704.

(2) The Final Notice of Noncompliance must specify the time by which each corrective action must be taken. This period may not exceed 40 business days unless the Regional Administrator determines that exceptional circumstances necessitate corrective actions requiring a longer time period. In such cases, and if the violations involve services to MSFWs or the Complaint System, the Regional Administrator must notify the Administrator in writing of the exceptional circumstances which necessitate more time, and must specify the additional time period. The specified time must commence with the date of signature on the registered mail receipt.

(3) When the time provided for in paragraph (h)(2) of this section elapses, Department staff must review the SWA's efforts as documented by the SWA to determine if the corrective action(s) has been taken and if the SWA has achieved compliance with ES regulations. If necessary, Department staff must conduct a follow-up visit as part of this review.

(4) If, as a result of this review, the Regional Administrator determines the SWA has corrected the violation(s), the Regional Administrator must record the basis for this determination, notify the SWA, send a copy to the Administrator, and retain a copy in Department files.

(5) If, as a result of this review, the Regional Administrator determines the SWA has taken corrective action but is unable to determine if the violation has been corrected due to seasonality or other factors, the Regional Administrator must notify in writing the SWA and the Administrator of their findings. The Regional Administrator must conduct further follow-up at an appropriate time to make a final determination if the violation has been corrected. If the Regional Administrator's follow-up reveals that violations have not been corrected, the Regional Administrator must apply remedial actions to the SWA pursuant to § 658.704.

(6) If, as a result of the review the Regional Administrator determines the SWA has not corrected the violations and has not made good faith efforts and adequate progress toward the correction of the violations, the Regional Administrator must apply remedial actions to the SWA pursuant to § 658.704.

(7) If, as a result of the review, the Regional Administrator determines the SWA has made good faith efforts and adequate progress toward the correction of the violation and it appears the violation will be fully corrected within a reasonable amount of time, the SWA must be advised by registered mail or other legally viable means (with a copy sent to the Administrator) of this conclusion, of remaining differences, of further needed corrective action, and that all deficiencies must be corrected within a specified time period. This period may not exceed 40 business days unless the Regional Administrator determines exceptional circumstances necessitate corrective action requiring more time. In such cases, the Regional Administrator must notify the Administrator in writing of the exceptional circumstances which necessitate more time, and must specify that time period. The specified time commences with the date of signature on the registered mail receipt.

(8)(i) If the SWA has been given additional time pursuant to paragraph (h)(7) of this section, Department staff must review the SWA's efforts as documented by the SWA at the end of the time period. If necessary, the Department must conduct a follow-up visit as part of this review.

(ii) If the SWA has corrected the violation(s), the Regional Administrator must document that finding, notify in writing the SWA and the Administrator, and retain supporting documents in Department files. If the SWA has not corrected the violation(s), the Regional Administrator must apply remedial actions pursuant to § 658.704.

[81 FR 56352, Aug. 19, 2016, as amended at 88 FR 82736, Nov. 24, 2023]
§ 658.703 - Emergency corrective action.

In critical situations as determined by the Regional Administrator, where it is necessary to protect the integrity of the funds, or ensure the proper operation of the program, the Regional Administrator may impose immediate corrective action. Where immediate corrective action is imposed, the Regional Administrator must notify the SWA of the reason for imposing the emergency corrective action prior to providing the SWA an opportunity to comment.

§ 658.704 - Remedial actions.

(a) If a SWA fails to correct violations as determined pursuant to § 658.702, the Regional Administrator must apply one or more of the following remedial actions to the SWA:

(1) Imposition of special reporting requirements for a specified time;

(2) Restrictions of obligational authority within one or more expense classifications;

(3) Implementation of specific operating systems or procedures for a specified time;

(4) Requirement of special training for ES staff;

(5) With the approval of the Assistant Secretary and after affording the State Administrator the opportunity to request a conference with the Assistant Secretary, the elevation of specific decision-making functions from the State Administrator to the Regional Administrator;

(6) With the approval of the Assistant Secretary and after affording the State Administrator the opportunity to request a conference with the Assistant Secretary, the imposition of Federal staff in key SWA positions;

(7) With the approval of the Assistant Secretary and after affording the State Administrator the opportunity to request a conference with the Assistant Secretary, funding of the SWA on a short-term basis or partial withholding of funds for a specific function or for a specific geographical area;

(8) Holding of public hearings in the State on the SWA's deficiencies;

(9) Disallowance of funds pursuant to § 658.702(g); or

(10) If the matter involves a serious or continual violation, the initiation of decertification procedures against the State Workforce Agency, as set forth in paragraph (e) of this section.

(b) The Regional Administrator must send, by registered mail, a Notice of Remedial Action to the SWA. The Notice of Remedial Action must set forth the reasons for the remedial action. When such a notice is the result of violations of regulations governing services to MSFWs (§§ 653.100 through 653.113 of this chapter) or the Complaint System (§§ 658.400 through 658.426), a copy of said notice must be sent to the Administrator, who must publish the notice promptly in the Federal Register.

(c) If the remedial action is other than decertification, the notice must state the remedial action must take effect immediately. The notice also must state the SWA may request a hearing pursuant to § 658.707 by filing a request in writing with the Regional Administrator pursuant to § 658.707 within 20 business days of the SWA's receipt of the notice. The offer of hearing, or the acceptance thereof, however, does not stay or otherwise delay the implementation of remedial action.

(d) Within 60 business days after the initial application of remedial action, the Regional Administrator must conduct a review of the SWA's compliance with ES regulations unless the Regional Administrator determines more time is necessary. In such cases, the Regional Administrator must notify the Administrator in writing of the circumstances which necessitate more time, and specify that time period. If necessary, Department staff must conduct a follow-up visit as part of this review. If the SWA is in compliance with the ES regulations, the Regional Administrator must fully document these facts and must terminate the remedial actions. The Regional Administrator must notify the SWA of their findings. When the case involves violations of regulations governing services to MSFWs or the Complaint System, a copy of said notice must be sent to the Administrator, who must promptly publish the notice in the Federal Register. The Regional Administrator must conduct, within a reasonable time after terminating the remedial actions, a review of the SWA's compliance to determine whether any remedial actions must be reapplied.

(e) If, upon conducting the on-site review referred to in paragraph (c) of this section, the Regional Administrator finds the SWA remains in noncompliance, the Regional Administrator must continue the remedial action and/or impose different additional remedial actions. The Regional Administrator must fully document all such decisions and, when the case involves violations of regulations governing services to MSFWs or the Complaint System, must send copies to the Administrator, who must promptly publish the notice in the Federal Register.

(f)(1) If the SWA has not brought itself into compliance with ES regulations within 120 business days of the initial application of remedial action, the Regional Administrator must initiate decertification unless the Regional Administrator determines the circumstances necessitate continuing remedial action for more time. In such cases, the Regional Administrator must notify the Administrator in writing of the circumstances which necessitate the extended time, and specify the time period.

(2) The Regional Administrator must notify the SWA by registered mail or by other legally viable means of the decertification proceedings, and must state the reasons therefor. Whenever such a notice is sent to a SWA, the Regional Administrator must prepare five copies (hard copies or electronic copies) containing, in chronological order, all the documents pertinent to the case along with a request for decertification stating the grounds therefor. One copy must be retained. Two must be sent to the ETA National Office, one must be sent to the Solicitor of Labor, Attention: Associate Solicitor for Employment and Training, and, if the case involves violations of regulations governing services to MSFWs or the Complaint System, copies must be sent to the RMA and the NMA. All copies also must be sent electronically to each respective party. The notice sent by the Regional Administrator must be published promptly in the Federal Register.

[81 FR 56352, Aug. 19, 2016, as amended at 85 FR 630, Jan. 6, 2020; 88 FR 82736, Nov. 24, 2023]
§ 658.705 - Decision to decertify.

(a) Within 30 business days of receiving a request for decertification, the ETA Assistant Secretary must review the case and must decide whether to proceed with decertification.

(b) The Assistant Secretary must grant the request for decertification unless they make a finding that:

(1) The violations of ES regulations are neither serious nor continual;

(2) The SWA is in compliance; or

(3) The Assistant Secretary has reason to believe the SWA will achieve compliance within 80 business days unless exceptional circumstances necessitate more time, pursuant to the remedial action already applied or to be applied. (In the event the Assistant Secretary does not have sufficient information to act upon the request, they may postpone the determination for up to an additional 20 business days to obtain any available additional information.) In making a determination whether violations are “serious” or “continual,” as required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the Assistant Secretary must consider:

(i) Statewide or multiple deficiencies as shown by performance data and/or on-site reviews;

(ii) Recurrent violations, even if they do not persist over consecutive reporting periods, and

(iii) The good faith efforts of the State to achieve full compliance with ES regulations as shown by the record.

(c) If the Assistant Secretary denies a request for decertification, they must write a complete report documenting their findings and, if appropriate, instructing an alternate remedial action or actions be applied. Electronic copies of the report must be sent to the Regional Administrator. Notice of the Assistant Secretary's decision must be published promptly in the Federal Register and the report of the Assistant Secretary must be made available for public inspection and copying.

(d) If the Assistant Secretary decides decertification is appropriate, they must submit the case to the Secretary providing written explanation for their recommendation of decertification.

(e) Within 30 business days after receiving the Assistant Secretary's report, the Secretary must determine whether to decertify the SWA. The Secretary must grant the request for decertification unless they make one of the three findings set forth in paragraph (b) of this section. If the Secretary decides not to decertify, they must then instruct that remedial action be continued or that alternate actions be applied. The Secretary must write a report explaining their reasons for not decertifying the SWA and copies (hard copy and electronic) will be sent to the SWA. Notice of the Secretary's decision must be published promptly in the Federal Register, and the report of the Secretary must be made available for public inspection and copy.

(f) Where either the Assistant Secretary or the Secretary denies a request for decertification and orders further remedial action, the Regional Administrator must continue to monitor the SWA's compliance. If the SWA achieves compliance within the time established pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, the Regional Administrator must terminate the remedial actions. If the SWA fails to achieve full compliance within that time period after the Secretary's decision not to decertify, the Regional Administrator must submit a report of their findings to the Assistant Secretary who must reconsider the request for decertification pursuant to the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section.

[81 FR 56352, Aug. 19, 2016, as amended at 88 FR 82736, Nov. 24, 2023]
§ 658.706 - Notice of decertification.

If the Secretary decides to decertify a SWA, they must send a Notice of Decertification to the SWA stating the reasons for this action and providing a 10-business-day period during which the SWA may request an administrative hearing in writing to the Secretary. The document must be published promptly in the Federal Register.

[88 FR 82737, Nov. 24, 2023]
§ 658.707 - Requests for hearings.

(a) Any SWA which received a Notice of Decertification under § 658.706 or a notice of disallowance under § 658.702(g) may request a hearing on the issue by filing a written request for hearing with the Secretary within 10 business days of receipt of the notice. Additionally, any SWA that has received a Notice of Remedial Action under § 658.704(c) may request a hearing by filing a written request with the Regional Administrator within 20 business days of the SWA's receipt of the notice. This request must state the reasons the SWA believes the basis of the decision to be wrong, and it must be signed by the State Administrator (electronic signatures may be accepted).

(b) When the Secretary or Regional Administrator receives a request for a hearing from a SWA, they must send copies of a file containing all materials and correspondence relevant to the case to the Assistant Secretary, the Regional Administrator, the Solicitor of Labor, and the Department of Labor Chief Administrative Law Judge. When the case involves violations of regulations governing services to MSFWs or the Complaint System, a copy must be sent to the NMA.

(c) The Secretary must publish notice of hearing in the Federal Register. This notice must invite all interested parties to attend and to present evidence at the hearing. All interested parties who make written request to participate must thereafter receive copies (hard copy and/or electronic) of all documents filed in said proceedings.

[81 FR 56352, Aug. 19, 2016, as amended at 88 FR 82737, Nov. 24, 2023]
§ 658.708 - Hearings.

(a) Upon receipt of a hearing file by the Chief Administrative Law Judge, the case must be docketed and notice sent by electronic mail, other means of electronic service, or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the Solicitor of Labor, Attention: Associate Solicitor for Employment and Training, the Administrator, the Regional Administrator and the State Administrator. The notice must set a time, place, and date for a hearing on the matter and must advise the parties that:

(1) They may be represented at the hearing;

(2) They may present oral and documentary evidence at the hearing;

(3) They may cross-examine opposing witnesses at the hearing; and

(4) They may request rescheduling of the hearing if the time, place, or date set are inconvenient.

(b) The Solicitor of Labor or the Solicitor's designee will represent the Department at the hearing.

§ 658.709 - Conduct of hearings.

(a) Proceedings under this section are governed by secs. 5 through 8 of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 553 et seq. and the rules of practice and procedure at subpart A of 29 CFR part 18, except as otherwise specified in this section.

(b) Technical rules of evidence do not apply, but rules or principles designed to assure production of the most credible evidence available and to subject testimony to test by cross-examination, must be applied if necessary by the ALJ conducting the hearing. The ALJ may exclude irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious evidence. All documents and other evidence offered or taken for the record must be open to examination by the parties. Opportunity must be given to refute facts and arguments advanced on either side of the issue. A transcript must be made of the oral evidence except to the extent the substance thereof is stipulated for the record.

(c) Discovery may be conducted as provided in the rules of practice and procedure at 29 CFR 18.50 through 18.65.

(d) When a public officer is a respondent in a hearing in an official capacity and during its pendency dies, resigns, or otherwise ceases to hold office, the proceeding does not abate and the officer's successor is automatically substituted as a party. Proceedings following the substitution must be in the name of the substituted party, but any misnomer not affecting the substantive rights of the parties must be disregarded. An order of substitution may be entered at any time, but the omission to enter such an order may not affect the substitution.

§ 658.710 - Decision of the Administrative Law Judge.

(a) The ALJ has jurisdiction to decide all issues of fact and related issues of law and to grant or deny appropriate motions, but does not have jurisdiction to decide upon the validity of Federal statutes or regulations.

(b) The decision of the ALJ must be based on the hearing record, must be in writing, and must state the factual and legal basis of the decision. The ALJ's decision must be available for public inspection and copying.

(c) Except when the case involves the decertification of a SWA, the decision of the ALJ will be considered the final decision of the Secretary.

(d) If the case involves the decertification of an appeal to the SWA, the decision of the ALJ must contain a notice stating that, within 30 calendar days of the decision, the SWA or the Administrator may appeal to the Administrative Review Board, United States Department of Labor, by filing an appeal with the Administrative Review Board in accordance with 29 CFR part 26.

[81 FR 56352, Aug. 19, 2016, as amended at 86 FR 1778, Jan. 11, 2021]
§ 658.711 - Decision of the Administrative Review Board.

(a) Upon the receipt of an appeal to the Administrative Review Board, United States Department of Labor, the ALJ must certify the record in the case to the Administrative Review Board, which must make a decision to decertify or not on the basis of the hearing record.

(b) The decision of the Administrative Review Board must be in writing, and must set forth the factual and legal basis for the decision. After the Board's decision becomes final, notice of the decision must be published in the Federal Register, and copies must be made available for public inspection and copying.

[81 FR 56352, Aug. 19, 2016, as amended at 85 FR 13030, Mar. 6, 2020; 85 FR 30615, May 20, 2020]
authority: Pub. L. 113-128, 128 Stat. 1425 (July 22, 2014); 29 U.S.C. chapter 4B
source: 81 FR 56352, Aug. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 658.702