Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 667.100 - When do Workforce Investment Act grant funds become available?

(a) Program year. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, fiscal year appropriations for programs and activities carried out under title I of WIA are available for obligation on the basis of a program year. A program year begins on July 1 in the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made and ends on June 30 of the following year.

(b) Youth fund availability. Fiscal year appropriations for a program year's youth activities, authorized under chapter 4, subtitle B, title I of WIA, may be made available for obligation beginning on April 1 of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made.

§ 667.105 -

(a) Agreement. All WIA title I funds that are awarded by grant, contract or cooperative agreement are issued under an agreement between the Grant Officer/Contracting Officer and the recipient. The agreement describes the terms and conditions applicable to the award of WIA title I funds.

(b) Grant funds awarded to States. Under the Governor/Secretary Agreement described in § 667.110, each program year, the grant agreement described in paragraph (a) of this section will be executed and signed by the Governor or the Governor's designated representative and Secretary or the Grant Officer. The grant agreement and associated Notices of Obligation are the basis for Federal obligation of funds allotted to the States in accordance with WIA sections 127(b) and 132(b) for each program year.

(c) Indian and Native American Programs. (1) Awards of grants, contracts or cooperative agreements for the WIA Indian and Native American program will be made to eligible entities on a competitive basis every two program years for a two-year period, in accordance with the provisions of 20 CFR part 668. An award for the succeeding two-year period may be made to the same recipient on a non-competitive basis if the recipient:

(i) Has performed satisfactorily; and

(ii) Submits a satisfactory two-year program plan for the succeeding two-year grant, contract or agreement period.

(2) A grant, contract or cooperative agreement may be renewed under the authority of paragraph (c)(1) of this section no more than once during any four-year period for any single recipient.

(d) National Farmworker Jobs programs. (1) Awards of grants or contracts for the National Farmworker Jobs program will be made to eligible entities on a competitive basis every two program years for a two-year period, in accordance with the provisions of 20 CFR part 669. An award for the succeeding two-year period may be made to the same recipient if the recipient:

(i) Has performed satisfactorily; and

(ii) Submits a satisfactory two-year program plan for the succeeding two-year period.

(2) A grant or contract may be renewed under the authority of paragraph (d)(1) of this section no more than once during any four-year period for any single recipient.

(e) Job Corps. (1) Awards of contracts will be made on a competitive basis between the Contracting Officer and eligible entities to operate contract centers and provide operational support services.

(2) The Secretary may enter into interagency agreements with Federal agencies for funding, establishment, and operation of Civilian Conservation Centers for Job Corps programs.

(f) [Reserved]

(g) Awards under WIA sections 171 and 172. (1) Awards of grants, contracts or cooperative agreements will be made to eligible entities for programs or activities authorized under WIA sections 171 or 172. These funds are for:

(i) Demonstration;

(ii) Pilot;

(iii) Multi-service;

(iv) Research;

(v) Multi-State projects; and

(vi) Evaluations

(2) Grants and contracts under paragraphs (g)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section will be awarded on a competitive basis, except that a noncompetitive award may be made in the case of a project that is funded jointly with other public or private entities that provide a portion of the funding.

(3) Contracts and grants under paragraphs (g)(1)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section in amounts that exceed $100,000 will be awarded on a competitive basis, except that a noncompetitive award may be made in the case of a project that is funded jointly with other public or private sector entities that provide a substantial portion of the assistance under the grant or contract for the project.

(4) Grants or contracts for carrying out projects in paragraphs (g)(1)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section may not be awarded to the same organization for more than three consecutive years, unless the project is competitively reevaluated within that period.

(5) Entities with nationally recognized expertise in the methods, techniques and knowledge of workforce investment activities will be provided priority in awarding contracts or grants for the projects under paragraphs (g)(1)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section.

(6) A peer review process will be used for projects under paragraphs (g)(1)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section for grants that exceed $500,000, and to designate exemplary and promising programs.

(h) Termination. Each grant terminates when the period of fund availability has expired. The grant must be closed in accordance with the closeout provisions at 29 CFR 95.71 or 97.50, as appropriate.

[65 FR 49421, Aug. 11, 2000, as amended at 71 FR 35525, June 21, 2006]
§ 667.107 - What is the period of availability for expenditure of WIA funds?

(a) Grant funds expended by States. Funds allotted to States under WIA sections 127(b) and 132(b) for any program year are available for expenditure by the State receiving the funds only during that program year and the two succeeding program years.

(b) Grant funds expended by local areas. (1) Funds allocated by a State to a local area under WIA sections 128(b) and 133(b), for any program year are available for expenditure only during that program year and the succeeding program year.

(2) Funds which are not expended by a local area in the two-year period described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, must be returned to the State. Funds so returned are available for expenditure by State and local recipients and subrecipients only during the third program year of availability. These funds may:

(i) Be used for Statewide projects, or

(ii) Be distributed to other local areas which had fully expended their allocation of funds for the same program year within the two-year period.

(c) Job Corps. Funds obligated for any program year for any Job Corps activity carried out under title I, subtitle C, of WIA may be expended during that program year and the two succeeding program years.

(d) Funds awarded under WIA sections 171 and 172. Funds obligated for any program year for a program or activity authorized under sections 171 or 172 of WIA remain available until expended.

(e) Other programs under title I of WIA. For all other grants, contracts and cooperative agreements issued under title I of WIA the period of availability for expenditure is set in the terms and conditions of the award document.

§ 667.110 - What is the Governor/Secretary Agreement?

(a) To establish a continuing relationship under the Act, the Governor and the Secretary will enter into a Governor/Secretary Agreement. The Agreement will consist of a statement assuring that the State will comply with:

(1) The Workforce Investment Act and all applicable rules and regulations, and

(2) The Wagner-Peyser Act and all applicable rules and regulations.

(b) The Governor/Secretary Agreement may be modified, revised or terminated at any time, upon the agreement of both parties.

§ 667.120 - What planning information must a State submit in order to receive a formula grant?

Each State seeking financial assistance under WIA sections 127 (youth) or 132 (adults and dislocated workers) or under the Wagner-Peyser Act must submit a single State Plan. The requirements for the plan content and the plan review process are described in WIA section 112, Wagner-Peyser Act section 8, and 20 CFR 661.220, 661.240 and 652.211 through 652.214.

§ 667.130 - How are WIA title I formula funds allocated to local workforce investment areas?

(a) General. The Governor must allocate WIA formula funds allotted for services to youth, adults and dislocated workers in accordance with WIA sections 128 and 133, and this section.

(1) State Boards must assist Governors in the development of any discretionary within-State allocation formulas. (WIA sec. 111(d)(5).)

(2) Within-State allocations must be made:

(i) In accordance with the allocation formulas contained in WIA sections 128(b) and 133(b) and in the State workforce investment plan, and

(ii) After consultation with chief elected officials in each of the workforce investment areas.

(b) State reserve. (1) Of the WIA formula funds allotted for services to youth, adults and dislocated workers, the Governor must reserve funds from each of these sources for Statewide workforce investment activities. In making these reservations, the Governor may reserve up to fifteen (15) percent from each of these sources. Funds reserved under this paragraph may be combined and spent on Statewide employment and training activities, for adults and dislocated workers, and Statewide youth activities, as described in 20 CFR 665.200 and 665.210, without regard to the funding source of the reserved funds.

(2) The Governor must reserve a portion of the dislocated worker funds for Statewide rapid response activities, as described in WIA section 134(a)(2)(A) and 20 CFR 665.310 through 665.330. In making this reservation, the Governor may reserve up to twenty-five (25) percent of the dislocated worker funds.

(c) Youth allocation formula. (1) Unless the Governor elects to distribute funds in accordance with the discretionary allocation formula described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the remainder of youth funds not reserved under paragraph (b)(1) of this section must be allocated:

(i) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial unemployment in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of unemployed individuals in all areas of substantial unemployment in the State;

(ii) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative excess number of unemployed individuals in each workforce investment area, compared to the total excess number of unemployed individuals in the State; and

(iii) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative number of disadvantaged youth in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of disadvantaged youth in the State. (WIA sec. 128(b)(2)(A)(i))

(2) Discretionary youth allocation formula. In lieu of making the formula allocation described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the State may allocate youth funds under a discretionary formula. Under that formula, the State must allocate a minimum of 70 percent of youth funds not reserved under paragraph (b)(1) of this section on the basis of the formula in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, and may allocate up to 30 percent on the basis of a formula that:

(i) Incorporates additional factors (other than the factors described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section) relating to:

(A) Excess youth poverty in urban, rural and suburban local areas; and

(B) Excess unemployment above the State average in urban, rural and suburban local areas; and

(ii) Was developed by the State Board and approved by the Secretary of Labor as part of the State workforce investment plan. (WIA sec. 128(b)(3).)

(d) Adult allocation formula. (1) Unless the Governor elects to distribute funds in accordance with the discretionary allocation formula described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, the remainder of adult funds not reserved under paragraph (b)(1) of this section must be allocated:

(i) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial unemployment in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial unemployment in the State;

(ii) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative excess number of unemployed individuals in each workforce investment area, compared to the total excess number of unemployed individuals in the State; and

(iii) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative number of disadvantaged adults in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of disadvantaged adults in the State. (WIA sec. 133(b)(2)(A)(i))

(2) Discretionary adult allocation formula. In lieu of making the formula allocation described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, the State may allocate adult funds under a discretionary formula. Under that formula, the State must allocate a minimum of 70 percent of adult funds on the basis of the formula in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, and may allocate up to 30 percent on the basis of a formula that:

(i) Incorporates additional factors (other than the factors described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section) relating to:

(A) Excess poverty in urban, rural and suburban local areas; and

(B) Excess unemployment above the State average in urban, rural and suburban local areas; and

(ii) Was developed by the State Board and approved by the Secretary of Labor as part of the State workforce investment plan. (WIA sec. 133(b)(3).)

(e) Dislocated worker allocation formula. (1) The remainder of dislocated worker funds not reserved under paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section must be allocated on the basis of a formula prescribed by the Governor that distributes funds in a manner that addresses the State's worker readjustment assistance needs. Funds so distributed must not be less than 60 percent of the State's formula allotment.

(2)(i) The Governor's dislocated worker formula must use the most appropriate information available to the Governor, including information on:

(A) Insured unemployment data,

(B) Unemployment concentrations,

(C) Plant closings and mass layoff data,

(D) Declining industries data,

(E) Farmer-rancher economic hardship data, and

(F) Long-term unemployment data.

(ii) The State Plan must describe the data used for the formula and the weights assigned, and explain the State's decision to use other information or to omit any of the information sources set forth in paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section.

(3) The Governor may not amend the dislocated worker formula more than once for any program year.

(4)(i) Dislocated worker funds initially reserved by the Governor for Statewide rapid response activities in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section may be:

(A) Distributed to local areas, and

(B) Used to operate projects in local areas in accordance with the requirements of WIA section 134(a)(2)(A) and 20 CFR 665.310 through 665.330.

(ii) The State Plan must describe the procedures for any distribution to local areas, including the timing and process for determining whether a distribution will take place.

§ 667.135 - What “hold harmless” provisions apply to WIA adult and youth allocations?

(a)(1) For the first two fiscal years after the date on which a local area is designated under section 116 of WIA, the State may elect to apply the “hold harmless” provisions specified in paragraph (b) of this section to local area allocations of WIA youth funds under § 667.130(c) and to allocations of WIA adult funds under § 667.130(d).

(2) Effective at the end of the second full fiscal year after the date on which a local area is designated under section 116 of WIA the State must apply the “hold harmless” specified in paragraph (b) of this section to local area allocations of WIA youth funds under § 667.130(c) and to allocations of WIA adult funds under § 667.130(d).

(3) There are no “hold harmless” provisions that apply to local area allocations of WIA dislocated worker funds.

(b)(1) If a State elects to apply a “hold-harmless” under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, a local area must not receive an allocation amount for a fiscal year that is less than 90 percent of the average allocation of the local area for the two preceding fiscal years.

(2) In applying the “hold harmless” under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, a local area must not receive an allocation amount for a fiscal year that is less than 90 percent of the average allocation of the local area for the two preceding fiscal years.

(3) Amounts necessary to increase allocations to local areas must be obtained by ratably reducing the allocations to be made to other local areas.

(4) If the amounts of WIA funds appropriated in a fiscal year are not sufficient to provide the amount specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section to all local areas, the amounts allocated to each local area mustbe ratably reduced. (WIA secs. 128(b)(2)(A)(ii), 133(b)(2)(A)(ii), 506.)

§ 667.140 - Does a Local Board have the authority to transfer funds between programs?

(a) A Local Board may transfer up to 20 percent of a program year allocation for adult employment and training activities, and up to 20 percent of a program year allocation for dislocated worker employment and training activities between the two programs.

(b) Before making any such transfer, a Local Board must obtain the Governor's approval.

(c) Local Boards may not transfer funds to or from the youth program.

§ 667.150 - What reallotment procedures does the Secretary use?

(a) The first reallotment of funds among States will occur during PY 2001 based on obligations in PY 2000.

(b) The Secretary determines, during the first quarter of the program year, whether a State has obligated its required level of at least 80 percent of the funds allotted under WIA sections 127 and 132 for programs serving youth, adults, and dislocated workers for the prior year, as separately determined for each of the three funding streams. Unobligated balances are determined based on allotments adjusted for any allowable transfer between the adult and dislocated worker funding streams. The amount to be recaptured from each State for reallotment, if any, is based on State obligations of the funds allotted to each State under WIA sections 127 and 132 for programs serving youth, adults, or dislocated workers, less any amount reserved (up to 5 percent at the State level and up to 10 percent at the local level) for the costs of administration. This amount, if any, is separately determined for each funding stream.

(c) The Secretary reallots youth, adult and dislocated worker funds among eligible States in accordance with the provisions of WIA sections 127(c) and 132(c), respectively. To be eligible to receive a reallotment of youth, adult, or dislocated worker funds under the reallotment procedures, a State must have obligated at least 80 percent of the prior program year's allotment, less any amount reserved for the costs of administration of youth, adult, or dislocated worker funds. A State's eligibility to receive a reallotment is separately determined for each funding stream.

(d) The term “obligation” is defined at 20 CFR 660.300. For purposes of this section, the Secretary will also treat as State obligations:

(1) Amounts allocated by the State, under WIA sections 128(b) and 133(b), to the single State local area if the State has been designated as a single local area under WIA section 116(b) or to a balance of State local area administered by a unit of the State government, and

(2) Inter-agency transfers and other actions treated by the State as encumbrances against amounts reserved by the State under WIA sections 128(a) and 133(a) for Statewide workforce investment activities.

§ 667.160 - What reallocation procedures must the Governors use?

(a) The Governor may reallocate youth, adult, and dislocated worker funds among local areas within the State in accordance with the provisions of sections 128(c) and 133(c) of the Act. If the Governor chooses to reallocate funds, the provisions in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section apply.

(b) For the youth, adult and dislocated worker programs, the amount to be recaptured from each local area for purposes of reallocation, if any, must be based on the amount by which the prior year's unobligated balance of allocated funds exceeds 20 percent of that year's allocation for the program, less any amount reserved (up to 10 percent) for the costs of administration. Unobligated balances must be determined based on allocations adjusted for any allowable transfer between funding streams. This amount, if any, must be separately determined for each funding stream.

(c) To be eligible to receive youth, adult or dislocated worker funds under the reallocation procedures, a local area must have obligated at least 80 percent of the prior program year's allocation, less any amount reserved (up to 10 percent) for the costs of administration, for youth, adult, or dislocated worker activities, as separately determined. A local area's eligibility to receive a reallocation must be separately determined for each funding stream.

§ 667.170 - What responsibility review does the Department conduct for awards made under WIA title I, subtitle D?

(a) Before final selection as a potential grantee, we conduct a review of the available records to assess the organization's overall responsibility to administer Federal funds. As part of this review, we may consider any information that has come to our attention and will consider the organization's history with regard to the management of other grants, including DOL grants. The failure to meet any one responsibility test, except for those listed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, does not establish that the organization is not responsible unless the failure is substantial or persistent (for two or more consecutive years). The responsibility tests include:

(1) The organization's efforts to recover debts (for which three demand letters have been sent) established by final agency action have been unsuccessful, or that there has been failure to comply with an approved repayment plan;

(2) Established fraud or criminal activity of a significant nature within the organization.

(3) Serious administrative deficiencies that we identify, such as failure to maintain a financial management system as required by Federal regulations;

(4) Willful obstruction of the audit process;

(5) Failure to provide services to applicants as agreed to in a current or recent grant or to meet applicable performance standards;

(6) Failure to correct deficiencies brought to the grantee's attention in writing as a result of monitoring activities, reviews, assessments, or other activities;

(7) Failure to return a grant closeout package or outstanding advances within 90 days of the grant expiration date or receipt of closeout package, whichever is later, unless an extension has been requested and granted; final billings reflecting serious cost category or total budget cost overrun;

(8) Failure to submit required reports;

(9) Failure to properly report and dispose of government property as instructed by DOL;

(10) Failure to have maintained effective cash management or cost controls resulting in excess cash on hand;

(11) Failure to ensure that a subrecipient complies with its OMB Circular A-133 audit requirements specified at § 667.200(b);

(12) Failure to audit a subrecipient within the required period;

(13) Final disallowed costs in excess of five percent of the grant or contract award if, in the judgement of the grant officer, the disallowances are egregious findings and;

(14) Failure to establish a mechanism to resolve a subrecipient's audit in a timely fashion.

(b) This responsibility review is independent of the competitive process. Applicants which are determined to be not responsible will not be selected as potential grantees irrespective of their standing in the competition.

authority: Subtitle C of Title I, Sec. 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220, 112 Stat. 936 (20 U.S.C. 9276(c)); Executive Order 13198, 66 FR 8497, 3 CFR 2001 Comp., p. 750; Executive Order 13279, 67 FR 77141, 3 CFR 2002 Comp., p. 258
source: 65 FR 49421, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 667.135