Yes, WIA section 166(h)(3) permits waivers of any statutory or regulatory requirement imposed upon INA grantees (except for the areas cited in § 668.920). Such waivers may include those necessary to facilitate WIA support of long term community development goals.
To request a waiver, an INA grantee must submit a plan indicating how the waiver will improve the grantee's WIA program activities. We will provide further guidance on the waiver process, consistent with the provisions of WIA section 166(h)(3).
Requirements relating to:
(a) Wage and labor standards;
(b) Worker rights;
(c) Participation and protection of workers and participants;
(d) Grievance procedures;
(e) Judicial review; and
(f) Non-discrimination may not be waived. (WIA sec. 166(h)(3)(A).)
Yes, INA grantees may consolidate their employment and training funds under WIA with assistance received from related programs in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Demonstration Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-477) (25 U.S.C. 3401 et seq.). Also, Federally-recognized tribes that administer INA funds and funds provided by more than one State under other sections of WIA title I may enter into an agreement with the Governors to transfer the State funds to the INA program. (WIA sec. 166(f) and (h)(6).)
The Native American Employment and Training Council is a body composed of representatives of the grantee community which advises the Secretary on all aspects of Native American employment and training program implementation. WIA section 166(h)(4) continues the Council essentially as it is currently constituted, with the exception that all the Council members no longer have to be Native American. However, the nature of the consultative process remains essentially unchanged. We continue to support the Council.
source: 65 FR 49435, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 668.940