Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 672.500 - What administrative regulations apply to the YouthBuild program?
Each YouthBuild grantee must comply with the following:
(a) The regulations found in this part.
(b) The general administrative requirements found in 20 CFR part 667, except those that apply only to the WIA Title I-B program and those that have been modified by this section.
(c) The Department's regulations on government-wide requirements, which include:
(1) The regulations codifying the Office of Management and Budget's government-wide grants requirements: Circular A-110 (codified at 2 CFR part 215), and Circular A-102 at 29 CFR parts 95 and 97, as applicable;
(2) The Department's regulations at 29 CFR part 37, which implement the nondiscrimination provisions of WIA section 188;
(3) The Department's regulations at 29 CFR parts 93, 94, and 98 relating to restrictions on lobbying, drug free workplace, and debarment and suspension; and
(4) The audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133 stated at 29 CFR part 99, as required by 29 CFR 96.11, 95.26, and 97.26, as applicable.
§ 672.505 - How may grantees provide services under the YouthBuild program?
Each recipient of a grant under the YouthBuild program may provide the services and activities described in these regulations either directly or through subgrants, contracts, or other arrangements with local educational agencies, postsecondary educational institutions, State or local housing development agencies, other public agencies, including agencies of Indian tribes, or private organizations.
§ 672.510 - What cost limits apply to the use of YouthBuild program funds?
(a) Administrative costs for programs operated under YouthBuild are limited to no more than 15 percent of the grant award. The definition of administrative costs can be found in 20 CFR 667.220.
(b) The cost of supervision and training for participants involved in the rehabilitation or construction of community and other public facilities is limited to no more than 10 percent of the grant award.
§ 672.515 - What are the cost-sharing or matching requirements of the YouthBuild program?
(a) The cost-sharing or matching requirements applicable to a YouthBuild grant will be addressed in the grant agreement.
(b) The value of construction materials used in the YouthBuild program is an allowable cost for the purposes of the required non-Federal share or match.
(c) The value of land acquired for the YouthBuild program is not an allowable cost-sharing or match.
(d) Federal funds may not be used as cost-sharing or match resources except as provided by Federal law.
(e) The value of buildings acquired for the YouthBuild program is an allowable match, provided that the following conditions apply:
(1) The purchase cost of buildings used solely for training purposes is allowable; and
(2) For buildings used for training and other purposes, the allowable amount is determined based on the proportionate share of the purchase price related to direct training activities.
(f) Grantees must follow the requirements of 29 CFR 95.23 or 29 CFR 97.24 in the accounting, valuation, and reporting of the required non-Federal share.
§ 672.520 - What are considered to be leveraged funds?
(a) Leveraged funds may be used to support allowable YouthBuild program activities and consist of payments made for allowable costs funded by both non-YouthBuild Federal, and non-Federal, resources which include:
(1) Costs which meet the criteria for cost-sharing or match in § 672.515 and are in excess of the amount of cost-sharing or match resources required;
(2) Costs which would meet the criteria in § 672.515 except that they are paid for with other Federal resources; and
(3) Costs which benefit the grant program and are otherwise allowable under the cost principles but are not allowable under the grant because of some statutory, regulatory, or grant provision, whether paid for with Federal or non-Federal resources.
(b) The use of leveraged funds must be reported in accordance with Departmental instructions.
§ 672.525 - How are the costs associated with real property treated in the YouthBuild program?
(a) As provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the costs of the following activities associated with real property are allowable solely for the purpose of training YouthBuild participants:
(1) Rehabilitation of existing structures for use by homeless individuals and families or low-income families or for use as transitional housing.
(2) Construction of buildings for use by homeless individuals and families or low-income families or for use as transitional housing.
(3) Construction or rehabilitation of community or other public facilities, except, as provided in § 672.510(b), only 10 percent of the grant award is allowable for such construction and rehabilitation.
(b) The costs for acquisition of buildings that are used for activities described in paragraph (a) of this section are allowable with prior grant officer approval and only under the following conditions:
(1) The purchase cost of buildings used solely for training purposes is allowable; and
(2) For buildings used for training and other purposes, the allowable amount is determined based on the proportionate share of the purchase cost related to direct training.
(c) The following costs are allowable to the extent allocable to training YouthBuild participants in the construction and rehabilitation activities specified in paragraph (a) of this section:
(1) Trainees' tools and clothing including personal protective equipment (PPE);
(2) On-site trainee supervisors;
(3) Construction management;
(4) Relocation of buildings; and
(5) Clearance and demolition.
(d) Architectural fees, or a proportionate share thereof, are allowable when such fees can be related to items such as architectural plans or blueprints on which participants will be trained.
(e) The following costs are unallowable:
(1) The costs of acquisition of land.
(2) Brokerage fees.
§ 672.530 - What participant costs are allowable under the YouthBuild program?
Allowable participant costs include:
(a) The costs of payments to participants engaged in eligible work-related YouthBuild activities.
(b) The costs of payments provided to participants engaged in non-work- related YouthBuild activities.
(c) The costs of needs-based stipends.
(d) The costs of supportive services.
(e) The costs of providing additional benefits to participants or individuals who have exited the program and are receiving follow-up services, which may include:
(1) Tuition assistance for obtaining college education credits;
(2) Scholarships to an Apprenticeship, Technical, or Secondary Education program; and
(3) Sponsored health programs.
§ 672.535 - What effect do payments to YouthBuild participants have on eligibility for other Federal need-based benefits?
Under 20 CFR 667.272(c), allowances, earnings, and payments to individuals participating in programs under Title I of WIA are not considered as income for purposes of determining eligibility for and the amount of income transfer and in-kind aid furnished under any Federal or Federally-assisted program based on need other than as provided under the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 301).
§ 672.540 - What program income requirements apply under the YouthBuild program?
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, program income requirements, as specified in the applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements at 29 CFR 95.24 and 97.25, apply to YouthBuild grants.
(b) Revenue from the sale of buildings rehabilitated or constructed under the YouthBuild program to homeless individuals and families and low-income families is not considered program income. Grantees are encouraged to use that revenue for the long-term sustainability of the YouthBuild program.
§ 672.545 - Are YouthBuild programs subject to the Davis-Bacon Act labor standards?
(a) YouthBuild programs and grantees are subject to Davis-Bacon labor standards requirements under the circumstances set forth in paragraph (b) of this section. In those instances where a grantee is subject to Davis-Bacon requirements, the grantee must follow applicable requirements in the Department's regulations at 29 CFR parts 1, 3, and 5, including the requirements contained in the Davis-Bacon contract provisions set forth in 29 CFR 5.5.
(b) YouthBuild participants are subject to Davis-Bacon Act labor standards when they perform Davis-Bacon-covered laborer or mechanic work, defined at 29 CFR 5.2, on Federal or Federally-assisted projects that are subject to the Davis-Bacon Act labor standards. The Davis-Bacon prevailing wage requirements apply to hours worked on the site of the work.
(c) YouthBuild participants who are not registered and participating in a training program approved by the Employment and Training Administration must be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed.
§ 672.550 - What are the recordkeeping requirements for YouthBuild programs?
(a) Grantees must follow the recordkeeping requirements specified in the Uniform Administrative Requirements, at 29 CFR 95.53 and 29 CFR 97.42, as appropriate.
(b) Grantees must maintain such additional records related to the use of buildings constructed or rehabilitated with YouthBuild funds as specified in the grant agreement or in the Department's guidance.
source: 77 FR 9129, Feb. 15, 2012, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 672.525