Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Sep 30, 2024
§ 680.400 - What is the purpose of this subpart?

(a) This subpart describes the process for determining eligible training providers and programs for WIOA title I, subtitle B adult, dislocated worker, and out-of-school youth (OSY) aged 16-24 training participants and for publicly disseminating the list of these providers with relevant information about their programs. The workforce development system established under WIOA emphasizes informed consumer choice, job-driven training, provider performance, and continuous improvement. The quality and selection of providers and programs of training services is vital to achieving these core principles.

(b) The State list of eligible training providers and programs and the related eligibility procedures ensure the accountability, quality and labor-market relevance of programs of training services that receive funds through WIOA title I, subtitle B. The State list of eligible training providers and programs also is a means for ensuring informed customer choice for individuals eligible for training. In administering the eligible training provider eligibility process, States and local areas must work to ensure that qualified providers offering a wide variety of job-driven programs of training services are available. The State list of eligible training providers and programs is made publicly available online through Web sites and searchable databases as well as any other means the State uses to disseminate information to consumers, including formats accessible to individuals with disabilities. The list must be accompanied by relevant performance and cost information and must be presented in a way that is easily understood, in order to maximize informed consumer choice and serve all significant population groups, and also must be available in an electronic format. The State eligible training provider performance reports, as required under WIOA sec. 116(d)(4), are addressed separately in § 677.230 of this chapter.

§ 680.410 - What is an eligible training provider?


(a) Is the only type of entity that receives funding for training services, as defined in § 680.200, through an individual training account;

(b) Must be included on the State list of eligible training providers and programs under this subpart;

(c) Must provide a program of training services; and

(d) Must be one of the following types of entities:

(1) Institutions of higher education that provide a program which leads to a recognized postsecondary credential;

(2) Entities that carry out programs registered under the National Apprenticeship Act (29 U.S.C. 50 et seq.); or

(3) Other public or private providers of training services, which may include:

(i) Community-based organizations;

(ii) Joint labor-management organizations; and

(iii) Eligible providers of adult education and literacy activities under title II of WIOA if such activities are provided in combination with training services described at § 680.350.

§ 680.420 - What is a “program of training services”?

A program of training services is one or more courses or classes, or a structured regimen, that provides the services in § 680.200 and leads to:

(a) An industry-recognized certificate or certification, a certificate of completion of a registered apprenticeship, a license recognized by the State involved or the Federal government, an associate or baccalaureate degree;

(b) Consistent with § 680.350, a secondary school diploma or its equivalent;

(c) Employment; or

(d) Measurable skill gains toward a credential described in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section or employment.

§ 680.430 - Who is responsible for managing the training provider eligibility process?

(a) The Governor, in consultation with the State WDB, establishes the criteria, information requirements, and procedures, including procedures identifying the respective roles of the State and local areas, governing the eligibility of providers and programs of training services to receive funds through ITAs.

(b) The Governor may designate a State agency (or appropriate State entity) to assist in carrying out the process and procedures for determining the eligibility of training providers and programs of training services. The Governor or such agency (or appropriate State entity) is responsible for:

(1) Ensuring the development and maintenance of the State list of eligible training providers and programs, as described in §§ 680.450 (initial eligibility), 680.460 (continued eligibility), and 680.490 (performance and cost information reporting requirements);

(2) Ensuring that programs meet eligibility criteria and performance levels established by the State, including verifying the accuracy of the information;

(3) Removing programs that do not meet State-established program criteria or performance levels, as described in § 680.480(c);

(4) Taking appropriate enforcement actions against providers that intentionally provide inaccurate information, or that substantially violate the requirements of WIOA, as described in § 680.480(a) and (b); and

(5) Disseminating the State list of eligible training providers and programs, accompanied by performance and cost information relating to each program, to the public and the Local WDBs throughout the State, as further described in § 680.500.

(c) The Local WDB must:

(1) Carry out the procedures assigned to the Local WDB by the State, such as determining the initial eligibility of entities providing a program of training services, renewing the eligibility of providers and programs, and considering the possible termination of an eligible training provider due to the provider's submission of inaccurate eligibility and performance information or the provider's substantial violation of WIOA requirements;

(2) Work with the State to ensure there are sufficient numbers and types of providers of training services, including eligible providers with expertise in assisting individuals with disabilities and eligible providers with expertise in assisting adults in need of adult education and literacy activities described under WIOA sec. 107(d)(10)(E), serving the local area; and

(3) Ensure the dissemination and appropriate use of the State list of eligible training providers and programs through the local one-stop delivery system, including formats accessible to individuals with disabilities.

(d) The Local WDB may make recommendations to the Governor on the procedure used in determining eligibility of providers and programs.

(e) The Local WDB may, except with respect to registered apprenticeship programs:

(1) Require additional criteria and information from local providers as criteria to become or remain eligible in that local area; and

(2) Set higher levels of performance than those required by the State as criteria for local programs to become or remain eligible to provide services in that local area.

§ 680.440 - [Reserved]
§ 680.450 - What is the initial eligibility process for new providers and programs?

(a) All providers and programs that have not previously been eligible to provide training services under WIOA sec. 122 or WIA sec. 122, except for registered apprenticeship programs, must submit required information to be considered for initial eligibility in accordance with the Governor's procedures.

(b) Apprenticeship programs registered under the National Apprenticeship Act are exempt from initial eligibility procedures. Registered apprenticeship programs must be included and maintained on the State list of eligible training providers and programs as long as the program remains registered, unless the registered apprenticeship program is removed from the list for a reason set forth in § 680.470. Procedures for registered apprenticeship programs to be included and maintained on the list are described in § 680.470.

(c) In establishing the State requirements described in paragraph (e) of this section, the Governor must, in consultation with the State WDB, develop a procedure for determining the eligibility of training providers and programs. This procedure, which must be described in the State Plan, must be developed after:

(1) Soliciting and taking into consideration recommendations from Local WDBs and providers of training services within the State;

(2) Providing an opportunity for interested members of the public, including representatives of business and labor organizations, to submit comments on the procedure; and

(3) Designating a specific time period for soliciting and considering the recommendations of Local WDBs and providers, and for providing an opportunity for public comment.

(d) For institutions of higher education that provide a program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential and for other public or private providers of programs of training services, including joint labor-management organizations, and providers of adult education and literacy activities, the Governor must establish criteria and State requirements for providers and programs seeking initial eligibility.

(e) The Governor must require providers and programs seeking initial eligibility to provide verifiable program specific performance information. At a minimum, these criteria must require applicant providers to:

(1) Describe each program of training services to be offered;

(2) Provide information addressing a factor related to the indicators of performance, as described in WIOA secs. 116(b)(2)(A)(i)(I)-(IV) and § 680.460(g)(1) through (4) which include unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit, unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit, median earnings and credentials attainment;

(3) Describe whether the provider is in a partnership with a business;

(4) Provide other information the Governor may require in order to demonstrate high quality programs of training services, which may include information related to training services that lead to a recognized postsecondary credential; and

(5) Provide information that addresses alignment of the training services with in-demand industry sectors and occupations, to the extent possible.

(f) In establishing the initial eligibility procedures and criteria, the Governor may establish minimum performance standards, based on the performance information described in paragraph (e) of this section.

(g) Under WIOA sec. 122(b)(4)(B), eligible training providers receive initial eligibility for only 1 year for a particular program.

(h) After the initial eligibility expires, these initially eligible training providers are subject to the Governor's application procedures for continued eligibility, described at § 680.460, in order to remain eligible.

§ 680.460 - What is the application procedure for continued eligibility?

(a) The Governor must establish an application procedure for eligible training providers and programs to maintain their continued eligibility. The application procedure must take into account the program's prior eligibility status.

(1) Training providers and programs that were previously eligible under WIA will be subject to the application procedure for continued eligibility after the close of the Governor's transition period for implementation.

(2) Training providers and programs that were not previously eligible under WIA and have been determined to be initially eligible under WIOA, under the procedures described at § 680.450, will be subject to the application procedure for continued eligibility after their initial eligibility expires.

(b) The Governor must develop this procedure after:

(1) Soliciting and taking into consideration recommendations from Local WDBs and providers of training services within the State;

(2) Providing an opportunity for interested members of the public, including representatives of business and labor organizations, to submit comments on such procedure; and

(3) Designating a specific time period for soliciting and considering the recommendations of Local WDBs and providers, and for providing an opportunity for public comment.

(c) Procedures for registered apprenticeship programs to be included and maintained on the list are described in § 680.470. Apprenticeship programs registered under the National Apprenticeship Act must be included and maintained on the State list of eligible training providers and programs as long as the program remains registered, unless the registered apprenticeship program is removed from the list for a reason set forth in § 680.470.

(d) The application procedure must describe the roles of the State and local areas in receiving and reviewing provider applications and in making eligibility determinations.

(e) The application procedure must be described in the State Plan.

(f) In establishing eligibility criteria, the Governor must take into account:

(1) The performance of the eligible training provider's program on:

(i) The performance accountability measures described in WIOA secs. 116(b)(2)(A)(i)(I)-(IV) and the other matters required by WIOA sec. 122(b)(2);

(ii) Other appropriate measures of performance outcomes determined by the Governor for program participants receiving training services under WIOA title I, subtitle B, taking into consideration the characteristics of the population served and relevant economic conditions; and

(iii) Outcomes of the program for students in general with respect to employment and earnings as defined in WIOA sec. 116(b)(2).

(iv) All of these measures may include minimum performance standards.

(v) Until data from the conclusion of each performance indicator's first data cycle are available, the Governor may take into account alternate factors related to the measures described in paragraphs (f)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section.

(2) Ensuring access to training services throughout the State, including in rural areas, and through the use of technology;

(3) Information reported to State agencies on Federal and State training programs other than programs within WIOA title I, subtitle B;

(4) The degree to which programs of training services relate to in-demand industry sectors and occupations in the State;

(5) State licensure requirements of training providers;

(6) Encouraging the use of industry-recognized certificates and credentials;

(7) The ability of providers to offer programs of training services that lead to postsecondary credentials;

(8) The quality of the program of training services including a program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential;

(9) The ability of the providers to provide training services to individuals who are employed and individuals with barriers to employment;

(10) Whether the providers timely and accurately submitted all of the information required for completion of eligible training provider performance reports required under WIOA sec. 116(d)(4) and all of the information required for initial and continued eligibility in this subpart; and

(11) Other factors that the Governor determines are appropriate in order to ensure: The accountability of providers; that one-stop centers in the State will meet the needs of local employers and participants; and, that participants will be given an informed choice among providers.

(g) The information requirements that the Governor establishes under paragraph (f)(1) of this section must require eligible training providers to submit appropriate, accurate, and timely information for participants receiving training under WIOA title I, subtitle B. That information must include:

(1) The percentage of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program;

(2) The percentage of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit from the program;

(3) The median earnings of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program;

(4) The percentage of program participants who obtain a recognized postsecondary credential, or a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent during participation in or within 1 year after exit from the program;

(5) Information on recognized postsecondary credentials received by program participants;

(6) Information on cost of attendance, including costs of tuition and fees, for program participants;

(7) Information on the program completion rate for such participants.

(h) The eligibility criteria must require that:

(1) Providers submit performance and cost information as described in paragraph (g) of this section and in the Governor's procedures for each program of training services for which the provider has been determined to be eligible, in a timeframe and manner determined by the State, but at least every 2 years; and

(2) That the collection of information required to demonstrate compliance with the criteria is not unduly burdensome or costly to providers.

(i) The procedure for continued eligibility also must provide for the State biennially to review provider eligibility information to assess the renewal of training provider eligibility. Such procedures may establish minimum levels of training provider performance as criteria for continued eligibility.

(j) The procedure for biennial review of the provider eligibility must include verification of the registration status of registered apprenticeship programs and removal of any registered apprenticeship programs as described in § 680.470.

(k) The Governor may establish procedures and timeframes for providing technical assistance to eligible training providers who are not intentionally supplying inaccurate information or who have not substantially violated any of the requirements under this section but are failing to meet the criteria and information requirements due to undue cost or burden.

(l) The Governor's procedures must include what the Governor considers to be a substantial violation of the requirement to timely and accurately submit all of the information required for completion of the eligible training provider performance reports required under WIOA sec. 116(d)(4) and all of the information required for initial and continued eligibility in this subpart.

(1) The Governor's procedures on determining a substantial violation must take into account exceptional circumstances beyond the provider's control, such as natural disasters, unexpected personnel transitions, and unexpected technology-related issues.

(2) Providers who substantially violate the requirement in paragraph (g) of this section to timely and accurately submit all required information must be removed from the State list of eligible training providers and programs, as provided in § 680.480(b).

§ 680.470 - What are the procedures for including and removing registered apprenticeship programs on a State list of eligible training providers and programs?

(a) All registered apprenticeship programs that are registered with the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship, or a recognized State apprenticeship agency, are automatically eligible to be included in the State list of eligible training providers and programs. All registered apprenticeship programs must be informed of their automatic eligibility to be included on the list, and must be provided an opportunity to consent to their inclusion, before being placed on the State list of eligible training providers and programs. The Governor must establish a mechanism for registered apprenticeship program sponsors in the State to be informed of their automatic eligibility and to indicate that the program sponsor wishes to be included on the State list of eligible training providers and programs. This mechanism must place minimal burden on registered apprenticeship program sponsors and must be developed in accordance with guidance from the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship or with the assistance of the recognized State apprenticeship agency, as applicable.

(b) Once on the State list of eligible training providers and programs, registered apprenticeship programs will remain on the list:

(1) Until they are deregistered;

(2) Until the registered apprenticeship program notifies the State that it no longer wants to be included on the list; or

(3) Until the registered apprenticeship program is determined to have intentionally supplied inaccurate information or to have substantially violated any provision of title I of WIOA or the WIOA regulations, including 29 CFR part 38.

(c) A registered apprenticeship program whose eligibility is terminated under paragraph (b)(3) of this section must be terminated for not less than 2 years and is liable to repay all youth, adult, and dislocated worker training funds it received during the period of noncompliance. The Governor must specify in the procedures required by § 680.480 which individual or entity is responsible for making these determinations and the process by which the determination will be made, which must include an opportunity for a hearing that meets the requirements of § 683.630(b) of this chapter.

(d) Inclusion of a registered apprenticeship in the State list of eligible training providers and programs allows an individual who is eligible to use WIOA title I, subtitle B funds to use those funds toward registered apprenticeship training, consistent with their availability and limitations as prescribed by § 680.300. The use of ITAs and other WIOA title I, subtitle B funds toward registered apprenticeship training is further described in § 680.330.

(e) The Governor is encouraged to consult with the State and Local WDBs, ETA's Office of Apprenticeship, recognized State apprenticeship agencies (where they exist in the Governor's State) or other State agencies, to establish voluntary reporting of performance information.

(f) Pre-apprenticeship providers that wish to provide training services to participants using WIOA title I, subtitle B funds are subject to the eligibility procedures of this subpart.

§ 680.480 - May an eligible training provider lose its eligibility?

(a) Yes. A training provider must meet the Governors requirements for eligibility and provide accurate information in order to retain its status as an eligible training provider.

(b) Providers determined to have intentionally supplied inaccurate information or to have substantially violated any provision of title I of WIOA or the WIOA regulations, including 29 CFR part 38, must be removed from the State list of eligible training providers and programs in accordance with the enforcement provisions of WIOA sec. 122(f). A provider whose eligibility is terminated under these conditions must be terminated for not less than 2 years and is liable to repay all youth, adult, and dislocated worker training funds it received during the period of noncompliance. The Governor must specify in the procedures which individual or entity is responsible for making these determinations and the process by which the determination will be made, which must include an opportunity for a hearing that meets the requirements of § 683.630(b) of this chapter.

(c) As a part of the biennial review of eligibility established by the Governor, the State must remove programs of training services that fail to meet criteria established by the Governor to remain eligible, which may include failure to meet established minimum performance levels. Registered apprenticeship programs only may be removed for the reasons set forth in § 680.470.

(d) The Governor must establish an appeals procedure for providers of training services to appeal a denial of eligibility under this subpart that meets the requirements of § 683.630(b) of this chapter, which explains the appeals process for denial or termination of eligibility of a provider of training services.

(e) Where a Local WDB has established higher minimum performance standards, according to § 680.430(e), the Local WDB may remove a program of training services from the eligible programs in that local area for failure to meet those higher performance standards. Training providers may appeal a denial of eligibility under § 683.630(b) of this chapter.

§ 680.490 - What kind of performance and cost information must eligible training providers other than registered apprenticeship programs provide for each program of training services?

(a) In accordance with the State procedure under § 680.460(i), eligible training providers, except registered apprenticeship programs, must submit, at least every 2 years, appropriate, timely, and accurate performance and cost information.

(b) Program-specific performance information must include:

(1) The information described in WIOA sec. 122(b)(2)(A) for individuals participating in the programs of training services who are receiving assistance under WIOA. This information includes indicators of performance as described in WIOA secs. 116(b)(2)(I)-(IV) and § 680.460(g)(1) through (4);

(2) Information identifying the recognized postsecondary credentials received by such participants in § 680.460(g)(5);

(3) Program cost information, including tuition and fees, for WIOA participants in the program in § 680.460(g)(6); and

(4) Information on the program completion rate for WIOA participants in § 680.460(g)(7).

(c) Governors may require any additional performance information (such as the information described at WIOA sec. 122(b)(1)) that the Governor determines to be appropriate to determine, maintain eligibility, or better to inform consumers.

(d) Governors must establish a procedure by which a provider can demonstrate that providing additional information required under this section would be unduly burdensome or costly. If the Governor determines that providers have demonstrated such extraordinary costs or undue burden:

(1) The Governor must provide access to cost-effective methods for the collection of the information;

(2) The Governor may provide additional resources to assist providers in the collection of the information from funds for statewide workforce investment activities reserved under WIOA secs. 128(a) and 133(a)(1); or

(3) The Governor may take other steps to assist eligible training providers in collecting and supplying required information such as offering technical assistance.

§ 680.500 - How is the State list of eligible training providers and programs disseminated?

(a) In order to assist participants in choosing employment and training activities, the Governor or State agency must disseminate the State list of eligible training providers and programs and accompanying performance and cost information to Local WDBs in the State and to members of the public online, including through Web sites and searchable databases, and through whatever other means the State uses to disseminate information to consumers, including the one-stop delivery system and its program partners throughout the State.

(b) The State list of eligible training providers and programs and information must be updated regularly and provider and program eligibility must be reviewed biennially according to the procedures established by the Governor in § 680.460(i).

(c) In order to ensure informed consumer choice, the State list of eligible training providers and programs and accompanying information must be widely available to the public through electronic means, including Web sites and searchable databases, as well as through any other means the State uses to disseminate information to consumers. The list and accompanying information must be available through the one-stop delivery system and its partners including the State's secondary and postsecondary education systems. The list must be accessible to individuals seeking information on training outcomes, as well as participants in employment and training activities funded under WIOA, including those under § 680.210, and other programs. In accordance with WIOA sec. 188, the State list also must be accessible to individuals with disabilities.

(d) The State list of eligible training providers and programs must be accompanied by appropriate information to assist participants in choosing employment and programs of training services. Such information must include:

(1) Recognized postsecondary credential(s) offered;

(2) Provider information supplied to meet the Governor's eligibility procedure as described in §§ 680.450 and 680.460;

(3) Performance and cost information as described in § 680.490; and

(4) Additional information as the Governor determines appropriate.

(e) The State list of eligible training providers and programs and accompanying information must be made available in a manner that does not reveal personally identifiable information about an individual participant. In addition, in developing the information to accompany the State list described in § 680.490(b), disclosure of personally identifiable information from an education record must be carried out in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, including the circumstances relating to prior written consent.

§ 680.510 - In what ways can a Local Workforce Development Board supplement the information available from the State list of eligible training providers and programs?

(a) Local WDBs may supplement the criteria and information requirements established by the Governor in order to support informed consumer choice and the achievement of local performance indicators. However, the Local WDB may not do so for registered apprenticeship programs.

(b) This additional information may include:

(1) Information on programs of training services that are linked to occupations in demand in the local area;

(2) Performance and cost information, including program-specific performance and cost information, for the local outlet(s) of multi-site eligible training providers;

(3) Information that shows how programs are responsive to local requirements; and

(4) Other appropriate information related to the objectives of WIOA.

§ 680.520 - May individuals choose training providers and programs located outside of the local area or outside of the State?

(a) An individual may choose training providers and programs outside of the local area provided the training program is on the State list, in accordance with local policies and procedures.

(b) An individual may choose eligible training providers and programs outside of the State consistent with State and local policies and procedures. State policies and procedures may provide for reciprocal or other agreements established with another State to permit eligible training providers in a State to accept ITAs provided by the other State.

§ 680.530 - What eligibility requirements apply to providers of on-the-job-training, customized training, incumbent worker training, and other training exceptions?

(a) Providers of on-the-job training, customized training, incumbent worker training, internships, paid or unpaid work experience, or transitional jobs are not subject to the requirements applicable to entities listed on the eligible training provider list, and are not included on the State list of eligible training providers and programs.

(b) For providers of training described in paragraph (a) of this section, the Governor may establish performance criteria those providers must meet to receive funds under the adult or dislocated worker programs pursuant to a contract as provided in § 680.320.

(c) One-stop operators in a local area must collect such performance information as the Governor may require and determine whether the providers meet any performance criteria the Governor may establish under paragraph (b) of this section.

(d) One-stop operators must disseminate information identifying providers and programs that have met the Governor's performance criteria, along with the relevant performance information about them, through the one-stop delivery system.

authority: Secs. 122, 134, 189, 503, Pub. L. 113-128, 128 Stat. 1425 (Jul. 22, 2014)
source: 81 FR 56385, Aug. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 680.520