Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 685.300 - What are the general responsibilities of grantees?

(a) The Department awards career services and training grants and housing grants through the FOA process described in § 685.210. Career services and training grantees are responsible for providing appropriate career services, training, and related assistance to eligible MSFWs. Housing grantees are responsible for providing housing assistance to eligible MSFWs.

(b) Grantees will provide these services in accordance with the service delivery strategy meeting the requirements of § 685.310 and as described in their approved program plan described in § 685.420. These services must reflect the needs of the MSFW population in the service area and include the services that are necessary to achieve each participant's employment goals or housing needs.

(c) Grantees are responsible for coordinating services, particularly outreach to MSFWs, with the State Workforce Agency as defined in § 651.10 of this chapter and the State's Monitor Advocate.

(d) Grantees are responsible for fulfilling the responsibilities of one-stop partners described in § 678.420 of this chapter.

§ 685.310 - What are the basic components of a National Farmworker Jobs Program service delivery strategy?

The NFJP service delivery strategy must include:

(a) A customer-focused case management approach;

(b) The provision of workforce investment activities to eligible MSFWs which include career services and training, as described in WIOA secs. 167(d) and 134, and part 680 of this chapter;

(c) The provision of youth workforce investment activities described in WIOA sec. 129 and part 681 of this chapter may be provided to eligible MSFW youth;

(d) The arrangements under the MOUs with the applicable Local WDBs for the delivery of the services available through the one-stop delivery system to MSFWs; and

(e) Related assistance services.

§ 685.320 - Who is eligible to receive services under the National Farmworker Jobs Program?

Eligible migrant farmworkers (including eligible MSFW youth) and eligible seasonal farmworkers (including eligible MSFW youth) as defined in § 685.110 are eligible for services funded by the NFJP.

§ 685.330 - How are services delivered to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers?

To ensure that all services are focused on the customer's needs, services are provided through a case-management approach emphasizing customer choice and may include: Appropriate career services and training; related assistance, which includes emergency assistance; and supportive services, which includes allowance payments. The basic services and delivery of case-management activities are further described in §§ 685.340 through 685.390.

§ 685.340 - What career services may grantees provide to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers?

(a) Grantees may provide the career services described in WIOA secs. 167(d) and 134(c)(2), and part 680 of this chapter to eligible MSFWs.

(b) Grantees may provide other services identified in the approved program plan.

(c) The delivery of career services to eligible MSFWs by the grantee and through the one-stop delivery system must be discussed in the required MOU between the Local WDB and the grantee.

§ 685.350 - What training services may grantees provide to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers?

(a) Grantees may provide the training activities described in WIOA secs. 167(d) and 134(c)(3)(D), and part 680 of this chapter to eligible MSFWs. These activities include, but are not limited to, occupational-skills training and on-the-job training (OJT). Eligible MSFWs are not required to receive career services prior to receiving training services.

(1) When providing OJT services NFJP grantees may reimburse employers for the extraordinary costs of training by up to 50 percent of the wage rate of the participant for OJT.

(2) Grantees also may increase the OJT reimbursement rate up to 75 percent of the wage rate of a participant under certain conditions, provided that such reimbursement is being provided consistent with the reimbursement rates used under WIOA sec. 134(c)(3)(H)(i) for the local area(s) in which the grantee operates its program.

(b) Training services must be directly linked to an in-demand industry sector or occupation in the service area, or in another area to which an eligible MSFW receiving such services is willing to relocate.

(c) Training activities must encourage the attainment of recognized postsecondary credentials as defined in § 685.110 when appropriate for an eligible MSFW.

§ 685.360 - What housing services may grantees provide to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers?

(a) Housing grantees must provide housing services to eligible MSFWs.

(b) Career services and training grantees may provide housing services to eligible MSFWs as described in their program plan.

(c) Housing services may include the following:

(1) Permanent housing that is owner-occupied, or occupied on a permanent, year-round basis (notwithstanding ownership) as the eligible MSFW's primary residence to which he/she returns at the end of the work or training day.

(i) Types of permanent housing may include rental units, single family homes, duplexes, and other multi-family structures, dormitories, group homes, and other housing types that provide short-term, seasonal, or year-round housing opportunities in permanent structures. Modular structures, manufactured housing, or mobile units placed on permanent foundations and supplied with appropriate utilities, and other infrastructure also are considered permanent housing.

(ii) Permanent housing services include but are not limited to: Investments in development services, project management, and resource development to secure acquisition, construction/renovation and operating funds, property management services, and program management. New construction, purchase of existing structures, and rehabilitation of existing structures, as well as the infrastructure, utilities, and other improvements necessary to complete or maintain those structures also may be considered part of managing permanent housing.

(2) Temporary housing that is not owner-occupied and is used by MSFWs whose employment requires occasional travel outside their normal commuting area.

(i) Types of temporary housing may include: Housing units intended for temporary occupancy located in permanent structures, such as rental units in an apartment complex or in mobile structures that provide short-term, seasonal housing opportunities; temporary structures that may be moved from site to site, dismantled and re-erected when needed for farmworker occupancy, closed during the off-season, or handled through other similar arrangements; off-farm housing operated independently of employer interest in, or control of, the housing; or on-farm housing located on property owned by an agricultural employer and operated by an entity such as an agricultural employer or a nonprofit organization; and other housing types that provide short-term, seasonal, or temporary housing opportunities in temporary structures.

(ii) Temporary housing services include but are not limited to: Managing temporary housing which may involve property management of temporary housing facilities, case management, and referral services, and emergency housing payments, including vouchers and cash payments for rent/lease and utilities.

(d) Permanent housing developed with NFJP funds must be promoted and made widely available to eligible MSFWs, but occupancy is not restricted to eligible MSFWs. Temporary housing services must only be provided to eligible MSFWs.

(e) Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, NFJP funds used for housing assistance must ensure the provision of safe and sanitary temporary and permanent housing that meets the Federal housing standards at part 654 of this chapter (ETA housing for farmworkers) or 29 CFR 1910.10 (OSHA housing standards).

(f) When NFJP grantees provide temporary housing assistance that allows the participant to select the housing, including vouchers and cash payments for rent, lease, and utilities, NFJP grantees are not required to ensure that such housing meets the Federal housing standards at part 654 of this chapter or 29 CFR 1910.10.

§ 685.370 - What services may grantees provide to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers youth participants aged 14-24?

(a) Based on an evaluation and assessment of the needs of eligible MSFW youth, grantees may provide activities and services that include but are not limited to:

(1) Career services and training as described in §§ 685.340 and 685.350;

(2) Youth workforce investment activities specified in WIOA sec. 129;

(3) Life skills activities which may include self- and interpersonal skills development;

(4) Community service projects; and

(5) Other activities and services that conform to the use of funds for youth activities described in part 681 of this chapter.

(b) Grantees may provide these services to any eligible MSFW youth, regardless of the participant's eligibility for WIOA title I youth activities as described in WIOA sec. 129(a).

§ 685.380 - What related assistance services may be provided to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers?

Related assistance may include short-term direct services and activities. Examples include emergency assistance, as defined in § 685.110, and those activities identified in WIOA sec. 167(d), such as: English language and literacy instruction; pesticide and worker safety training; housing (including permanent housing), as described in § 685.360 and as provided in the approved program plan; and school dropout prevention and recovery activities. Related assistance may be provided to eligible MSFWs not enrolled in career services, youth services, or training services.

§ 685.390 - When may eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers receive related assistance?

Eligible MSFWs may receive related assistance services when the grantee identifies and documents the need for the related assistance, which may include a statement by the eligible MSFW.

authority: Secs. 167, 189, 503, Public Law 113-128, 128 Stat. 1425 (Jul. 22, 2014)
source: 81 FR 56438, Aug. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 685.370