Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Sep 30, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 702.101 - Exchange of documents and information.

§ 702.102 - Establishment and modification of compensation districts, establishment of suboffices and jurisdictional areas.

§ 702.103 - Effect of establishment of suboffices and jurisdictional areas.

§ 702.104 - Transfer of individual case file.

§ 702.105 - Use of the title District Director in place of Deputy Commissioner.


§ 702.111 - Employer's records.

§ 702.112 - Records of the OWCP.

§ 702.113 - Inspection of records of the OWCP.

§ 702.114 - Copying of records of OWCP.


§ 702.121 - Forms.


§ 702.131 - Representation of parties in interest.

§ 702.132 - Fees for services.

§ 702.133 - Unapproved fees; solicitation of claimants; penalties.

§ 702.134 - Payment of claimant's attorney's fees in disputed claims.

§ 702.135 - Payment of claimant's witness fees and mileage in disputed claims.


§ 702.136 - Requests for information and assistance.


§ 702.142 - Commutation of payments; aliens not residents or about to become nonresidents.

§ 702.143 - Establishment of special fund.

§ 702.144 - Purpose of the special fund.

§ 702.145 - Use of the special fund.

§ 702.146 - Source of the special fund.

§ 702.147 - Enforcement of special fund provisions.

§ 702.148 - Insurance carriers' and self-insured employers' responsibilities.


§ 702.161 - Liens against assets of insurance carriers and employers.

§ 702.162 - Liens on compensation authorized under special circumstances.


§ 702.171 - Certification of exemption, general.

§ 702.172 - Certification; definitions.

§ 702.173 - Exemptions; requirements, limitations.

§ 702.174 - Exemptions; necessary information.

§ 702.175 - Effect of work on excluded vessels; reinstatement of certification.

§ 702.101 - Exchange of documents and information.

(a) Except as otherwise required by the regulations in this subchapter, all documents and information sent to OWCP under this subchapter must be submitted—

(1) In hard copy by postal mail, commercial delivery service (such as Federal Express or United Parcel Service), or hand delivery;

(2) Electronically through an OWCP-authorized system; or

(3) As otherwise allowed by OWCP.

(b) Except as otherwise required by the regulations in this subchapter, all documents and information sent under this subchapter by OWCP to parties and their representatives or from any party or representative to another party or representative must be sent—

(1) In hard copy by postal mail, commercial delivery service (such as Federal Express or United Parcel Service), or hand delivery;

(2) Electronically by a reliable electronic method if the receiving party or representative agrees in writing to receive documents and information by that method; or

(3) Electronically through an OWCP-authorized system that provides service of documents on the parties and their representatives.

(c) Reliable electronic methods for delivering documents include, but are not limited to, email, facsimile and web portal.

(d) Any party or representative may revoke his or her agreement to receive documents and information electronically by giving written notice to OWCP, the party, or the representative with whom he or she had agreed to receive documents and information electronically, as appropriate.

(e) The provisions in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section apply when parties are directed by the regulations in this subchapter to: Advise; apply; approve; authorize; demand; file; forward; furnish; give; give notice; inform; issue; make; notice, notify; provide; publish; receive; recommend; refer; release; report; request; respond; return; send; serve; service; submit; or transmit.

(f) Any reference in this subchapter to an application, copy, filing, form, letter, written notice, or written request includes both hard-copy and electronic documents.

(g) Any requirement in this subchapter that a document or information be submitted in writing, or that it be signed, executed, or certified does not preclude its submission or exchange electronically.

(h) Any reference in this subchapter to transmitting information to an entity's address may include that entity's electronic address or electronic portal.

(i) Any requirement in this subchapter that a document or information—

(1) Be sent to a specific district director means that the document or information should be sent to the physical or electronic address provided by OWCP for that district director; and

(2) Be filed by a district director in his or her office means that the document or information may be filed in a physical or electronic location specified by OWCP for that district director.

[80 FR 12928, Mar. 12, 2015]
§ 702.102 - Establishment and modification of compensation districts, establishment of suboffices and jurisdictional areas.

(a) The Director has, pursuant to section 39(b) of the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, 33 U.S.C. 939(b), established compensation districts as required for improved administration or as otherwise determined by the Director (see 51 FR 4282, Feb. 3, 1986). The boundaries of the compensation districts may be modified at any time, and the Director will notify all interested parties directly of the modifications.

(b) As administrative exigencies from time to time may require, the Director may, by administrative order, establish special areas outside the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii, or change or modify any areas so established, notwithstanding their inclusion within an established compensation district. Such areas will be designated “jurisdictional areas.” The Director will also designate which of his district directors will be in charge thereof.

(c) To further aid in the efficient administration of the OWCP, the Director may from time to time establish suboffices within compensation districts or jurisdictional areas, and will designate a person to be in charge thereof.

[80 FR 12928, Mar. 12, 2015]
§ 702.103 - Effect of establishment of suboffices and jurisdictional areas.

Whenever the Director establishes a suboffice or jurisdictional area, those reports, records, or other documents with respect to processing of claims that are required to be filed with the district director of the compensation district in which the injury or death occurred, may instead be required to be filed with the suboffice, or office established for the jurisdictional area.

[80 FR 12928, Mar. 12, 2015
§ 702.104 - Transfer of individual case file.

(a) At any time after a claim is filed, the district director having jurisdiction thereof may, with the prior or subsequent approval of the Director, transfer such case to the district director in another compensation district for the purpose of making an investigation, ordering medical examinations, or taking such other action as may be necessary or appropriate to further develop the claim. If, after filing a claim, the claimant moves to another compensation district, the district director may, upon request by the claimant or the employer and with the approval of the Director, transfer the case to such other compensation district.

(b) The district director making the transfer may by letter or memorandum to the district director to whom the case is transferred give advice, comments, suggestions, or directions if appropriate to the particular case. All interested parties will be advised of the transfer.

[42 FR 45301, Sept. 9, 1977, as amended at 80 FR 12928, Mar. 12, 2015]
§ 702.105 - Use of the title District Director in place of Deputy Commissioner.

Wherever the statute refers to Deputy Commissioner, these regulations have substituted the term District Director. The substitution is purely an administrative one, and in no way effects the authority of or the powers granted and responsibilities imposed by the statute on that position.

[55 FR 28606, July 12, 1990]
§ 702.111 - Employer's records.

Every employer shall maintain adequate records of injury sustained by employees while in his employ, and which shall also contain information of disease, other impairments or disabilities, or death relating to said injury. Such records shall be available for inspection by the OWCP or by any State authority. Records required by this section shall be retained by the employer for three years following the date of injury; this applies to records for lost-time and no-lost-time injuries.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1215-0160) (Pub. L. No. 96-511, 94 Stat. 2812 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)) [38 FR 26861, Sept. 26, 1973, as amended at 47 FR 145, Jan. 5, 1982; 50 FR 393, Jan. 3, 1985]
§ 702.112 - Records of the OWCP.

All reports, records, or other documents filed with the OWCP with respect to claims are the records of the OWCP. The Director shall be the official custodian of those records maintained by the OWCP at its national office, and the district director shall be the official custodian of those records maintained at the headquarters office in each compensation district.

§ 702.113 - Inspection of records of the OWCP.

Any party in interest may be permitted to examine the record of the case in which he is interested. The official custodian of the record sought to be inspected shall permit or deny inspection in accordance with the Department of Labor's regulations pertaining thereto (see 29 CFR part 70). The original record in any such case shall not be removed from the office of the custodian for such inspection. The custodian may, in his discretion, deny inspection of any record or part thereof which is of a character specified in 5 U.S.C. 552(b) if in his opinion such inspection may result in damage, harm, or harassment to the beneficiary or to any other person. For special provisions concerning release of information regarding injured employees undergoing vocational rehabilitation, see § 702.508.

§ 702.114 - Copying of records of OWCP.

Any party in interest may request copies of records he has been permitted to inspect. Such requests shall be addressed to the official custodian of the records sought to be copied. The official custodian shall provide the requested copies under the terms and conditions specified in the Department of Labor's regulations relating thereto (see 29 CFR part 70).

§ 702.121 - Forms.

The Director may from time to time prescribe, and require the use of, forms for the reporting of any information required to be reported by the regulations in this subchapter, or by the Act or any of its extensions.

§ 702.131 - Representation of parties in interest.

(a) Claimants, employers and insurance carriers may be represented in any proceeding under the Act by an attorney or other person previously authorized in writing by such claimant, employer or carrier to so act.

(b) The Secretary shall annually publish a list of individuals who are disqualified from representing claimants under the Act. Individuals on this list are not authorized to represent claimants under the Act subject to the provision of section 31(b)(2)(C) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 931(b)(2)(C), and they shall not have their representation fee approved as provided in section 28(e), 33 U.S.C. 928(e).

(c) Individuals shall be included on the list mentioned in (b) if the Secretary determines, after proceedings under §§ 702.432(b) through 702.434, that such individual:

(1) Has been convicted (without regard to pending appeal) of any crime in connection with the representation of a claimant under this Act or any workers' compensation statute;

(2) Has engaged in fraud in connection with the presentation of a claim under this or any workers' compensation statute, including, but not limited to, knowingly making false representations, concealing or attempting to conceal material facts with respect to a claim, or soliciting or otherwise procuring false testimony;

(3) Has been prohibited from representing claimants before any other workers' compensation agency for reasons of professional misconduct which are similar in nature to those which would be grounds for disqualification under this section; or

(4) Has accepted fees for representing claimants under the Act which were not approved, or which were in excess of the amount approved pursuant to section 28 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 928.

[38 FR 26861, Sept. 26, 1973, as amended at 50 FR 394, Jan. 3, 1985]
§ 702.132 - Fees for services.

(a) Any person seeking a fee for services performed on behalf of a claimant with respect to claims filed under the Act shall make application therefor to the district director, administrative law judge, Board, or court, as the case may be, before whom the services were performed (See 33 U.S.C. 928(c)). The application shall be filed and serviced upon the other parties within the time limits specified by such district director, administrative law judge, Board, or court. The application shall be supported by a complete statement of the extent and character of the necessary work done, described with particularity as to the professional status (e.g., attorney, paralegal, law clerk, or other person assisting an attorney) of each person performing such work, the normal billing rate for each such person, and the hours devoted by each such person to each category of work. Any fee approved shall be reasonably commensurate with the necessary work done and shall take into account the quality of the representation, the complexity of the legal issues involved, and the amount of benefits awarded, and when the fee is to be assessed against the claimant, shall also take into account the financial circumstances of the claimant. No contract pertaining to the amount of a fee shall be recognized.

(b) No fee shall be approved for a representative whose name appears on the Secretary's list of disqualified representatives under § 702.131(b).

(c) Where fees are included in a settlement agreement submitted under § 702.241, et seq. approval of that agreement shall be deemed approval of attorney fees for purposes of this subsection for work performed before the Administrative Law Judge or district director approving the settlement.

[50 FR 394, Jan. 3, 1985]
§ 702.133 - Unapproved fees; solicitation of claimants; penalties.

Under the provisions of section 28(e) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 928(e), any person who receives any fees, other consideration, or any gratuity on account of services rendered as a representative of a claimant, unless such consideration or gratuity is approved under § 702.132, or who makes it a business to solicit employment for an attorney, or for himself in respect of any claim under the Act, shall upon conviction thereof, for each offense be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or by both fine and imprisonment.

§ 702.134 - Payment of claimant's attorney's fees in disputed claims.

(a) If the employer or carrier declines to pay any compensation on or before the 30th day after receiving written notice from the district director of a claim for compensation having been filed, on the ground that there is no liability for compensation within the provisions of this Act, and the person seeking benefits shall thereafter have utilized the services of an attorney at law in the successful prosecution of his claim, there shall be awarded, in addition to the award of compensation, in a compensation order, a reasonable attorney's fee against the employer or carrier in an amount approved by the person, administrative body or court before whom the service was performed, which shall be paid directly by the employer or carrier to the attorney for the claimant in a lump sum after the compensation order becomes final (Act, section 28(a)).

(b) If the employer or carrier pays or tenders payment of compensation without an award pursuant to § 702.231 and section 14 (a) and (b) of this Act, and thereafter a controversy develops over the amount of additional compensation, if any, to which the employee may be entitled, the district director, administrative law judge, or Board shall set the matter for an informal conference and following such conference the district director, administrative law judge, or Board shall recommend in writing a disposition of the controversy. If the employer or carrier refuses to accept such written recommendation, within 14 days after its receipt by them, they shall pay or tender to the employee in writing the additional compensation, if any, to which they believe the employee is entitled. If the employee refuses to accept such payment or tender of compensation, and thereafter utilizes the services of an attorney at law, and if the compensation thereafter awarded is greater than the amount paid or tendered by the employer or carrier, a reasonable attorney's fee based solely upon the difference between the amount awarded and the amount tendered or paid shall be awarded in addition to the amount of compensation. The foregoing sentence shall not apply if the controversy relates to degree or length of disability, and if the employer or carrier offers to submit the case for evaluation by physicians employed or selected by the district director, as authorized by section 7(e) of the Act and § 702.408, and offers to tender an amount of compensation based upon the degree or length of disability found by the independent medical report at such time as an evaluation of disability can be made. If the claimant is successful in review proceedings before the Board or court in any such case an award may be made in favor of the claimant and against the employer or carrier for a reasonable attorney's fee for claimant's counsel in accord with the above provisions. In all other cases any claim for legal services shall not be assessed against the employer or carrier (see Act, section 28(b)).

§ 702.135 - Payment of claimant's witness fees and mileage in disputed claims.

In cases where an attorney's fee is awarded against an employer or carrier there may be further assessed against such employer or carrier as costs, fees and mileage for necessary witnesses attending the hearing at the instance of claimant. Both the necessity for the witness and the reasonableness of the fees of expert witnesses must be approved by the hearing officer, the Board, or the court, as the case may be. The amounts awarded against an employer or carrier as attorney's fees, costs, fees and mileage for witnesses shall not in any respect affect or diminish the compensation payable under this Act (see Act, section 28 (d)).

§ 702.136 - Requests for information and assistance.

(a) General assistance. The Director shall, upon request, provide persons covered by the Act with information and assistance relating to the Act's coverage and compensation and the procedures for obtaining such compensation including assistance in processing a claim.

(b) Legal assistance to claimants. The Secretary may, upon request, provide a claimant with legal assistance in processing a claim under the Act. Such assistance may be made available to a claimant in the discretion of the Solicitor of Labor or his designee at any time prior to or during which the claim is being processed and shall be furnished without charge to the claimant. Legal representation of the claimant in adjudicatory proceedings may be furnished in cases in which the Secretary's interest in the case is not adverse to that of the claimant.

(c) Other assistance. The district directors and their staff, as designees of the Director, shall promptly and fully comply with the request of a claimant receiving compensation for information about, and assistance in obtaining, medical, manpower, and vocational rehabilitation services (see also subparts D and E of this part).

§ 702.142 - Commutation of payments; aliens not residents or about to become nonresidents.

(a) Pursuant to section 9(g) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 909(g), compensation paid to aliens not residents, or about to become nonresidents, of the United States or Canada shall be in the same amount as provided for residents except that dependents in any foreign country shall be limited to surviving spouse and child or children, or if there be no surviving spouse or child or children, to surviving father or mother whom the employee has supported, either wholly or in part, for the period of 1 year prior to the date of injury, and except that the Director, OWCP, may, at his option, or upon the application of the insurance carrier he shall, commute all future installments of compensation to be paid to such aliens by paying or causing to be paid to them one-half of the commuted amount of such future installments of compensation as determined by the Director.

(b) Applications for commutation under this section shall be made in writing to the district director having jurisdiction, and forwarded by the district director to the Director, for final action.

(c) Applications for commutations shall be made effective, if approved by the Director, on the date received by the district director, or on a later date if shown to be appropriate on the application.

(d) Commutations shall not be made with respect to a person journeying abroad for a visit who has previously declared an intention to return and has stated a time for returning, nor shall any commutation be made except upon the basis of a compensation order fixing the right of the beneficiary to compensation.

[50 FR 394, Jan. 3, 1985]
§ 702.143 - Establishment of special fund.

Congress, by section 44 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 944,established.S. Treasury a special fund, to be administered by the Secretary. The Treasurer of the United States is the custodian of such fund, and all monies and securities in such fund shall be held in trust by the Treasurer and shall not be money or property of the United States. The Treasurer shall make disbursements from such funds only upon the order of the Director, OWCP, as delegatee of the Secretary. The Act requires that the Treasurer give bond, in an amount to be fixed and with securities to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Comptroller General of the United States, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duty as custodian of such fund.

§ 702.144 - Purpose of the special fund.

This special fund was established to give effect to a congressional policy determination that, under certain circumstances, the employer of a particular employee should not be required to bear the entire burden of paying for the compensation benefits due that employee under the Act. Instead, a substantial portion of such burden should be borne by the industry generally. Section 702.145 describes this special circumstance under which the particular employer is relieved of some of his burden. Section 702.146 describes the manner and circumstances of the input into the fund.

§ 702.145 - Use of the special fund.

(a) Under section 10 of the Act. This section provides for initial and subsequent annual adjustments in compensation and continuing payments to beneficiaries in cases of permanent total disability or death which commenced or occurred prior to enactment of the 1972 Amendments to this Act (Pub. L. 92-576, approved Oct. 27, 1972). At the discretion of the Director, such payments may be paid directly by him to eligible beneficiaries as the obligation accrues, one-half from the special fund and one-half from appropriations, or he may require insurance carriers or self-insured employers already making payments to such beneficiaries to pay such additional compensation as the amended Act requires. In the latter case such carriers and self-insurers shall be reimbursed by the Director for such additional amounts paid, in the proportion of one-half the amount from the special fund and one-half the amount from appropriations. To obtain reimbursement, the carriers and self-insurers shall submit claims for payments made by them during previous periods at intervals of not less than 6 months. A form has been prescribed for such purpose and shall be used. No administrative claims service expense incurred by the carrier or self-insurer shall be included in the claim and no such expense shall be allowed. The amounts reimbursed to such carrier or self-insurer shall be limited to amounts actually due and previously paid to beneficiaries.

(b) Under section 8(f) of the Act (Second Injuries). In any case in which an employee having an existing permanent partial disability suffers injury, the employer shall provide compensation for such disability as is found to be attributable to that injury based upon the average weekly wages of the employee at the time of injury. If, following an injury falling within the provisions of section 8(c)(1)-(20), the employee with the pre-existing permanent partial disability becomes permanently and totally disabled after the second injury, but such total disability is found not to be due solely to his second injury, the employer (or carrier) shall be liable for compensation as provided by the provisions of section 8(c)(1)-(20) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 908(c)(1)-(20) or for 104 weeks, whichever is greater. However, if the injury is a loss of hearing covered by section 8(c)(13), 33 U.S.C. 908(c)(13), the liability shall be the lesser of these periods. In all other cases of a second injury causing permanent total disability (or death), wherein it is found that such disability (or death) is not due solely to the second injury, and wherein the employee had a pre-existing permanent partial disability, the employer (or carrier) shall first pay compensation under section 8(b) or (e) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 908(b) or (e), if any is payable thereunder, and shall then pay 104 weeks compensation for such total disability or death, and none otherwise. If the second injury results in permanent partial disability, and if such disability is compensable under section 8(c)(1)-(20) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 908(c)(1)-(20), but the disability so compensable did not result solely from such second injury, and the disability so compensable is materially and substantially greater than that which would have resulted from the second injury alone, then the employer (or carrier) shall only be liable for the amount of compensation provided for in section 8(c)(1)-(20) that is attributable to such second injury, or for 104 weeks, whichever is greater. However, if the injury is a loss of hearing covered by section 8(c)(13), 33 U.S.C. 908(c)(13), the liability shall be the lesser of these periods. In all other cases wherein the employee is permanently and partially disabled following a second injury, and wherein such disability is not attributable solely to that second injury, and wherein such disability is materially and substantially greater than that which would have resulted from the second injury alone, and wherein such disability following the second injury is not compensable under section 8(c)(1)-(20) of the Act, then the employer (or carrier) shall be liable for such compensation as may be appropriate under section 8(b) or (e) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 908(b) or (e), if any, to be followed by a payment of compensation for 104 weeks, and none other. The term “compensation” herein means money benefits only, and does not include medical benefits. The procedure for determining the extent of the employer's (or carrier's) liability under this paragraph shall be as provided for in the adjudication of claims in subpart C of this part 702. Thereafter, upon cessation of payments which the employer is required to make under this paragraph, if any additional compensation is payable in the case, the district director shall forward such case to the Director for consideration of an award to the person or persons entitled thereto out of the special fund. Any such award from the special fund shall be by order of the Director or Acting Director.

(c) Under sections 8(g) and 39(c)(2) of the Act. These sections, 33 U.S.C. 908(g) and 939(c)(2), respectively, provide for vocational rehabilitation of disabled employees, and authorize, under appropriate circumstances, a maintenance allowance for the employee (not to exceed $25 a week) in additional to other compensation benefits otherwise payable for his injury-related disability. Awards under these sections are made from the special fund upon order of the Director or his designee. The district directors may be required to make investigations with respect to any case and forward to the Director their recommendations as to the propriety and need for such maintenance.

(d) Under section 39(c)(2) of the Act. In addition to the maintenance allowance for the employee discussed in paragraph (c) of this section, the Director is further authorized to use the fund in such amounts as may be necessary to procure the vocational training services.

(e) Under section 7(e) of the Act. This provision, 33 U.S.C. 907(e), authorizes payment by the Director from the special fund for special medical examinations, i.e., those obtained from impartial specialists to resolve disputes, when such special examinations are deemed necessary under that statutory provision. The Director has the discretionary power, however, to charge the cost of such examination to the insurance carrier or self-insured employer.

(f) Under section 18(b) of the Act. This section, 33 U.S.C. 918(b), provides a source for payment of compensation benefits in cases where the employer is insolvent, or other circumstances preclude the payment of benefits due in any case. In such situations, the district director shall forward the case to the Director for consideration of an award from the special fund, together with evidence with respect to the employer's insolvency or other reasons for nonpayment of benefits due. Benefits, as herein used, means medical care or supplies within the meaning of section 7 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 907,and,as. Upon receipt of the case, the Director shall promptly determine whether an award from the special fund is appropriate and advisable in the case, having due regard for all other current commitments from the special fund. If such an award is made, the employer shall be liable for the repayment into the fund of the amounts paid therefrom, as provided in 33 U.S.C. 918(b).

(The information collection requirements contained in paragraph (a) were approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1215-0065. The information collection requirements contained in paragraph (b) were approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1215-0073) (Pub. L. No. 96-511) [38 FR 26861, Sept. 26, 1973, as amended at 49 FR 18294, Apr. 30, 1984; 51 FR 4282, Feb. 3, 1986]
§ 702.146 - Source of the special fund.

(a) All amounts collected as fines and penalties under the several provisions of the Act shall be paid into the special fund (33 U.S.C. 44(c)(3)).

(b) Whenever an employee dies under circumstances creating a liability on an employer to pay death benefits to the employee's beneficiaries, and whenever there are no such beneficiaries entitled to such payments, the employer shall pay $5,000 into the special fund (Act, section 44(c)(1)). In such cases, the compensation order entered in the case shall specifically find that there is such liability and that there are no beneficiaries entitled to death benefits, and shall order payment by the employer into the fund. Compensation orders shall be made and filed in accordance with the regulations in subpart C of this part 702, except that for this purpose the district director settling the case under § 702.315 shall formalize the memorandum of conference in a compensation order, and shall file such order as provided for in § 702.349.

(c) The Director annually shall assess an amount against insurance carriers and self-insured employers authorized under the Act and part 703 of this subchapter to replenish the fund. That total amount to be charged all carriers and self-insurers to be assessed shall be based upon an estimate of the probable expenses of the fund during the calendar year. The assessment against each carrier and self-insurer shall be based upon (1) the ratio of the amount each paid during the prior calendar year for compensation in relation to the amount all such carriers of self-insurers paid during that period for compensation, and (2) the ratio of the amount of payments made by the special fund for all cases being paid under section 8(f) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 908(f), during the preceding calendar year which are attributable to the carrier or self-insurer in relation to the total of such payments during such year attributable to all carriers and self-insurers. The resulting sum of the percentages from paragraphs (c) (1) and (2) of this section will be divided by two, and the resulting percentage multiplied by the probable expenses of the fund. The Director may, in his or her discretion, condition continuance or renewal of authorization under part 703 upon prompt payment of the assessment. However, no action suspending or revoking such authorization shall be taken without affording such carrier or self-insurer a hearing before the Director or his/her designee.

[38 FR 26861, Sept. 26, 1973, as amended at 50 FR 395, Jan. 3, 1985; 51 FR 4282, Feb. 3, 1986]
§ 702.147 - Enforcement of special fund provisions.

(a) As provided in section 44(d)(1) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 944(d)(1), for the purpose of making rules, regulations, and determinations under the special fund provisions in section 44 and for providing enforcement thereof, the Director may investigate and gather appropriate data from each carrier and self-insured employer, and may enter and inspect such places and records (and make such transcriptions of records), question such employees, and investigate such facts, conditions, practices, or other matters as he may deem necessary or appropriate. The Director may require the employer to have audits performed of claims activity relating to this Act. The Director may also require detailed reports of payments made under the Act, and of estimated future liabilities under the Act, from any or all carriers of self-insurers. The Director may require that such reports be certified and verified in whatever manner is considered appropriate.

(b) Pursuant to section 44(d)(3) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 944(d)(3), for the purpose of any hearing or investigation related to determinations or the enforcement of the provisions of section 44 with respect to the special fund, the provisions of 15 U.S.C. 49 and 50 as amended (the Federal Trade Commission Act provisions relating to attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, and documents) are made applicable to the jurisdiction, powers, and duties of the Director, OWCP, as the Secretary's delegatee.

(c) Civil penalties and unpaid assessments shall be collected by civil suits brought by and in the name of the Secretary.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1215-0160) [38 FR 26861, Sept. 26, 1973, as amended at 50 FR 395, Jan. 3, 1985]
§ 702.148 - Insurance carriers' and self-insured employers' responsibilities.

(a) Each carrier and self-insured employer shall make, keep, and preserve such records, and make such reports and provide such additional information as the Director prescribes or orders, which he considers necessary or appropriate to effectively carry out his responsibilities.

(b) Consistent with their greater direct liability stemming from the amended assessment formula, employers and insurance carriers are given the authority to monitor their claims in the special fund as outlined in paragraph (c) of this section. For purposes of monitoring these claims, employers and insurance carriers remain parties in interest to the claim and are allowed access to all records relating to the claim. Similarly, employers and insurance carriers can initiate proceeding to modify an award of compensation after the special fund has assumed the liability to pay benefits. It is intended that employers and insurance carriers have neither a greater nor a lesser responsibility in this new role that they not have with regard to cases that remain their sole liability. (See § 702.373(d).)

(c) An employer or insurance carrier may conduct any reasonable investigation regarding cases placed into the special fund by the employer or insurance carrier. Such investigation may include, but shall not be limited to, a semi-annual request for earnings information pursuant to section 8(j) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 908(j) (See § 702.285) periodic medical examinations, vocational rehabilitation evaluations, and requests for any additional information needed to effectively monitor such a case.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1215-0118) (Pub. L. No. 96-511, 94 Stat. 2812 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)) [38 FR 26861, Sept. 26, 1973, as amended at 47 FR 145, Jan. 5, 1982; 50 FR 395, Jan. 3, 1985]
§ 702.161 - Liens against assets of insurance carriers and employers.

Where payments have been made from the special fund pursuant to section 18(b) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 918(b) and § 704.145(f) the Secretary of Labor shall, for the benefit of the fund, be subrogated to all the rights of the person receiving such payments. The Secretary may institute proceedings under either section 18 or 21(d) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 918 or 921(d), or both, to recover the amount expended by the fund or so much as in the judgement of the Secretary is possible, or the Secretary may settle or compromise any such claim.

[50 FR 395, Jan. 3, 1985]
§ 702.162 - Liens on compensation authorized under special circumstances.

(a) Pursuant to section 17 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 917,when,29.S.C. 186(c) [LMRA], established pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement in effect between an employer and an employee entitled to compensation under this Act, has paid disability benefits to an employee which the employee is legally obligated to repay by reason of his entitlement to compensation under this Act, a lien shall be authorized on such compensation in favor of the trust fund for the amount of such payments.

(b)(1) An application for such a lien shall be filed on behalf of the trust fund with the district director for the compensation district where the claim for compensation has been filed, 20 CFR 702.101. Such application shall include a certified statement by an authorized official of the trust fund that:

(i) The trust fund is entitled to a lien in its favor by reason of its payment of disability payments to a claimant-employee (including his name therein);

(ii) The trust fund was created pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement covering the claimant-employee;

(iii) The trust fund complies with section 302(c) of the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947, 29 U.S.C. 186(c);

(iv) The trust agreement contains a subrogation provision entitling the fund to reimbursement for disability benefits paid to the claimant-employee who is entitled to compensation under the Longshoremen's Act;

(2) The statement shall also state the amount paid to the named claimant-employee and whether such disability benefit payments are continuing to be paid.

(3) If the claimant has signed a statement acknowledging receipt of disability benefits from the trust fund and/or a statement recognizing the trust fund's entitlement to a lien against compensation payments which may be received under the Longshoremen's and Harbor Worker's Compensation Act as a result of his present claim and for which the fund is providing disability payments, such statement(s) shall also be included with or attached to the application.

(c) Upon receipt of this application, the district director shall, within a reasonable time, notify the claimant, the employer and/or its compensation insurance carrier that the request for a lien has been filed and each shall be provided with a copy of the application. If the claimant disputes the right of the trust fund to the lien or the amount stated, if any, he shall, within 30 days after receipt of the application or such other longer period as the district director may set, notify the district director and he shall be given an opportunity to challenge the right of the trust fund to, or the amount of, the asserted lien; notice to either the employer or its compensation insurance carrier shall constitute notice to both of them.

(d) If the claim for compensation benefits is resolved without a formal hearing and if there is no dispute over the amount of the lien or the right of the trust fund to the lien, the district director may order and impose the lien and he shall notify all parties of the amount of the lien and manner in which it is to be paid.

(e) If the claimant's claim for compensation cannot be resolved informally, the district director shall transfer the case to the Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge for a formal hearing, pursuant to section 19(d) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 919(d), and 20 CFR 702.317. The district director shall also submit therewith the application for the lien and all documents relating thereto.

(f) If the administrative law judge issues a compensation order in favor of the claimant, such order shall establish a lien in favor of the trust fund if it is determined that the trust fund has satisfied all of the requirements of the Act and regulations.

(g) If the claim for compensation is not in dispute, but there is a dispute as to the right of the trust fund to a lien, or the amount of the lien, the district director shall transfer the matter together with all documents relating thereto to the Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge for a formal hearing pursuant to section 19(d) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 919(d), and 20 CFR 702.317.

(h) In the event that either the district director or the administrative law judge is not satisfied that the trust fund qualifies for a lien under section 17, the district director or administrative law judge may require further evidence including but not limited to the production of the collective bargaining agreement, trust agreement or portions thereof.

(i) Before any such lien is approved, if the trust fund has provided continued disability payments after the application for a lien has been filed, the trust fund shall submit a further certified statement showing the total amount paid to the claimant as disability payments. The claimant shall likewise be given an opportunity to contest the amount alleged in this subsequent statement.

(j) In approving a lien on compensation, the district director or administrative law judge shall not order an initial payment to the trust fund in excess of the amount of the past due compensation. The remaining amount to which the trust fund is entitled shall thereafter be deducted from the affected employee's subsequent compensation payments and paid to the trust fund, but any such payment to the trust fund shall not exceed 10 percent of the claimant-employee's bi-weekly compensation payments.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1215-0160) [42 FR 45301, Sept. 9, 1977, as amended at 50 FR 395, Jan. 3, 1985; 51 FR 4282, Feb. 3, 1986]
§ 702.171 - Certification of exemption, general.

An employer may apply to the Director or his/her designee to certify a particular facility as one engaged in the building, repairing or dismantling of exclusively small vessels, as defined. Once certified, injuries sustained at that facility would not be covered under the Act except for injuries which occur over the navigable waters of the United States including any adjoining pier, wharf, dock, facility over land for launching vessels or for hauling, lifting or drydocking vessels. A facility otherwise covered under the Act remains covered until certification of exemption is issued; a certification will be granted only upon submission of a complete application (described in § 702.174), and only for as long as a facility meets the requirements detailed in section 3(d) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 903(d). This exemption from coverage is not intended to be used by employers whose facilities from time to time may temporarily meet the criteria for qualification but only for facilities which work on exclusively small vessels, as defined.

[50 FR 396, Jan. 3, 1985]
§ 702.172 - Certification; definitions.

For purposes of §§ 702.171 through 702.175 dealing with certification of small vessel facilities, the following definitions are applicable.

(a)(1) “Small vessel” means only those vessels described in section 3(d)(3) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 903(d)(3), that is:

(i) A commercial barge which is under 900 lightship displacement tons (long); or

(ii) A commercial tugboat, towboat, crewboat, supply boat, fishing vessel or other work vessel which is under 1,600 tons gross.

(2) For these purposes: (i) One gross ton equals 100 cubic feet, as measured by the current formula contained in the Act of May 6, 1894 as amended through 1974 (46 U.S.C. 77); (ii) one long ton equals 2,240 lbs; and (iii) “Commercial” as it applies to “vessel” means any vessel engaged in commerce but does not include military vessels or Coast Guard vessels.

(b) “Federal Maritime Subsidy” means the construction differential subsidy (CDS) or operating differential subsidy under the Merchant Marine Act of 1936 (46 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.).

(c) facility means an operation of an employer at a particular contiguous geographic location.

[51 FR 4283, Feb. 3, 1986]
§ 702.173 - Exemptions; requirements, limitations.

(a) Injuries at a facility otherwise covered by the Act are exempted only upon certification that the facility is: (1) Engaged in the building, repairing or dismantling of exclusively small commercial vessels; and (2) does not receive a Federal maritime subsidy.

(b) The exemption does not apply to: (1) Injuries at any facility which occur over the navigable waters of the United States or upon any adjoining pier, wharf, dock, facility over land for launching vessels or for hauling, lifting or drydocking vessels; or (2) where the employee at such facility is not subject to a State workers' compensation law.

[50 FR 396, Jan. 3, 1985]
§ 702.174 - Exemptions; necessary information.

(a) Application. Before any facility is exempt from coverage under the Act, the facility must apply for and receive a certificate of exemption from the Director or his/her designee. The application must be made by the owner of the facility; where the owner is a partnership it must be made by a partner and where a corporation by an officer of the corporation or the manager in charge of the facility for which an exemption is sought. The information submitted must include the following:

(1) Name, location, physical description and a site plan or aerial photograph of the facility for which an exemption is sought.

(2) Description of the nature of the business.

(3) An affidavit (signed by a partner if the facility is owned by a partnership or an officer if owned by a corporation) vertifying and/or acknowledging that:

(i) the facility is, as of the date of the application, engaged in the business of building, repairing or dismantling exclusively small commercial vessels and that it does not then nor foreseeably will it engage in the building, repairing or dismantling of other than small vessels.

(ii) The facility does not receive any Federal maritime subsidy.

(iii) The signator has the duty to immediately inform the district director of any change in these or other conditions likely to result in a termination of an exemption.

(iv) the employer has secured appropriate compensation liability under a State workers' compensation law.

(v) Any false, relevant statements relating to the application or the failure to notify the district director of any changes in circumstances likely to result in termination of the exemption will be grounds for revocation of the exemption certificate and will subject the employer to all provisions of the Act, including all duties, responsibilities and penalties, retroactive to the date of application or date of change in circumstances, as appropriate.

(b) Action by the Director. The Director or his/her designee must review the application within thirty (30) days of its receipt.

(1) Where the application is complete and shows that all requirements under § 702.173 are met, the Director must promptly notify the employer that certification has been approved and will be effective on the date specified. The employer is required to post notice of the exemption at a conspicuous location.

(2) Where the application is incomplete or does not substantiate that all requirements of section 3(d) of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 903(d), have been met, or evidence shows the facility is not eligible for exemption, the Director must promptly notify the employer by issuing a letter which details the reasons for the deficiency or the rejection. The employer/applicant may reapply for certification, correcting deficiencies and/or responding to the reasons for the Director's denial. The Director or his/her designee must issue a new decision within a reasonable time of reapplication following denial. Such action will be the final administrative review and is not appealable to the Administrative Law Judge or the Benefits Review Board.

(c) The Director or another designated individual at any time has the right to enter on and inspect any facility seeking exemption for purposes of verifying information provided on the application form.

(d) Action by the employer. Immediately upon receipt of the certificate of exemption from coverage under the Act the employer must post:

(1) A general notice in a conspicuous place that the Act does not cover injuries sustained at the facility in question, the basis of the exemption, the effective date of the exemption and grounds for termination of the exemption.

(2) A notice, where applicable, at the entrances to all areas to which the exemption does not apply.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1215-0160) [50 FR 396, Jan. 3, 1985, as amended at 51 FR 4283, Feb. 3, 1986; 80 FR 12928, Mar. 12, 2015]
§ 702.175 - Effect of work on excluded vessels; reinstatement of certification.

(a) When a vessel other than a small commercial vessel, as defined in § 702.172, enters a facility which has been certified as exempt from coverage, the exemption shall automatically terminate as of the date such a vessel enters the facility. The exemption shall also terminate on the date a contract for a Federal maritime subsidy is entered into, and, in the situation where the facility undertakes to build a vessel other than a small vessel, when the construction first takes on the characteristics of a vessel, i.e., when the keel is laid. All duties, obligations and requirements imposed by the Act, including the duty to secure compensation liability as required by sections 4 and 32 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 904 and 932, and to keep records and forward reports, are effective immediately. The employer shall notify the Director or his/her designee immediately where this occurs.

(b) Where an exemption certification is terminated because of circumstances described in (a), the employer may apply for reinstatement of the exemption once the event resulting in termination of the exemption ends. The reapplication shall consist of a reaffirmation of the nature of the business, an explanation of the circumstances leading to the termination of exemption, and an affidavit by the appropriate person affirming that the circumstances prompting the termination no longer exists nor will they reoccur in the forseeable future and that the facility is engaged in building, repairing or dismantling exclusively small vessels. The Director or the Director's designee shall respond to the complete reapplication within ten working days of receipt.

[50 FR 397, Jan. 3, 1985, as amended at 51 FR 4283, Feb. 3, 1986]
authority: 5 U.S.C. 301,and
source: 38 FR 26861, Sept. 26, 1973, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 702.174