Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Sep 30, 2024
§ 725.601 - Enforcement generally.

(a) The Act, together with certain incorporated provisions from the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, contains a number of provisions which subject an operator or other employer, claimants and others to penalties for failure to comply with certain provisions of the Act, or failure to commence and continue prompt periodic payments to a beneficiary.

(b) It is the policy and intent of the Department to vigorously enforce the provisions of this part through the use of the remedies provided by the Act. Accordingly, if an operator refuses to pay benefits with respect to a claim for which the operator has been adjudicated liable, the Director may invoke and execute the lien on the property of the operator as described in § 725.603. Enforcement of this lien must be pursued in an appropriate U.S. district court. If the Director determines that the remedy provided by § 725.603 may not be sufficient to guarantee the continued compliance with the terms of an award or awards against the operator, the Director may in addition seek an injunction in the U.S. district court to prohibit future noncompliance by the operator and such other relief as the court considers appropriate (see § 725.604). If an operator unlawfully suspends or terminates the payment of benefits to a claimant, the district director may declare the award in default and proceed in accordance with § 725.605. In all cases payments of additional compensation (see § 725.607) and interest (see § 725.608) will be sought by the Director or awarded by the district director.

(c) In certain instances the remedies provided by the Act are concurrent; that is, more than one remedy might be appropriate in any given case. In such a case, the Director may select the remedy or remedies appropriate for the enforcement action. In making this selection, the Director shall consider the best interests of the claimant as well as those of the fund.

[65 FR 80054, Dec. 20, 2000, as amended at 81 FR 24481, Apr. 26, 2016]
§ 725.602 - Reimbursement of the fund.

(a) In any case in which the fund has paid benefits, including medical benefits, on behalf of an operator or other employer which is determined liable therefore, or liable for a part thereof, such operator or other employer shall simultaneously with the first payment of benefits made to the beneficiary, reimburse the fund (with interest) for the full amount of all benefit payments made by the fund with respect to the claim.

(b) In any case where benefit payments have been made by the fund, the fund shall be subrogated to the rights of the beneficiary. The Secretary of Labor may, as appropriate, exercise such subrogation rights.

§ 725.603 - Payments by the fund on behalf of an operator; liens.

(a) If an amount is paid out of the fund to an individual entitled to benefits under this part or part 727 of this subchapter (see § 725.4(d)) on behalf of an operator or other employer which is or was required to pay or secure the payment of all or a portion of such amount (see § 725.522), the operator or other employer shall be liable to the United States for repayment to the fund of the amount of benefits properly attributable to such operator or other employer.

(b) If an operator or other employer liable to the fund refuses to pay, after demand, the amount of such liability, there shall be a lien in favor of the United States upon all property and rights to property, whether real or personal, belonging to such operator or other employer. The lien arises on the date on which such liability is finally determined, and continues until it is satisfied or becomes unenforceable by reason of lapse of time.

(c)(1) Except as otherwise provided under this section, the priority of the lien shall be determined in the same manner as under section 6323 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C.).

(2) In the case of a bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding, the lien imposed under this section shall be treated in the same manner as a lien for taxes due and owing to the United States for purposes of the Bankruptcy Act or section 3466 of the Revised Statutes (31 U.S.C. 191).

(3) For purposes of applying section 6323(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C.) to determine the priority between the lien imposed under this section and the Federal tax lien, each lien shall be treated as a judgment lien arising as of the time notice of such lien is filed.

(4) For purposes of the section, notice of the lien imposed hereunder shall be filed in the same manner as under section 6323(f) (disregarding paragraph (4) thereof) and (g) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C.).

(5) In any case where there has been a refusal or neglect to pay the liability imposed under this section, the Secretary of Labor may bring a civil action in a district court of the United States to enforce the lien of the United States under this section with respect to such liability or to subject any property, of whatever nature, of the operator, or in which it has any right, title, or interest, to the payment of such liability.

(6) The liability imposed by this paragraph may be collected at a proceeding in court if the proceeding is commenced within 6 years after the date upon which the liability was finally determined, or prior to the expiration of any period for collection agreed upon in writing by the operator and the United States before the expiration of such 6-year period. This period of limitation shall be suspended for any period during which the assets of the operator are in the custody or control of any court of the United States, or of any State, or the District of Columbia, and for 6 months thereafter, and for any period during which the operator is outside the United States if such period of absence is for a continuous period of at least 6 months.

§ 725.604 - Enforcement of final awards.

Notwithstanding the provisions of § 725.603, if an operator or other employer or its officers or agents fails to comply with an order awarding benefits that has become final, any beneficiary of such award or the district director may apply for the enforcement of the order to the Federal district court for the judicial district in which the injury occurred (or to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia if the injury occurred in the District). If the court determines that the order was made and served in accordance with law, and that such operator or other employer or its officers or agents have failed to comply therewith, the court shall enforce obedience to the order by writ of injunction or by other proper process, mandatory or otherwise, to enjoin upon such operator or other employer and its officers or agents compliance with the order.

§ 725.605 - Defaults.

(a) Except as is otherwise provided in this part, no suspension, termination or other failure to pay benefits awarded to a claimant is permitted. If an employer found liable for the payment of such benefits fails to make such payments within 30 days after any date on which such benefits are due and payable, the person to whom such benefits are payable may, within one year after such default, make application to the district director for a supplementary order declaring the amount of the default.

(b) If after investigation, notice and hearing as provided in subparts E and F of this part, a default is found, the district director or the administrative law judge, if a hearing is requested, shall issue a supplementary order declaring the amount of the default, if any. In cases where a lump-sum award has been made, if the payment in default is an installment, the district director or administrative law judge, may, in his or her discretion, declare the whole of the award as the amount in default. The applicant may file a certified copy of such supplementary order with the clerk of the Federal district court for the judicial district in which the operator has its principal place of business or maintains an office or for the judicial district in which the injury occurred. In case such principal place of business or office is in the District of Columbia, a copy of such supplementary order may be filed with the clerk of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Such supplementary order shall be final and the court shall, upon the filing of the copy, enter judgment for the amount declared in default by the supplementary order if such supplementary order is in accordance with law. Review of the judgment may be had as in civil suits for damages at common law. Final proceedings to execute the judgment may be had by writ of execution in the form used by the court in suits at common law in actions of assumpsit. No fee shall be required for filing the supplementary order nor for entry of judgment thereon, and the applicant shall not be liable for costs in a proceeding for review of the judgment unless the court shall otherwise direct. The court shall modify such judgment to conform to any later benefits order upon presentation of a certified copy thereof to the court.

(c) In cases where judgment cannot be satisfied by reason of the employer's insolvency or other circumstances precluding payment, the district director shall make payment from the fund, and in addition, provide any necessary medical, surgical, and other treatment required by subpart J of this part. A defaulting employer shall be liable to the fund for payment of the amounts paid by the fund under this section; and for the purpose of enforcing this liability, the fund shall be subrogated to all the rights of the person receiving such payments or benefits.

§ 725.606 - Security for the payment of benefits.

(a) Following the issuance of an effective order by a district director (see § 725.418), administrative law judge (see § 725.479), Benefits Review Board, or court that requires the payment of benefits by an operator that has failed to secure the payment of benefits in accordance with section 423 of the Act and § 726.4 of this subchapter, or by a coal mine construction or transportation employer, the Director may request that the operator secure the payment of all benefits ultimately payable on the claim. Such operator or other employer shall thereafter immediately secure the payment of benefits in accordance with the provisions of this section, and provide proof of such security to the Director. Such security may take the form of an indemnity bond, a deposit of cash or negotiable securities in compliance with §§ 726.106(c) and 726.107 of this subchapter, or any other form acceptable to the Director.

(b) The amount of security initially required by this section shall be determined as follows:

(1) In a case involving an operator subject to section 423 of the Act and § 726.4 of this subchapter, the amount of the security shall not be less than $175,000, and may be a higher amount as determined by the Director, taking into account the life expectancies of the claimant and any dependents using the most recent life expectancy tables published by the Social Security Administration; or

(2) In a case involving a coal mine construction or transportation employer, the amount of the security shall be determined by the Director, taking into account the life expectancies of the claimant and any dependents using the most recent life expectancy tables published by the Social Security Administration.

(c) If the operator or other employer fails to provide proof of such security to the Director within 30 days of its receipt of the Director's request to secure the payment of benefits issued under paragraph (a) of this section, the appropriate adjudication officer shall issue an order requiring the operator or other employer to make a deposit of negotiable securities with a Federal Reserve Bank in the amount required by paragraph (b). Such securities shall comply with the requirements of §§ 726.106(c) and 726.107 of this subchapter. In a case in which the effective order was issued by a district director, the district director shall be considered the appropriate adjudication officer. In any other case, the administrative law judge who issued the most recent decision in the case, or such other administrative law judge as the Chief Administrative Law Judge shall designate, shall be considered the appropriate adjudication officer, and shall issue an order under this paragraph on motion of the Director. The administrative law judge shall have jurisdiction to issue an order under this paragraph notwithstanding the pendency of an appeal of the award of benefits with the Benefits Review Board or court.

(d) An order issued under this section shall be considered effective when issued. Disputes regarding such orders shall be resolved in accordance with subpart F of this part.

(e) Notwithstanding any further review of the order in accordance with subpart F of this part, if an operator or other employer subject to an order issued under this section fails to comply with such order, the appropriate adjudication officer shall certify such non-compliance to the appropriate United States district court in accordance with § 725.351(c).

(f) Security posted in accordance with this section may be used to make payment of benefits that become due with respect to the claim in accordance with § 725.502. In the event that either the order awarding compensation or the order issued under this section is vacated or reversed, the operator or other employer may apply to the appropriate adjudication officer for an order authorizing the return of any amounts deposited with a Federal Reserve Bank and not yet disbursed, and such application shall be granted. If at any time the Director determines that additional security is required beyond that initially required by paragraph (b) of this section, he may request the operator or other employer to increase the amount. Such request shall be treated as if it were issued under paragraph (a) of this section.

(g) If a coal mine construction or transportation employer fails to comply with an order issued under paragraph (c), and such employer is a corporation, the provisions of § 725.609 shall be applicable to the president, secretary, and treasurer of such employer.

§ 725.607 - Payments of additional compensation.

(a) If any benefits payable under the terms of an award by a district director (§ 725.419(d)), a decision and order filed and served by an administrative law judge (§ 725.478), or a decision filed by the Board or a U.S. court of appeals, are not paid by an operator or other employer ordered to make such payments within 10 days after such payments become due, there will be added to such unpaid benefits an amount equal to 20 percent thereof, which must be paid to the claimant at the same time as, but in addition to, such benefits, unless review of the order making such award is sought as provided in section 21 of the LHWCA and an order staying payments has been issued.

(b) If, on account of an operator's or other employer's failure to pay benefits as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, benefit payments are made by the fund, the eligible claimant will nevertheless be entitled to receive such additional compensation to which he or she may be eligible under paragraph (a), with respect to all amounts paid by the fund on behalf of such operator or other employer.

(c) The fund may not be held liable for payments of additional compensation under any circumstances.

[81 FR 24482, Apr. 26, 2016]
§ 725.608 - Interest.

(a)(1) In any case in which an operator fails to pay benefits that are due (§ 725.502), the beneficiary shall also be entitled to simple annual interest, computed from the date on which the benefits were due. The interest shall be computed through the date on which the operator paid the benefits, except that the beneficiary shall not be entitled to interest for any period following the date on which the beneficiary received payment of any benefits from the fund pursuant to § 725.522.

(2) In any case in which an operator is liable for the payment of retroactive benefits, the beneficiary shall also be entitled to simple annual interest on such benefits, computed from 30 days after the date of the first determination that such an award should be made. The first determination that such an award should be made may be a district director's initial determination of entitlement, an award made by an administrative law judge or a decision by the Board or a court, whichever is the first such determination of entitlement made upon the claim.

(3) In any case in which an operator is liable for the payment of additional compensation (§ 725.607), the beneficiary shall also be entitled to simple annual interest computed from the date upon which the beneficiary's right to additional compensation first arose.

(4) In any case in which an operator is liable for the payment of medical benefits, the beneficiary or medical provider to whom such benefits are owed shall also be entitled to simple annual interest, computed from the date upon which the services were rendered, or from 30 days after the date of the first determination that the miner is generally entitled to medical benefits, whichever is later. The first determination that the miner is generally entitled to medical benefits may be a district director's initial determination of entitlement, an award made by an administrative law judge or a decision by the Board or a court, whichever is the first such determination of general entitlement made upon the claim. The interest shall be computed through the date on which the operator paid the benefits, except that the beneficiary or medical provider shall not be entitled to interest for any period following the date on which the beneficiary or medical provider received payment of any benefits from the fund pursuant to § 725.522 or subpart I of this part.

(b) If an operator or other employer fails or refuses to pay any or all benefits due pursuant to an award of benefits or an initial determination of eligibility made by the district director and the fund undertakes such payments, such operator or other employer shall be liable to the fund for simple annual interest on all payments made by the fund for which such operator is determined liable, computed from the first date on which such benefits are paid by the fund, in addition to such operator's liability to the fund, as is otherwise provided in this part. Interest payments owed pursuant to this paragraph shall be paid directly to the fund.

(c) In any case in which an operator is liable for the payment of an attorney's fee pursuant to § 725.367, and the attorney's fee is payable because the award of benefits has become final, the attorney shall also be entitled to simple annual interest, computed from the date on which the attorney's fee was awarded. The interest shall be computed through the date on which the operator paid the attorney's fee.

(d) The rates of interest applicable to paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section shall be computed as follows:

(1) For all amounts outstanding prior to January 1, 1982, the rate shall be 6% simple annual interest;

(2) For all amounts outstanding for any period during calendar year 1982, the rate shall be 15% simple annual interest; and

(3) For all amounts outstanding during any period after calendar year 1982, the rate shall be simple annual interest at the rate established by section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C.) which is in effect for such period.

(e) The fund shall not be liable for the payment of interest under any circumstances, other than the payment of interest on advances from the United States Treasury as provided by section 9501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C.).

§ 725.609 - Enforcement against other persons.

In any case in which an award of benefits creates obligations on the part of an operator or insurer that may be enforced under the provisions of this subpart, such obligations may also be enforced, in the discretion of the Secretary or district director, as follows:

(a) In a case in which the operator is a sole proprietorship or partnership, against any person who owned, or was a partner in, such operator during any period commencing on or after the date on which the miner was last employed by the operator;

(b) In a case in which the operator is a corporation that failed to secure its liability for benefits in accordance with section 423 of the Act and § 726.4, and the operator has not secured its liability for the claim in accordance with § 725.606, against any person who served as the president, secretary, or treasurer of such corporation during any period commencing on or after the date on which the miner was last employed by the operator;

(c) In a case in which the operator is no longer capable of assuming its liability for the payment of benefits (§ 725.494(e)), against any operator which became a successor operator with respect to the liable operator (§ 725.492) after the date on which the claim was filed, beginning with the most recent such successor operator;

(d) In a case in which the operator is no longer capable of assuming its liability for the payment of benefits (§ 725.494(e)), and such operator was a subsidiary of a parent company or a product of a joint venture, or was substantially owned or controlled by another business entity, against such parent entity, any member of such joint venture, or such controlling business entity; or

(e) Against any other person who has assumed or succeeded to the obligations of the operator or insurer by operation of any state or federal law, or by any other means.

§ 725.620 - Failure to secure benefits; other penalties.

(a) If an operator fails to discharge its insurance obligations under the Act, the provisions of subpart D of part 726 of this subchapter shall apply.

(b) Any employer who knowingly transfers, sells, encumbers, assigns, or in any manner disposes of, conceals, secrets, or destroys any property belonging to such employer, after one of its employees has been injured within the purview of the Act, and with intent to avoid the payment of benefits under the Act to such miner or his or her dependents, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or by both. In any case where such employer is a corporation, the president, secretary, and treasurer thereof shall be also severally liable for such penalty or imprisonment as well as jointly liable with such corporation for such fine.

(c) No agreement by a miner to pay any portion of a premium paid to a carrier by such miner's employer or to contribute to a benefit fund or department maintained by such employer for the purpose of providing benefits or medical services and supplies as required by this part shall be valid; and any employer who makes a deduction for such purpose from the pay of a miner entitled to benefits under the Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000.

(d) No agreement by a miner to waive his or her right to benefits under the Act and the provisions of this part shall be valid.

(e) This section shall not affect any other liability of the employer under this part.

§ 725.621 - Reports.

(a) Upon making the first payment of benefits and upon suspension, reduction, or increase of payments, the operator or other employer responsible for making payments shall immediately notify the district director of the action taken, in accordance with a form prescribed by the Office.

(b) Within 16 days after final payment of benefits has been made by an employer, such employer shall so notify the district director, in accordance with a form prescribed by the Office, stating that such final payment, has been made, the total amount of benefits paid, the name of the beneficiary, and such other information as the Office deems pertinent.

(c) The Director may from time to time prescribe such additional reports to be made by operators, other employers, or carriers as the Director may consider necessary for the efficient administration of the Act.

(d) Any employer who fails or refuses to file any report required of such employer under this section, and has penalties assessed for such failure or refusal after January 15, 2024, shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $1,780 for each failure or refusal, which penalty shall be determined in accordance with the procedures set forth in subpart D of part 726 of this subchapter, as appropriate.

(e) No request for information or response to such request shall be considered a report for purposes of this section or the Act, unless it is so designated by the Director or by this section.

[65 FR 80054, Dec. 20, 2000, as amended at 81 FR 43449, July 1, 2016; 82 FR 5380, Jan. 18, 2017; 83 FR 11, Jan. 2, 2018; 84 FR 217, Jan. 23, 2019; 85 FR 2297, Jan. 15, 2020; 86 FR 2968, Jan. 14, 2021; 87 FR 2333, Jan. 14, 2022; 88 FR 2215, Jan. 13, 2023; 89 FR 1814, Jan. 11, 2024]
authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note (Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990); Pub. L. 114-74 at sec. 701; Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1950, 15 FR 3174; 30 U.S.C. 901
source: 65 FR 80054, Dec. 20, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 725.606