Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Sep 30, 2024
§ 726.208 - Report by carrier of issuance of policy or endorsement.

Each carrier shall report to the Office each policy and endorsement issued, canceled, or renewed by it to an operator. The report shall be made in such manner and on such form as the Office may require.

§ 726.209 - Report; by whom sent.

The report of issuance, cancellation, or renewal of a policy and endorsement provided for in § 726.208 shall be sent by the home office of the carrier, except that any carrier may authorize its agency or agencies to make such reports to the Office.

§ 726.210 - Agreement to be bound by report.

Every carrier seeking to write insurance under the provisions of the Act shall be deemed to have agreed that the acceptance by the Office of a report of the issuance or renewal of a policy of insurance, as provided for by § 726.208 shall bind the carrier to full liability for the obligations under the Act of the operator named in said report. It shall be no defense to this agreement that the carrier failed or delayed to issue, cancel, or renew the policy to the operator covered by this report.

§ 726.211 - Name of one employer only shall be given in each report.

A separate report of the issuance or renewal of a policy and endorsement, provided for by § 726.208, shall be made for each operator covered by a policy. If a policy is issued or renewed insuring more than one operator, a separate report for each operator so covered shall be sent to the Office with the name of only one operator on each such report.

§ 726.212 - Notice of cancellation.

Cancellation of a contract or policy of insurance issued under authority of the Act shall not become effective otherwise than as provided by 33 U.S.C. 936(b); and notice of a proposed cancellation shall be given to the Office and to the operator in accordance with the provisions of 33 U.S.C. 912(c), 30 days before such cancellation is intended to be effective (see section 422(a) of part C of title IV of the Act).

§ 726.213 - Reports by carriers concerning the payment of benefits.

Pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 914(c) as incorporated by section 422(a) of part C of title IV of the Act and § 726.207 each carrier issuing a policy or contract of insurance under the Act shall upon making the first payment of benefits and upon the suspension of any payment in any case, immediately notify the Office in accordance with a form prescribed by the Office that payment of benefit has begun or has been suspended as the case may be. In addition, each such carrier shall at the request of the Office submit to the Office such additional information concerning policies or contracts of insurance issued to guarantee the payment of benefits under the Act and any benefits paid thereunder, as the Office may from time to time require to carry out its responsibilities under the Act.

§ 726.201 - Insurance contracts—generally.

Each operator of a coal mine who has not obtained authorization as a self-insurer shall purchase a policy or enter into a contract with a commercial insurance carrier or State agency. Pursuant to authority contained in sections 422(a) and 423(b) and (c) of part C of title IV of the Act, this subpart describes a number of provisions which are required to be incorporated in a policy or contract of insurance obtained by a coal mine operator for the purpose of meeting the responsibility imposed upon such operator by the Act in respect of the total disability or death of miners due to pneumoconiosis.

§ 726.202 - Who may underwrite an operator's liability.

Each coal mine operator who is not authorized to self-insure shall insure and keep insured the payment of benefits as required by the Act with any stock company or mutual company or association, or with any other person, or fund, including any State fund while such company, association, person, or fund is authorized under the law of any State to insure workmen's compensation.

§ 726.203 - Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act endorsement.

(a) The following form of endorsement shall be attached and applicable to the standard workmen's compensation and employer's liability policy prepared by the National Council on Compensation Insurance affording coverage under the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969, as amended:

It is agreed that: (1) With respect to operations in a State designated in item 3 of the declarations, the unqualified term “workmen's compensation law” includes part C of title IV of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969, 30 U.S.C. section 931-936, and any laws amendatory thereto, or supplementary thereto, which may be or become effective while this policy is in force, and definition (a) of Insuring Agreement III is amended accordingly; (2) with respect to such insurance as is afforded by this endorsement, (a) the States, if any, named below, shall be deemed to be designated in item 3 of the declaration; (b) Insuring Agreement IV(2) is amended to read “by disease caused or aggravated by exposure of which the last day of the last exposure, in the employment of the insured, to conditions causing the disease occurs during the policy period, or occurred prior to (effective date) and claim based on such disease is first filed against the insured during the policy period.”

(b) The term “effective date” as used in paragraph (a) of this section shall be construed to mean the effective date of the first policy or contract of insurance procured by an operator for purposes of meeting the obligations imposed on such operator by section 423 of part C of title IV of the Act.

(c) The Act contains a number of provisions and imposes a number of requirements on operators which differ in varying degrees from traditional workmen's compensation concepts. To avoid unnecessary administrative delays and expense which might be occasioned by the drafting of an entirely new standard workmen's compensation policy specially tailored to the Act, the Office has determined that the existing standard workmen's compensation policy subject to the endorsement provisions contained in paragraph (a) of this section shall be acceptable for purposes of writing commercial insurance coverage under the Act. However, to avoid undue disputes over the meaning of certain policy provisions and in accordance with the authority contained in section 423(b)(3) of the Act, the Office has determined that the following requirements shall be applicable to all commercial insurance policies obtained by an operator for the purpose of insuring any liability incurred pursuant to the Act:

(1) Operator liability. (i) Section 415 and part C of title IV of the Act provide coverage for total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis to all claimants who meet the eligibility requirements imposed by the Act. Section 422 of the Act and the regulations duly promulgated thereunder (part 725 of this subchapter) set forth the conditions under which a coal mine operator may be adjudicated liable for the payment of benefits to an eligible claimant for any period subsequent to December 31, 1973.

(ii) Section 422(c) of the Act prescribes that except as provided in 422(i) (see paragraph (c)(2) of this section) an operator may be adjudicated liable for the payment of benefits in any case if the total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis upon which the claim is predicated arose at least in part out of employment in a mine in any period during which it was operated by such operator. The Act does not require that such employment which contributed to or caused the total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis occur subsequent to any particular date in time. The Secretary in establishing a formula for determining the operator liable for the payment of benefits (see subpart D of part 725 of this subchapter) in respect of any particular claim, must therefore, within the framework and intent of title IV of the Act find in appropriate cases that an operator is liable for the payment of benefits for some period after December 31, 1973, even though the employment upon which an operator's liability is based occurred prior to July 1, 1973, or prior to the effective date of the Act or the effective date of any amendments thereto, or prior to the effective date of any policy or contract of insurance obtained by such operator. The endorsement provisions contained in paragraph (a) of this section shall be construed to incorporate these requirements in any policy or contract of insurance obtained by an operator to meet the obligations imposed on such operator by section 423 of the Act.

(2) Successor liability. Section 422(i) of part C of title IV of the Act requires that a coal mine operator who after December 30, 1969, acquired his mine or substantially all of the assets thereof from a person who was an operator of such mine on or after December 30, 1969, shall be liable for and shall secure the payment of benefits which would have been payable by the prior operator with respect to miners previously employed in such mine if the acquisition had not occurred and the prior operator had continued to operate such mine. In the case of an operator who is determined liable for the payment of benefits under section 422(i) of the Act and part 725 of this subchapter, such liability shall accrue to such operator regardless of the fact that the miner on whose total disability or death the claim is predicated was never employed by such operator in any capacity. The endorsement provisions contained in paragraph (a) of this section shall be construed to incorporate this requirement in any policy or contract of insurance obtained by an operator to meet the obligations imposed on such operator by section 423 of the Act.

(3) Medical eligibility. Pursuant to section 422(h) of part C of title IV of the Act and the regulations described therein (see subpart D of part 410 of this title) benefits shall be paid to eligible claimants on account of total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis and in cases where the miner on whose death a claim is predicated was totally disabled by pneumoconiosis at the time of his death regardless of the cause of such death. The endorsement provisions contained in paragraph (a) of this section shall be construed to incorporate these requirements in any policy or contract of insurance obtained by an operator to meet the obligations imposed on such operator by section 423 of the Act.

(4) Payment of benefits, rates. Section 422(c) of the Act by incorporating section 412(a) of the Act requires the payment of benefits at a rate equal to 50 per centum of the minimum monthly payment to which a Federal employee in grade GS-2, who is totally disabled is entitled at the time of payment under Chapter 81 of title 5, United States Code. These benefits are augmented on account of eligible dependents as appropriate (see section 412(a) of part B of title IV of the Act). Since the dollar amount of benefits payable to any beneficiary is required to be computed at the time of payment such amounts may be expected to increase from time to time as changes in the GS-2 grade are enacted into law. The endorsement provisions contained in paragraph (a) of this section shall be construed to incorporate in any policy or contract of insurance obtained by an operator to meet the obligations imposed on such operator by section 423 of the Act, the requirement that the payment of benefits to eligible beneficiaries shall be made in such dollar amounts as are prescribed by section 412(a) of the Act computed at the time of payment.

(5) Compromise and waiver of benefits. Section 422(a) of part C of title IV of the Act by incorporating sections 15(b) and 16 of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (33 U.S.C. 915(b) and 916) prohibits the compromise and/or waiver of claims for benefits filed or benefits payable under section 415 and part C of title IV of the Act. The endorsement provisions contained in paragraph (a) of this section shall be construed to incorporate these prohibitions in any policy or contract of insurance obtained by an operator to meet the obligations imposed on such operator by section 423 of the Act.

(6) Additional requirements. In addition to the requirements described in paragraph (c)(1) through (5) of this section, the endorsement provisions contained in paragraph (a) of this section shall, to the fullest extent possible, be construed to bring any policy or contract of insurance entered into by an operator for the purpose of insuring such operator's liability under part C of title IV of the Act into conformity with the legal requirements placed upon such operator by section 415 and part C of title IV of the Act and parts 720 and 725 of this subchapter.

(d) Nothing in this section shall relieve any operator or carrier of the duty to comply with any State workmen's compensation law, except insofar as such State law is in conflict with the provisions of this section.

§ 726.204 - Statutory policy provisions.

Pursuant to section 423(b) of part C of title IV of the Act each policy or contract of insurance obtained to comply with the requirements of section 423(a) of the Act must contain or shall be construed to contain—

(a) A provision to pay benefits required under section 422 of the Act, notwithstanding the provisions of the State workmen's compensation law which may provide for lesser payments; and,

(b) A provision that insolvency or bankruptcy of the operator or discharge therein (or both) shall not relieve the carrier from liability for such payments.

§ 726.205 - Other forms of endorsement and policies.

Forms of endorsement or policies other than that described in § 726.203 may be entered into by operators to insure their liability under the Act. However, any form of endorsement or policy which materially alters or attempts to materially alter an operator's liability for the payment of any benefits under the Act shall be deemed insufficient to discharge such operator's duties and responsibilities as prescribed in part C of title IV of the Act. In any event, the failure of an operator to obtain an adequate policy or contract of insurance shall not affect such operator's liability for the payment of any benefits for which he is determined liable.

§ 726.206 - Terms of policies.

A policy or contract of insurance shall be issued for the term of 1 year from the date that it becomes effective, but if such insurance be not needed except for a particular contract or operation, the term of the policy may be limited to the period of such contract or operation.

§ 726.207 - Discharge by the carrier of obligations and duties of operator.

Every obligation and duty in respect of payment of benefits, the providing of medical and other treatment and care, the payment or furnishing of any other benefit required by the Act and in respect of the carrying out of the administrative procedure required or imposed by the Act or the regulations in this part or part 725 of this subchapter upon an operator shall be discharged and carried out by the carrier as appropriate. Notice to or knowledge of an operator of the occurrence of total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis shall be notice to or knowledge of such carrier. Jurisdiction of the operator by a district director, administrative law judge, the Office, or appropriate appellate authority under the Act shall be jurisdiction of such carrier. Any requirement under any benefits order, finding, or decision shall be binding upon such carrier in the same manner and to the same extent as upon the operator.

source: 65 FR 80097, Dec. 20, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 726.206