Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 614.3 - Eligibility requirements for UCX.
An individual shall be eligible to receive a payment of UCX or waiting period credit with respect to a week of unemployment if:
(a) The individual has Federal military service and Federal military wages in the base period under the applicable State law;
(b) The individual meets the qualifying employment and wage requirements of the applicable State law, either on the basis of Federal military service and Federal military wages alone or in combination with service and wages covered under a State law or under the UCFE Program (part 609 of this chapter);
(c) The individual has filed an initial claim for UCX and, as appropriate, has filed a timely claim for waiting period credit or payment of UCX with respect to that week of unemployment; and
(d) The individual is totally, part-totally, or partially unemployed, and is able to work, available for work, and seeking work within the meaning of or as required by the applicable State law, and is not subject to disqualification under this part or the applicable State law, with respect to that week of unemployment.
[47 FR 54697, Dec. 3, 1982, as amended at 53 FR 40554, Oct. 17, 1988; 57 FR 59799, Dec. 15, 1992]
§ 614.4 - Weekly and maximum benefit amounts.
(a) Total unemployment. The weekly amount of UCX payable to an eligible individual for a week of total unemployment shall be the amount that would be payable to the individual as unemployment compensation for a week of total unemployment as determined under the applicable State law.
(b) Partial and part-total unemployment. The weekly amount of UCX payable for a week of partial or part-total unemployment shall be the amount that would be payable to the individual as unemployment compensation for a week of partial or part-total unemployment as determined under the applicable State law.
(c) Maximum amount. The maximum amount of UCX which shall be payable to an eligible individual during and subsequent to the individual's benefit year shall be the maximum amount of all unemployment compensation that would be payable to the individual as determined under the applicable State law.
(d) Computation rules. The weekly and maximum amounts of UCX payable to an individual under the UCX Program shall be determined under the applicable State law to be in the same amount, on the same terms, and subject to the same conditions as the State unemployment compensation which would be payable to the individual under the applicable State law if the individual's Federal military service and Federal military wages assigned or transferred under this part to the State had been included as employment and wages covered by that State law, subject to the use of the applicable Schedule of Remuneration.
[47 FR 54697, Dec. 3, 1982, as amended at 53 FR 40554, Oct. 17, 1988; 57 FR 59800, Dec. 15, 1992]
§ 614.5 - Claims for UCX.
(a) First claims. A first claim for UCX shall be filed by an individual in any State agency of any State according to the applicable State law, and on a form prescribed by the Department which shall be furnished to the individual by the State agency where the claim is filed.
(b) Weekly claims. Claims for waiting week credit and payments of UCX for weeks of unemployment shall be filed in any State agency (or Canada) at the times and in the manner as claims for State unemployment compensation are filed under the applicable State law, and on forms prescribed by the Department which shall be furnished to the individual by the State agency where the claim is filed.
(c) Secretary's standard. The procedures for reporting and filing claims for UCX and waiting period credit shall be consistent with this part 614 and the Secretary's “Standard for Claim Filing, Claimant Reporting, Job Finding and Employment Services” in the Employment Security Manual, part V, sections 5000-5004 (appendix A of this part).
[47 FR 54697, Dec. 3, 1982, as amended at 53 FR 40554, Oct. 17, 1988]
§ 614.6 - Determinations of entitlement; notices to individual and Federal military agency.
(a) Determinations of first claim. Except for findings of a Federal military agency and the applicable Schedule of Remuneration which are final and conclusive under § 614.23, the State agency whose State law applies to an individual under § 614.8 shall, promptly upon the filing of a first claim for UCX, determine whether the individual is otherwise eligible, and, if the individual is found to be eligible, the individual's benefit year and the weekly and maximum amounts of UCX payable to the individual.
(b) Determinations of weekly claims. The State agency promptly shall, upon the filing of a claim for a payment of UCX or waiting period credit with respect to a week, determine whether the individual is entitled to a payment of UCX or waiting period credit respect to such week, and, if entitled, the amount of UCX or waiting period credit to which the individual is entitled.
(c) Redetermination. The provisions of the applicable State law concerning the right to request, or authority to undertake, reconsideration of a determination pertaining to State unemployment compensation under the applicable State law shall apply to determinations pertaining to UCX.
(d) Notices to individual and Federal military agency. (1) The State agency promptly shall give notice in writing to the individual of any determination or redetermination of a first claim, and, except as may be authorized under paragraph (g) of this section, of any determination or redetermination of any weekly claim which denies UCX or waiting period credit or reduces the weekly amount or maximum amount initially determined to be payable. Each notice of determination or redetermination shall include such information regarding the determination or redetermination and notice of right to reconsideration or appeal, or both, as is furnished with written notices of determinations and redeterminations with respect to claims for State unemployment compensation. Such notice shall include the findings of any Federal military agency utilized in making the determination or redetermination, and shall inform the individual of the finality of Federal findings and the individual's right to request correction of such findings as is provided in § 614.22.
(2) A notice of claim filing and subsequent notices of monetary and nonmonetary determinations on a UCX claim shall be sent to each Federal military agency for which the individual performed Federal military service during the appropriate base period, together with notice of appeal rights of the Federal military agency to the same extent that chargeable employers are given such notices under State law and practice unless an alternate mechanism is established by the Department of Labor in lieu of such notices.
(e) Obtaining information for claim determinations. (1) Information required for the determination of claims for UCX shall be obtained by the State agency from claimants, employers, and others, in the same manner as information is obtained for claim purposes under the applicable State law, but Federal military findings shall be obtained from military documents, the applicable Schedule of Remuneration, and from Federal military agencies as prescribed in §§ 614.21 through 614.24.
(f) Promptness. Full payment of UCX when due shall be consistent with this part and shall be made with the greatest promptness that is administratively feasible, but the provisions of part 640 of this chapter (relating to promptness of benefit payments) shall not be applicable to the UCX Program.
(g) Secretary's standard. The procedures for making determinations and redeterminations, and furnishing written notices of determinations, redeterminations, and rights of appeal to individuals applying for UCX and to appropriate Federal military agencies shall be consistent with this part 614 and the Secretary's “Standard for Claim Determinations-Separation Information” in the Employment Security Manual, part V, sections 6010-6015 (Appendix B of this part).
[47 FR 54697, Dec. 3, 1982, as amended at 53 FR 40554, Oct. 17, 1988; 71 FR 35514, June 21, 2006]
§ 614.7 - Appeal and review.
(a) Applicable State Law. The provisions of the applicable State law concerning the right of appeal and fair hearing from a determination or redetermination of entitlement to State unemployment compensation (exclusive of findings which are final and conclusive under § 614.25) shall apply to determinations and redeterminations of eligibility for or entitlement to UCX and waiting period credit. Any such determination or redetermination shall be subject to appeal and review only in the manner and to the extent provided in the applicable State law with respect to determinations and redeterminations of entitlement to State unemployment compensation.
(Section 614.24 governs appeals of findings of the Veterans Administration)
(b) Rights of appeal and fair hearing. The provisions on right of appeal and opportunity for a fair hearing with respect to claims for UCX shall be consistent with this part and with sections 303(a)(1) and 303(a)(3) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 503(a)(1) and 503(a)(3).
(c) Promptness on appeals. (1) Decisions on appeals under the UCX Program shall accord with the Secretary's “Standard for Appeals Promptness—Unemployment Compensation” in part 650 of this chapter, and with § 614.1(d).
(2) Any provision of an applicable State law for advancement or priority of unemployment compensation cases on judicial calendars, or otherwise intended to provide for the prompt payment of unemployment compensation when due, shall apply to proceedings involving claims for UCX.
(d) Appeal and review by Federal military agency. If a Federal military agency believes that a State agency's determination or redetermination of an individual's eligibility for or entitlement to UCX is incorrect, the Federal military agency may seek appeal and review of such determination or redetermination in the same manner as an interested employer may seek appeal and review under the applicable State law.
§ 614.8 - The applicable State for an individual.
(a) The applicable State. The applicable State for an individual shall be the State to which the individual's Federal military service and Federal military wages are assigned or transferred under this section. The applicable State law for the individual shall be the State law of such State.
(b) Assignment of service and wages. (1) When an individual files a first claim, all of the individual's Federal military service and Federal military wages shall be deemed to be assigned to the State in which such claim is filed, which shall be the “Paying State” in the case of a combined-wage claim. (§ 616.6(e) of this chapter.)
(2) Federal military service and Federal military wages assigned to a State in error shall be reassigned for use by the proper State agency. An appropriate record of the reassignment shall be made by the State agency which makes the reassignment.
(c) Assignment deemed complete. All of an individual's Federal military service and Federal military wages shall be deemed to have been assigned to a State upon the filing of a first claim. Federal military service and Federal military wages shall be assigned to a State only in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.
(d) Use of assigned service and wages. All assigned Federal military service and Federal military wages shall be used only by the State to which assigned in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, except that any Federal military service and Federal military wages which are not within the base period of the State to which they were assigned shall be subject to transfer in accordance with part 616 of this chapter for the purposes of any subsequent Combined-Wage Claim filed by the individual.
§ 614.9 - Provisions of State law applicable to UCX claims.
(a) Particular provisions applicable. Except where the result would be inconsistent with the provisions of the Act or this part or the procedures thereunder prescribed by the Department, the terms and conditions of the applicable State law which apply to claims for, and the payment of, State unemployment compensation shall apply to claims for, and the payment of, UCX and claims for waiting period credit. The provisions of the applicable State law which shall apply include, but are not limited to:
(1) Claim filing and reporting;
(2) Information to individuals, as appropriate;
(3) Notices to individuals, as appropriate, including notice to each individual of each determination and redetermination of eligibility for or entitlement to UCX;
(4) Determinations and redeterminations;
(5) Ability to work, availability for work, and search for work; and
(6) Disqualifications, except in regard to separation from any Federal military agency.
(b) IBPP. The Interstate Benefit Payment Plan shall apply, where appropriate, to individuals filing claims for UCX.
(c) Wage combining. The State's provisions complying with the Interstate Arrangement for Combining Employment and Wages (part 616 of this chapter) shall apply, where appropriate, to individuals filing claims for UCX.
(d) Procedural requirements. The provisions of the applicable State law which apply hereunder to claims for and the payment of UCX shall be applied consistently with the requirements of title III of the Social Security Act and the Federal Unemployment Tax Act which are pertinent in the case of State unemployment compensation, including but not limited to those standards and requirements specifically referred to in the provisions of this part, except as provided in paragraph (f) of § 614.6.
§ 614.10 - Restrictions on entitlement.
(a) Disqualification. If the week of unemployment for which an individual claims UCX is a week to which a disqualification for State unemployment compensation applies under the applicable State law, the individual shall not be entitled to a payment of UCX for that week. As provided in § 614.9(a), no disqualification shall apply in regard to separation from any Federal military agency.
(b) Effect of “days lost”. The continuity of a period of an individual's Federal military service shall not be deemed to be interrupted by reason of any “days lost” in such period, but “days lost” shall not be counted for purposes of determining:
(1) Whether an individual has performed Federal military service;
(2) Whether an individual meets the wage and employment requirements of a State law; or
(3) The amount of an individual's Federal military wages.
(c) Allocation of military accrued leave. A State agency shall allocate the number of days of unused military leave specified in an ex-servicemember's military document, for which a lump-sum payment has been made, in the same manner as similar payments by private employers to their employees are allocated under the applicable State law, except that the applicable Schedule of Remuneration instead of the lump-sum payment shall be used to determine the amount of the claimant's Federal military wages. In a State in which a private employer has an option as to the period to which such payments shall be allocated, such payments shall be allocated to the date of the individual's latest discharge or release from Federal military service. An allocation under this paragraph shall be disregarded in determining whether an individual has had a period of active service constituting Federal military service.
(d) Education and training allowances. An individual is not entitled to UCX under the Act or this part for a period with respect to which the individual receives:
(1) A subsistence allowance for vocational rehabilitation training under chapter 31 of title 38 of the United States Code, 38 U.S.C. 1501 et seq., or under part VIII of Veterans Regulation Numbered 1(a); or
(2) An educational assistance allowance or special training allowance under chapter 35 of title 38 of the United States Code, 38 U.S.C. 1700 et seq.
§ 614.11 - Overpayments; penalties for fraud.
(a) False statements and representations. Section 8507(a) of the Act provides that if a State agency, the Department, or a court of competent jurisdiction finds that an individual—
(1) Knowingly has made, or caused to be made by another, a false statement or representation of a material fact, or knowingly has failed, or caused another to fail, to disclose a material fact; and
(2) As a result of that action has received an amount as UCX to which the individual was not entitled; the individual shall repay the amount to the State agency or the Department. Instead of requiring repayment, the State agency or the Department may recover the amount by deductions from UCX payable to the individual during the 2-year period after the date of the finding. A finding by a State agency or the Department may be made only after an opportunity for a fair hearing, subject to such further review as may be appropriate under § 614.7.
(b) Prosecution for fraud. Section 1919 of title 18, United States Code, provides that whoever makes a false statement or representation of a material fact knowing it to be false, or knowingly fails to disclose a material fact, to obtain or increase for himself or for any other individual any payment authorized to be paid under chapter 85 of title 5, United States Code, or under an agreement thereunder, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
(c) Absence of fraud. If a State agency or court of competent jurisdiction finds that an individual has received a payment of UCX to which the individual was not entitled under the Act and this part, which was not due to a false statement or representation as provided in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, the individual shall be liable to repay to the applicable State the total sum of the payment to which the individual was not entitled, and the State agency shall take all reasonable measures authorized under any State law or Federal law to recover for the account of the United States the total sum of the payment to which the individual was not entitled.
(d) Recovery by offset. (1) The State agency shall recover, insofar as is possible, the amount of any overpayment which is not repaid by the individual, by deductions from any UCX payable to the individual under the Act and this part, or from any unemployment compensation payable to the individual under any Federal unemployment compensation law administered by the State agency, or from any assistance or allowance payable to the individual with respect to unemployment under any other Federal law administered by the State agency.
(2) A State agency shall also recover, insofar as is possible, the amount of any overpayment of UCX made to the individual by another State by deductions from any UCX payable by the State agency to the individual under the Act and this part, or from any unemployment compensation payable to the individual under any Federal unemployment compensation law administered by the State agency, or from any assistance or allowance payable to the individual with respect to unemployment under any other Federal law administered by the State agency.
(3) Recoupment of fraudulent overpayments referred to in paragraph (a) of this section shall be limited to the 2-year period stated in that paragraph. Recoupment of fraudulent overpayments referred to in paragraph (b) of this section, and nonfraudulent overpayments referred to in paragraph (c) of this section shall be subject to any time limitation on recoupment provided for in the State law that applies to the case.
(e) Debts due the United States. UCX payable to an individual shall be applied by the State agency for the recovery by offset of any debt due to the United States from the individual, but shall not be applied or used by the State agency in any manner for the payment of any debt of the individual to any State or any other entity or person except pursuant to a court order for child support or alimony in accordance with the law of the State and section 459 of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 659.
(f) Application of State law. (1) Except as indicated in paragraph (a) of this section, any provision of State law that may be applied for the recovery of overpayments or prosecution for fraud, and any provision of State law authorizing waiver of recovery of overpayments of unemployment compensation, shall be applicable to UCX.
(2) In the case of any finding of false statement of representation under the Act and paragraph (a) of this section, or prosecution for fraud under 18 U.S.C. 1919 or pursuant to paragraph (f)(1) of this section, the individual shall be disqualified or penalized in accordance with the provision of the applicable State law relating to fraud in connection with a claim for State unemployment compensation.
(g) Final decision. Recovery of any overpayment of UCX shall not be enforced by the State agency until the determination or redetermination establishing the overpayment has become final, or if appeal is taken from the determination or redetermination, until the decision after opportunity for a fair hearing has become final.
(h) Procedural requirements. (1) The provisions of paragraphs (c), (d), and (g) of § 614.6 shall apply to determinations and redeterminations made pursuant to this section.
(2) The provisions of § 614.7 shall apply to determinations and redeterminations made pursuant to this section.
(i) Fraud detection and prevention. Provisions in the procedures of each State with respect to detection and prevention of fraudulent overpayments of UCX shall be, as a minimum, commensurate with the procedures adopted by the State with respect to State unemployment compensation and consistent with this part 614 and the Secretary's “Standard for Fraud and Overpayment Detection” in the Employment Security Manual, part V, sections 7510-7515 (Appendix C of this part), and provide for timely use of any crossmatch mechanism established by the Department.
(j) Recovered overpayments. An amount repaid or recouped under this section shall be—
(1) Deposited in the fund from which payment was made, if the repayment was to a State agency; or
(2) Returned to the Treasury of the United States and credited to the current applicable appropriation, fund, or account from which payment was made, if the repayment was to the Department.
[47 FR 54697, Dec. 3, 1982, as amended at 53 FR 40555, Oct. 17, 1988]
§ 614.12 - Schedules of remuneration.
(a) Authority. Section 8521(a)(2) of chapter 85, title 5 of the United States Code, 5 U.S.C. 8521(a)(2), requires the Secretary of Labor to issue from time to time, after consultation with the Secretary of Defense, a Schedule of Remuneration specifying the pay and allowances for each pay grade of members of the Armed Forces.
(b) Elements of schedule. A schedule reflects representative amounts for appropriate elements of the pay and allowances, whether in cash or kind, for each pay grade of members of the Armed Forces, with a statement of the effective date of the schedule. Benefit amounts for the UCX Program are computed on the basis of the Federal military wages for the pay grade of the individual at the time of the individual's latest discharge or release from Federal military service, as specified in the schedule applicable at the time the individual files his or her first claim for compensation for the benefit year.
(c) Effective date. Any new Schedule of Remuneration shall take effect beginning with the first week of the calendar quarter following the calendar quarter in which such schedule is issued, and shall remain applicable until a subsequent schedule becomes effective. Prior schedules shall continue to remain applicable for the periods they were in effect.
(d) Publication. Any new Schedule of Remuneration shall be issued by the Secretary of Labor to the State agencies and the Federal military agencies. Promptly after the issuance of a new Schedule of Remuneration it shall be published as a notice in the Federal Register.
§ 614.13 - Inviolate rights to UCX.
Except as specifically provided in this part, the rights of individuals to UCX shall be protected in the same manner and to the same extent as the rights of persons to State unemployment compensation are protected under the applicable State law. Such measures shall include protection of applicants for UCX from waiver, release, assignment, pledge, encumbrance, levy, execution, attachment, and garnishment of their rights to UCX, except as provided in § 614.11. In the same manner and to the same extent, individuals shall be protected from discrimination and obstruction in regard to seeking, applying for, and receiving any right to UCX.
§ 614.14 - Recordkeeping; disclosure of information.
(a) Recordkeeping. Each State agency will make and maintain records pertaining to the administration of the UCX Program as the Department requires, and will make all such records available for inspection, examination, and audit by such Federal officials or employees as the Department may designate or as may be required by law.
(b) Disclosure of information. Information in records maintained by a State agency in administering the UCX Program shall be kept confidential, and information in such records may be disclosed only in the same manner and to the same extent as information with respect to State unemployment compensation and the entitlement of individuals thereto may be disclosed under the applicable State law. This provision on the confidentiality of information maintained in the administration of the UCX Program shall not apply, however, to the Department or for the purposes of §§ 614.11 or 614.14, or in the case of information, reports and studies required pursuant to §§ 614.18 or 614.26, or where the result would be inconsistent with the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552,the,5.S.C. 552a, or regulations of the Department promulgated thereunder.
§ 614.15 - Payments to States.
(a) State entitlement. Each State is entitled to be paid by the United States with respect to each individual whose base period wages included Federal military wages, an amount bearing the same ratio to the total amount of compensation paid to such individual as the amount of the individual's Federal military wages in the individual's base period bears to the total amount of the individual's base period wages.
(b) Payment. Each State shall be paid, either in advance or by way of reimbursement, as may be determined by the Department, the sum that the Department estimates the State is entitled to receive under the Act and this part for each calendar month. The sum shall be reduced or increased by the amount which the Department finds that its estimate for an earlier calendar month was greater or less than the sum which should have been paid to the State. An estimate may be made on the basis of a statistical, sampling, or other method agreed on by the Department and the State agency.
(c) Certification by the Department. The Department, from time to time, shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the sum payable to each State under this section. The Secretary of the Treasury, before audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, shall pay the State in accordance with the certification from the funds for carrying out the purposes of the Act and this part.
(d) Use of money. Money paid a State under the Act and this part may be used solely for the purposes for which it is paid. Money so paid which is not used solely for these purposes shall be returned, at the time specified by the Agreement, to the Treasury of the United States and credited to the current applicable appropriation, fund, or account from which payments to States under the Act and this part may be made.
§ 614.16 - Public access to Agreements.
The State agency of a State will make available to any individual or organization a true copy of the Agreement with the State for inspection and copying. Copies of an Agreement may be furnished on request to any individual or organization upon payment of the same charges, if any, as apply to the furnishing of copies of other records of the State agency.
§ 614.17 - Administration in absence of an Agreement.
(a) Administering program. The Department shall administer the UCX Program through personnel of the Department or through other arrangements under procedures prescribed by the Department, in the case of any State which does not have an Agreement with the Secretary as provided for in 5 U.S.C. 8502. The procedures prescribed by the Department under this section shall be consistent with the Act and this part.
(b) Applicable State law. On the filing by an individual of a claim for UCX in accordance with arrangements under this section, UCX shall be paid to the individual, if eligible, in the same amount, on the same terms, and subject to the same conditions as would be paid to the individual under the applicable State law if the individual's Federal military service and Federal military wages had been included as employment and wages under the State law. Any such claims shall include the individual's Federal military service and Federal military wages, combined with any service and wages covered by State law. However, if the individual, without regard to his or her Federal military service and Federal military wages, has employment or wages sufficient to qualify for compensation during the benefit year under that State law, then payments of UCX under this section may be made only on the basis of the individual's Federal military service and Federal military wages.
(c) Fair hearing. An individual whose claim for UCX is denied under this section is entitled to a fair hearing under rules of procedures prescribed by the Department. A final determination by the Department with respect to entitlement to UCX under this section is subject to review by the courts in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided by section 205(g) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 405(g).
§ 614.18 - Information, reports, and studies.
State agencies shall furnish to the Department such information and reports and conduct such studies as the Department determines are necessary or appropriate for carrying out the purposes of the UCX Program.
authority: 5 U.S.C. 8508; Secretary's Order No. 4-75 (40 FR 18515)
source: 47 FR 54697, Dec. 3, 1982, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 614.14