Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 21 - Food and Drugs last revised: Feb 25, 2025
§ 1250.60 - Applicability.
Land and air conveyances engaged in interstate traffic shall use only such servicing areas within the United States as have been approved by the Commissioner of Food and Drugs as being in compliance with the requirements prescribed in this subpart.
[40 FR 5624, Feb. 6, 1975, as amended at 48 FR 11432, Mar. 18, 1983]
§ 1250.61 - Inspection and approval.
The Commissioner of Food and Drugs may inspect any such areas to determine whether they shall be approved. He may base his approval or disapproval on investigations made by representatives of State departments of health.
[40 FR 5624, Feb. 6, 1975, as amended at 48 FR 11432, Mar. 18, 1983]
§ 1250.62 - Submittal of construction plans.
Plans for construction or major reconstruction of sanitation facilities at servicing areas shall be submitted to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs for review of the conformity of the proposed facilities with the requirements of this subpart.
[40 FR 5624, Feb. 6, 1975, as amended at 48 FR 11432, Mar. 18, 1983]
§ 1250.63 - General requirements.
Servicing areas shall be provided with all necessary sanitary facilities so operated and maintained as to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
§ 1250.65 - Drainage.
All platforms and other places at which water or food supplies are loaded onto or removed from conveyances shall be adequately drained so as to prevent pooling.
§ 1250.67 - Watering equipment.
(a) General requirements. All servicing area piping systems, hydrants, taps, faucets, hoses, buckets, and other appurtenances necessary for delivery of drinking and culinary water to a conveyance shall be designed, constructed, maintained and operated in such a manner as to prevent contamination of the water.
(b) Outlets for nonpotable water. Outlets for nonpotable water shall be provided with fittings different from those provided for outlets for potable water and each nonpotable water outlet shall be posted with permanent signs warning that the water is unfit for drinking.
(c) Ice. If bulk ice is used for the cooling of drinking water or other beverages, or for food preservation purposes, equipment constructed so as not to become a factor in the transmission of communicable diseases shall be provided for the storage, washing, handling, and delivery to conveyances of such bulk ice, and such equipment shall be used for no other purposes.
§ 1250.70 - Employee conveniences.
(a) There shall be adequate toilet, washroom, locker, and other essential sanitary facilities readily accessible for use of employees adjacent to places or areas where land and air conveyances are serviced, maintained, and cleaned. These facilities shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times.
(b) In the case of diners not in a train but with a crew on board, adequate toilet facilities shall be available to the crew within a reasonable distance but not exceeding 500 feet of such diners.
(c) Drinking fountains and coolers shall be constructed of impervious, nonoxidizing material, and shall be so designed and constructed as to be easily cleaned. The jet of a drinking fountain shall be slanting and the orifice of the jet shall be protected by a guard in such a manner as to prevent contamination thereof by droppings from the mouth. The orifice of such a jet shall be located a sufficient distance above the rim of the basin to prevent backflow.
§ 1250.75 - Disposal of human wastes.
(a) At servicing areas and at stations where land and air conveyances are occupied by passengers the operations shall be so conducted as to avoid contamination of such areas and stations by human wastes.
(b) Toilet wastes shall be disposed of through sanitary sewers or by other methods assuring sanitary disposal of such wastes. All soil cans and removable containers shall be thoroughly cleaned before being returned to use. Equipment for cleaning such containers and for flushing nonremovable containers and waste carts shall be so designed as to prevent backflow into the water line, and such equipment shall be used for no purpose connected with the handling of food, water or ice.
(c) All persons who have handled soil cans or other containers which have come in contact with human wastes shall be required to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and warm water and to remove any garments which have become soiled with such wastes before engaging in any work connected with the loading, unloading, transporting or other handling of food, water or ice.
§ 1250.79 - Garbage disposal.
(a) Water-tight, readily cleanable, nonabsorbent containers with close-fitting covers shall be used to receive and store garbage.
(b) Can washing and draining facilities shall be provided.
(c) Garbage cans shall be emptied daily and shall be thoroughly washed before being returned for use.
source: 40 FR 5624, Feb. 6, 1975, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 21 CFR 1250.65