Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 21 - Food and Drugs last revised: Feb 25, 2025
§ 1250.80 - Applicability.
The sanitation facilities and the sanitary conditions on vessels engaged in interstate traffic shall comply with the requirements prescribed in this subpart, provided that no major structural change will be required on existing vessels.
§ 1250.81 - Inspection.
The Commissioner of Food and Drugs may inspect such vessels to determine compliance with the requirements of this subpart.
[40 FR 5624, Feb. 6, 1975, as amended at 48 FR 11432, Mar. 18, 1983]
§ 1250.82 - Potable water systems.
The following conditions must be met by vessel water systems used for the storage and distribution of water which has met the requirements of § 1240.80 of this chapter.
(a) The potable water system, including filling hose and lines, pumps, tanks, and distributing pipes, shall be separate and distinct from other water systems and shall be used for no other purposes.
(b) All potable water tanks shall be independent of any tanks holding nonpotable water or other liquid. All potable water tanks shall be independent of the shell of the ship unless (1) the bottom of the tank is at least 2 feet above the maximum load water line, (2) the seams in the shell are continuously welded, and (3) there are no rivets in that part of the shell which forms a side of a tank. A deck may be used as the top of a tank provided there are no access or inspection openings or rivets therein, and the seams are continuously welded. No toilet or urinal shall be installed immediately above that part of the deck which forms the top of a tank. All potable water tanks shall be located at a sufficient height above the bilge to allow for draining and to prevent submergence in bilge water.
(c) Each potable water tank shall be provided with a means of drainage and, if it is equipped with a manhole, overflow, vent, or a device for measuring depth of water, provision shall be made to prevent entrance into the tank of any contaminating substance. No deck or sanitary drain or pipe carrying any nonpotable water or liquid shall be permitted to pass through the tank.
(d) Tanks and piping shall bear clear marks of identification.
(e) There shall be no backflow or cross connection between potable water systems and any other systems. Pipes and fittings conveying potable water to any fixture, apparatus, or equipment shall be installed in such way that backflow will be prevented. Waste pipes from any part of the potable water system, including treatment devices, discharging to a drain, shall be suitably protected against backflow.
(f) Water systems shall be cleaned, disinfected, and flushed whenever the Commissioner of Food and Drugs shall find such treatment necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases.
[40 FR 5624, Feb. 6, 1975, as amended at 48 FR 11432, Mar. 18, 1983]
§ 1250.83 - Storage of water prior to treatment.
The following requirements with respect to the storage of water on vessels prior to treatment must be met in order to obtain approval of treatment facilities under § 1240.90 of this chapter.
(a) The tank, whether independent or formed by the skin of the ship, deck, tank top, or partitions common with other tanks, shall be free of apparent leakage.
(b) No sanitary drain shall pass through the tank.
(c) The tank shall be adequately protected against both the backflow and discharge into it of bilge or highly contaminated water.
§ 1250.84 - Water in galleys and medical care spaces.
(a) Potable water, hot and cold, shall be available in the galley and pantry except that, when potable water storage is inadequate, nonpotable water may be piped to the galley for deck washing and in connection with garbage disposal. Any tap discharging nonpotable water which is installed for deck washing purposes shall not be more than 18 inches above the deck and shall be distinctly marked “For deck washing only”.
(b) In the case of existing vessels on which heat treated wash water has been used for the washing of utensils prior to the effective date of the regulations in this part, such water may continue to be so used provided controls are employed to insure the heating of all water to at least 170 °F before discharge from the heater.
(c) Potable water, hot and cold, shall be available in medical care spaces for hand-washing and for medical care purposes excluding hydrotherapy.
§ 1250.85 - Drinking fountains and coolers; ice; constant temperature bottles.
(a) Drinking fountains and coolers shall be constructed of impervious, nonoxidizing material, and shall be so designed and constructed as to be easily cleaned. The jet of a drinking fountain shall be slanting and the orifice of the jet shall be protected by a guard in such a manner as to prevent contamination thereof by droppings from the mouth. The orifice of such a jet shall be located a sufficient distance above the rim of the basin to prevent backflow.
(b) Ice shall not be permitted to come in contact with water in coolers or constant temperature bottles.
(c) Constant temperature bottles and other containers used for storing or dispensing potable water shall be kept clean at all times and shall be subjected to effective bactericidal treatment after each occupancy of the space served and at intervals not exceeding one week.
§ 1250.86 - Water for making ice.
Only potable water shall be piped into a freezer for making ice for drinking and culinary purposes.
§ 1250.87 - Wash water.
Where systems installed on vessels for wash water, as defined in § 1250.3(n), do not comply with the requirements of a potable water system, prescribed in § 1250.82, they shall be constructed so as to minimize the possibility of the water therein being contaminated. The storage tanks shall comply with the requirements of § 1250.83, and the distribution system shall not be cross connected to a system carrying water of a lower sanitary quality. All faucets shall be labeled “Unfit for drinking”.
§ 1250.89 - Swimming pools.
(a) Fill and draw swimming pools shall not be installed or used.
(b) Swimming pools of the recirculation type shall be equipped so as to provide complete circulation, replacement, and filtration of the water in the pool every six hours or less. Suitable means of chlorination and, if necessary, other treatment of the water shall be provided to maintain the residual chlorine in the pool water at not less than 0.4 part per million and the pH (a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration) not less than 7.0.
(c) Flowing-through types of salt water pools shall be so operated that complete circulation and replacement of the water in the pool will be effected every 6 hours or less. The water delivery pipe to the pool shall be independent of all other pipes and shall originate at a point where maximum flushing of the pump and pipe line is effected after leaving polluted waters.
§ 1250.90 - Toilets and lavatories.
Toilet and lavatory equipment and spaces shall be maintained in a clean condition.
§ 1250.93 - Discharge of wastes.
Vessels operating on fresh water lakes or rivers shall not discharge sewage, or ballast or bilge water, within such areas adjacent to domestic water intakes as are designated by the Commissioner of Food and Drugs.
Cross Reference:
For Environmental Protection Agency's regulations for vessel sanitary discharges as related to authority under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. 1314 et seq.), see 40 CFR part 140.
[40 FR 5624, Feb. 6, 1975, as amended at 48 FR 11432, Mar. 18, 1983]
§ 1250.95 - Insect control.
Vessels shall be maintained free of infestation by flies, mosquitoes, fleas, lice, and other insects known to be vectors in the transmission of communicable diseases, through the use of screening, insecticides, and other generally accepted methods of insect control.
§ 1250.96 - Rodent control.
Vessels shall be maintained free of rodent infestation through the use of traps, poisons, and other generally accepted methods of rodent control.
source: 40 FR 5624, Feb. 6, 1975, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 21 CFR 1250.96