Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 21 - Food and Drugs last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 866.6000 - Whole exome sequencing constituent device.

(a) Identification. A whole exome sequencing constituent device is for germline whole exome sequencing of genomic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) isolated from human specimens. The DNA sequence generated by this device is intended as input for clinical germline DNA assays that have FDA marketing authorization and are intended for use with this device.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special controls for this device are:

(1) The intended use on the device's label and labeling required under § 809.10 of this chapter must include:

(i) The indicated variant types for which acceptable, as determined by FDA, validation data has been provided. Distinct variant types are considered as single nucleotide variant, insertion, deletion, tandem repeats, copy number variants, or gene rearrangements, and validated for specific sizes and lengths, as applicable.

(ii) The indicated specimen type(s) for which acceptable, as determined by FDA, validation data has been provided.

(2) The labeling required under § 809.10(b) of this chapter must include:

(i) The identification of, or the specifications for, the collection device or devices to be used for sample collection, as applicable.

(ii) A description of the reportable range, which is the region of the genome for which the assay is intended to provide results, as well as a description of the targeted regions of the genome that have enhanced coverage. This must include a description of any genomic regions that are excluded from the reportable region due to unacceptable risk of erroneous results, or for other reasons. A description of the clinically relevant genes excluded from the reportable range must also be included, if applicable.

(iii) A description of the design features and control elements, including the quality metrics and thresholds which are used for reporting the analytical range (the genomic DNA in the reportable range that passed the quality metrics in the run required for reporting to the user) that are incorporated into the testing procedure, that mitigate the risk of incorrect clinical results. The following metrics are considered applicable in the generation of high confidence data and the established thresholds for these metrics for reporting must be described and be determined to be acceptable by FDA: cluster density and percent of cluster pass quality filter, percent of bases meeting the minimum base quality score, average coverage of reads, percent of reads mapped on target, percent of reportable region with coverage meeting the minimum requirement, percent of unassigned read indices, percent of reads for non-human DNA, allele fraction, and strand bias. Any alternate metrics used must be described and an acceptable, as determined by FDA, rationale for applicability must be provided.

(iv) A representative sample of the device output report(s) provided to users, which must include any relevant limitations of the device, as determined applicable by FDA.

(3) Design verification and validation must include:

(i) A detailed description of the impact of any software, including software applications and hardware-based devices that incorporate software, on the device's function.

(ii) Acceptable data, as determined by FDA, demonstrating how the key quality metrics and quality metric thresholds in the list in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section for reporting were established and optimized for accuracy using appropriate DNA standards with established reference genomic sequence. Data must include, as applicable, base quality score, allele fraction for heterozygosity and coverage, and other applicable metrics.

(iii) Data demonstrating acceptable, as determined by FDA, analytical device performance using patient specimens representing the full spectrum of expected variant types reported across the genome and in genomic regions that are difficult to sequence. The number of specimens tested must be sufficient to obtain estimates of device performance that are representative of the device performance that can be expected for the reportable region and clinically relevant subsets of the reportable region, as applicable. For each study, data must include a summary of the key quality metric data; the number and percentage of true positives (TP), false positives (FP), and false negatives (FN); number and percentage of no-calls; positive percent agreement (PPA); negative percent agreement (NPA); positive predictive value (PPV); technical positive percent value (TPPV); and non-reference concordance (NRC). These data must be provided per sample and stratified by variant type. The variant data must also be further stratified by size and zygosity (homozygous common allele, heterozygous, homozygous rare allele). Data demonstrating the accuracy assay based on guanine and cytosine (GC) content, pseudogenes, and proximity to short tandem repeats must also be presented. The data must be presented for the entire exome and also for clinically relevant subsets of the reportable region. For each study, the number of run failures and repeat/requeued specimens must be summarized.

(iv) Documentation of acceptance criteria that are applied to analytical and clinical validation studies, which must be justified based on the estimated risk of erroneous results on clinically significant genes and variants and must be clinically acceptable, as determined by FDA. The acceptance criteria must be pre-specified prior to clinical and analytical validation studies, and all validation testing results must be documented with respect to those acceptance criteria.

(v) Analytical validation must be demonstrated by conducting studies that provide:

(A) Data demonstrating acceptable, as determined by FDA, accuracy based on agreement with an acceptable, as determined by FDA, comparator method(s) that has been validated to have high accuracy and reproducibility. Accuracy of the test shall be evaluated with reference standards and clinical specimens for each indicated specimen type of a number determined acceptable by FDA, collected and processed in a manner consistent with the test's instructions for use.

(B) Data demonstrating acceptable, as determined by FDA, precision from a precision study using clinical samples to adequately evaluate intra-run, inter-run, and total variability across operator, instrument, lot, day, and site, as applicable. The samples must include the indicated range of DNA input. Precision, including repeatability and reproducibility, must be assessed by agreement between replicates, and also supported by sequencing quality metrics for targeted regions across the panel. Precision must be demonstrated per specimen and in aggregate. Precision data must be calculated and presented with and without no calls/invalid results.

(C) Data demonstrating acceptable, as determined by FDA, accuracy in the presence of clinically relevant levels of potential interfering substances that are present in the specimen type and intended use population, including, for example, endogenous substances, exogenous substances, and microbes, as applicable.

(D) Data demonstrating the absence of sample cross contamination due to index swapping (misassignment).

(E) Data demonstrating that the pre-analytical steps such as DNA extraction are robust such that sources of variability in these steps and procedures do not diminish the accuracy and precision of the device.

(F) Data demonstrating that acceptable, as determined by FDA, device performance is maintained across the range of claimed DNA input concentrations for the assay.

(vi) Design verification and validation for software within the whole exome sequencing constituent device must include the following:

(A) Detailed description of the software, including specifications and requirements for the format of data input and output, such that users can determine if the device conforms to user needs and intended uses.

(B) Device design must include a detailed strategy to ensure cybersecurity risks that could lead to loss of genetic data security, are adequately addressed and mitigated (including device interface specifications and how safe reporting of the genetic test is maintained when software is updated). Verification and validation must include security testing to demonstrate effectiveness of the associated controls.

(C) Device design must ensure that a record of critical events, including a record of all genetic test orders using the whole exome sequencing constituent device, device malfunctions, and associated acknowledgments, is stored and accessible for an adequate period to allow for auditing of communications between the whole exome sequencing constituent device and downstream clinical genetic tests, and to facilitate the sharing of pertinent information with the responsible parties for those devices.

(vii) A protocol reviewed and determined acceptable by FDA, that specifies the verification and validation activities that will be performed for anticipated bioinformatic software modifications to reevaluate performance claims or performance specifications. This protocol must include a process for assessing whether a modification to the bioinformatics software could significantly affect the safety or effectiveness of the device. The protocol must include assessment metrics, acceptance criteria, and analytical methods for the performance testing of changes, as applicable. The protocol must also include the process for communicating to developers of downstream clinical genetic tests the impact of the bioinformatics software change on the whole exome sequencing constituent system genetic data output so they may implement appropriate corresponding actions.

[89 FR 73566, Sept. 11, 2024]
§ 866.6010 - Tumor-associated antigen immunological test system.

(a) Identification. A tumor-associated antigen immunological test system is a device that consists of reagents used to qualitatively or quantitatively measure, by immunochemical techniques, tumor-associated antigens in serum, plasma, urine, or other body fluids. This device is intended as an aid in monitoring patients for disease progress or response to therapy or for the detection of recurrent or residual disease.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). Tumor markers must comply with the following special controls: (1) A guidance document entitled “Guidance Document for the Submission of Tumor Associated Antigen Premarket Notifications (510(k)s) to FDA,” and (2) voluntary assay performance standards issued by the National Committee on Clinical Laboratory Standards.

[62 FR 66005, Dec. 17, 1997]
§ 866.6020 - Immunomagnetic circulating cancer cell selection and enumeration system.

(a) Identification. An immunomagnetic circulating cancer cell selection and enumeration system is a device that consists of biological probes, fluorochromes, and other reagents; preservation and preparation devices; and a semiautomated analytical instrument to select and count circulating cancer cells in a prepared sample of whole blood. This device is intended for adjunctive use in monitoring or predicting cancer disease progression, response to therapy, and for the detection of recurrent disease.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control for this device is FDA's guidance document entitled “Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Immunomagnetic Circulating Cancer Cell Selection and Enumeration System.” See § 866.1(e) for availability of this guidance document.

[69 FR 26038, May 11, 2004]
§ 866.6030 - AFP-L3% immunological test system.

(a) Identification. An AFP-L3% immunological test system is an in vitro device that consists of reagents and an automated instrument used to quantitatively measure, by immunochemical techniques, AFP and AFP-L3 subfraction in human serum. The device is intended for in vitro diagnostic use as an aid in the risk assessment of patients with chronic liver disease for development of hepatocellular carcinoma, in conjunction with other laboratory findings, imaging studies, and clinical assessment.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control is FDA's guidance document entitled “Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: AFP-L3% Immunological Test Systems.” See § 866.1(e) for the availability of this guidance document.

[70 FR 57749, Oct. 4, 2005]
§ 866.6040 - Gene expression profiling test system for breast cancer prognosis.

(a) Identification. A gene expression profiling test system for breast cancer prognosis is a device that measures the ribonucleic acid (RNA) expression level of multiple genes and combines this information to yield a signature (pattern or classifier or index) to aid in prognosis of previously diagnosed breast cancer.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control is FDA's guidance document entitled “Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Gene Expression Profiling Test System for Breast Cancer Prognosis.” See § 866.1(e) for the availability of this guidance document.

[72 FR 26291, May 9, 2007]
§ 866.6050 - Ovarian adnexal mass assessment score test system.

(a) Identification. An ovarian/adnexal mass assessment test system is a device that measures one or more proteins in serum or plasma. It yields a single result for the likelihood that an adnexal pelvic mass in a woman, for whom surgery is planned, is malignant. The test is for adjunctive use, in the context of a negative primary clinical and radiological evaluation, to augment the identification of patients whose gynecologic surgery requires oncology expertise and resources.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control for this device is FDA's guidance document entitled “Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Ovarian Adnexal Mass Assessment Score Test System.” For the availability of this guidance document, see § 866.1(e).

(c) Black box warning. Under section 520(e) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act these devices are subject to the following restriction: A warning statement must be placed in a black box and must appear in all advertising, labeling, and promotional material for these devices. That warning statement must read:

[76 FR 16294, Mar. 23, 2011, as amended at 76 FR 82131, Dec. 30, 2011]
§ 866.6060 - BCR-ABL quantitation test.

(a) Identification. A BCR-ABL quantitation test is identified as a reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) test for the quantitation of BCR-ABL1 expressed on the International Scale (IS) and control transcripts in total RNA from whole blood of diagnosed t(9;22) positive chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients during monitoring of treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. This test is not intended for the diagnosis of CML.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special controls for this device are:

(1) Premarket notification submissions must include the following information:

(i) The indication for use must indicate the variant(s) for which the assay was designed and validated, for example BCR-ABL e13a2 and/or e14a2.

(ii) A detailed description of all components in the test, including the following:

(A) A detailed description of the test components, all required reagents, instrumentation and equipment, including illustrations or photographs of non-standard equipment or methods;

(B) Detailed documentation of the device software including, but not limited to, standalone software applications and hardware-based devices that incorporate software;

(C) Methodology and protocols for control procedures for the assay to allow reporting on the International Scale;

(D) A description of the result outputs, analytical sensitivity of the assay, and the range of values that will be reported; and

(E) A description of appropriate internal and external controls that are recommended or provided. The description must identify those control elements that are incorporated into the testing procedure.

(iii) Information that demonstrates the performance characteristics of the test, including:

(A) For indications for use based on a threshold established in a predicate device of this generic type, device performance data from either a method comparison study to the predicate device or through a clinical study demonstrating clinical validity using well-characterized prospectively or retrospectively obtained clinical specimens, as appropriate, representative of the intended use population;

(B) For indications for use based on a threshold not established in a predicate device of this generic type, device performance data from a clinical study demonstrating clinical validity using well-characterized prospectively or retrospectively obtained clinical specimens, as appropriate, representative of the intended use population;

(C) Device reproducibility data generated, using a minimum of three sites, of which at least two sites must be external sites, with two operators at each site. Each site must conduct a minimum of three runs per operator over non-consecutive days evaluating a minimum of five different BCR-ABL concentrations that span and are well distributed over the measuring range and include MR3 (0.1 percent IS). Results shall be reported as the standard deviation and percentage coefficient of variation for each level tested. Prespecified acceptance criteria must be provided and followed;

(D) Device precision data using clinical samples to evaluate the within-lot, between-lot, within-run, between run, and total variation;

(E) Device linearity data using a dilution panel created from clinical samples;

(F) Device analytic sensitivity data, including limit of blank, limit of detection, and limit of quantification;

(G) Device specificity data, including interference and cross-contamination; and

(H) Device stability data, including real-time stability of samples under various storage times, temperatures, and freeze-thaw conditions.

(iv) Identification of risk mitigation elements used by your device, including a detailed description of all additional procedures, methods, and practices incorporated into the instructions for use that mitigate risks associated with testing using your device.

(2) Your 21 CFR 809.10 compliant labeling must include the following:

(i) The intended use in your 21 CFR 809.10(a)(2) and (b)(2) complaint labeling must include an indication for use statement that reads “This test is not intended for the diagnosis of CML”; and

(ii) A detailed description of the performance studies conducted to comply with paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section and a summary of the results.

(3) Your device output must include results on the International Scale (IS) and your assay must include multipoint calibration controls traceable to a relevant international reference panel (e.g., the World Health Organization International Genetic Reference Panel for quantitation of BCR-ABL mRNA).

[82 FR 50532, Nov. 1, 2017]
§ 866.6080 - Next generation sequencing based tumor profiling test.

(a) Identification. A next generation sequencing (NGS) based tumor profiling test is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic test intended for NGS analysis of tissue specimens from malignant solid neoplasms to detect somatic mutations in a broad panel of targeted genes to aid in the management of previously diagnosed cancer patients by qualified health care professionals.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special controls for this device are:

(1) Premarket notification submissions must include the following information:

(i) A detailed description of all somatic mutations that are intended to be detected by the test and that are adequately supported in accordance with paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section and reported in the test results in accordance with paragraph (b)(2)(iv) of this section, including:

(A) A listing of mutations that are cancer mutations with evidence of clinical significance.

(B) As appropriate, a listing of mutations that are cancer mutations with potential clinical significance.

(ii) The indications for use must specify the following:

(A) The test is indicated for previously diagnosed cancer patients.

(B) The intended specimen type(s) and matrix (e.g., formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor tissue).

(C) The mutation types (e.g., single nucleotide variant, insertion, deletion, copy number variation or gene rearrangement) for which validation data has been provided.

(D) The name of the testing facility or facilities, as applicable.

(iii) A detailed device description including the following:

(A) A description of the test in terms of genomic coverage, as follows:

(1) Tabulated summary of all mutations reported, grouped according to gene and target region within each gene, along with the specific cDNA and amino acid positions for each mutation.

(2) A description of any within-gene targeted regions that cannot be reported and the data behind such conclusion.

(B) Specifications for specimen requirements including any specimen collection devices and preservatives, specimen volume, minimum tumor content, specimen handling, DNA extraction, and criteria for DNA quality and quantity metrics that are prerequisite to performing the assay.

(C) A detailed description of all test components, reagents, instrumentation, and software required. Detailed documentation of the device software including but not limited to, software applications and hardware-based devices that incorporate software.

(D) A detailed description of the methodology and protocols for each step of the test, including description of the quality metrics, thresholds, and filters at each step of the test that are implemented for final result reporting and a description of the metrics for run-failures, specimen-failures, invalids, as applicable.

(E) A list of links provided by the device to the user or accessed by the device for internal or external information (e.g., decision rules or databases) supporting clinical significance of test results for the panel or its elements in accordance with paragraphs (b)(1)(v) and (b)(2)(vi) of this section.

(F) A description of internal and external controls that are recommended or provided and control procedures. The description must identify those control elements that are incorporated into the testing procedure.

(iv) Information demonstrating analytical validity of the device according to analytical performance characteristics, evaluated either specifically for each gene/mutation or, when clinically and practically justified, using a representative approach based on other mutations of the same type, including:

(A) Data that adequately supports the intended specimen type (e.g., formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor tissue), specimen handling protocol, and nucleic acid purification for specific tumor types or for a pan-tumor claim.

(B) A summary of the empirical evidence obtained to demonstrate how the analytical quality metrics and thresholds were optimized.

(C) Device precision data using clinical samples to adequately evaluate intra-run, inter-run, and total variability. The samples must cover all mutation types tested (both positive and negative samples) and include samples near the limit of detection of the device. Precision must be assessed by agreement within replicates on the assay final result for each representative mutation, as applicable, and also supported by sequencing quality metrics for targeted regions across the panel.

(D) Description of the protocols and/or data adequately demonstrating the interchangeability of reagent lots and multiplexing barcodes.

(E) A description of the nucleic acid assay input concentration range and the evidence to adequately support the range.

(F) A description of the data adequately supporting the limit of detection of the device.

(G) A description of the data to adequately support device accuracy using clinical specimens representing the intended specimen type and range of tumor types, as applicable.

(1) Clinical specimens tested to support device accuracy must adequately represent the list of cancer mutations with evidence of clinical significance to be detected by the device.

(2) For mutations that are designated as cancer mutations with evidence of clinical significance and that are based on evidence established in the intended specimen type (e.g., tumor tissues) but for a different analyte type (e.g., protein, RNA) and/or a measurement (e.g., incorporating a score or copy number) and/or with an alternative technology (e.g., IHC, RT-qPCR, FISH), evidence of accuracy must include clinically adequate concordance between results for the mutation and the medically established biomarker test (e.g., evidence generated from an appropriately sized method comparison study using clinical specimens from the target population).

(3) For qualitative DNA mutations not described in paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(G)(2) of this section, accuracy studies must include both mutation-positive and wild-type results.

(H) Adequate device stability information.

(v) Information that adequately supports the clinical significance of the panel must include:

(A) Criteria established on what types and levels of evidence will clinically validate a mutation as a cancer mutation with evidence of clinical significance versus a cancer mutation with potential clinical significance.

(B) For representative mutations of those designated as cancer mutations with evidence of clinical significance, a description of the clinical evidence associated with such mutations, such as clinical evidence presented in professional guidelines, as appropriate, with method comparison performance data as described in paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(G) of this section.

(C) For all other mutations designated as cancer mutations with potential clinical significance, a description of the rationale for reporting.

(2) The 21 CFR 809.10 compliant labeling and any product information and test report generated, must include the following, as applicable:

(i) The intended use statement must specify the following:

(A) The test is indicated for previously diagnosed cancer patients.

(B) The intended specimen type(s) and matrix (e.g., formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor tissue).

(C) The mutation types (e.g., single nucleotide variant, insertion, deletion, copy number variation or gene rearrangement) for which validation data has been provided.

(D) The name of the testing facility or facilities, as applicable.

(ii) A description of the device and summary of the results of the performance studies performed in accordance with paragraphs (b)(1)(iii), (b)(1)(iv), and (b)(1)(v) of this section.

(iii) A description of applicable test limitations, including, for device specific mutations validated with method comparison data to a medically established test in the same intended specimen type, appropriate description of the level of evidence and/or the differences between next generation sequencing results and results from the medically established test (e.g., as described in professional guidelines).

(iv) A listing of all somatic mutations that are intended to be detected by the device and that are reported in the test results under the following two categories or equivalent designations, as appropriate: “cancer mutations panel with evidence of clinical significance” or “cancer mutations panel with potential clinical significance.”

(v) For mutations reported under the category of “cancer mutations panel with potential clinical significance,” a limiting statement that states “For the mutations listed in [cancer mutations panel with potential clinical significance or equivalent designation], the clinical significance has not been demonstrated [with adequate clinical evidence (e.g., by professional guidelines) in accordance with paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section] or with this test.”

(vi) For mutations under the category of “cancer mutations panel with evidence of clinical significance,” or equivalent designation, link(s) for physicians to access internal or external information concerning decision rules or conclusions about the level of evidence for clinical significance that is associated with the marker in accordance with paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section.

[83 FR 28995, June 22, 2018]
authority: 21 U.S.C. 351,360,360c,360e,360j,360
source: 47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 21 CFR 866.6020