Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 21 - Food and Drugs last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 10.200 - Scope.

This guideline describes FDA's policy and procedures applicable to electronic media coverage of agency public administrative proceedings. It is a guideline intended to clarify and explain FDA's policy on the presence and operation of electronic recording equipment at such proceedings and to assure uniform and consistent application of practices and procedures throughout the agency.

§ 10.203 - Definitions.

(a) Public administrative proceeding as used in this guideline means any FDA proceeding which the public has a right to attend. This includes a formal evidentiary public hearing as set forth in part 12, a public hearing before a Public Board of Inquiry as set forth in part 13, a public hearing before a Public Advisory Committee as set forth in part 14, a public hearing before the Commissioner as set forth in part 15, a regulatory hearing before FDA as set forth in part 16, consumer exchange meetings, and Commissioner's public meetings with health professionals.

(b) Advance notice as used in this guideline means written or telephone notification to FDA's Office of Public Affairs (Press Relations Staff) of intent to electronically record an agency public administrative proceeding.

(c) Electronic recording as used in this guideline means any visual or audio recording made by videotape recording equipment or moving film camera, and/or other electronic recording equipment.

[49 FR 14726, Apr. 13, 1984, as amended at 54 FR 9035, Mar. 3, 1989]
§ 10.204 - General.

(a) FDA has for many years willingly committed itself to a policy of openness. In many instances FDA has sought to make the open portions of agency public administrative proceedings more accessible to public participation. Similarly, FDA has sought, wherever possible, to allow full written media access to its proceedings, so that members of the press would have the opportunity to provide first-hand reports. However, because electronic media coverage presents certain difficulties that are easier to resolve with advance notice to the agency and all participants, FDA believes that codification of its policy will facilitate and further increase media access to its public administrative proceedings. The agency intends to refer to this guideline when notices of hearing, or individual advisory committee meetings, are published in the Federal Register. Thus, all parties to a proceeding will be on notice that the proceeding may be recorded electronically and any person interested in videotaping or otherwise recording the proceeding will be notified that there are established procedures to be followed.

(b) The designated presiding officer of a public administrative proceeding retains the existing discretionary authority set forth in specific regulations pertaining to each type of administrative proceeding to regulate the conduct of the proceeding over which he or she presides. The responsibilities of the presiding officer, established elsewhere in parts 10 through 16, include an obligation to be concerned with the timely conduct of a hearing, the limited availability of certain witnesses, and reducing disruptions to the proceeding which may occur. Each proceeding varies, and the presiding officer cannot anticipate all that might occur. Discretionary authority to regulate conduct at a proceeding has traditionally been granted to presiding officers to enable them to fulfill their responsibility to maintain a fair and orderly hearing conducted in an expeditious manner.

(c) This guideline provides the presiding officer with a degree of flexibility in that it sets forth the agency's policy as well as the procedures that presiding officers should ordinarily follow, but from which they may depart in particular situations if necessary, subject to the presumption of openness of public proceedings to electronic media coverage. The presiding officer's discretion to establish additional procedures or to limit electronic coverage is to be exercised only in the unusual circumstances defined in this guideline. Even though a presiding officer may establish additional procedures or limits as may be required in a particular situation, he or she will be guided by the policy expressed in this guideline in establishing these conditions. The presiding officer may also be less restrictive, taking into account such factors as the duration of a hearing and the design of the room.

(d) If a portion or all of a proceeding is closed to the public because material is to be discussed that is not disclosable to the public under applicable laws, the proceeding also will be closed to electronic media coverage.

(e) The agency requests advance notice of intent to record a proceeding electronically to facilitate the orderly conduct of the proceeding. Knowledge of anticipated media coverage will allow the presiding officer to make any special arrangements required by the circumstances of the proceeding. The agency believes that this guideline establishes sufficiently specific criteria to promote uniformity.

(f) The agency would like to allow all interested media representatives to videotape a proceeding in which they have an interest. However, should space limitations preclude a multitude of cameras, the presiding officer may require pool sharing. In such a case, pool sharing arrangements of the resulting videotape should be made between those allowed to film and those who were excluded. Arrangements for who is designated to present the pool and a method of distributing the resulting film or tape may be determined by the established networks' pooling system. However, the agency has a strong commitment to ensuring that media representatives other than the major networks also be able to obtain a copy of the tape at cost. FDA is concerned that if the network pool representative wishes to record only a short portion of a proceeding, but an excluded party wishes to record the entire proceeding, confusion will result. The agency expects the interested media representatives to negotiate a suitable agreement among themselves before commencement of the proceeding. For example, the network pool representatives might agree to record a portion of the proceeding up to a break in the proceeding, at which time, while the network representative is disassembling equipment, another media representative might set up to continue recording. If an agreement cannot be reached before the proceeding, the agency will use the time of receipt of any advance notice to determine the representation for each category of media, e.g., one network reporter, one independent reporter. The agency recommends that parties intending to videotape provide as much advance notice as possible, so that the agency may best respond to the needs of the electronic media.

(g) To ensure the timely conduct of agency hearings and to prevent disruptions, equipment is to be stationary during a proceeding and should be set up and taken down when the proceeding is not in progress. As noted previously, the presiding officer may, at his or her discretion, be less restrictive if appropriate.

(h) The agency recognizes that electronic media representatives may desire only short footage of a proceeding, a facsimile of the proceeding, and/or interview opportunities and may be unnecessarily restricted by requirements for setting up before a proceeding and then waiting until a break in the proceeding before being permitted to take down their equipment. To accommodate this possibility, FDA's Press Relations Staff will attempt to make arrangements to respond to such needs by, for example, requesting that the presiding officer provide a break shortly after commencement of the proceeding to permit take down of equipment.

(i) The agency is making a full commitment to allowing, whenever possible, electronic coverage of its public administrative proceedings subject to the limited restrictions established in this guideline.

§ 10.205 - Electronic media coverage of public administrative proceedings.

(a) A person may record electronically any open public administrative proceeding, subject to the procedures specified in this guideline. The procedures include a presumption that agency public proceedings are open to the electronic media. Whenever possible, FDA will permit all interested persons access to record agency public administrative proceedings. Restrictions other than those listed in § 10.206 will be imposed only under exceptional circumstances.

(b) A videotape recording of an FDA public administrative proceeding is not an official record of the proceeding. The only official record is the written transcript of the proceeding, which is taken by the official reporter.

§ 10.206 - Procedures for electronic media coverage of agency public administrative proceedings.

(a) To facilitate the agency's response to media needs, a person intending to videotape an FDA public administrative proceeding should, whenever possible, provide advance notice to the Press Relations Staff (HFI-20), Office of Public Affairs, Food and Drug Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, in writing or by telephone (telephone 301-443-4177), at least 48 hours in advance of the proceeding. The Press Relations Staff will inform the presiding officer that the proceeding will be attended by representatives of the electronic media, and ascertain whether any special provisions in addition to those set forth in this subpart are required by the presiding officer. If so, the Press Relations Staff will function as a liaison between the presiding officer and the person intending to record the proceeding in facilitating any procedures in addition to those outlined in this subpart. The presiding officer will not deny access for failure to provide a 48-hour advance notice. Any advance notice may describe the intended length of recording if known, the amount and type of equipment to be used, and any special needs such as interviews.

(b) Cameras should be completely set up before a proceeding is scheduled to begin or during a break in the proceeding and should remain standing in the area designated for electronic media equipment. Cameras may be taken down only during breaks or after the hearing is over. Roving cameras will not be permitted during the proceeding. Any artificial lighting should be unobtrusive. Microphones, like cameras, should be in place before the start of a proceeding and may be taken down as indicated in this paragraph.

(c) When space in the hearing room is limited, the presiding officer may restrict the number of cameras or the equipment present. Should such a restriction become necessary, the pool arrangements are the responsibility of the participating media. The agency encourages the network pool to make copies of the tape, film, or other product available at cost to nonpool participants. However, if this is not possible, the agency may need to use the time of receipt of any advance notice to determine the representation for each category, e.g., one network reporter, one independent reporter, etc.

(d) Off the record portions of a proceeding may not be videotaped.

(e) Before or during the proceeding, the presiding officer may establish other conditions specific to the proceeding for which the request is being made. These conditions may be more or less restrictive than those stated in this guideline, except that the presiding officer shall observe the agency's presumption of openness of its public proceedings to the electronic media. Only a substantial and clear threat to the agency's interests in order, fairness, and timeliness authorizes the presiding officer to impose additional restrictions. This threat must outweigh the public interest in electronic media coverage of agency proceedings. Additional restrictions shall be narrowly drawn to the particular circumstances. The following factors are listed to assist presiding officers in determining whether the agency's interest is sufficiently compelling to call for the unusual step of imposing additional restrictions. Generally this step is justified when one of the following factors is met:

(1) Electronic recording would result in a substantial likelihood of disruption that clearly cannot be contained by the procedures established in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section.

(2) Electronic recording would result in a substantial likelihood of prejudicial impact on the fairness of the proceeding or the substantive discussion in a proceeding.

(3) There is a substantial likelihood that a witness' ability to testify may be impaired due to unique personal circumstances such as the age or psychological state of the witness or the particularly personal or private nature of the witness' testimony, if the witness' testimony were electronically recorded.

(f) Before the proceeding, the Press Relations Staff will, upon request, provide written copies of any additional conditions imposed by the presiding officer (as described in paragraph (e) of this section) to requesting members of the media. Any appeals should be made in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section.

(g) The presiding officer retains authority to restrict or discontinue videotaping or other recording of a proceeding, or parts of a proceeding, should such a decision become necessary. The presiding officer's responsibility to conduct the hearing includes the right and duty to remove a source of substantial disruption. In exercising his or her authority, the presiding officer shall observe the presumption that agency public proceedings are open to the electronic media. The presiding officer shall exercise his or her discretion to restrict or discontinue electronic coverage of a public proceeding, or portions of a public proceeding, only if he or she determines that the agency's interest in the fair and orderly administrative process is substantially threatened. A clear and substantial threat to the integrity of agency proceedings must clearly outweigh the public interest in electronic media coverage of the proceedings before additional restrictions are imposed on the electronic media during the course of the proceedings. The factors noted in paragraph (e) of this section indicate the kind of substantial threat to the agency interests that may require imposing additional restrictions during the course of the proceedings. If additional requirements are established during the hearing, the presiding officer shall notify immediately the Deputy Commissioner of Food and Drugs of that fact by telephone and submit a written explanation of the circumstances that necessitated such an action within 24 hours or sooner if requested by the Deputy Commissioner. In the absence or unavailability of the Deputy Commissioner, the presiding officer shall notify the Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs.

(h) A decision by a presiding officer, made either before the proceeding or during the course of a proceeding, to establish requirements in addition to the minimum standards set forth in this guideline may be appealed by any adversely affected person who intends to record the proceeding electronically. Appeals may be made in writing or by phone to the Deputy Commissioner or, in his or her absence, to the Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs. The filing of an appeal, whether before or during a proceeding, does not require the presiding officer to interrupt the proceeding. However, the Deputy Commissioner or, in his or her absence, the Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs will resolve an appeal as expeditiously as possible so as to preserve, to the extent possible, the reporters' opportunity to record the proceedings.

[49 FR 14726, Apr. 13, 1984, as amended at 54 FR 9035, Mar. 3, 1989]
source: 44 FR 22323, Apr. 13, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 21 CFR 10.204