Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 21 - Food and Drugs last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 12.20 - Initiation of a hearing involving the issuance, amendment, or revocation of a regulation.

(a) A proceeding under section 409(f), 502(n), 512(n)(5), 701(e), or 721(d) of the act or section 4 or 5 of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act may be initiated—

(1) By the Commissioner on the Commissioner's own initiative, e.g., as provided in § 170.15 for food additives; or

(2) By a petition—

(i) In the form specified elsewhere in this chapter, e.g., the form for a color additive petition in § 71.1; or

(ii) If no form is specified, by a petition under § 10.30.

(b) If the Commissioner receives a petition under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the Commissioner will—

(1) If it involves any matter subject to section 701(e) of the act or section 4 or 5 of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, and meets the requirements for filing, follow the provisions of § 10.40 (b) through (f);

(2) If it involves a color additive or food additive, and meets the requirements for filing in §§ 71.1 and 71.2, or in §§ 171.1, 171.6, 171.7, and 171.100, publish a notice of filing of the petition within 30 days after the petition is filed instead of a notice of proposed rulemaking.

(c) [Reserved]

(d) The notice promulgating the regulation will describe how to submit objections and requests for hearing.

(e) On or before the 30th day after the date of publication of a final regulation, or of a notice withdrawing a proposal initiated by a petition under § 10.25(a), a person may submit to the Commissioner written objections and a request for a hearing. The 30-day period may not be extended except that additional information supporting an objection may be received after 30 days upon a showing of inadvertent omission and hardship, and if review of the objection and request for hearing will not thereby be impeded. If, after a final color additive regulation is published, a petition or proposal relating to the regulation is referred to an advisory committee in accordance with section 721(b)(5)(C) of the act, objections and requests for a hearing may be submitted on or before the 30th day after the date on which the order confirming or modifying the Commissioner's previous order is published.

[44 FR 22339, Apr. 13, 1979, as amended at 64 FR 399, Jan. 5, 1999]
§ 12.21 - Initiation of a hearing involving the issuance, amendment, or revocation of an order.

(a) A proceeding under section 505 (d) or (e), 512 (d), (e), (m) (3) or (4), of section 515(g)(1) of the act, or section 351(a) of the Public Health Service Act, may be initiated—

(1) By the Commissioner on the Commissioner's own initiative;

(2) By a petition in the form specified elsewhere in this chapter, e.g., § 314.50 for new drug applications, § 514.1 for new animal drug applications, or § 601.3 for licenses for biologic products; or

(3) By a petition under § 10.30.

(b) A notice of opportunity for hearing on a proposal to deny or revoke approval of all or part of an order will be published together with an explanation of the grounds for the proposed action. The notice will describe how to submit requests for hearing. A person subject to the notice has 30 days after its issuance to request a hearing. The 30-day period may not be extended.

(c) The Commissioner may use an optional procedure specified in § 10.30(h) to consider issuing, amending, or revoking an order.

(d) In a proceeding under sections 505(e), 512(e) or (m), or 515(e) of the act in which a party wishes to apply for reimbursement of certain expenses under the Equal Access to Justice Act (5 U.S.C. 504 and 504 note), FDA will follow the Department of Health and Human Services' regulations in 45 CFR part 13.

[44 FR 22339, Apr. 13, 1979, as amended at 47 FR 25734, June 15, 1982; 54 FR 9035, Mar. 3, 1989; 85 FR 72906, Nov. 16, 2020]
§ 12.22 - Filing objections and requests for a hearing on a regulation or order.

(a) Objections and requests for a hearing under § 12.20(d) must be submitted to the Dockets Management Staff and will be accepted for filing if they meet the following conditions:

(1) They are submitted within the time specified in § 12.20(e).

(2) Each objection is separately numbered.

(3) Each objection specifies with particularity the provision of the regulation or proposed order objected to.

(4) Each objection on which a hearing is requested specifically so states. Failure to request a hearing on an objection constitutes a waiver of the right to a hearing on that objection.

(5) Each objection for which a hearing is requested includes a detailed description and analysis of the factual information to be presented in support of the objection. Failure to include a description and analysis for an objection constitutes a waiver of the right to a hearing on that objection. The description and analysis may be used only for the purpose of determining whether a hearing has been justified under § 12.24, and do not limit the evidence that may be presented if a hearing is granted.

(i) A copy of any report, article, survey, or other written document relied upon must be submitted, except if the document is—

(a) An FDA document that is routinely publicly available; or

(b) A recognized medical or scientific textbook that is readily available to the agency.

(ii) A summary of the nondocumentary testimony to be presented by any witnesses relied upon must be submitted.

(b) Requests for hearing submitted under § 12.21 will be submitted to the Dockets Management Staff and will be accepted for filing if they meet the following conditions:

(1) They are submitted on or before the 30th day after the date of publication of the notice of opportunity for hearing.

(2) They comply with §§ 314.200, 514.200, or 601.7(a).

(c) If an objection or request for a public hearing fails to meet the requirements of this section and the deficiency becomes known to the Dockets Management Staff, the Dockets Management Staff shall return it with a copy of the applicable regulations, indicating those provisions not complied with. A deficient objection or request for a hearing may be supplemented and subsequently filed if submitted within the 30-day time period specified in § 12.20(e) or § 12.21(b).

(d) If another person objects to a regulation issued in response to a petition submitted under § 12.20(a)(2), the petitioner may submit a written reply to the Dockets Management Staff.

[44 FR 22339, Apr. 13, 1979, as amended at 54 FR 9035, Mar. 3, 1989; 64 FR 69190, Dec. 10, 1999]
§ 12.23 - Notice of filing of objections.

As soon as practicable after the expiration of the time for filing objections to and requests for hearing on agency action involving the issuance, amendment, or revocation of a regulation under sections 502(n), 701(e), or 721(d) of the act or sections 4 or 5 of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, the Commissioner shall publish a notice in the Federal Register specifying those parts of the regulation that have been stayed by the filing of proper objections and, if no objections have been filed, stating that fact. The notice does not constitute a determination that a hearing is justified on any objections or requests for hearing that have been filed. When to do so will cause no undue delay, the notice required by this section may be combined with the notices described in §§ 12.28 and 12.35.

§ 12.24 - Ruling on objections and requests for hearing.

(a) As soon as possible the Commissioner will review all objections and requests for hearing filed under § 12.22 and determine—

(1) Whether the regulation should be modified or revoked under § 12.26;

(2) Whether a hearing has been justified; and

(3) Whether, if requested, a hearing before a Public Board of Inquiry under part 13 or before a public advisory committee under part 14 or before the Commissioner under part 15 has been justified.

(b) A request for a hearing will be granted if the material submitted shows the following:

(1) There is a genuine and substantial issue of fact for resolution at a hearing. A hearing will not be granted on issues of policy or law.

(2) The factual issue can be resolved by available and specifically identified reliable evidence. A hearing will not be granted on the basis of mere allegations or denials or general descriptions of positions and contentions.

(3) The data and information submitted, if established at a hearing, would be adequate to justify resolution of the factual issue in the way sought by the person. A hearing will be denied if the Commissioner concludes that the data and information submitted are insufficient to justify the factual determination urged, even if accurate.

(4) Resolution of the factual issue in the way sought by the person is adequate to justify the action requested. A hearing will not be granted on factual issues that are not determinative with respect to the action requested, e.g., if the Commissioner concludes that the action would be the same even if the factual issue were resolved in the way sought, or if a request is made that a final regulation include a provision not reasonably encompassed by the proposal. A hearing will be granted upon proper objection and request when a food standard or other regulation is shown to have the effect of excluding or otherwise affecting a product or ingredient.

(5) The action requested is not inconsistent with any provision in the act or any regulation in this chapter particularizing statutory standards. The proper procedure in those circumstances is for the person requesting the hearing to petition for an amendment or waiver of the regulation involved.

(6) The requirements in other applicable regulations, e.g., §§ 10.20, 12.21, 12.22, 314.200, 514.200, and 601.7(a), and in the notice promulgating the final regulation or the notice of opportunity for hearing are met.

(c) In making the determination in paragraph (a) of this section, the Commissioner may use any of the optional procedures specified in § 10.30(h) or in other applicable regulations, e.g., §§ 314.200, 514.200, and 601.7(a).

(d) If it is uncertain whether a hearing has been justified under the principles in paragraph (b) of this section, and the Commissioner concludes that summary decision against the person requesting a hearing should be considered, the Commissioner may serve upon the person by registered mail a proposed order denying a hearing. The person has 30 days after receipt of the proposed order to demonstrate that the submission justifies a hearing.

[44 FR 22339, Apr. 13, 1979, as amended at 54 FR 9035, Mar. 3, 1989; 64 FR 399, Jan. 5, 1999]
§ 12.26 - Modification or revocation of regulation or order.

If the Commissioner determines upon review of an objection or request for hearing that the regulation or order should be modified or revoked, the Commissioner will promptly take such action by notice in the Federal Register. Further objections to or requests for hearing on the modification or revocation may be submitted under §§ 12.20 through 12.22 but no further issue may be taken with other provisions in the regulation or order. Objections and requests for hearing that are not affected by the modification or revocation will remain on file and be acted upon in due course.

§ 12.28 - Denial of hearing in whole or in part.

If the Commissioner determines upon review of the objections or requests for hearing that a hearing is not justified, in whole or in part, a notice of the determination will be published.

(a) The notice will state whether the hearing is denied in whole or in part. If the hearing is denied in part, the notice will be combined with the notice of hearing required by § 12.35, and will specify the objections and requests for hearing that have been granted and denied.

(1) Any denial will be explained. A denial based on an analysis of the information submitted to justify a hearing will explain the inadequacy of the information.

(2) The notice will confirm or modify or stay the effective date of the regulation or order involved.

(b) The record of the administrative proceeding relating to denial of a public hearing in whole or in part on an objection or request for hearing consists of the following:

(1) If the proceeding involves a regulation—

(i) The documents specified in § 10.40(g);

(ii) The objections and requests for hearing filed by the Dockets Management Staff;

(iii) If the proceeding involves a color additive regulation referred to an advisory committee in accordance with section 721(b)(5)(C) of the act, the committee's report and the record of the committee's proceeding; and

(iv) The notice denying a formal evidentiary public hearing.

(2) If the proceeding involves an order—

(i) The notice of opportunity for hearing;

(ii) The requests for hearing filed by the Dockets Management Staff;

(iii) The transcripts, minutes of meetings, reports, Federal Register notices, and other documents constituting the record of any of the optional procedures specified in § 12.24(c) used by the Commissioner, but not the transcript of a closed portion of a public advisory committee meeting; and

(iv) The notice denying the hearing.

(c) The record specified in paragraph (b) of this section is the exclusive record for the Commissioner's decision on the complete or partial denial of a hearing. The record of the proceeding will be closed as of the date of the Commissioner's decision unless another date is specified. A person who requested and was denied a hearing may submit a petition for reconsideration under § 10.33 or a petition for stay of action under § 10.35. A person who wishes to rely upon information or views not included in the administrative record shall submit them to the Commissioner with a petition under § 10.25(a) to modify the final regulation or order.

(d) Denial of a request for a hearing in whole or in part is final agency action reviewable in the courts, under the statutory provisions governing the matter involved, as of the date of publication of the denial in the Federal Register.

(1) Before requesting a court for a stay of action pending review, a person shall first submit a petition for a stay of action under § 10.35.

(2) Under 28 U.S.C. 2112(a), FDA will request consolidation of all petitions on a particular matter.

(3) The time for filing a petition for judicial review of a denial of a hearing on an objection or issue begins on the date the denial is published in the Federal Register, (i) When an objection or issues relates to a regulation, if a hearing is denied on all objections and issues concerning a part of the proposal the effectiveness of which has not been deferred pending a hearing on other parts of the proposal; or (ii) when an issue relates to an order, if a hearing is denied on all issues relating to a particular new drug application, new animal drug application, device premarket approval application or product development protocol, or biologics license. The failure to file a petition for judicial review within the period established in the statutory provision governing the matter involved constitutes a waiver of the right to judicial review of the objection or issue, regardless whether a hearing has been granted on other objections and issues.

§ 12.30 - Judicial review after waiver of hearing on a regulation.

(a) A person with a right to submit objections and a request for hearing under § 12.20(d) may submit objections and waive the right to a hearing. The waiver may be either an explicit statement, or a failure to request a hearing, as provided in 12.22(a)(4).

(b) If a person waives the right to a hearing, the Commissioner will rule upon the person's objections under §§ 12.24 through 12.28. As a matter of discretion, the Commissioner may also order a hearing on the matter under any of the provisions of this part.

(c) If the Commissioner rules adversely on a person's objection, the person may petition for judicial review in a U.S. Court of Appeals under the act.

(1) The record for judicial review is the record designated in § 12.28(b)(1).

(2) The time for filing a petition for judicial review begins as of the date of publication of the Commissioner's ruling on the objections.

§ 12.32 - Request for alternative form of hearing.

(a) A person with a right to request a hearing may waive that right and request one of the following alternatives:

(1) A hearing before a Public Board of Inquiry under part 13.

(2) A hearing before a public advisory committee under part 14.

(3) A hearing before the Commissioner under part 15.

(b) The request—

(1) May be on the person's own initiative or at the suggestion of the Commissioner.

(2) Must be submitted in the form of a citizen petition under § 10.30 before publication of a notice of hearing under § 12.35 or a denial of hearing under § 12.28; and

(3) Must be—

(i) In lieu of a request for a hearing under this part; or

(ii) If submitted after or with a request for hearing, in the form of a waiver of the right to request a hearing conditioned on an alternative form of hearing. Upon acceptance by the Commissioner, the waiver becomes binding and may be withdrawn only by waiving any right to any form of hearing unless the Commissioner determines otherwise.

(c) When more than one person requests and justifies a hearing under this part, an alternative form of hearing may by used only if all the persons concur and waive their right to request a hearing under this part.

(d) The Commissioner will determine whether an alternative form of hearing should be used, and if so, which alternative is acceptable, after considering the requests submitted and the appropriateness of the alternatives for the issues raised in the objections. The Commissioner's acceptance is binding unless, for good cause, the Commissioner determines otherwise.

(e) The Commissioner will publish a notice of an alternative form of hearing setting forth the following information:

(1) The regulation or order that is the subject of the hearing.

(2) A statement specifying any part of the regulation or order that has been stayed by operation of law or in the Commissioner's discretion.

(3) The time, date, and place of the hearing, or a statment that such information will be contained in a later notice.

(4) The parties to the hearing.

(5) The issues at the hearing. The statement of issues determines the scope of the hearing.

(6) If the hearing will be conducted by a Public Board of Inquiry, the time within which—

(i) The parties should submit nominees for the Board under § 13.10(b);

(ii) A notice of participation under § 12.45 should be filed; and

(iii) Participants should submit written information under § 13.25. The notice will list the contents of the portions of the administrative record relevant to the issues at the hearing before the Board. The portions listed will be placed on public display in the office of the Dockets Management Staff before the notice is published. Additional copies of material already submitted under § 13.25 need not be included with any later submissions.

(f)(1) The decision of a hearing before a Public Board of Inquiry or a public advisory committee under this section has legal status of and will be handled as an initial decision under § 12.120.

(2) The decision of a public hearing before the Commissioner under this section will be issued as a final order. The final order will have the same content as an initial decision, as specified in § 12.120 (b) and (c).

(3) Thereafter, the participants in the proceeding may pursue the administrative and court remedies specified in §§ 12.120 through 12.159.

(g) If a hearing before a public advisory committee or a hearing before the Commissioner is used as an alternative form of hearing, all submissions will be made to the Dockets Management Staff, and § 10.20(j) governs their availability for public examination and copying.

(h) This section does not affect the right to an opportunity for a hearing before a public advisory committee under section 515(g)(2) of the act regarding device premarket approval applications and product development protocols. Advisory committee hearing procedures are found in part 14.

§ 12.35 - Notice of hearing; stay of action.

(a) If the Commissioner determines upon review of the objections and requests for hearing that a hearing is justified on any issue, the Commissioner will publish a notice setting forth the following:

(1) The regulation or order that is the subject of the hearing.

(2) A statement specifying any part of the regulation or order that has been stayed by operation of law or in the Commissioner's discretion.

(3) The parties to the hearing.

(4) The issues of fact on which a hearing has been justified.

(5) A statement of any objections or requests for hearing for which a hearing has not been justified, which are subject to § 12.28.

(6) The presiding officer, or a statement that the presiding officer will be designated in a later notice.

(7) The time within which notices of participation should be filed under § 12.45.

(8) The date, time, and place of the prehearing conference, or a statement that the date, time, and place will be announced in a later notice. The pre-hearing conference may not commence until after the time expires for filing the notice of participation required by § 12.45(a).

(9) The time within which participants should submit written information and views under § 12.85. The notice will list the contents of the portions of the administrative record relevant to the issues at the hearing. The portions listed will be placed on public display in the office of the Dockets Management Staff before the notice is published. Additional copies of material already submitted under § 12.85 need not be included with any later submissions.

(b) The statement of the issues determines the scope of the hearing and the matters on which evidence may be introduced. The issues may be revised by the presiding officer. A participant may obtain interlocutory review by the Commissioner of a decision by the presiding officer to revise the issues to include an issue on which the Commissioner has not granted a hearing or to eliminate an issue on which a hearing has been granted.

(c) A hearing is deemed to begin on the date of publication of the notice of hearing.

[44 FR 22339, Apr. 13, 1979, as amended at 47 FR 26375, June 18, 1982]
§ 12.37 - Effective date of a regulation.

(a) If no objections are filed and no hearing is requested on a regulation under § 12.20(e), the regulation is effective on the date specified in the regulation as promulgated.

(b) The Commissioner shall publish a confirmation of the effective date of the regulation. The Federal Register document confirming the effective date of the regulation may extend the time for compliance with the regulation.

§ 12.38 - Effective date of an order.

(a) If a person who is subject to a notice of opportunity for hearing under § 12.21(b) does not request a hearing, the Commissioner will—

(1) Publish a final order denying or withdrawing approval of an NDA, NADA, device premarket approval application, or biologics license, in whole or in part, or revoking a device product development protocol or notice of completion, or declaring that such a protocol has not been completed, and stating the effective date of the order; and

(2) If the order involves withdrawal of approval of an NADA, forthwith revoke, in whole or in part, the applicable regulation, under section 512(i) of the act.

(b) If a person who is subject to a notice of opportunity for hearing under § 12.21(b) requests a hearing and others do not, the Commissioner may issue a final order covering all the drug or device products at once or may issue more than one final order covering different drug or device products at different times.

source: 44 FR 22339, Apr. 13, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 21 CFR 12.28