Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 21 - Food and Drugs last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 80.21 - Request for certification.

A request for certification of a batch of color additive shall:

(a) Be addressed to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs.

(b) Be prepared in the manner set forth in paragraph (j) of this section.

(c) Be submitted in duplicate.

(d) Be signed by a responsible officer of the person requesting certification of the batch. In the case of a foreign manufacturer, the request for certification must be signed by a responsible officer of such firm, and, by his agent who resides in the United States.

(e) Show the name and post office address of the actual manufacturer in case such manufacturer is not the person requesting certification of the batch.

(f) Be accompanied by the fee prescribed in § 80.10 unless the person has established with the Food and Drug Administration an advanced deposit to be used for prepayment of such fees. In no case shall the Commissioner consider a request for certification of a batch of color additive if the fee accompanying such request is less than that required by § 80.10 or if such fee exceeds the amount held in the advance deposit account of the manufacturer submitting such request for certification.

(g) Be accompanied by the sample prescribed in § 80.22 consisting of:

(1) Four ounces in the case of straight colors and lakes.

(2) Two ounces in the case of repacks and mixtures.

A sample accompanying a request for certification must be submitted under separate cover and should be addressed to the Color Certification Branch.

(h) The name of a color additive shall be given in the following manner:

(1) The name of a straight color shall be the name of the color as listed in parts 74 and 81 of this chapter.

(2) The name of a lake shall be the name derived in the manner described in part 82 of this chapter.

(3) The name of a mixture shall be the name given to such mixture by the person requesting certification.

(4) The name of a repack shall be the name described in paragraph (h)(1), (2), or (3) of this section, whichever is applicable.

(i) The information and samples enumerated in paragraphs (a) to (h), inclusive, of this section are the minimum required. Additional information and samples shall be submitted at the request of the Food and Drug Administration when such additional information and samples are necessary to determine compliance with the requirements of § 80.31 for the issuance of a certificate.

(j) The form for submission of the application shall be one of the following, depending upon whether the color additive is a straight color, a lake, a repack of a previously certified color additive, or a color additive mixture.

(1) Request for certification of a batch of straight color additive.

Date ________ Office of Cosmetics and Colors (HFS-100), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, 5001 Campus Dr., College Park, MD 20740

In accordance with the regulations promulgated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, we hereby make application for the certification of a batch of straight color additive.

Name of color (As listed in 21 CFR part 74) Batch number (Manufacturer's number) Batch weighs ____ pounds Batch manufactured by ____________ at __________________ (Name and address of actual manufacturer) How stored pending certification (State conditions of storage, with kind and size of containers, location, etc.) Certification requested of this color for use in (State proposed uses) Required fee, $____ (drawn to the order of Food and Drug Administration).

The accompanying sample was taken after the batch was mixed in accordance with 21 CFR 80.22 and is accurately representative thereof.

(Signed) ____________________ By ____________________ ____________________ (Title)

(2) Request for certification of a batch of color additive lake.

Date ________ Office of Cosmetics and Colors (HFS-100), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, 5001 Campus Dr., College Park, MD 20740

In accordance with the regulations promulgated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, we hereby make application for the certification of a batch of color additive lake.

Name of color Batch number (Manufacturer's number) Batch weighs ____ pounds Name of color used Quantity ____ pounds Lot number (When certification of the lake for use in foods is requested) Precipitant used Substratum used Quantity ____ pounds Batch manufactured by __________ at ______________ (Name and address of actual manufacturer) How stored pending certification (State conditions of storage, with kind and size of containers, location, etc.) Certification requested of this color for use in (State proposed uses) Required fee, $____ (drawn to the order of Food and Drug Administration).

The accompanying sample was taken after the batch was mixed in accordance with 21 CFR 80.22 and is accurately representative thereof.

(Signed) ____________________ By ____________________ ____________________ (Title)

(3) Request for certification of a repack of a batch of certified color additive.

Date __________ Office of Cosmetics and Colors (HFS-100), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, 5001 Campus Dr., College Park, MD 20740

In accordance with the regulations promulgated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, we hereby make application for the certification of a batch of color additive repack.

Name of color (As listed in regulations and as certified; or repacker's name, if a mixture) Original lot number Certified color content This color obtained from Batch number Batch weighs ____ pounds How stored pending certification (State conditions of storage, with kind and size of containers, location, etc.) Certification requested for use in (State proposed uses) Required fee, $____ (drawn to the order of Food and Drug Administration).

The accompanying sample was taken after the batch was mixed in accordance with 21 CFR 80.22 and is accurately representative thereof.

(Signed) __________________ By ____________________ ____________________ (Title)

(4) Request for certification of a batch of color additive mixture.

Date __________ Office of Cosmetics and Colors (HFS-100), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, 5001 Campus Dr., College Park, MD 20740

In accordance with the regulations promulgated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, we hereby make application for the certification of a batch of color additive mixture.

Name of mixture (Manufacturer's trade name) Batch number (Manufacturer's number) Weight of batch ____ pounds Volume of batch ____ (If liquid) gallons Batch manufactured by Constituents of the mixture: 1. Color(s). (List separately each color and each lot number.) Name of color as certified Lot number Quantity used (in pounds) Obtained from 2. List of diluents. (List separately each diluent.) Name of diluent Quantity used By volume By weight (if liquid) Batch mixed as follows (Describe in detail) How stored pending certification (State conditions of storage, with kind and size of containers, location, etc.) Certification requested for use in (State proposed uses) Required fee, $____ (drawn to the order of Food and Drug Administration).

The accompanying sample was taken after the batch was mixed in accordance with 21 CFR 80.22 and is accurately representative thereof.

(Signed) ____________________ By __________________ ____________________ (Title)
[42 FR 15662, Mar. 22, 1977; 44 FR 17658, Mar. 23, 1979; 44 FR 22053, Apr. 13, 1979, as amended at 54 FR 24890, June 12, 1989; 61 FR 14479, Apr. 2, 1996; 66 FR 56035, Nov. 6, 2001; 81 FR 49895, July 29, 2016]
§ 80.22 - Samples to accompany requests for certification.

A sample of a batch of color additive which is to accompany a request for certification shall:

(a) Be taken only after such batch has been so thoroughly mixed as to be of uniform composition throughout.

(b) Held under the control of the person requesting certification until certified.

(c) Be labeled to show:

(1) The name of the color additive.

(2) The manufacturer's batch number.

(3) The quantity of such batch.

(4) The name and post-office address of the person requesting certification of such batch.

(5) Be accompanied by any label or labeling intended to be used.

§ 80.31 - Certification.

(a) If the Commissioner determines, after such investigations as he considers to be necessary, that:

(1) A request submitted in accordance with § 80.21 appears to contain no untrue statement of a material fact;

(2) Such color additive conforms to the specifications and any other conditions set forth therefor in parts 81 and 82 of this chapter.

(3) The batch covered by such request otherwise appears to comply with the regulations in this chapter, the Commissioner shall issue to the person who submitted such request a certificate showing the lot number assigned to such batch and that such batch, subject to the terms, conditions, and restrictions prescribed by part 74, 81, and 82 of this chapter, is a certified batch.

(b) If the Commissioner determines, after such investigation as he considers to be necessary, that a request submitted in accordance with § 80.21, or the batch of color additive covered by such request, does not comply with the requirements prescribed by paragraph (a) of this section for the issuance of a certificate, the Commissioner shall refuse to certify such batch and shall give notice thereof to the person who submitted such request, stating his reasons for refusal. Any person who contests such refusal shall have an opportunity for a regulatory hearing before the Food and Drug Administration pursuant to part 16 of this chapter.

§ 80.32 - Limitations of certificates.

(a) If a certificate is obtained through fraud or misrepresentation of a material fact, such certificate shall not be effective, and a color additive from the batch on which such certificate was issued shall be considered to be from a batch that has not been certified in accordance with the regulations in this part. Whenever, the Commissioner learns that any certificate has been obtained through fraud or material misrepresentation, he shall notify the holder of the certificate that it is of no effect.

(b) If between the time a sample of color additive accompanying a request for certification is taken and the time a certificate covering the batch of such color additive is received by the person to whom it is issued, any such color additive becomes changed in composition, such certificates shall not be effective with respect to such changed color additive and such changed color additive shall be considered to be from a batch that has not been certified in accordance with the regulations in this part.

(c) If at any time after a certificate is received by the person to whom it is issued any color additive from the batch covered by such certificate becomes changed in composition, such certificate shall expire with respect to such changed color additive. After such expiration, such color additive shall be considered to be from a batch that has not been certified in accordance with this part; except that such color additive shall not be so considered when used for coloring a food, drug, or cosmetic, or for the purpose of certifying a batch of a mixture in which such color additive was used as an ingredient, or for use in preparing a batch of a mixture for which exemption from certification has been authorized, if such change resulted solely from such use.

(d) A certificate shall expire with respect to any color additive covered thereby if the package in which such color additive was closed for shipment or delivery is opened. After such expiration such color additive shall be considered to be from a batch that has not been certified, except that such color additive shall not be so considered when the package is opened;

(1) and such color additive is used, subject to the restrictions prescribed by paragraphs (f), (g), and (h) of this section, in coloring a food, drug, or cosmetic;

(2) for the purpose of certifying a batch made by repacking such color;

(3) for the purpose of certifying a batch of a mixture in which such color is used as an ingredient; or

(4) for the purpose of preparing a batch of a mixture for which exemption from certification has been authorized; or

(5) when the package is reopened solely for repackaging by the person to whom such certificate was issued.

(e) A certificate shall not be effective with respect to a package of color additive and such color additive shall be considered to be from a batch that has not been certified if such package is shipped or delivered under a label which does not bear all words, statements, and other information required by § 70.25 of this chapter to appear thereon.

(f) A certificate shall not be effective with respect to a package of color additive, and such color additive shall be considered to be from a batch that has not been certified if:

(1) Such package has not been sealed in accordance with § 70.20 of this chapter.

(2) Such package has been sealed in accordance with § 70.20 of this chapter and the seal has been broken, intentionally or accidentally, unless such seal has been broken for the purpose of using color additive in accordance with § 80.38, or, such package has been opened by a duly authorized representative of the Administration or Department in the performance of his official duties, and he has immediately resealed the package in conformance with § 70.20 of this chapter.

(g) A certificate shall not be effective with respect to a package of color additive and such color additive shall be considered to be from a batch that has not been certified if such color additive is used in any manner other than that for which it was certified.

(h) When the listing or the specifications for a color additive are revoked or amended, the final order effecting the revocation or amendment may specify, in addition to its own effective date, a date on which all certificates for existing batches and portions of batches of such a color additive theretofore issued under such revoked or amended regulations shall cease to be effective; and any such lots of the color additive shall be regarded as uncertified after the date specified unless a new certificate can be and is obtained in conformance with the new regulations. When a certificate thus ceases to be effective for a color additive, any certificates previously issued for a color additive mixture containing that color additive shall cease to be effective on the same date. Use of such color additive or color additive mixture after such specified date without the new certificate in preparing foods, drugs, or cosmetics will result in such food, drugs, or cosmetics being adulterated. When a certified color additive has been used in food, drugs, or cosmetics and the status of the color additive is thereafter changed by amendment or revocation of its listing or specification regulations, such food, drugs, and cosmetics will not be regarded as adulterated by reason of the use of such color additive, unless the hazard to health is such that existing stocks of the foods, drugs, or cosmetics cannot be safely used, in which cases findings to that effect will be made and regulations appropriate for such special cases will be issued.

§ 80.34 - Authority to refuse certification service.

(a) When it appears to the Commissioner that a person has:

(1) Obtained, or attempted to obtain, a certificate through fraud or misrepresentation of a material fact.

(2) Falsified the records required to be kept by § 80.39; or

(3) Failed to keep such records, or to make them available, or to accord full opportunity to make inventory of stocks on hand or otherwise to check the correctness of such records, as required by § 80.39; or

(4) Refused to permit duly authorized employees of the Food and Drug Administration free access to all manufacturing facilities, processes, and formulae involved in the manufacture of color additives and intermediates from which such color additives are derived; he may immediately suspend certification service to such person and may continue such suspension until adequate corrective action has been taken.

(b) Any person who contests suspension of service shall have an opportunity for a regulatory hearing before the Food and Drug Administration pursuant to part 16 of this chapter.

§ 80.35 - Color additive mixtures; certification and exemption from certification.

(a) Color additive mixtures to be certified. Any color additive mixture that contains one or more straight colors listed in part 74 of this chapter, together with any diluents listed in such subparts for use with such straight colors, shall be certified if intended for use in foods, drugs, or cosmetics, or in coloring the human body, as the case may be, subject to any restriction prescribed in parts 70 and 71 of this chapter.

(b) Color additive mixtures exempted from certification. A color additive mixture prepared from a previously certified batch of one or more straight colors, with or without any diluent that has been listed in part 73 of this chapter for use in mixtures, shall be exempt from batch certification if the straight color used has not changed in composition in any manner whatsoever since its certification and if it is simply mixed with the approved diluents for exempt mixtures. The label of such color additive mixtures shall not bear the lot number assigned by the Food and Drug Administration to the certified straight color components, but shall bear the manufacturer's control number through which the history of the straight color can be determined.

(c) Additions to the list of diluents. A person requesting additions to the list of diluents authorized for the purposes described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall submit a petition in accordance with the provisions of § 71.1 of this chapter. Each such petition shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in § 70.19 of this chapter, unless there is an advance deposit to be used for prepayment of such fees.


The provisions of § 80.35 with respect only to diluents for use in cosmetic color additive mixtures were stayed, until a regulation is effected listing safe diluents for cosmetic use, including cosmetics which color the human body, 29 FR 18495, Dec. 29, 1964.

§ 80.37 - Treatment of batch pending certification.

Immediately after the sample that is to accompany a request for certification of a batch of color additive is taken, the batch shall be:

(a) Stored in containers of such kind as to prevent change in composition.

(b) Held under the control of the person requesting certification until certified.

(c) Marked, by labeling or otherwise, in a manner such that there can be no question as to the identity of the batch and no question that it is not to be used until the requested certificate has been issued.

§ 80.38 - Treatment of batch after certification.

(a) Immediately upon notification that a batch of color additive has been certified, the person requesting certification thereof shall identify such batch, by labeling, with the certified lot number.

(b) The person requesting certification shall maintain storage in such manner as to prevent change in composition until such batch has been packaged and labeled as required by §§ 70.20 and 70.25 of this chapter, except that the person requesting certification may use such color additive for the purpose of coloring a food, drug, or cosmetic.

§ 80.39 - Records of distribution.

(a) The person to whom a certificate is issued shall keep complete records showing the disposal of all the color additive from the batch covered by such certificate. Upon the request of any officer or employee of the Food and Drug Administration or of any other officer or employee acting on behalf of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, such person, at all reasonable hours until at least 2 years after disposal of all such color additive, shall make such records available to any such officer or employee, and shall accord to such officer or employee full opportunity to make inventory of stocks of such color additive on hand and otherwise to check the correctness of such records.

(b) The records required to be kept by paragraph (a) of this section shall show:

(1) Each quantity used by such person from such batch and the date and kind of such use.

(2) The date and quantity of each shipment or delivery from such batch, and the name and post-office address of the person to whom such shipment or delivery was made.

(c) The records required to be kept by paragraph (a) of this section shall be kept separately from all other records.

authority: 21 U.S.C. 371,379e
source: 42 FR 15662, Mar. 22, 1977, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 21 CFR 80.34