Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 22 - Foreign Relations last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 151.1 - Purpose.

This part establishes regulations required under section 6 of the Diplomatic Relations Act (Pub. L. 95-393; 22 U.S.C. 254e). These regulations require all missions, members of missions and their families, and those officials of the United Nations who are entitled to diplomatic immunity to have and maintain liability insurance against the risks of bodily injury, including death, and property damage, including loss of use, arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use in the United States of any motor vehicle, vessel, or aircraft.

§ 151.2 - Definitions.

(a) Act means the Diplomatic Relations Act, Pub. L. 95-393 (22 U.S.C. 254a et seq., 28 U.S.C. 1364).

(b) Persons subject to the Act, as defined in section 2 of the Act, means: (1) The head of a mission and members of the diplomatic staff, administrative and technical staff, and service staff of a mission, as such terms are defined in Article 1 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961 (TIAS 7502, 23 U.S.T. 3227); (2) members of the family of a member of the diplomatic staff of a mission who form part of his or her household if they are not nationals of the United States, and members of the family of a member of the administrative and technical staff of a mission who form part of his or her household if they are not nationals or permanent residents of the United States; and (3) senior officials of the United Nations as defined in paragraph (d) of this section.

(c) Missions, as defined in section 2 of the Act, means missions within the meaning of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and any missions representing foreign governments, individually or collectively, which are extended the same privileges and immunities, pursuant to law, as are enjoyed by missions under the Vienna Convention.

(d) Senior United Nations official means a United Nations official entitled to diplomatic immunity as provided in section 19 of the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations of February 13, 1946 (21 UST 1418; 1 UNTS 16).

(e) Insurance means insurance as required by the Act and these regulations.

§ 151.3 - Types of insurance coverage required.

(a) Every person subject to the Act and every mission shall have and maintain with respect to any motor vehicle, vessel or aircraft owned by, leased to, or furnished for the regular use of every such person or mission liability insurance in accordance with the form, terms, and conditions provided for in these regulations.

(b) The insurance shall provide coverage against the following risks to third parties arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use in the United States of any motor vehicle, vessel, or aircraft:

(1) Bodily injury, including death;

(2) Property damage, including loss of use; and

(3) Any additional coverage required to be included in liability insurance policies by the jurisdiction where the motor vehicle, vessel or aircraft is principally garaged, berthed, or kept, such as uninsured motorist coverage or first party no-fault coverage.

§ 151.4 - Minimum limits for motor vehicle insurance.

The insurance shall provide not less than $100,000 per person and $300,000 per incident for bodily injury liability and $100,000 per incident for property damage or $300,000 combined single limit for all bodily injury liability and property damage liability arising from a single incident, except where the Director of the Office of Foreign Missions grants a special exception.

[54 FR 24555, June 8, 1989]
§ 151.6 - Authorized insurer.

The insurance must be issued by an insurer licensed or otherwise authorized by applicable law to do business in the jurisdiction where the motor vehicle, vessel or aircraft is principally garaged, berthed or kept.

§ 151.7 - Policy terms consistent with the Act.

(a) The insurance shall be construed in conformity with the Act. In particular, no effect shall be given to any policy terms which are inconsistent or in conflict with those provisions of the Act stating that any suit against the insurer under the policy shall not be subject to any of the following defenses:

(1) That the insured is immune from suit;

(2) That the insured is an indispensable party; or

(3) In the absence of fraud or collusion, that the insured has violated a term of the contract, unless the contract was canceled before the claim arose.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, the insured is expected to respond to reasonable requests from the insurer for cooperation.

§ 151.8 - Evidence of insurance for motor vehicles.

(a) Every mission must periodically, and otherwise upon official request, furnish evidence satisfactory to the Department of State that the required insurance is in effect for the mission, its members and their families. Every senior United Nations official must also periodically furnish evidence satisfactory to the Department of State that the required insurance is in effect.

(b) The Department of State will accept as satisfactory evidence that the required insurance is in effect:

(1) A written statement of self-certification signed by the Chief of Mission, indicating that the mission, its members and their families have and will maintain insurance throughout the period of registration of all vehicles owned or leased or otherwise regularly used, and showing the name of the insurance company or companies and identifying each policy by number and name of insured; and

(2) A written statement of self-certification signed by each senior United Nations official, indicating that he or she has and will maintain insurance throughout the period of registration on all motor vehicles owned or leased or otherwise regularly used, and showing the name of the insurance company or companies and identifying each by number and name of insured.

(c) A certification under paragraph (b) of this section by a Chief of a Mission to the United Nations or by a senior United Nations official shall be delivered to the Counselor for host country affairs of the United States Mission to the United Nations. All other certifications shall be delivered to the Chief of Protocol, Department of State.

§ 151.9 - Evidence of insurance required for diplomatic license plates and waiver of fees.

The Department of State will not endorse on behalf of any person subject to the Act or any mission any application for diplomatic motor vehicle license plates or any application for waiver of motor vehicle registration fees without prior receipt of satisfactory evidence from the Chief of Mission or other duly authorized official that the required insurance is in effect.

§ 151.10 - Minimum limits of insurance for aircraft and/or vessels.

Insurance in respect of vessels and/or aircraft shall provide limits of liability adequate in light of reasonably foreseeable risks from the ownership, maintenance, or other regular use of vessels and/or aircraft.

§ 151.11 - Notification of ownership, maintenance or use of vessel and/or aircraft; evidence of insurance.

(a) Each person subject to the Act and each mission must notify the Department of State in writing of the ownership, maintenance or other regular use of a vessel or aircraft in the United States by such mission or person.

(b) Notices under paragraph (a) of this section shall identify the vessel and/or aircraft with specificity, including model and manufacturer's name, and serial and registration numbers. Each notification shall be accompanied by a copy of the insurance policy or policies issued in respect of the vessel and/or aircraft. Such policy or policies need not be issued by the insurer providing liability insurance for motor vehicles.

(c) With regard to senior United Nations officials, missions to the United Nations and members of such missions as have diplomatic status and their families, notices and evidence of insurance under this section shall be delivered to the counselor for Host Country Affairs of the United States Mission to the United Nations. All other notices under this section shall be delivered to the Chief of Protocol, Department of State.

authority: Sec. 6, Diplomatic Relations Act (Pub. L. 95-393; 22 U.S.C. 254e) as amended (Pub. L. 98-164, sec. 602; 22 U.S.C. 254e)
source: 44 FR 29451, May 21, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 22 CFR 151.4