Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 22 - Foreign Relations last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 19.1 - Authorities.
Chapter 8 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-465, 94 Stat. 2102) (hereafter “the Act”), and any Executive order issued under authority of section 827 of the Act.
§ 19.2 - Definitions.
(a) Agencies means the Department, the Agency for International Development (AID), the International Communication Agency (USICA), the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), and the Foreign Commercial Service (FCS).
(b) Annuitant means any person including a former participant or survivor who meets all requirements for an annuity from the Fund under the provisions of the Foreign Service Act of 1980, or any other law and who has filed claim therefor.
(c) Basic salary means the salary fixed by law or administrative action before deductions and exclusive of additional compensation of any kind. It includes the salary fixed by sections 401, 402, 403, and 406 of the Act and salary incident to assignment under section 503 of the Act. Basic salary excludes premium pay for overtime, night, Sunday and holiday work, allowances, post and special differentials, and chargé pay.
(d) Chief of Mission means a principal officer in charge of a diplomatic mission of the United States or of a United States Office abroad which has been designated diplomatic in nature or any member of the Foreign Service assigned under the terms of the Act to be chargé d'affaires or head of such a mission or office.
(e) Child means, except with reference to lump-sum payments, an unmarried child, under the age of 18 years, or such unmarried child regardless of age who because of physical or mental disability incurred before age 18 is incapable of self-support. In addition to the offspring of the participant, the term includes:
(1) An adopted child;
(2) A stepchild or recognized natural child who received more than one-half support from the participant; and
(3) A child who lived with and for whom a petition of adoption was filed by a participant, and who is adopted by the surviving spouse of the participant after the latter's death. “Child” also means an unmarried student under the age of 22 years. For this purpose, a child whose twenty-second birthday occurs before July 1 or after August 31 of a calendar year, and while a student, is deemed to have become 22 years of age on the first day of July after the birthday.
(f) Court means any court of any State or of the District of Columbia.
(g) Court Order means any court decree of divorce or annulment, or any court approved property settlement agreement incident to any court decree of divorce or annulment.
(h) Department means the Department of State.
(i) Divorce means the dissolution of a marriage by a final decree of divorce or annulment.
(j) Expressly provided for means a direction by a court order to divide a member's Foreign Service Retirement benefits or survivor benefits and awarding a portion of such benefits to an eligible beneficiary.
(k) Former spouse
means a former wife or husband of a participant or former participant who was married to such participant for not less than ten years during periods of service by that participant which are creditable under section 816 of the Act provided the participant was making contributions to the Fund under section 805 of the Act during some portion of such service, and provided the divorce occurred after February 15, 1981. For this purpose, a former spouse shall not be considered as married to a participant for periods assumed to be creditable under section 808 of the Act in the case of a disability annuity or section 809 of the Act in the case of a death in service. A former spouse will be considered married to a participant for any extra period of creditable service provided under section 817 of the Act for service at an unhealthful post during which the former spouse resided with the participant. See § 19.5-3 for procedures to determine this extra period of marriage.
1 Note: Section 804(6) of the Act defines “former spouse” with respect to duration of marriage as being married to a participant “for not less than 10 years during periods of service by that participant which are creditable under section 816.” The Department interprets this as necessarily implying that the marriage must have covered a period of at least one day while the member of the Foreign Service was a participant in the System.
(l) Fund means the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund.
(m) M/MED means the Department's Office of Medical Services.
(n) Military and naval service means honorable active service:
(1) In the Armed Forces of the United States;
(2) In the Regular or Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service after June 30, 1960; or
(3) As commissioned officer of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or predecessor organization after June 30, 1961.
However, this definition does not include service in the National Guard, except when ordered to active duty in the service of the United States.
(o) Participant means a person as described in § 19.3.
(p) Previous spouse means any person formerly married to a principal, whether or not such person qualifies as a former spouse under paragraph (k) of this section.
(q) Principal means a participant or former participant whose service forms the basis for a benefit under chapter 8 of the Act for a spouse, previous spouse, former spouse or child of a participant.
(r) PER/ER/RET means the Department's Retirement Division in the Bureau of Personnel.
(s) Pro rata share means, in the case of any former spouse of any participant or former participant, a percentage which is equal to the percentage that (1) the number of years and months during which the former spouse was married to the participant during the creditable service of that participant is of (2) the total number of years and months of such creditable service. When making this calculation, item (1) is adjusted in accordance with paragraph (k) of this section and item (2) is adjusted in accordance with § 19.4. In the total period, 30 days constitutes a month and any period of less than 30 days is not counted.
(t) Spousal agreement means any written agreement between a participant or former participant, and the participant's spouse or former spouse.
(u) Student means a child regularly pursuing a full-time course of study or training in residence in a high school, trade school, technical or vocational institute, junior college, university, or comparable recognized educational institution. A child who is a student shall not be deemed to have ceased to be a student during any interim between school years, semesters, or terms if the interim or other period of nonattendance does not exceed 5 calendar months and if the child shows to the satisfaction of the Retirement Division (PER/ER/RET) that the child has a bona fide intention of continuing to pursue such course during the school year, semester, or term immediately following the interim.
(v) Surviving spouse means the surviving wife or husband of a participant or annuitant who, in the case of death in service or marriage after retirement, was married to the participant or annuitant for at least one year immediately preceding death or is the parent of a child born of the marriage.
(w) System means the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System.
[46 FR 12958, Feb. 19, 1981. Redesignated and amended at 46 FR 18970, Mar. 27, 1981]
§ 19.3 - Participants.
The following persons are participants in the System:
(a) Members of the Service serving under a career appointment or as a career candidate under section 306 of the Act (1) in the Senior Foreign Service, or (2) assigned to a salary class in the Foreign Service Schedule;
(b) Any person not otherwise entitled to be a participant who has served as chief of mission or an ambassador at large for an aggregate period of 20 years or more, exclusive of extra service credit for service at unhealthful posts, and who has paid into the Fund a special contribution for each year of service;
(c) Any individual who was appointed as a Binational Center Grantee and who completed, prior to February 15, 1981, at least 5 years of satisfactory service as a grantee, as determined by the Director of Personnel of USICA, or under any other appointment under the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, who has paid into the Fund a special contribution for such service.
(d) Any person converted to the competitive service pursuant to section 2104 of the Act who elects to participate in the System pursuant to section 2106(b)(1) or (2) shall remain a participant so long as he/she is employed in an agency which is authorized to utilize the Foreign Service personnel system.
§ 19.4 - Special rules for computing creditable service for purposes of payments to former spouses.
For purposes of determining the pro rata share of annuity, survivor annuity or lump-sum payable to a former spouse, the following shall be considered creditable service—
(a) The entire period of a principal's approved leave without pay during full-time service with an organization composed primarily of Government employees irrespective of whether the principal elects to make payments to the Fund for this service;
(b) The entire period of Government service for which a principal received a refund of retirement contributions which he/she has not repaid unless the former spouse received under § 19.13 a portion of the (lump-sum) refund or unless a spousal agreement or court order provided that no portion of the refund be paid to the former spouse; and
(c) All creditable service including service in excess of 35 years.
The period covered by the credit for unused sick leave is not creditable for this purpose.
§ 19.5 - Required notifications to Department respecting spouses and former spouses.
§ 19.5-1 - Notification from participant or annuitant.
If a participant or former participant becomes divorced on or after February 15, 1981, he/she shall notify the Department (PER/ER/RET) of the divorce on or prior to its effective date. The notice shall include the effective date of the divorce, the full name, mailing address, and date of birth of the former spouse and the date of the member's marriage to that person, and enclose a certified copy of the divorce decree. If there is a court order or spousal agreement concerning payment or nonpayment of Foreign Service benefits to the former spouse, the original or a certified copy of the order or agreement shall also be forwarded to PER/ER/RET. In the absence of a court order or spousal agreement providing otherwise, the Department will pay a pro rata share of the member's benefits to the former spouse. (A former spouse of a former participant who separated from the Service on or before February 15, 1981 is not eligible for a pension under § 19.9, i.e., not eligible for a pro rata share of the principal's annuity.) Upon receipt of notice of a divorce, a court order, or spousal agreement, the Department will proceed as indicated in § 19.6 or § 19.7. Delinquent notice to the Department of the divorce of an annuitant will result in retroactive payments to any qualified former spouse to the extent that the retroactive payments can be deducted from future annuity payments to the principal as stated in § 19.6-4.
§ 19.5-2 - Notification to Department from former spouses.
A former spouse is obligated to notify the Department of the following on a timely basis:
(a) A divorce from a participant or former participant when the former spouse is notified by the court of the divorce before the participant is notified;
(b) Any change in address; and
(c) Any remarriage.
Notices shall be sent to the Department of State, Attention PER/ER/RET, Washington, DC 20520.
§ 19.5-3 - Residence of spouse during service at unhealthful post.
(a) The calculation of the pro rata share of benefits for a former spouse, and the determination of whether a person qualifies as a “former spouse” depends on the length of the marriage. The latter, under the definition in the Act and when the principal has received extra service credit for an assignment to an unhealthful post, depends upon whether a spouse has resided with the principal at the unhealthful post. In order to determine residency for this purpose, whenever a married participant is assigned to an unhealthful post for which he/she does not receive post differential and does receive or request extra service credit, the participant shall report on Form OF-140, Election to Receive Extra Service Credit Towards Retirement, whether his/her spouse is or is not residing at the post. Although a chief of mission is not required to submit Form OF-140 in order to receive extra credit for service at an unhealthful post, he/she must nevertheless submit this form if the chief of mission has a spouse that does not accompany him/her at post for the entire assignment. Both the participant and spouse shall sign the completed form. If there is a change in residence of the spouse during the assignment, a new joint Form OF-140 shall be filed to report the change.
(b) Whenever a participant retires or becomes divorced, or whenever a former participant becomes divorced who has extra service credit for assignment at unhealthful posts completed prior to the issuance of this regulation who was married during at least a portion of the assignment, the participant or former participant shall submit a statement to PER/ER/RET reporting on whether his/her spouse resided at the unhealthful post and the dates of such residence. The statement shall be signed by the principal and his/her spouse or former spouse whenever possible.
(c) In the event of a disagreement between a principal and his/her spouse or former spouse concerning residency at an unhealthful post, or the submission of a report or statement by a principal showing a period of nonresidence at a post by a spouse which is not signed by the spouse, the determination of residence will be made by PER/ER/RET and based on records in the Department of payments for travel and allowances plus any other evidence that can be adduced. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, the assumption will be made that the spouse resided at the post.
§ 19.6 - Court orders and divorce decrees.
§ 19.6-1 - Orders by a court.
(a) A court may—
(1) Fix the amount of any pension to a former spouse under § 19.9, or order that none be paid;
(2) Fix the amount of any regular survivor annuity to a former spouse under paragraphs (a) and (b) of § 19.11, or order that none be paid;
(3) Order provision of an additional survivor annuity for a spouse or former spouse under § 19.10-5;
(4) Fix the amount of any benefit under § 19.10-6 based on recall service payable to a former spouse to whom the annuitant was married during any portion of the recall service, or order that none be paid;
(5) Fix the amount of any lump-sum payable to a former spouse under § 19.13 or order that none be paid;
(6) Order, to the extent consistent with any obligation stated in § 19.8 between a participant and a former spouse, and pursuant to any court decree of divorce, legal separation or annulment or any court ordered or approved property settlement agreement incident to any court decree of divorce, legal separation, or annulment, that any payment from the Fund which would otherwise be made to a former participant based on his/her service shall be paid (in whole or in part) by the Secretary of State to a previous spouse or child of such participant. No apportionment under this paragraph may be made of a payment authorized to be paid to a survivor of a participant or annuitant.
(b) An order by a court that does not meet the definition of “court” in § 19.2(f) is not valid for purposes of this section even though a divorce decree issued by such court may be a basis for pro rata share payments to a former spouse as described in these regulations.
§ 19.6-2 - Qualifying court order.
(a) To be valid for purposes of this section, a court order must be found to be “qualified” by PER/ER/RET acting for the Secretary of State. A qualifying court order must—
(1) Be consistent with the terms of the Act and applicable regulations;
(2) Not direct payment of an amount in excess of the maximum amount authorized to be paid by the relevant regulation;
(3) Direct that payments be made to an eligible beneficiary from a principal's Foreign Service retirement benefit or survivor benefit. If a court directs or implies that a principal, rather than the Secretary of State or the Government, make the payments, the order will not be considered qualified unless the principal does not object during the 30-day notice period provided under § 19.6-6;
(4) Define the amount to be paid to a beneficiary in way so that it can be readily calculated from information in the normal files of the Department;
(5) Not make payment contingent upon events other than those on which other payments from the Fund are based such as age, marital status and school attendance; and
(6) Not be in conflict with any previously issued court order which remains valid.
(b) No apportionment of annuity to a beneficiary under § 19.6-1(a) (1) or (6) shall exceed the net annuity of the principal. The net annuity is computed by excluding from the gross annuity the amounts which are:
(1) Owed by the individual to the United States;
(2) Deducted for health benefits premiums pursuant to section 8906 of Title 5, United States Code;
(3) Deducted for life insurance premiums under the Government Life Insurance Program;
(4) Owed due to overpayment of annuity;
(5) Properly withheld for Federal income tax purposes, if amounts withheld are not greater than they would be if the individual claimed all dependents to which he/she was entitled.
[46 FR 12958, Feb. 19, 1981. Redesignated and amended at 46 FR 18970, Mar. 27, 1981]
§ 19.6-3 - Application for payment.
(a) To receive payment from the Fund pursuant to a court award, the beneficiary must submit an application in writing to the Chief of the Retirement Division (PER/ER/RET), Department of State, Washington, DC 20520. The application must be typed or printed, signed by the beneficiary, and include—
(1) The full name, date of birth, current address and current marital status of the beneficiary;
(2) Full name and date of birth of the participant or former participant and his/her date of birth or other identifying information;
(3) Relationship to the beneficiary, and if a spouse or former spouse, date of marriage to and/or divorce from the participant;
(4) A statement that the court order has not been amended, superseded, or set aside;
The original of the court order or a recently certified copy must be enclosed with the application, or a statement appended that such a copy has been sent to the Department by other means.
(b) When payments are subject to termination upon the occurrence of a condition subsequent, such as marriage, remarriage or termination of schooling, or death of the principal, no payment will be made until the beneficiary submits a statement to PER/ER/RET that—
(1) The condition has not occured;
(2) He/she will notify the Department (PER/ER/RET) within 15 calendar days of the occurrence of the condition subsequent; and
(3) He/she will be personally liable for any overpayment to him/her resulting from the occurrence of the condition subsequent. PER/ER/RET may require periodic recertification of these statements.
§ 19.6-4 - Date of court orders.
(a) A court order directing or barring payment of a pension to a former spouse under § 19.9 may not be given effect by the Department if it is issued more than 12 months after the divorce becomes final. A court order adjusting the amount of a regular or additional survivor annuity to a former spouse under § 19.11-2 or § 19.10-5 may not be given effect by the Department if it is issued after the death of the principal.
(b) A court order issued within 12 months after a divorce becomes final directing payment of a pension to a former spouse in an amount other than provided in § 19.9 may be made retroactively effective to the first of the month in which the divorce becomes final if so specified by the court. In such event, the Department will adjust any future payments that may become due to an annuitant and a former spouse by increasing one and correspondingly reducing the other in order to give effect to the order of the court. However, if future payments to one party are not due, as for example if a court orders that no payments be made to a former spouse, or that 100 percent of an annuity be paid as pension to a former spouse, the Department will not give retroactive effect to a court order by collecting overpayments from one party in order to pay them to the other party and will not make overpayments from the Fund.
(c) A court order under this chapter involving any payment other than a pension to a former spouse under § 19.9 may not be given retroactive effect and shall not be effective until it is determined to be a qualifying order under § 19.6-5.
§ 19.6-5 - Preliminary review.
(a) Upon receipt of an application for payment under § 19.6-3, PER/ER/RET will determine whether—
(1) The application is complete;
(2) The applicant is an eligible beneficiary under this chapter; and
(3) The court order is a qualifying order. If the application is completed, the beneficiary is eligible and the court order appears on its face to be a qualifying order, PER/ER/RET will provide the notification required by § 19.6-6, otherwise, it will notify the applicant of any deficiency or requirement for additional information, and if the order is determined to be non-qualifying, the basis for such determination.
(b) Upon receipt of a certified copy of a final decree of divorce, PER/ER/RET will determine whether—
(1) It is a valid decree. Any decree recognized as valid by the parties will be considered valid for this purpose. In addition, any non-recognized decree will be considered valid for this purpose unless:
(i)(A) Neither party was domiciled within the court's jurisdiction, and
(B) The party denying recognition did not participate in the proceedings, or
(ii) The party denying recognition was not afforded notice of the proceedings (actual or constructive);
(2) A related court order has been submitted by either party; and
(3) A pro rata share payment is or may become due the former spouse. If a divorce decree is deemed valid under this paragraph, a pro rata share payment is due a former spouse unless PER/ER/RET is in receipt of a court order which it has deemed qualified under paragraph (a) of this section, or a valid spousal agrement providing otherwise. If it determines that a pro rata share payment is due, it will provide the notification required by § 19.6-6, otherwise, unless action is being taken pursuant to a related court order, it will notify both parties to the divorce the reason a pro rata share payment is not payable.
[46 FR 12958, Feb. 19, 1981. Redesignated and amended at 46 FR 18970, Mar. 27, 1981]
§ 19.6-6 - Notification.
(a) Notification to a principal. Whenever PER/ER/RET receives from a former spouse or other eligible beneficiary—
(1) a court order which it deems qualified that requires payment to the beneficiary; or
(2) A final decree of divorce which it deems valid together with a request for a pro rata share payment—PER/ER/RET will send a copy of the document to the principal and a notice stating: (i) That PER/ER/RET deems the order qualified or the divorce decree valid, (ii) that payments will be made from the principal's account to the beneficiary and the effective date of such payments, (iii) the effect of such payments on the principal's retirement benefit. In the case of any court order with retroactive or immediate effect, and in the case of pro rata share payments, the amounts will be withheld from future payments to the principal but will not be paid to the beneficiary for 30 days from the notice date in order to give the principal an opportunity to contest the court order or the validity of the divorce.
PER/ER/RET will provide the former spouse or other beneficiary the same information, stating the exact amount that will be payable to the beneficiary and explaining how that amount was calculated.
(b) Notification to a former spouse. When PER/ER/RET receives from a principal—(1) a court order which it deems qualified that requires or forbids payment to a former spouse; or (2) a final decree of divorce which it deems valid without an accompanying court order—PER/ER/RET will send a copy of the document to the former spouse and a notice stating: (i) That PER/ER/RET deems the court order qualified or the divorce decree valid, (ii) that PER/ER/RET intends to honor the court decree or to make pro rata share payments because of the divorce, (iii) the effective date, exact amount, and method of calculation of any payments to the former spouse.
PER/ER/RET will provide the same information to the principal and will explain the effect any payment to a former spouse will have on the principal's retirement benefit.
§ 19.6-7 - Decision.
(a) When a response has not been received by PER/ER/RET from a principal within the 30-day period under § 19.6-6a, payment will be made in accordance with the notification. When a response is received, the Chief, PER/ER/RET will consider the response. If it is shown that a court order is not qualifying or that a divorce is not valid under terms of the Act and these regulations, payment proposed in the notification will not be made. In such a case, PER/ER/RET will advise both parties of the basis for its decision and the alternative action, if any, that it proposes to take.
(b) If a principal responding to a notification under § 19.6-6a objects to the payment or other action proposed by the Department in the notification based on the validity of the court order or divorce decree, and the record contains support for the objection, PER/ER/RET will grant the principal 30 days to initiate formal legal action to determine the validity of the objection, will continue to delay payment to the former spouse or other beneficiary during this period, and will notify the beneficiary of this action. If evidence is submitted that formal legal action has been started within the 30-day period, the amount of any proposed payment to a former spouse or other beneficiary will continue to be withheld from any payments due the principal, but no payment will be made to the former spouse or other beneficiary until a judicial decision is rendered or agreement reached between the parties.
[46 FR 12958, Feb. 19, 1981. Redesignated and amended at 46 FR 18970, Mar. 27, 1981]
§ 19.6-8 - Allotment to beneficiary.
If a court order is not a qualifying court order because it directs or implies that payment to the beneficiary is to be made by the principal rather than the Secretary of State, the principal may make an allotment to the beneficiary from his/her annuity. An annuitant may also make an allotment from his/her annuity to a previous spouse in the absence of a court order.
§ 19.6-9 - Limitations.
(a) Retirement benefits are subject to apportionment by court order under § 19.6-1(a)(6) only while the principal is living. Payment of apportioned amounts will be made only to a previous spouse and/or the children of the principal. Such payments will not be made to any of the following:
(1) Heirs or legatees of the previous spouse;
(2) Creditors of either the principal or the previous spouse; or
(3) Assignees of either the principal or the previous spouse.
(b) The amount of any court ordered payment may not be less than one dollar and, in the absence of compelling circumstances, shall be in whole dollars.
(c) In honoring and complying with a court order, the Department shall not be required to disrupt the scheduled method of accruing retirement benefits or the normal timing for making such payments, despite the existence of any special schedule relating to a previous spouse or other beneficiary.
(d) In cases where the court order apportions a percentage of the retirement benefits, PER/ER/RET will initially determine the amount of proper payment. That amount will only be increased by future cost-of-living increases unless the court directs otherwise.
§ 19.6-10 - Liability.
(a) The Department shall not be liable for any payment made from retirement benefits pursuant to a court order if such payment is made in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(b) In the event that the Secretary is served with more than one court order with respect to the same retirement benefits, the benefits shall be available to satisfy the court orders on a first-come, first-served basis.
(c) A previous spouse or other beneficiary may request that an amount be withheld from the retirement benefits of a principal or survivor of a principal which is less than the amount stipulated in a court order, or otherwise scheduled to be paid to the beneficiary under this chapter. This lower amount will be deemed a complete fulfillment of the obligation of the Department for the period in which the request is in effect. See § 19.14.
§ 19.7 - Spousal agreements.
§ 19.7-1 - Purpose.
A spousal agreement may be used by both parties to establish an agreed-upon level of benefits to a spouse or a former spouse and to relieve the participant of responsibility for providing a higher level of benefits.
§ 19.7-2 - Agreement with spouse.
(a) A spousal agreement between a participant and a spouse may waive or fix the level of a regular survivor annuity under § 19.11-3. If an agreement is filed, it will assure the spouse that the agreed-upon level of survivor annuity will be paid, irrespective of a future divorce provided the survivor meets the definition of “former spouse” in § 19.2(k). If an agreement is not filed, the participant's annuity will be reduced under § 19.10-2 to provide the maximum regular survivor annuity for the spouse, but in the event of a future divorce if the spouse meets the definition of “former spouse,” that person will be entitled only to a pro rata share of the survivor annuity. An agreement under this paragraph may be filed with PER/ER/RET at any time prior to retirement (commencement of the principal's annuity).
(b) A spousal agreement between an annuitant and a spouse filed with PER/ER/RET before commencement of a supplemental annuity for recall service may waive a supplemental survivor annuity that would otherwise be provided for a spouse under § 19.10-6.
(c) A spousal agreement between a participant or former participant and a spouse may be filed with PER/ER/RET at any time in accordance with § 19.10-5 and provide for an additional survivor annuity for the spouse.
(d) A spousal agreement filed under paragraph (a), (b), or (c) remains valid and binding in the event of divorce if the spouse qualifies as a former spouse.
§ 19.7-3 - Agreement with former spouse.
(a) A spousal agreement between a participant or former participant and a former spouse may waive, reduce or increase the following benefits for a former spouse;
(1) A pension under § 19.9;
(2) A regular survivor annuity under § 19.11-2;
(3) A supplemental survivor annuity under § 19.10-6;
(4) A lump sum payment for regular or recall service under § 19.13.
A spousal agreement shall also be used by a participant or former participant who has a former spouse on February 15, 1981, to elect a regular survivor annuity for such former spouse in accordance with § 19.11-2(e). An agreement to establish or increase any benefit for a former spouse entered into while the principal is married to someone else, must be signed and agreed to by both the spouse and the former spouse. An agreement affecting pension benefits may be filed at any time and will govern payments made after its acceptance by PER/ER/RET. An agreement affecting a regular survivor annuity must be filed before the end of the 12-month period after the divorce involving that former spouse or at the time of retirement, whichever occurs first, except as authorized in § 19.11-2(b) for persons retired on February 15, 1981, or in § 19.11-2(e) with respect to persons who were former spouses on February 15, 1981. This filing requirement stated in the Act makes it impossible to adjust, other than by court order, a regular survivor annuity for a former spouse when the divorce occurs after a retirement which occurs on or after February 15, 1981. The survivor annuity for the former spouse in such case is fixed by any spousal agreement entered into prior to the divorce, by § 19.11-2 or by court order. An agreement affecting supplemental survivor benefits or lump-sum payments must be filed before the supplemental annuity of the principal begins or lump-sum payment is made.
(b) A spousal agreement between a participant or former participant and a former spouse may be filed with PER/ER/RET at any time in accordance with § 19.10-5 to provide an additional survivor annuity for the former spouse.
§ 19.7-4 - Form of agreement.
(a) A spousal agreement is any legal agreement between the parties accepted by PER/ER/RET as meeting the requirements of this section. If in accordance with the regulations, PER/ER/RET will accept as a valid spousal agreement a property settlement agreed to by the parties and approved by a court regardless of the date of the agreement.
(b) A spousal agreement must either be authenticated by a court or notarized.
§ 19.7-5 - Limitations.
(a) A spousal agreement may not provide for any payment from the Fund in excess of the amount otherwise authorized to be paid, or at a time not authorized by these regulations, or to a person other than a spouse or former spouse.
(b) A spousal agreement must be filed with the Department, Attention PER/ER/RET, and accepted by that office as in conformance with the Act and these regulations prior to the times specified in §§ 19.7-2 and 19.7-3. That office will provide advice to the parties on the validity of any proposed agreement and on proper format.
(c) A spousal agreement may apply only to payments from the Fund for periods after receipt of a valid agreement by the Department.
(d) Paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of §§ 19.6-9 and 19.6-10 apply to spousal agreements and payments made pursuant to spousal agreements to the same extent that they apply to court orders and court ordered payments.
§ 19.7-6 - Duration and precedence of spousal agreements.
(a) A spousal agreement may be revised or voided by agreement of the parties (by filing a new agreement under this section) at any time prior to the last day for filing an agreement determined in accordance with § 19.7-2 or § 19.7-3, except spousal agreements for additional survivor annuities are irrevocable. After the last day for filing a particular agreement, such agreement is irrevocable.
(b) A valid spousal agreement entered into subsequent to the issuance of a court order affecting the same parties will override the court order, and shall govern payments from the Fund.
(c) A spousal agreement may not override a previous spousal agreement involving the same principal but a different spouse or former spouse without agreement of such spouse or former spouse.
§ 19.8 - Obligations of members.
Participants and former participants are obligated by the Act and these regulations to provide the following benefits to others and must accept the necessary reductions in their own retirement benefits to meet these obligations:
(a) A pension to a former spouse pursuant to § 19.9;
(b) A court ordered apportionment of annuity to a previous spouse or child under § 19.6-1 (a)(6) (the benefit to a child referred to here is paid during the annuitant's lifetime as distinguished from the automatic survivorship annuity to a child described in § 19.11-7);
(c) A regular survivor annuity to a former spouse who has not remarried prior to age 60, and to a spouse to whom married when annuity commences, pursuant to §§ 19.11-2 and 19.11-3;
(d) An additional survivor annuity for a spouse or former spouse under § 19.10-5 when elected by the participant or ordered by a court;
(e) Lump-sum payments to a former spouse pursuant to § 19.13;
(f) Benefits ordered by a court under § 19.6 or specified in a spousal agreement under § 19.7.
§ 19.9 - Pension benefits for former spouses.
§ 19.9-1 - Entitlement.
(a) Unless otherwise expressly provided by a spousal agreement under § 19.7 or a court order under § 19.6, a person who, after February 15, 1981, becomes a former spouse of a participant (or former participant who separated from the Service after February 15, 1981) and who has not remarried prior to becoming 60 years of age, becomes entitled to a monthly pension benefit effective on a date determined under § 19.9-2 in an amount determined under § 19.9-3.
(b) A former spouse shall not be qualified for a pension under this subsection if, before the commencement of that pension, the former spouse remarries before becoming 60 years of age.
(c) A pension benefit under this section is treated the same as a survivor annuity for purposes of § 19.11-5(b): a former spouse who elects to receive a pension under this section must waive simultaneous receipt of any survivor annuity.
[46 FR 12958, Feb. 19, 1981. Redesignated and amended at 46 FR 18970, Mar. 27, 1981]
§ 19.9-2 - Commencement and termination.
(a) The pension of a former spouse under this subsection commences on the latter of the day the principal becomes entitled to a Foreign Service annuity or on the first day of the month in which the divorce becomes final. (Suspension or reduction of a Foreign Service annuity because or reemployment does not affect the commencement of a pension to a former spouse.) In the case of any former spouse of a disability annuitant, the pension of such former spouse shall commence on the latter of:
(1) The date the principal would qualify for an annuity (other than a disability annuity) on the basis of his/her creditable service;
(2) The date the disability annuity begins; or
(3) The first of the month in which the divorce becomes final.
(b) The pension of a former spouse and the right thereto terminate on:
(1) The last day of the month before the former spouse dies or remarries before 60 years of age; or
(2) The date the annuity of the former participant terminates unless the termination results from recall, reappointment or reinstatement in the Foreign Service or reemployment in Government service.
§ 19.9-3 - Computation and payment of pension to former spouse.
(a) A pension to a former spouse is paid monthly on the same date that annuity is paid to the principal.
(b) No spousal agreement or court order may provide for a pension or any combination of pensions to former spouses of any one principal which exceeds the net annuity of the principal as defined in § 19.6-2(b).
(c) A pension to a former spouse not fixed by a spousal agreement or court order shall equal the former spouse's pro rata share of 50 percent of the annuity to which the principal is entitled on the date the divorce becomes final, or, if not then entitled to an annuity, 50 percent of the annuity to which the principal first becomes entitled following that date. A pension to a former spouse of a disability annuitant shall be calculated on the basis of an annuity for which the participant would qualify if not disabled. A pension to a former spouse will be increased by the same percentage of each cost-of-living adjustment received by the principal.
(d) The Department will initiate payment of a pension to a former spouse after complying with the notification and other procedures described in § 19.6.
(e) If a pension can not be paid because a former spouse is missing, the principal may file an affidavit with PER/ER/RET that he/she does not know the whereabouts of the former spouse. In such an event, the principal and the Department will follow the procedures in § 19.11-4 in an effort to locate the former spouse. The annuity of the principal will be reduced by the amount of the pension to the former spouse even though the latter is not being paid. If the former spouse has not been located during the 12-month period following the date the principal files an affidavit under this section, the annuity of the principal will be recomputed effective from its commencing date (or on the date following the last month a pension payment was made to the former spouse) and paid without reduction of the amount of pension to the former spouse. If the former spouse subsequently is located, pension payments to him/her will be initiated at that time at the rate that would have been payable had they been paid continuously from the original effective date. The Department shall not be liable to make any pension payments to the former spouse for the missing period if the procedures under this section were faithfully complied with nor will the Department be responsible for recovering any payments made to the principal for the benefit of the former spouse.
§ 19.9-4 - Effect on annuitant.
Any pension payable to a former spouse under this section or pursuant to any spousal agreement or court order shall be deducted from the annuity of the principal. (See § 19.6-4 concerning retroactive adjustments.) If the annuity of such a principal in any month is discontinued or reduced so that the net amount payable is less than the pension to the former spouse or spouses of the principal because of recall, reappointment or reinstatment in the Foreign Service or reemployment in the Government service, the principal's salary, rather than annuity, shall be reduced by the amount of the pension payment(s). Such salary reductions shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the Fund. If a pension to a former spouse is discontinued for any reason except a suspension pending a determination of entitlement, the annuity of the principal shall be recomputed effective as of the date of discontinuance of the pension, and paid as if the pension to the former spouse had never been deducted.
§ 19.10 - Types of annuities to members.
§ 19.10-1 - Full annuity.
If a participant retires and does not provide a survivor annuity to a spouse, former spouse or designated beneficiary, the participant receives a “full” annuity. A full annuity means an annuity computed without any survivorship reduction. Example: Average salary $20,000 and maximum of 35 years of service.
Average basic annual salary for high 3 consecutive years of service | $20,000
Multiplied by 2 pct | .02
| $400.00
Multiplied by 35 years of creditable service | .35
Full annuity | $14,000 |
§ 19.10-2 - Reduced annuity with regular survivor annuity to spouse or former spouse.
(a) At commencement of annuity, a participant or former participant may provide a regular survivor annuity for any eligible former spouse and, within the limits of paragraph (b) of this section, a regular survivor annuity to any spouse to whom he/she is then married as described in §§ 19.11-2 and 19.11-3, respectively. A regular survivor annuity for a spouse or former spouse equals 55 percent of the portion of the retiree's annuity (up to the full amount) designated as the base for the survivor annuity. To provide the survivor annuity, the participant must accept a reduction in his/her full annuity equal to 2
1/2 percent of the first $3,600 of the designated base, plus 10 percent of the balance of the base. If a regular survivor annuity is being provided for both a spouse and a former spouse, the bases for each are added and the calculation made as in the following example:
Participant's full annuity as computed in § 19.10-1: $14,000.
Maximum regular survivor annuity is 55 percent of full annuity: $7,700.
Case I (Participant has a spouse and former spouse at retirement) If the pro rata share for a former spouse is 75 percent, the base for this benefit will be 75 percent of $14,000: $10,500.
The base for the maximum regular survivor annuity for a spouse would then be 25 percent of $14,000, or $3,500.
Combined base: $14,000.
Participant's full annuity reduced as follows:
1/2 percent of first $3,600 of the base: $90.
Plus 10 percent of the amount over $3,600 ($14,000-3,600) $10,400: $1,040.
Total reduction in participant's full annuity: $1,130.
Participant's reduced annuity: $12,870.
Survivor annuity for former spouse: 55 percent of $10,500 or $5,775.
Survivor annuity for spouse: 55 percent of $3,500 or $1,925.
Case II (Participant married at retirement with no former spouse. All calculations made without reference to cost-of-living increases described in § 19.11-5d.)
Joint election of base for regular survivor annuity of 90 percent of the maximum, or 90 percent of $14,000: $12,600.
Participant's full annuity reduced as follows:
1/2 percent of first $3,600 of the base: $90.
Plus 10 percent of the amount over $3,600 ($12,600-3,600) $9,000: $900.
Total reduction in participant's full annuity: $990.
Participant's reduced annuity: $13,010.
In this example, if divorce occurs subsequent to retirement and a court orders a 75 percent share for the former spouse, the base for the survivor annuity for the former spouse would be 75 percent of $14,000: $10,500.
The participant's full annuity would then be reduced by $780 in accordance with the above formula for this survivor benefit, and the reduced annuity would be $14,000-780: $13,220.
If the former spouse qualifies for a pension as described in § 19.9 based on a pro rata share of 75 percent, the pension would equal 50 percent of the participant's reduced annuity times 75 percent (50% × $13,220 × 75%): 4,957.50.
The participant's reduced annuity would then be further reduced by this pension ($13,220-$4,957.50) to provide an annuity to the former participant of $8,262.50.
If this annuitant later remarried, the maximum base for the regular survivor annuity for the new spouse would be the amount designated at retirement, $12,600, less the amount committed to the former spouse, $10,500: $12,600-10,500 or $2,100.
The survivor annuity for this spouse: 55 percent of $2,100 or $1,555.
The election of this benefit for the new spouse would be made individually by the annuitant since a marriage after retirement does not give a spouse a right to participate in the election.
If the election is made to provide a regular survivor annuity to the new spouse, all of the above calculations would be recomputed effective the first day of the month beginning one year after the date of the remarriage, as follows:
Base for survivor annuity for former spouse: 75% of $14,000 or $10,500.
Survivor annuity for former spouse: 55% of $10,500 or $5,775.
Base for survivor annuity for spouse: 15% of $14,000 or $2,100.
Survivor annuity for spouse: 55% of $2,100 or $1,555.
The combined base for the survivor benefits is $10,500 plus $2,100 or $12,600. The annuity reduction on this combined base as computed above is $990.
The participant's annuity after reduction for survivor benefit would be $14,000-$990 or $13,010.
The pension for the former spouse would be 50% × $13,010 × 75% or $4,878.75.
The participant's annuity would be further reduced by this amount: $13,010-$4,878.75 to provide an annuity after this recalculation of $8,131.25.
(b) The maximum regular survivor annuity or combination of regular survivor annuities that may be provided under this section is limited to 55% of the principal's full annuity computed at retirement. If an annuitant is recalled to active duty in the Foreign Service, he/she may provide additional regular survivor annuities under § 19.10-6. The maximum regular survivor annuity or combination of regular survivor annuities that an annuitant who was married at retirement may elect or provide, pursuant to a court order or otherwise, after retirement in the event of his/her divorce or remarriage, is limited to the amount provided at the time of initial retirement or reversion to retired status following recall service.
§ 19.10-3 - Marriage after retirement.
If an annuitant who was unmarried at the time of retirement, marries, he/she may within one year after such marriage irrevocably elect to receive a reduced annuity and to provide, subject to any obligation to provide a survivor annuity for a former spouse, a survivor annuity for the new spouse. If such an election is made, the principal's annuity shall be reduced in accordance with § 19.10-2 effective on the first day of the first month which begins at least one year after the date of the marriage. The reduction is computed on the commencing rate of the principal's annuity.
§ 19.10-4 - Death or divorce of a spouse and remarriage after retirement.
(a) If the marriage of an annuitant who received a reduced annuity at retirement under § 19.10-2 to provide a survivor annuity for a spouse is dissolved by divorce or by death of the spouse, the retiree's annuity shall be recomputed, if necessary, as of the first of the month following the death or divorce. If the marriage was dissolved by death, the annuity shall be recomputed and paid at its full amount. If the marriage is dissolved by divorce, procedures in § 19.11-2(b) shall be followed.
(b) In the event an annuitant affected by this paragraph remarries, the annuitant may elect within one year of remarriage to provide a survivor annuity for the new spouse equal in amount to the survivor benefit formerly in effect for the previous spouse less any amount committed for a former spouse. The annuity of a retiree making such an election shall be reduced effective on the first day of the first month which begins at least one year after the remarriage to the amount that would have been payable had there been no recomputation under paragraph (a) of this section.
§ 19.10-5 - Reduced annuity with additional survivor annuity to spouse or former spouse.
(a) General. This section provides an opportunity for a participant or former participant who has provided a regular survivor annuity to a former spouse to provide a survivor annuity to a second spouse or to another former spouse. The additional survivor annuity provided under this section generally is more costly than the regular survivor annuity because the participant is required to pay it's full cost by deduction from salary or annuity, or otherwise, as specified in paragraph (e) of this section. The participant must also be in normal health for his/her age and pass a physical examination prescribed by the Secretary of State (M/MED) to be eligible to provide an additional survivor annuity under this section.
(b) Limitation on amount. Neither the total amount of additional survivor annuity or annuities under this section provided by any participant or former participant nor any combination of regular or additional survivor annuities for any one surviving spouse or former spouse of a principal may exceed 55 percent of the principal's full annuity counting any supplemental annuity or recomputation of annuity because of recall service. An additional survivor annuity provided by any principal shall be further limited to the amount that can be provided by a monthly payment which is not greater than the principal's net annuity described in § 19.6-2(b). The amount of any additional survivor annuity provided by a spousal agreement effective prior to the principal's retirement, shall be reduced as necessary by PER/ER/RET after the principal's retirement to comply with this limitation. Any amount paid by a participant for the portion of additional survivor annuity cancelled pursuant to this paragraph shall be treated as an additional lump sum payment under paragraph (e) of this section and used to increase the amount of the additional annuity. A participant who separates from the Service without entitlement to any annuity is not entitled to provide an additional survivor annuity. Payments in such a case would be discontinued as described in paragraph (e) of this section.
(c) Procedures to grant additional survivor annuity. A participant or former participant who has provided a regular survivor annuity to a former spouse who wishes to provide, or who is ordered by a court to provide an additional survivor annuity under this section to a spouse or another former spouse, shall do so by filing a spousal agreement with PER/ER/RET on a form acceptable to PER/ER/RET. Such an agreement will be irrevocable when accepted by PER/ER/RET unless the beneficiary of the additional survivor annuity is subsequently made a beneficiary of a regular survivor annuity in equal amount. Within the limitations specified in paragraph (b) of this section, an individual may be made the beneficiary of both a regular and an additional survivor annuity. A spousal agreement granting an additional survivor annuity to a spouse will remain valid in the event the marriage is dissolved and the spouse qualifies as a former spouse under the definition § 19.2(k).
(d) Eligibility for additional survivor annuity. A spouse or former spouse must meet the same criteria (§ 19.2(v) or § 19.2(k)) to be eligible for an additional survivor annuity as a spouse or former spouse must meet to be eligible for a regular survivor annuity. Payment of a special survivor annuity will commence on the day after the participant dies and shall terminate on the last day of the month before death or remarriage before attaining age 60. If it is discontinued because of remarriage, it will not be resumed.
(e) Payment for additional survivor annuity. (1) Payment for an additional survivor annuity will commence on the first of the month following the effective date of a spousal agreement provising the additional survivor annuity. The effective date will be the date of acceptance of the spousal agreement by PER/ER-RET (upon a finding that the agreement conforms to the law and regulations) or such later date as may be specified in the agreement. No payment will be made to a beneficiary under the agreement if the principal dies before its effective date. Accordingly, in order to give protection to a beneficiary during active service, the agreement must be made effective, and payment commence, during active service. Payment will be made by a participant or annuitant by deduction from salary or annuity. Payment will be made by a former participant while awaiting commencement of a deferred annuity by direct payment to the Department, Office of Financial Operations (M/COMP/FO). Payments not received by the due date may, at the option of M/COMP/FO and with notice to the principal and the beneficiary be collected from the principal's lump-sum account. Amounts so collected must be repaid by the principal with interest compounded at 10 percent annually to prevent exhaustion of the lump-sum account. If the lump-sum account does become exhausted, any rights to the lump-sum payment under § 19.13 and survivorship rights under this paragraph will expire on that date. If the principal dies with an amount owing, it shall be collected by set off from the survivor annuity or lump-sum account.
(2) Monthly payments may be reduced or eliminated by direct payment to M/COMP/FO by any participant or former participant under terms mutually agreed upon by the participant and PER/ER/RET. Minimum monthly payments will be based upon actuarial tables prescribed from time to time by the Director General of the Foreign Service (M/DGP) with the advice of the Secretary of Treasury. Such tables will be calculated so that the present value of all payments equal the present value of the survivor annuity. If new tables are prescribed, they would be applicable to additional survivor annuities provided by spousal agreements that become effective on or after the effective date of the new tables. Additional survivor annuities will be increased by regular cost-of-living adjustments from their commencing dates only when so specified at the option of the participant or former participant in a spousal agreement. Monthly payments will be higher if cost-of-living adjustments are provided.
(3) In the event of the disqualification of a beneficiary for an additional survivor annuity because of death, remarriage prior to age 60 or divorce from the principal and failure to meet the definition of “former spouse,” or in the event of an authorized reduction or cancellation of an election for an additional survivor annuity, the monthly payment for such discontinued or reduced additional survivor annuity will be discontinued or reduced, as appropriate, effective at the beginning of the first month following termination or reduction of the benefit. Except as otherwise specified in paragraph (b) of this section, any amount paid for such discontinued or reduced benefit by a participant or former participant in excess of the minimum monthly payments described above shall be refunded to the participant or former participant with interest calculated at the annual rate used in the last evaluation of the System or at such higher rate as may be authorized by M/COMP/FO as will not cause a loss to the Fund. The following table illustrates the minimum monthly payments schedule in effect February 15, 1981.
Age of principal and beneficiary on effective date of spousal agreement
| Minimum monthly payment required to provide an additional survivor annuity of $100 per month.
Without COLA
| With COLA
40 | $7.49 | $12.34
50 | 14.18 | 22.01
60 | 23.55 | 33.90
70 | 35.57 | 47.12 |
(4) Reduction from annuity to a principal to pay for an additional survivor annuity will be in the nature of an allotment and will not affect computations of cost-of-living adjustments to the principal.
§ 19.10-6 - Benefits for recall service.
(a) Annuity of recalled participant. Any participant who is recalled to the Service under section 308 of the Act, shall, while serving, be entitled in lieu of annuity to the full salary of the class in which serving. During such service, the recalled annuitant shall make contributions to the Fund under section 805(a) of the Act. If a share of the annuity is being paid as a pension to a former spouse under § 19.9, that share shall be deducted from the salary of the recalled annuitant during the period of the recall service. Upon reversion of the annuitant to retired status, any pension payable to a former spouse that was being deducted from the salary of the principal shall again be deducted from the annuity of the principal which shall be determined as follows:
(1) If the recall service lasts less than one year, a refund of retirement contributions made during the recall period will be refunded under § 19.13 and the former annuity will be resumed at the previous rate adjusted by any cost-of-living increases that became effective during recall service.
(2) If the recall service lasts between one and five years, the annuitant will be entitled to elect benefits under paragraph (a)(1) of this section or receive both the former annuity adjusted by cost-of-living increases and a supplemental annuity computed under § 19.10 on the basis of service credit and average salary earned during the recall period, irrespective of the number of years of service credit previously earned.
(3) If the recall service lasts five years or more, the annuitant will be entitled to recomputation of the annuity as if there had been no previous retirement, or elect benefits under paragraph (a) (1) or (2) of this section.
(4) An annuitant may receive credit in any computation under paragraph (a) (2) or (3) of this section for any Federal service performed subsequent to the separation upon which the original annuity was computed provided a special contribution is made for such service under section 805 of the Act.
(5) An annuitant entitled to a supplemental annuity under paragraph (a)(3) of this section or a recomputated annuity under paragraph (a)(4) of this section is obligated, in the absence of a court order or spousal agreement to the contrary, to have those annuities reduced to provide the benefits described in § 19.8 to any spouse or former spouse to whom married during any portion of the recall service. An annuitant must accept a reduction of 10 percent of his/her supplemental annuity in order to provide a supplemental survivor annuity to a spouse or former spouse. The maximum supplemental survivor annuity equals 55 percent of the supplemental annuity. If, upon reversion to retired status, an annuitant has a former spouse entitled to a pro rata share or some other share of the supplemental survivor annuity, but no spouse, the appropriate share of the supplemental annuity shall be reduced by 10 percent to provide such former spouse a share of the maximum supplemental survivor annuity.
(b) Survivor benefit for death during recall service. (1) If an annuitant entitled to a reduced annuity under § 19.10-2 dies in service after being recalled and is survived by a spouse or former spouse entitled to a survivor annuity based on the service of such annuitant, such survivor annuity shall be computed as if the recall service had otherwise terminated on the day of death and the annuity of the deceased had been resumed in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section. If such death occurs after the annuitant had completed sufficient recall service to attain eligibility for a supplemental annuity, a surviving spouse or surviving former spouse who was married to the participant at any time during a period of recall service shall be entitled to elect, in addition to any other benefits and in lieu of a refund of retirement contributions made during the recall service, a supplemental survivor annuity computed and paid under § 19.10-6a(5) as if the recall service had otherwise terminated. If the annuitant had completed sufficient recall service to attain eligibility to have his/her annuity determined anew, a surviving spouse or such a surviving former spouse may elect, in lieu of any other survivor benefit under § 19.11, to have the rights of the annuitant redetermined and to receive a survivor annuity computed under § 19.11-2 or § 19.11-3 on the basis of the total service of the annuitant. In the event such an annuitant is survived both by a spouse and such a former spouse, the former spouse will be entitled to a pro rata share of any refund or supplemental survivor benefit under this section computed on the basis of total service during the recall period and months of marriage during such period. If the surviving spouse and surviving former spouse elect different benefits under this paragraph, the former spouse will receive the pro rata share of the benefit he/she elects and the spouse will receive the reciprocal share of the benefit he/she elects.
(2) In the event an annuitant dies during recall service and is survived by a former spouse to whom not married during any period of the recall service, such former spouse will not be entitled to any benefits based on the recall service.
§ 19.11 - Survivor benefits.
§ 19.11-1 - Kinds of survivor benefits.
If a participant or former participant dies in active service or after retirement, regular survivor annuities are payable under terms of this section to an eligible surviving spouse, former spouse or child. Also, if all rights to annuity and survivor annuity terminate prior to exhaustion of the participant's lump-sum credit, a lump-sum payment is made pursuant to § 19.13. In addition to the above, an additional survivor annuity, and a supplemental survivor annuity may be payable to an eligible survivor under §§ 19.10-5 and 19.10-6, respectively. If any participant or former participant makes an election, files a spousal agreement or becomes subject to a court order to provide a regular survivor annuity for a spouse or former spouse and does not subsequently become entitled to leave a survivor annuity under these regulations (because of separation from the Service and withdrawal of contributions, death after separation but before commencement of a deferred annuity, or for any other reason), none will be paid and such election, spousal agreement or court order to provide such survivor annuity will have no force or effect.
§ 19.11-2 - Regular survivor annuity for a former spouse.
(a) Divorce prior to retirement. If a participant or former participant is divorced prior to commencement of annuity, any former spouse shall be entitled to a pro rata share of such a principal's maximum regular survivor annuity (based on service performed prior to the first date the principal becomes eligible for an annuity following the divorce) unless a different amount is elected in a spousal agreement filed with PER/ER/RET within 12 months after the divorce becomes final or at the time of the retirement, whichever occurs first, or unless a different amount is specified by a court prior to the death of the principal. The principal's annuity shall be reduced at the commencing date under § 19.10-2 in order to provide the survivor annuity committed to the former spouse.
(b) Divorce after retirement. In the event an annuitant is divorced after retirement (commencement of annuity), the maximum survivor annuity that may be provided for that former spouse is limited to the amount provided for that person at the time of retirement. Within that limit, the former spouse is entitled to a pro rata share of the participant's maximum survivor benefit (based on service performed prior to the divorce) unless a different amount was elected in a spousal agreement filed with PER/ER/RET at the time of retirement, or in the case of retirement before February 15, 1981, filed with PER/ER/RET within 12 months after the divorce becomes final, or unless a different amount is specified by a court prior to the death of the principal. For this purpose, a joint election filed with PER/ER/RET at the time of retirement is considered a spousal agreement. If the survivor annuity for the former spouse is reduced at the time of the divorce (because the pro rata share or the amount specified in a spousal agreement or court order is less than the amount elected at retirement), the principal's annuity shall be recomputed and paid, effective on the date the survivor benefit is reduced, as if the lower amount had been elected at the outset of retirement.
(c) Death or remarriage of former spouse and transfer of survivor benefit to a spouse. Remarriage below age 60 or death of a former spouse while a principal is alive will disqualify the former spouse for benefits under this section. In the event of such a remarriage or death of a former spouse, the portion of a principal's survivor annuity committed to that person will become available for transfer to any spouse. If such a remarriage or death of the former spouse occurs after the principal's annuity commences, any reduction in the principal's annuity for that former spouse will be discontinued effective at the beginning of the first month following the remarriage or death unless the annuitant elects to provide or to increase a survivor benefit for a spouse. Such an election may be made within one year after the annuitant receives notice of the remarriage or death of his/her former spouse. The Department (PER/ER/RET) and the annuitant shall each notify the other promptly whenever either receives independent notice of such a remarriage or death. If an election to transfer survivor benefits to a spouse is not made by the annuitant, his/her annuity will be recomputed and paid as if there had been no reduction for the discontinued survivor benefit. If an annuity is so recomputed and an election is subsequently made to designate as beneficiary a spouse to whom married for at least one year at the time the election is made, the principal's annuity shall be restored retroactively to its former, lower rate and then adjusted by cost-of-living increases that have occured since the date of the first recomputation. If an election is made for a spouse when the marriage has not yet lasted a year, the procedures in § 19.10-4 shall be followed.
(d) Amount of survivor annuity. The amount of a regular survivor annuity is determined under § 19.11-3(c).
(e) Special rules for election of survivor annuity for a person who is a former spouse on February 15, 1981. (1) Any participant, or former participant eligible for a deferred annuity which has not yet commenced, who, on February 15, 1981 has a former spouse, may at any time prior to commencement of annuity, elect, with the consent of any spouse to whom married at the time of the election, to receive a reduced annuity and provide a regular survivor annuity for such former spouse. Such survivor annuity shall be limited by § 19.10-2(b). An election under this paragraph for a former spouse will reduce the amount of any regular survivor annuity that may subsequently be provided for any spouse or other former spouse.
(2) Any former participant in receipt of an annuity who has a former spouse on February 15, 1981 and who has not committed his/her entire annuity as a base for a regular survivor annuity for a spouse or any other former spouse, may, prior to December 31, 1982, designate any portion of the uncommitted base as the base for a regular survivor annuity for such former spouse.
(3) The annuity of a former participant making an election under this paragraph shall be reduced under § 19.10-2(a) effective February 15, 1981, or from its commencing date if later.
(4) An election under this paragraph shall be made by filing a spousal agreement with PER/ER/RET under § 19.7. A spousal agreement to provide a regular survivor annuity under this paragraph for a former spouse may be revoked or amended after its acceptance by PER/ER/RET as in accordance with the Act and these regulations, only by agreement of the parties up to the last day allowed by this paragraph for filing such an agreement. Thereafter, it is irrevocable. If a participant dies in service after having filed a valid election under this section, a survivor annuity will be paid to an eligible former suriving spouse in accordance with the terms of the election.
§ 19.11-3 - Regular survivor annuity for a spouse.
(a) In the absence of a joint election or a spousal agreement to the contrary, a participant or former participant who is separated from active service on or after February 15, 1981 who is married at the commencement of his/her annuity shall provide a regular survivor annuity for a spouse under § 19.10-2 equal to the maximum amount that remains available under limitations stated in paragraph (b) of that section after allowing for any commitment of a regular survivor annuity for a former spouse who has not remarried prior to age 60 and who is alive on the date the former participant becomes eligible for an annuity.
(b) A regular survivor annuity is also payable to a surviving spouse for whom a principal elected an annuity under § 19.10-3, § 19.10-4, or § 19.11-2(c) following a marriage after comencement of his/her annuity.
(c) The amount of a regular survivor annuity equals 55 percent of the base designated for the benefit at the time the principal's annuity commenced, adjusted by the total percentage of cost-of-living increases the principal was receiving at death.
(d) A survivor annuity is payable to a surviving spouse only if that person was married to the principal at the time of his/her death or if the spouse became a former spouse under the definition in § 19.2(k).
[46 FR 12958, Feb. 19, 1981. Redesignated and amended at 46 FR 18970, Mar. 27, 1981]
§ 19.11-4 - Procedure in event a spouse or former spouse is missing.
If a participant or former participant has a spouse or former spouse whose whereabouts are unknown, such participant may elect to reduce or eliminate the share of a regular survivor annuity provided for that person under § 19.11-2 or § 19.11-3 by filing an affidavit with PER/ER/RET stating that his/her spouse or former spouse is missing and giving full name, last known address, date last heard from, circumstances of the disappearance and a description of the effort that has been made to locate the individual. Thereafter, the participant shall take such additional steps to locate the missing person as may be directed by PER/ER/RET. That Office shall also attempt to locate the missing person by sending a letter to the individual's last known address given in the Department's files, to the address given on the affidavit, and, if a Social Security number is known, to the Social Security Administration for forwarding. The election and affidavit may be filed at any time before commencement of annuity. It must remain on file with PER/ER/RET for at least one year before being given irrevocable effect by the Department. If the annuity to the former participant becomes effective prior to the expiration of this one year period, the annuity shall be computed and paid without reference to the election filed under this section. Following this one-year period, or at the commencement of annuity, if later, if the missing person has not been located, the affidavit may be reaffirmed by the participant, after which an election by the participant to reduce or eliminate the share of regular survivor annuity for the missing person shall be given irrevocable effect by the Department. If the annuity to the former participant has commenced, it shall be recomputed and paid retroactively to give effect to any election made under this section.
§ 19.11-5 - Commencement, termination and adjustment of annuities.
(a) An annuity payable from the Fund to a surviving spouse or former spouse begins on the day after the participant or annuitant dies and stops on the last day of the month before the survivor's (1) marriage before age 60, or (2) death. If a survivor annuity is terminated because of remarriage, the annuity is restored at the same rate effective on the date such remarriage is terminated, provided any lump-sum paid upon termination of the annuity is returned to the Fund. The termination of a surviving spouse annuity due to remarriage does not apply to a survivor annuitant who is a surviving spouse of a participant who died in service or retired before October 1, 1976, unless elected following a marriage after retirement under circumstances described in § 19.10-3 or § 19.10-4.
(b) A surviving spouse or former spouse shall not become entitled to a survivor annuity or to the restoration of a survivor annuity payable from the Fund unless the survivor elects to receive it instead of any other survivor annuity to which entitled under this or any other retirement system for Government employees. (For this purpose, neither the Social Security system nor the military retirement system is considered a retirement system for Government employees.) This restriction does not apply to a survivor annuitant who is a surviving spouse of a participant who died in service or retired before October 1, 1976, unless the survivor annuity was elected under circumstances described in § 19.10-3 or § 19.10-4.
(c) A child's annuity begins on the day after the participant dies, or if a child is not then qualified, on the first day of the month in which the child becomes eligible. A child's annuity shall terminate on the last day of the month which precedes the month in which eligibility ceases.
(d) Regular and supplemental survivor annuities to a spouse or former spouse of an annuitant described in §§ 19.11-2, 19.11-3 and 19.10-6(b) are increased from their effective date by the cumulative percentage of cost-of-living increases the annuitant was receiving under section 826 of the Act at death. All annuities payable to survivors on the date a cost-of-living adjustment becomes effective are increased by that percentage except (1) the first increase to a surviving spouse of a participant who dies in service shall be pro rated and (2) additional survivor annuities under § 19.10-5 when the spousal agreement authorizing the annuity makes no provision for cost-of-living increases.
(e) The annuity of survivors becomes effective as specified in this section but is not paid until the survivor submits Form JF-38, Application for Death Benefits, supported by such proof as may be required, for example, death, marriage, and/or divorce certificates. In the event that such is not submitted during an otherwise eligible beneficiary's lifetime, no annuity is due or payable to the beneficiary's estate.
[46 FR 12958, Feb. 19, 1981. Redesignated and amended at 46 FR 18970, Mar. 27, 1981]
§ 19.11-6 - Death during active duty.
(a) Annuity for surviving former spouse. In the event a participant dies before separation from the Service and leaves a former spouse, such former spouse is entitled to a regular survivor annuity under § 19.11-2 computed as if the participant had retired on the date of death unless a court order or spousal agreement is on file in the Department waiving such entitlement or providing for some other computation, or unless the former spouse had been found missing and an election filed under the procedures of § 19.11-4 waiving a survivor benefit for that person. Any assumed service authorized to be used under paragraph (b) of this section in computing the annuity for a surviving spouse may not be counted as “years of marriage” when determining whether the previous spouse qualifies as a “former spouse” under the definition in § 19.2(k) or when computing the pro rata share under § 19.2(s). A former spouse is entitled to an additional survivor annuity under § 19.10-5 provided death occurs on or after the effective date of a spousal agreement providing for the additional annuity.
(b) Annuity for surviving spouse. If a participant who has at least 19 months of civilian service credit toward retirement under the System, excluding extra service credited for unhealthful post duty in accordance with section 816 of the Act, dies before separation from the Service, and is survived by a spouse as defined in § 19.2(v) such survivor shall be entitled to an annuity equal to 55 percent of the annuity computed in accordance with § 19.10-1 less any annuity payable to a former spouse under paragraph a. If the participant had less than three years of creditable civilian service at the time of death, the survivor annuity is computed on the basis of the average salary for the entire period of such service. If, at time of death, the participant had less than 20 years of creditable service, the annuity shall be computed on the assumption that the participant has had 20 years of service, but such additional service credit shall in no case exceed the difference between the participant's age on the date of death and age 65. A spouse is entitled to an additional survivor annuity under § 19.10-5 provided death occurs on or after the effective date of a spousal agreement providing for the additional annuity.
(c) Annuity for a child or children. If a participant described in paragraph (b) of this section is survived by a child or children, each surviving child is entitled to an annuity as described in § 19.11-7.
(d) Annuity changes. Annuities based on a death in service are subject to the provisions of § 19.11-5 governing commencement, adjustment, termination and resumption of annuities.
§ 19.11-7 - Annuity payable to surviving child or children.
(a) If a participant who has at least 18 months of civilian service credit under the System dies in service, or if an annuitant who was a former participant dies, annuities are payable to a surviving child or children, as defined in § 19.2(e) as follows:
(1) When survived by spouse and child or children. If a principal is survived by a wife or husband and by a child or children, in addition to any other annuity, there shall be paid to or on behalf of each child an annuity equal to the smallest of:
(i) $900
(ii) $2,700 divided by the number of children—adjusted under paragraph (b).
(2) When survived by a child or children but no spouse. If the principal is not survived by a wife or husband, but by a child or children, each surviving child shall be paid an annuity equal to the smallest of:
(i) $1,080
(ii) $3,240 divided by the number of children—adjusted under paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) Adjusted rates. In order to reflect cost-of-living increases, the amounts referred to in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) are increased from the commencing date of the annuity to each child by the cumulative percentage of all cost-of-living increases that have occurred under 5 U.S.C. 8340 since October 31, 1969.
(c) Recomputation of annuity for child or children. If a surviving wife or husband dies or the annuity of a child is terminated, the annuities of any remaining children shall be recomputed and paid as though such spouse or child had not survived the participant. If the annuity to a surviving child who has not been receiving an annuity is initiated or resumed, the annuities of any other children shall be recomputed and paid from that date as though the annuities to all currently eligible children in the family were then being initiated.
§ 19.11-8 - Required elections between survivor benefits.
(a) Bar against concurrent payment under this Act and Workers' Compensation Act. Except as stated below, survivor annuities and survivors' compensation for work injuries under 5 U.S.C. 8102 are not payable concurrently if both are based on the death of the same employee. A survivor entitled to both must elect which of the two benefits he/she prefers. Should all eligible survivors of a deceased employee elect to receive the compensation benefit rather than the survivor annuity, their rights to the latter are terminated and, if the lump-sum credit has not been exhausted, a lump-sum payment will become due under § 19.13. The one exception to this rule occurs when a widow or widower is being paid the balance of a scheduled compensation award under 5 U.S.C. 8107 due the deceased employee. If so, the widow or widower may receive the survivor annuity and compensation award concurrently.
(b) Election between survivor annuity and social security benefits. Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 417 (a) and (e), survivors who are eligible for annuity which is based in part on military service performed by a principal between September 16, 1940, and December 31, 1956, and also for survivor benefits under the Social Security system, may elect to have the military service credited toward the Social Security benefit. In practice, the survivors should apply for both benefits, ask the Department and the Social Security Administration for statements showing the amount of each benefit, and then make their election of where to credit the military service. If Social Security benefits are elected, the rights of all survivors to a foreign service annuity are terminated.
§ 19.12 - Employment in a Government agency.
An annuitant who is reemployed by a Federal Government agency may not receive a combination of salary and annuity which exceeds his/her Foreign Service salary at the time of retirement. Refer to § 19.9-4.
§ 19.13 - Lump-sum payment.
§ 19.13-1 - Lump-sum credit.
“Lump-sum credit” is the compulsory and special contributions to a participant's or former participant's credit in the Fund for his/her first 35 years of service plus interest thereon computed from the midpoint of each service period and compounded at four percent annually to the date of separation or December 31, 1976, whichever is earlier, and after such date, for a participant who separates from the Service after completing at least one year of civilian service and before completing 5 years of such service, at the rate of three percent annually to the date of separation. Interest shall not be paid for a fractional part of a month in the total service or on compulsory and special contributions from the annuitant for recall service or other service performed after the date of separation which forms the basis for annuity.
§ 19.13-2 - Share payable to a former spouse.
A former spouse of a participant or annuitant is entitled to a prorata share of 50 percent of any lump-sum payment authorized to be paid to a former participant under this section who separated from the Service on or after February 15, 1981, unless otherwise directed in a court order or a spousal agreement.
§ 19.13-3 - Payment after death of principal.
If a participant or former participant dies and no claim for annuity is payable, the lump-sum credit is paid to surviving beneficiaries.
§ 19.14 - Waiver of annuity.
An individual entitled to be paid an annuity may, for personal reasons, decline to accept all or any part of the annuity. However, a principal may not waive the portion of his/her annuity authorized to be paid to a former spouse under § 19.7 or § 19.9 or to a beneficiary under § 19.6. An annuity waiver shall be in writing and sent to the Department (PER/ER/RET). A waiver may be revoked in writing at any time. Payment of the annuity waived may not be made for the period during which the waiver was in effect.
authority: Secs. 206 and 801 of Foreign Service Act of 1980 (94 Stat. 2079, 2102); Sec. 4 of Act of May 26, 1949 (
22 U.S.C. 2658)
source: 46 FR 12958, Feb. 19, 1981, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 46 FR 18970, Mar. 27, 1981.
cite as: 22 CFR 19.10-6