Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025
Title 22 - Foreign Relations last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 96.74 - Scope.
The provisions in this subpart establish the procedures governing adverse action by an accrediting entity against accredited agencies and approved persons.
[71 FR 8131, Feb. 15, 2006, as amended at 79 FR 40636, July 14, 2014]
§ 96.75 - Adverse action against accredited agencies or approved persons not in substantial compliance.
The accrediting entity must take adverse action when it determines that an accredited agency or approved person may not maintain accreditation or approval as provided in § 96.27. The accrediting entity is authorized to take any of the following actions against an accredited agency or approved person whose compliance the entity oversees. Each of these actions by an accrediting entity is considered an adverse action for purposes of the IAA, the UAA, and the regulations in this part:
(a) Suspending accreditation or approval;
(b) Canceling accreditation or approval;
(c) Refusing to renew accreditation or approval;
(d) Requiring an accredited agency or approved person to take a specific corrective action to bring itself into compliance; and
(e) Imposing other sanctions including, but not limited to, requiring an accredited agency or approved person to cease providing adoption services in a particular case or in a specific foreign country.
[71 FR 8131, Feb. 15, 2006, as amended at 79 FR 40636, July 14, 2014]
§ 96.76 - Procedures governing adverse action by the accrediting entity.
(a) The accrediting entity must decide which adverse action to take based on the seriousness and type of violation and on the extent to which the accredited agency or approved person has corrected or failed to correct deficiencies of which it has been previously informed. The accrediting entity must notify an accredited agency or approved person in writing of its decision to take an adverse action against the agency or person. The accrediting entity's written notice must identify the deficiencies prompting imposition of the adverse action.
(b) Before taking adverse action, the accrediting entity may, in its discretion, advise an accredited agency or approved person in writing of any deficiencies in its performance that may warrant an adverse action and provide it with an opportunity to demonstrate that an adverse action would be unwarranted before the adverse action is imposed. If the accrediting entity takes the adverse action without such prior notice, it must provide a similar opportunity to demonstrate that the adverse action was unwarranted after the adverse action is imposed, and may withdraw the adverse action based on the information provided.
(c) The provisions in §§ 96.25 and 96.26 govern requests for and use of information.
§ 96.77 - Responsibilities of the accredited agency, approved person, and accrediting entity following adverse action by the accrediting entity.
(a) If the accrediting entity takes an adverse action against an agency or person, the action will take effect immediately unless the accrediting entity agrees to a later effective date.
(b) If the accrediting entity suspends or cancels the accreditation or approval of an agency or person, the agency or person must immediately, or by any later effective date set by the accrediting entity, cease to provide adoption services in all intercountry adoption cases. In the case of suspension, it must consult with the accrediting entity about whether to transfer its intercountry adoption cases and adoption records. In the case of cancellation, it must execute the plans required by §§ 96.33(e) and 96.42(d) under the oversight of the accrediting entity, and transfer its intercountry adoption cases and adoption records to other accredited agencies, approved persons, or a State archive, as appropriate. When the agency or person is unable to transfer such intercountry adoption cases or adoption records in accordance with the plans or as otherwise agreed by the accrediting entity, the accrediting entity will so advise the Secretary who, with the assistance of the accrediting entity, will coordinate efforts to identify other accredited agencies or approved persons to assume responsibility for the cases, and to transfer the records to other accredited agencies or approved persons, or to public domestic authorities, as appropriate.
(c) If the accrediting entity refuses to renew the accreditation or approval of an agency or person, the agency or person must cease to provide adoption services in all intercountry adoption cases upon expiration of its existing accreditation or approval. It must take all necessary steps to complete its intercountry adoption cases before its accreditation or approval expires. It must also execute the plans required by §§ 96.33(e) and 96.42(d) under the oversight of the accrediting entity, and transfer its pending intercountry adoption cases and adoption records to other accredited agencies, approved persons, or a State archive, as appropriate. When the agency or person is unable to transfer such intercountry adoption cases or adoption records in accordance with the plans or as otherwise agreed by the accrediting entity, the accrediting entity will so advise the Secretary who, with the assistance of the accrediting entity, will coordinate efforts to identify other accredited agencies or approved persons to assume responsibility for the cases and to transfer the records to other accredited agencies or approved persons, or to public domestic authorities, as appropriate.
(d) The accrediting entity must notify the Secretary, in accordance with procedures established in its agreement with the Secretary, when it takes an adverse action that changes the accreditation or approval status of an agency or person. The accrediting entity must also notify the relevant State licensing authority as provided in the agreement.
[71 FR 8131, Feb. 15, 2006, as amended at 79 FR 40636, July 14, 2014]
§ 96.78 - Accrediting entity procedures to terminate adverse action.
(a) The accrediting entity must maintain internal petition procedures, approved by the Secretary, to give accredited agencies and approved persons an opportunity to terminate adverse actions on the grounds that the deficiencies necessitating the adverse action have been corrected. The accrediting entity must inform the agency or person of these procedures when it informs them of the adverse action pursuant to § 96.76(a). An accrediting entity is not required to maintain procedures to terminate adverse actions on any other grounds, or to maintain procedures to review its adverse actions, and must obtain the consent of the Secretary if it wishes to make such procedures available.
(b) An accrediting entity may terminate an adverse action it has taken only if the agency or person demonstrates to the satisfaction of the accrediting entity that the deficiencies that led to the adverse action have been corrected. The accrediting entity must notify an agency or person in writing of its decision on the petition to terminate the adverse action.
(c) If the accrediting entity described in paragraph (b) of this section is no longer providing accreditation or approval services, the agency or person may petition any accrediting entity with jurisdiction over its application.
(d) If the accrediting entity cancels or refuses to renew an agency's or person's accreditation or approval, and does not terminate the adverse action pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, the agency or person may reapply for accreditation or approval. Before doing so, the agency or person must request and obtain permission to make a new application from the accrediting entity that cancelled or refused to renew its accreditation or approval or, if such entity is no longer designated as an accrediting entity, from any alternate accrediting entity designated by the Secretary to give such permission. The accrediting entity may grant such permission only if the agency or person demonstrates to the satisfaction of the accrediting entity that the specific deficiencies that led to the cancellation or refusal to renew have been corrected.
(e) If the accrediting entity grants the agency or person permission to reapply, the agency or person may file an application with that accrediting entity in accordance with subpart D of this part.
(f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent an accrediting entity from withdrawing an adverse action if it concludes that the action was based on a mistake of fact or was otherwise in error. Upon taking such action, the accrediting entity will take appropriate steps to notify the Secretary and the Secretary will take appropriate steps to notify the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
§ 96.79 - Administrative or judicial review of adverse action by the accrediting entity.
(a) Except to the extent provided by the procedures in § 96.78, an adverse action by an accrediting entity shall not be subject to administrative review.
(b) Section 202(c)(3) of the IAA (42 U.S.C. 14922(c)(3)) provides for judicial review in Federal court of adverse actions by an accrediting entity, regardless of whether the entity is described in § 96.5(a) or (b). When any petition brought under section 202(c)(3) raises as an issue whether the deficiencies necessitating the adverse action have been corrected, the procedures maintained by the accrediting entity pursuant to § 96.78 must first be exhausted. Adverse actions are only those actions listed in § 96.75. There is no judicial review of an accrediting entity's decision to deny accreditation or approval, including:
(1) A denial of an initial application;
(2) A denial of an application made after cancellation or refusal to renew by the accrediting entity; and
(3) A denial of an application made after cancellation or debarment by the Secretary.
(c) In accordance with section 202(c)(3) of the IAA (42 U.S.C. 14922(c)(3)), an accredited agency or approved person that is the subject of an adverse action by an accrediting entity may petition the United States district court in the judicial district in which the agency is located or the person resides to set aside the adverse action imposed by the accrediting entity. The United States district court shall review the adverse action in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 706. When an accredited agency or approved person petitions a United States district court to review the adverse action of an accrediting entity, the accrediting entity will be considered an agency as defined in 5 U.S.C. 701 for the purpose of judicial review of the adverse action.
§ 96.80 - [Reserved]
authority: The Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (done at the Hague, May 29, 1993), S. Treaty Doc. 105-51 (1998), 1870 U.N.T.S. 167 (Reg. No. 31922 (1993)); The Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000,
42 U.S.C. 14901-14954; The Intercountry Adoption Universal Accreditation Act of 2012, Pub. L. 112-276,
42 U.S.C. 14925.
source: 71 FR 8131, Feb. 15, 2006, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 22 CFR 96.74