Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 22 - Foreign Relations last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 9a.1 - Security of certain information and material related to the International Energy Program.
These regulations implement Executive Order 11932 dated August 4, 1976 (41 FR 32691, August 5, 1976) entitled “Classification of Certain Information and Material Obtained from Advisory Bodies Created to Implement the International Energy Program.”
§ 9a.2 - General policy.
(a) The United States has entered into the Agreement on an International Energy Program of November 18, 1974, which created the International Energy Agency (IEA). This program is a substantial factor in the conduct of our foreign relations and an important element of our national security. The effectiveness of the Agreement depends significantly upon the provision and exchange of information and material by participants in advisory bodies created by the IEA. Confidentiality is essential to assure the free and open discussion necessary to accomplish the tasks assigned to those bodies.
(b) These regulations establish procedures for the classification, declassification, storage, access, and dissemination of certain information related to the International Energy Program.
§ 9a.3 - Scope.
These regulations apply to all information and material classified by the United States under the provisions of E.O. 11932, dated August 4, 1976 entitled “Classification of Certain Information and Material Obtained From Advisory Bodies Created To Implement The International Energy Program.”
§ 9a.4 - Classification.
(a) Section 1 of E.O. 11932, August 4, 1976 directs that information and material obtained pursuant to the International Energy Program and which requires protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interest of the national defense or foreign relations of the United States shall be classified pursuant to Executive Order 11652.
(b) Information and material, including transcripts, records, and communications, in the possession of the United States Government which has been obtained pursuant to (1) section 252(c)(3), (d)(2) or (e)(3) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (89 Stat. 871, 42 U.S.C. 6272(c)(3), (d)(2), (e)(3)), or (2) The Voluntary Agreement and Program Relating to the International Energy Program (40 FR 16041, April 8, 1975), or (3) the Voluntary Agreement and Plan of Action to Implement the International Energy Program (41 FR 13998, April 1, 1976), or (4) Any similar Voluntary Agreement and Program entered into under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act shall be reviewed by an officer of the Department of State with classifying authority for the purpose of determining whether such information or material should be classified pursuant to E.O. 11652. If the officer determines that the information or material warrants classification, he shall assign it the appropriate classification. Such information or material may be exempted from the General Declassification Schedule established by section 5 of Executive Order No. 11652 if it was obtained by the United States on the understanding that it be kept in confidence, or if it might otherwise be exempted under section 5(B) of such Order.
(c) In classifying such information or material, officers of the Department of State shall follow the standards in E.O. 11652 and the provisions of 22 CFR 9.5 through 9.8.
§ 9a.5 - Declassification and downgrading.
The provisions of E.O. 11652, 22 CFR 9.9 through 9.15, and 9a.4(b) shall govern declassification and downgrading of such information or material.
§ 9a.6 - Marking.
(a) The provisions of 22 CFR 9.15 through 9.19 shall govern the marking of information or material classified under the provisions of these regulations, except that the following stamp shall be used as appropriate:
(Top Secret, Secret or Confidential)
Classified by: ______________________________
Under Executive Order 11932
Exempt from General Declassification Schedule of E.O. 11652 Exemption Category section 5B (2), (3), or (4); or E.O. 11932
Automatically Declassified on ______________
(effective date or event if any)
Exemption category “E.O. 11932” shall be used for information and material obtained by the United States on e understanding that it be kept in confidence and classified under E.O. 11932.
(b) If the information or material does not qualify for exemption from the General Declassification Schedule, ordinary stamps and marking may be used.
§ 9a.7 - Access.
(a) Except as set forth in this section, access to information or material classified under the provisions of these regulations shall be governed by the provisions of 22 CFR 9.20 through 9.25.
(b) Classified information and material which was created by or in connection with an advisory body to the IEA may be made available to participants in such advisory body and their colleagues in accordance with the following subsections.
(c) Such information and material classified “Confidential” may be made available for review to participants in the meeting of the advisory body in which it was developed or discussed. Where participants are acting as representatives of companies or of the IEA Secretariat, such information and material may be made available for review to employees or other representatives of, or counsel for, such companies or Secretariat: Provided, That such person is determined by an appropriate officer of the Department to be trustworthy and to have a need for access to the particular classified information sought in connection with the performance of duties in furtherance of the purposes of the IEA, including the furnishing of legal advice to such participants.
(d) Such information and material classified “Confidential” may be left in the custody of such participants or other persons who may review it for reasonable period of time: Provided, That an appropriate officer of the Department determines that it will be protected from unauthorized disclosure by adequate security safeguards. Such information or material may not be reproduced by those permitted to review it pursuant to this section without the written consent of an officer of the Department with classifying authority.
(e) Such information and material classified other than “Confidential” under E.O. 11652 may be made available for review only to participants in the meeting in which it was developed or discussed; it must be reviewed in the presence of an official of the United States Government with an appropriate security clearance granted by the Department, and may not be left in the custody of such participants.
§ 9a.8 - Physical protection.
Except as provided in § 9a.7, the physical protection of information or material classified under this regulation shall be governed by the appropriate provisions of 22 CFR 9.45 through 9.49.
authority: E.O. 11932 (41 FR 32691), E.O. 11652 (37 FR 5209, National Security Council Directive of May 17, 1972 (37 FR 10053)
source: 42 FR 46516, Sept. 16, 1977; 42 FR 57687, Nov. 4, 1977, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 22 CFR 9a.4