Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 30, 2025

Title 22 - Foreign Relations last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 1203.735-401 - Employees required to submit statements.

The following employees of IDCA shall submit statements of employment and financial interests:

(a) All special Government employees including experts or consultants serving on a full-time or intermittent basis, except when waived under § 1203.735-402(c).

(b) Employees paid at a level of the Executive Schedule in subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 5, United States Code, except as provided in § 1203.735-402(b).

(c) Except as provided in § 1203.735-402, employees classified at GS-13, FSO-4, FSR-5, FSS-2, AD-13, FC-5, or above, who are in positions hereby identified either as positions the basic duties of which impose upon the incumbent the responsibility for a Government decision or taking a Government action in regard to:

(1) Contracting or procurement;

(2) Administering or monitoring grants or subsidies;

(3) Regulating or auditing private or other non-Federal enterprise;

(4) Other activities where the decision or action has an economic impact on the interests of any non-Federal enterprise, or as positions which have duties and responsibilities which require the incumbent to report employment and financial interests in order to avoid involvement in a possible conflict of interest situation and carry out the purpose of law, Executive order, and the agency's regulations:


Director General; of the Foreign Service and the Director of Personnel; Director of the Policy Planning Staff; Inspector General; Director, FSI; Special Assistant to Secretary; Deputy Secretary, Under Secretaries, or Deputy Under Secretary; Deputy Assistant Secretary and others at this level or above; Assistant Legal Adviser for Management; Director, Office of Operations; Office Director; Country Director; Division Chief in Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, in the Office of Operations, (O/OPR), or in the Office of Foreign Buildings; Executive Director; Deputy Chief of Mission; Principal Officer; Economic Counselor; Commercial Counselor; Administrative Counselor; Civil Air Attache; Petroleum Officer; Minerals Officer; Contracting Specialist; Procurement Specialist; Despatch Agent; Traffic Manager; and Traffic Management Specialist.


Deputy Director, Associate Directors, Directors and Deputy Directors of Offices or Services, Executive or Special Assistants to the Director; Chief Inspector; Associate Chief Inspector; Commissioner General, Deputy Commissioner General, Staff Director (Advisory Commission), Director of Engineering and Technical Operations; Director of Audio-Visual Procurement and Production; Country Public Affairs Officer, Deputy Country Public Affairs Officer, Public Affairs Counselor, Deputy Public Affairs Counselor, Director or Manager of Regional Service Center, Radio Relay Station, Radio Program Center or Radio Relay Station Construction Site, Administrative Officer or Executive Officer at a post abroad, Administrative Officer, Executive Officer and Business Manager (occupational codes 301, 340, 341, and 1101, or FAS code 200); Contracting Specialist and Procurement Specialist (occupational code 1102, or FAS codes 210 and 211); Auditor and Accountant (occupational code 510, or FAS code 207); General Counsel, Deputy General Counsel, or Attorney (occupational code 905, or FAS code 512).


(1) AID/W: Deputy Assistant Administrators, Associate Assistant Administrators, Deputy Associate Assistant Administrators; Heads and Deputy Heads of Offices, Staffs, and Divisions; Desk Officers and Deputy Desk Officers.

(2) Overseas: Mission Directors, Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors, AID Representatives, Aid Affairs Officers, Chairman, Development Assistance Committee; U.S. Representative to Development Assistance Committee; Development Coordination Officer.

(3) Any person serving as chief of an operational branch responsible for housing, loans, guarantees, or other commercial type transactions with the public.

(4) In addition, employees in AID/W or overseas whose positions fall within the following series or position titles (occupational code given in parenthesis): Economist Series (0110); International Cooperation Series (0136); Auditor General (0301.21); Supervisory Housing Development Officer (0301.31); Chief, Housing and Urban Development (0301.35); Contract Compliance Specialist (0301.48); Director for Regional Activities (0340.08); Development Officer (0340.09); Regional Development Officer (0340.10); Executive Officer (0341.01); Deputy Executive Officer (0341.02); Regional Executive Officer (0341.03); Administrative Officer (0341.05); Executive Officer—Administrative Support (0341.15); Executive Officer, Operations (0341.16); Executive Officer, Real Property (0341.18); Executive Officer, Personnel (0341.19); General Services Officer (0342.01); Assistant General Services Officer (0342.03); Assistant General Services Officer, Property and Supply (0342.20); Assistant General Services Officer, Procurement (0342.23); Assistant General Services Officer, Housing (0342.25); Program Officer (0345.01); Deputy Program Officer (0345.02); Food and Agriculture Officer (0401.01); Deputy Food and Agriculture Officer (0401.02); Budget and Accounting Series (0504); Financial Management Series (0505); Accounting Series (0510); Budget Administration Series (0560); General Attorney Series (0905); General Business and Industry Series (1101); Contract and Procurement Series (1102); Property Disposal Series (1104); Purchasing Series (1105); Trade Specialist Series (1140); Private Resources Development Series (1150); Financial Analysis Series (1160); General Investigating Series (1810); Criminal Investigating Series (1811); Import Specialist Series (1889); General Supply Series (2001); Supply Program Management Series (2003).

§ 1203.735-402 - Employees not required to submit statements.

(a) Employees in positions that meet the criteria in paragraph (c) of § 1203.735-401 may be excluded from the reporting requirement when the agency head or designee determines that:

(1) The duties of the position are such that the likelihood of the incumbent's involvement in a conflict-of-interest situation is remote;

(2) The duties of the position are at such a level of responsibility that the submission of a statement of employment and financial interests is not necessary because of the degree of supervision and review over incumbent or the inconsequential effect on the integrity of the Government.

(b) A statement of employment and financial interests is not required by the regulations in this part from an agency head, or a full-time member of a committee, board, or commission appointed by the President. These employees are subject to separate reporting requirements under section 401 of Exective Order 11222.

(c) Special Government employees not required to submit statements. An agency head may waive the requirement of this section for the submission of a statement of employment and financial interest in the case of a special Government employee who is not a consultant or an expert when the agency finds that the duties of the position held by that special Government employee are of a nature and at such a level of responsibility that the submission of the statement by the incumbent is not necessary to protect the integrity of the Government. For the purpose of this paragraph, “consultant” and “expert” have the meanings given those terms by chapter 304 of the Federal Personnel Manual, but do not include a physician, dentist, or allied medical specialist whose services are procured to provide care and service to patients.

§ 1203.735-403 - Employee's complaint on filing requirement.

Each employee shall have the opportunity for review through agency grievance procedure of the employee's complaint that the employee's position has been improperly included within § 1203.735-401 as one requiring the submission of a statement of employment and financial interests. Employees are reminded that they may obtain counseling pursuant to § 1203.735-103 prior to filing a complaint.

§ 1203.735-404 - Time and place of submission, and forms.

(a) An employee or special Government employee shall submit a statement to the Counselor (in the case of a State employee, through the employee's Bureau) no later than:

(1) Ninety days after the effective date of this part if the employee has entered on duty on or before that effective date; or

(2) At least 10 days prior to entrance on duty, if the employee enters on duty after that effective date; except that an employee or special Government employee who enters on duty within 90 days of the effective date of this part may submit such statement within 90 days after entrance on duty.

(b) Only the original of the statement or supplement thereto required by this part shall be submitted. The individual submitting a statement should retain a copy for the individual's own records.

§ 1203.735-405 - Information required.

(a) Employees. Employees' statement of employment and financial interests required by the regulations in this part shall be submitted on the form, “Confidential Statement of Employment and Financial Interests (for use by Government Employees)”, Form OF-106, and shall contain all the information therein required.

(b) Special Government employees. All special Government employees shall submit statements of employment and financial interest on the form, “Confidential Statement of Employment and Financial Interests (for use by Special Government Employees)”, Form AID 4-450 for IDCA, and shall contain all the information therein required.

(c) Interests of employee's relatives. The interest of a member of an employee's family is considered to be an interest of the employee. The term “member of an employee's family” is defined in § 1203.735-102(f).

(d) Information not known by employees. If any information required to be included on a statement of employment and financial interests or supplementary statement, including holdings placed in trust, is not known to the employee but is known to another person, the employee shall request that other person to submit information in the employee's behalf.

(e) Interests not required to be reported. An employee need not disclose those financial interests described in § 1203.735-205(c) as being too remote or too inconsequential to affect the integrity of employees' services.

(f) Information not required. The regulations in this part do not require an employee to submit on a statement of employment and financial interests or supplementary statement any information relating to the employee's connection with, or interest in, a professional society or a charitable, religious, social, fraternal, recreational, public service, civic, or political organization or a similar organization not conducted as a business enterprise. For the purpose of this section, educational and other institutions doing research and development or related work involving grants or money from or contracts with the Government are deemed “business enterprises” and are required to be included in an employee's statement of employment and financial interests.

§ 1203.735-406 - Submission of position description.

Each Statement of Employment and Financial Interests or annual supplement thereto must be accompanied by a full description of the employee's principal governmental duties. The description should be particularly detailed in regard to those duties which might possibly be an element in a conflict of interest. If the statement indicates that the employee has no outside employment or financial interests, the employee need not submit a description of duties. For a special Government employee, the employing office shall submit the description.

§ 1203.735-407 - Supplementary statements.

(a) Employees, as defined in paragraphs (b) and (c) of § 1203.735-401, shall report changes in, or additions to, the information contained in their statements of employment and financial interests in supplementary statements as of June 30 each year. If no changes or additions occur, a negative report is required.

(b) All special Government employees, as defined in paragraph (a) of § 1203.735-401, shall submit a current statement at the time their appointments are extended. A supplementary report indicating any changes in, or additions to the information already submitted will be accepted in lieu of a full submission. If there are no changes or additions, a negative report is required.

(c) Notwithstanding the filing of reports required by this section, each employee shall at all times avoid acquiring a financial interest that could result, or taking an action that would result, in a violation of the conflicts-of-interest provisions of section 208 of title 18, United States Code, or subpart B of this part.

(d) An employee is also to keep current the employee's description of principal duties as to changes or additions which might possibly be an element in a conflict of interest. The employing office shall submit descriptions of changes in the principal duties of a special Government employee as they occur.

§ 1203.735-408 - Review of statements and determination as to conflicts of interest.

(a) On the basis of the Statement of Employment and Financial Interests submitted by each employee or special Government employee, or on the basis of information received from other sources, the Counselor shall determine, in the light of the duties which that employee or special Government employee is or will be performing, whether any conflicts of interest, real or apparent, are indicated. The Counselor shall make this determination based on the applicable statutes, the Executive order, and the applicable regulations of the Civil Service Commission, and of the agency.

(b) Where the Counselor's determination in a particular case is that a conflict of interest, real or apparent, is indicated, the Counselor shall initiate informal discussions with the employee or special Government employee concerned. These discussions shall have as their objectives:

(1) Providing the individual with a full opportunity to explain the conflict or appearance of conflict; and

(2) Arriving at an agreement (acceptable to the Counselor, the individual and the individual's immediate superior) whereby the conflict of interest may be removed or avoided. Such an agreement may include, but is not limited to: (i) Changes in assigned duties; (ii) divestiture of the financial or employment interest creating the conflict or apparent conflict; or (iii) disqualification for a particular assignment.

(c) Where an acceptable agreement cannot be obtained pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, the Counselor shall present findings and recommendations to the officer designated by the agency head, who shall decide which remedy is most appropriate to remove or correct that conflict or apparent conflict. Remedial action under this paragraph may include disciplinary action, including separation for cause, or any of the actions enumerated in paragraph (b)(2) of this section and shall be effective in accordance with applicable laws, Executive orders, and regulations.

(d) Written summaries of all agreements and decisions arrived at pursuant to paragraph (b) or (c) of this section shall be placed in the Counselor's files. Copies shall also be made available to the employee or special Government employee concerned.

§ 1203.735-409 - Confidentiality of employees' statements.

An agency shall hold each statement of employment and financial interests, and each supplementary statement, in confidence. To insure this confidentiality only the Counselor and Deputy Counselors are authorized to review and retain the statements. The Counselor and Deputy Counselors are responsible for maintaining the statements in confidence and shall not allow access to, or allow information to be disclosed from, a statement except to carry out the purpose of this part. An agency may not disclose information from a statement except as the Civil Service Commission or the agency head may determine for good cause shown.

§ 1203.735-410 - Effect of employees' statements on other requirements.

The statements of employment and financial interests and supplementary statements required for employees are in addition to, and not in substitution for, or in derogation of, any similar requirement imposed by law, order, or regulation. The submission of a statement or supplementary statement by an employee does not permit the employee or any other person to participate in a matter in which the employee or the other person's participation is prohibited by law, order, or regulation. Save with respect to those financial interests excepted from the conflict of interest prohibitions of 18 U.S.C. 208(a) pursuant to a written advance determination under § 1203.735-217 or exempted by the provisions of § 1203.735-205(c), an employee must disqualify himself or herself from participating in any matter in which the employee has a financial interest.

§ 1203.735-411 - Disqualification procedures.

(a) Where an employee is prohibited from participating in a matter because of a conflicting financial interest that is not exempt under § 1203.735-205(c) or has not been specifically excepted by the appropriate agency official pursuant to § 1203.735-217 in advance of the employee's participation in the particular matter, the employee shall conduct himself or herself in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) The employee shall promptly disclose the financial interest in such matter to the employee's immediate superior. The superior will thereupon relieve the employee of duty and responsibility in the matter.

(2) In foreign posts, it may be impossible or highly impracticable for an employee, who has a disqualifying financial interest, to assign the matter for official action to anyone other than a subordinate. In this event, the employee must instruct the subordinate to report fully and directly to the immediate superior to whom the employee himself or herself would normally report. The employee must concurrently direct such subordinate to take such action as may be appropriate in the matter, and without thereafter revealing to the disqualified employee in any way any aspect of the particular matter.

(b) Nothing herein precludes the employee from disposing of such disqualifying financial interest, thereby wholly eliminating the conflict of interest. In some circumstances, where the employee may not obtain an exception under § 1203.735-217, or may not disqualify himself or herself and refer or assign the matter to another employee, the performance of duty may even require divestiture.

(c) Where a supervisor has reason to believe that a subordinate employee may have a conflicting financial interest, the supervisor should discuss the matter with the employee. If the supervisor finds that a conflict of interest does exist, the supervisor must relieve the subordinate employee of duty and responsibility in the particular matter.

(d) The obligation to avoid conflicts of interest is upon each employee. It is a continuing obligation calling for alert vigilance.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part to the contrary, if an employee's holdings rise in value above the amount exempted by § 1203.735-205(c), then the statutory and regulation prohibitions apply in a conflict of interest situation.

authority: E.O. 11222 of May 8, 1965, as amended; 5 CFR 735.104
source: 43 FR 18976, May 2, 1978; 45 FR 18922, Mar. 24, 1980, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 22 CFR 1203.735-408