Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 22 - Foreign Relations last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 1422.1 - Who may file petitions.

(a) A petition for exclusive recognition may be filed by a labor organization requesting an election to determine whether it should be recognized as the exclusive representative of employees of the Department in the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112 or should replace another labor organization as the exclusive representative of employees in such unit.

(b) A petition for any election to determine if a labor organization should cease to be the exclusive representative because it does not represent a majority of employees in the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112 may be filed by an employee or employees or an individual acting on behalf of any employee(s).

(c) A petition seeking to clarify a matter relating to representation may be filed by the Department where the Department has a good faith doubt, based on objective considerations, that the currently recognized or certified labor organization represents a majority of the employees in the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112.

(d) A petition for clarification of the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112 or for amendment of recognition or certification may be filed by the Department or by a labor organization which is currently recognized by the Department as the exclusive representative.

(e) A petition for determination of eligibility for dues allotment may be filed by a labor organization in accordance with 22 U.S.C. 4118(c).

§ 1422.2 - Contents of petition; filing and service of petition; challenges to petition.

(a) Petition for exclusive recognition. A petition by a labor organization for exclusive recognition shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the Board and shall contain the following:

(1) The name of the Department, its address, telephone number, and the persons to contact and their titles, if known;

(2) A description of the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112. Such description shall indicate the classifications of employees sought to be included and those sought to be excluded and the approximate number of employees in the unit;

(3) Name, address, and telephone number of the recognized or certified representative, if any, and the date of such recognition or certification and the expiration date of any applicable agreement, if known to the peititioner;

(4) Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of any other interested labor organizations, if known to the petitioner;

(5) Name and affiliation, if any, of the petitioner and its address and telephone number;

(6) A statement that the petitioner has submitted to the Department and to the Assistant Secretary a roster of its officers and representatives, a copy of its constitution and bylaws, and a statement of its objectives;

(7) A declaration by such person signing the petition, under the penalties of the Criminal Code (18 U.S.C. 1001), that its contents are true and correct to the best of such person's knowledge and belief;

(8) The signature of the petitioner's representative, including such person's title and telephone number; and

(9) The petition shall be accompanied by a showing of interest of not less than thirty percent (30%) of the employees in the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112 and an alphabetical list of names constituting such showing.

(b) Department petition seeking clarification of a matter relating to representation; employee petition for an election to determine whether a labor organization should cease to be an exclusive representative. (1) A petition by the Department shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the Board and shall contain the information set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, except paragraphs (a) (6), and (9), and a statement that the Department has a good faith doubt, based on objective considerations, that the currently recognized or certified labor organization represents a majority of the employees in the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112. Attached to the petition shall be a detailed explanation of the reasons supporting the good faith doubt.

(2) A petition by any employee or employees or an individual acting on behalf of any employee(s) shall contain the information set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, except paragraphs (a) (6) and (9), and it shall be accompanied by a showing of interest of not less than thirty percent (30%) of the employees in the unit indicating that the employees no longer desire to be represented for the purposes of exclusive recognition by the currently recognized or certified labor organization and an alphabetical list of names constituting such showing.

(c) Petition for clarification of unit or for amendment of recognition or certification. A petition for clarification of unit or for amendment of recognition or certification shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the Board and shall contain the information required by paragraph (a) of this section, except paragraphs (a) (2), (6) and (9), and shall set forth:

(1) A description of the unit and the date of recognition or certification;

(2) The proposed clarification or amendment of the recognition or certification; and

(3) A statement of reasons why the proposed clarification or amendment is requested.

(d) Petition for determination of eligibility for dues allotment. A petition for determination of eligibility for dues allotment in the unit may be filed if there is no exclusive representative. The petition shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the Board and shall contain the information required in paragraphs (a) (1), (4), (5), (6), (7), and (8) of this section, and shall set forth:

(1) A description of the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112. Such description shall indicate the classifications of employees sought to be included and those sought to be excluded and the approximate number of employees in the unit; and

(2) The petition shall be accompanied by a showing of membership in the petitioner of not less than ten percent (10%) of the employees in the unit and an alphabetical list of names constituting such showing.

(e) Filing and service of petition and copies. (1) A petition for exclusive recognition, for an election to determine if a labor organization should cease to be the exclusive representative, for clarification of unit, for amendment of recognition or certification, or for determination of eligibility for dues allotment, filed pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b), (c), or (d) of this section respectively, shall be filed with the Regional Director for the region in which the unit exists, or, if the claimed unit exists in two or more regions, the petition shall be filed with the Regional Director for the region in which the affected employees are located.

(2) An original and four (4) copies of a petition shall be filed, together with a statement of any other relevant facts and of all correspondence relating to the question concerning representation.

(3) Copies of the petition together with any attachments shall be served by the petitioner on all known interested parties, and a written statement of such service shall be filed with the Regional Director: Provided, however, That the showing of interest or the showing of membership submitted with a petition filed pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b)(2), (d), or (h) of this section shall not furnished to any other person.

(f) Adequacy and validity of showing of interest or showing of membership. (1) The Regional Director shall determine the adequacy of the showing of interest or the showing of membership administratively, and such determination shall not be subject to collateral attack at a unit or representation hearing. If the petition is dismissed or the intervention sought pursuant to § 1422.5 is denied, a request for review of such dismissal or denial may be filed with the Board in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 1422.6(d).

(2) Any party challenging the validity of any showing of interest or showing of membership of a petitioner, or a cross-petitioner filing pursuant to § 1422.5(b), or of a labor organization seeking to intervene pursuant to § 1422.5, must file its challenge with the Regional Director, with respect to the petitioner or a cross-petitioner, within twenty (20) days after the initial date of posting of the notice of petition as provided in § 1422.4(a), and with respect to any labor organization seeking to intervene, within twenty (20) days of service of a copy of the request for intervention on the challenging party. The challenge shall be supported with evidence including signed statements of employees and any other written evidence. The Regional Director shall investigate the challenge and thereafter shall take such action as the Regional Director deems appropriate which shall be final and not subject to review by the Board, unless the petition is dismissed or the intervention is denied on the basis of the challenge. Such request for review shall be filed with the Board in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 1422.6(d).

(g) Challenge to status of a labor organization. Any party challenging the status of a labor organization under chapter 41 of title 22 of the United States Code must file its challenge with the Regional Director and support the challenge with evidence. With respect to the petitioner or a cross-petitioner filing pursuant to § 1422.5(b), such a challenge must be filed within twenty (20) days after the initial date of posting of the notice of petition as provided in § 1422.4(a), and with respect to a labor organization seeking to intervene pursuant to § 1422.5, within twenty (20) days after service of a copy of the request for intervention on the challenging party. The Regional Director shall investigate the challenge and thereafter shall take such action as the Regional Director deems appropriate, which shall be subject to review by the Board. Such request for review shall be filed with the Board in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 1422.6(d).

§ 1422.3 - Timeliness of petition.

(a) When there is no certified exclusive representative of the employees, a petition will be considered timely filed provided a valid election has not been held within the preceding twelve (12) month period in the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112.

(b) When there is a certified exclusive representative of the employees, a petition will not be considered timely if filed within twenty-four (24) months after the certification as the exclusive representative of employees in unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112,unless.

(c) When a collective bargaining agreement covering the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112 has been signed and dated by the Department and the incumbent exclusive representative, a petition for exclusive recognition or other election petition will not be considered timely if filed during the period of review by the Secretary as set forth in 22 U.S.C. 4113(f), absent unusual circumstances.

(d) A petition for exclusive recognition or other election petition will be considered timely when filed as follows:

(1) Not more than one hundred and five (105) days and not less than (60) days prior to the expiration date of a collective bargaining agreement having a term of three (3) years or less from the date it became effective.

(2) Not more than one hundred and five (105) days and not less than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the initial three (3) year period of a collective bargaining agreement having a term of more than three (3) years from the date it became effective, and any time after the expiration of the initial three (3) year period of such a collective bargaining agreement; and

(3) Any time when unusual circumstances exist which substantially affect the unit or the majority representation.

(e) When a collective bargaining agreement having a term of three (3) years or less is in effect between the Department and the incumbent exclusive representative, and a petition has been filed challenging the representation status of the incumbent exclusive representative and the petition is subsequently withdrawn or dismissed less than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date of that collective bargaining agreement, or any time thereafter, the Department and incumbent exclusive representative shall be afforded a ninety (90) day period from the date the withdrawal is approved or the petition is dismissed free from rival claim within which to consummate a collective bargaining agreement: Provided, however, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not be applicable when any other petition is pending which has been filed pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this section.

(f) When an extension of a collective bargaining agreement having a term of three (3) years or less has been signed more than sixty (60) days before its expiration date, such extension shall not serve as a basis for the denial of a petition submitted in accordance with the time limitations provided herein.

(g) Collective bargaining agreements which go into effect automatically pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 4113(f) and which do not contain the date on which the agreement became effective shall not constitute a bar to an election petition.

(h) A petitioner who withdraws a petition after the issuance of a notice of hearing or after the approval of an agreement for an election, shall be barred from filing another petition for the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112 for six (6) months, unless a withdrawal request has been received by the Regional Director not later than three (3) days before the date of the hearing.

(i) The time limits set forth in this section shall not apply to a petition for clarification of unit or for amendment of recognition or certification, or to a petition for dues allotment.

§ 1422.4 - Investigation of petition and posting of notice of petition; action by Regional Director.

(a) Upon the request of the Regional Director, after the filing of a petition, the Department shall post copies of a notice to all employees in places where notices are normally posted affecting the employees in the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112.

(b) Such notice shall set forth:

(1) The name of the petitioner;

(2) The description of the unit;

(3) If appropriate, the proposed clarification of unit or the proposed amendment of recognition or certification; and

(4) A statement that all interested parties are to advise the Regional Director in writing of their interest and position within twenty (20) days after the date of posting of such notice: Provided, however, That the notice in a petition for determination of eligibility for dues allotment shall contain the information required in paragraphs (a) (1), (2), and (4) of this section.

(c) The notice shall remain posted for a period of twenty (20) days. The notice shall be posted conspicuously and shall not be covered by other material, altered or defaced.

(d) The Department shall furnish the Regional Director and all known interested parties with the following:

(1) Names, addresses and telephone numbers of all labor organizations known to represent any of the employees in the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112;

(2) A copy of all relevant correspondence;

(3) A copy of existing or recently expired agreement(s) covering any of the employees described in the petition;

(4) A current alphabetized list of employees included in the unit, together with their job classifications; and

(5) A current alphabetized list of employees described in the petition as excluded from the unit, together with their job classifications.

(e) The parties are expected to meet as soon as possible after the expiration of the twenty (20) day posting period of the notice of petition as provided in paragraph (a) of this section and use their best efforts to secure agreement on the unit.

(f) The Regional Director shall make such investigation as the Regional Director deems necessary and thereafter shall take action which may consist of the following, as appropriate:

(1) Approve an agreement for consent election in the unit as provided under § 1422.7;

(2) Approve a withdrawal request;

(3) Dismiss the petition; or

(4) Issue a notice of hearing.

(g) In processing a petition for clarification of unit or for amendment of recognition or certification, or dues allotment, where appropriate, the Regional Director shall prepare and serve a report and findings upon all parties to the proceedings and shall state therein, among other pertinent matters, the Regional Director's conclusions and the action contemplated. A party may file with the Board a request for review of such action of the Regional Director in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 1422.6(d). If no request for review is filed, or if one is filed and denied, the Regional Director shall take such action as may be appropriate, which may include issuing a clarification of unit or an amendment of recognition or certification, or determination of eligibility for dues allotment.

(h) A determination by the Regional Director to issue a notice of hearing shall not be subject to review by the Board.

§ 1422.5 - Intervention.

(a) No labor organization will be permitted to intervene in any proceeding involving a petition filed pursuant to § 1422.2 (a) or (b) unless it has submitted to the Regional Director a showing of interest of ten percent (10%) or more of the employees in the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112 together with an alphabetical list of names constituting such showing, or has submitted a current or recently expired agreement with the Department covering any of the employees involved, or has submitted evidence that it is currently recognized or certified exclusive representative of any of the employees involved: Provided, however, That an incumbent exclusive representative shall be deemed to be an intervenor in the proceeding unless it serves on the Regional Director a written disclaimer of any representation interest for the employees involved: Provided, further, That any such incumbent exclusive representative that declines to sign an agreement for consent election because of a disagreement on the matters contained in § 1422.7(c) as decided by the Regional Director, or fails to appear at a hearing held pursuant to § 1422.9, shall be denied its status as an intervenor.

(b) No labor organization may participate to any extent in any representation proceeding unless it has notified the Regional Director in writing, accompanied by its showing of interest as specified in paragraph (a) of this section, of its desire to intervene within twenty (20) days after the initial date of posting of the notice of petition as provided in § 1422.4(a), unless good cause is shown for extending the period. A copy of the request for intervention filed with the Regional Director, excluding the showing of interest, shall be served on all known interested parties, and a written statement of such service should be filed with the Regional Director: Provided, however, That an incumbent exclusive representative shall be deemed to be an intervenor in the proceeding in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) Any labor organization seeking to intervene in a proceeding involving a petition for determination of eligibility for dues allotment filed pursuant to § 1422.2(d) may intervene solely on the basis it claims to be the exclusive representative of some or all the employees specified in the petition and shall submit to the Regional Director a current or recently expired agreement with the Department covering any of the employees involved, or evidence that it is the currently recognized or certified exclusive representative of any of the employees involved.

(d) Any labor organization seeking to intervene must submit to the Regional Director a statement that it has submitted to the Department and to the Assistant Secretary a roster of its officers and representatives, a copy of its constitution and bylaws, and a statement of its objectives.

(e) The Regional Director may grant intervention to a labor organization in a proceeding involving a petition for clarification of unit or a petition for amendment of recognition or certification filed pursuant to § 1422.2(c), or a petition for determination of eligibility for dues allotment filed pursuant to § 1422.2(d), based on a showing that the proposed clarification, amendment or dues allotment affects that labor organizations's existing exclusively recognized unit(s) in that it would cover one or more employees who are included in such unit(s).

§ 1422.6 - Withdrawal, dismissal or deferral of petitions; consolidation of cases; denial of intervention; review of action by Regional Director.

(a) If the Regional Director determines, after such investigation as the Regional Director deems necessary, that the petition has not been timely filed, the unit is not as described in 22 U.S.C. 4114,the,the,or,the. In the absence of such withdrawal within a reasonable period of time, the Regional Director may dismiss the petition or deny the request for intervention.

(b) If the Regional Director determines, after investigation, that a valid issue has been raised by a challenge under § 1422.2 (f) or (g), the Regional Director may take action which may consist of the following, as appropriate:

(1) Request the petitioner or intervenor to withdraw the petition or the request for intervention;

(2) Dismiss the petition and/or deny the request for intervention if a withdrawal request is not submitted within a reasonable period of time;

(3) Defer action on the petition or request for intervention until such time as issues raised by the challenges have been resolved pursuant to this part; or

(4) Consolidate such issues with the representation matter for resolution of all issues.

(c) If the Regional Director dismisses the petition and/or denies the request for intervention, the Regional Director shall serve on the petitioner or the party requesting intervention a written statement of the grounds for the dismissal or the denial, and serve a copy of such statement on the Department, and on the petitioner and any intervenors, as appropriate.

(d) The petitioner or party requesting intervention may obtain a review of such dismissal and/or denial by filing a request for review with the Board within twenty-five (25) days after service of the notice of such action. Copies of the request for review shall be served on the Regional Director and the other parties, and a statement of service shall be filed with the request for review. Requests for extensions of time shall be in writing and received by the Board not later than five (5) days before the date the request for review is due. The request for review shall contain a complete statement setting forth facts and reasons upon which the request is based. Any party may file an opposition to a request for review with the Board within ten (10) days after service of the request for review. Copies of the opposition to the request for review shall be served on the Regional Director and the other parties, and a statement of service shall be filed with the opposition to the request for review. The Board may issue a decision or ruling affirming or reversing the Regional Director in whole or in part or making any other disposition of the matter as it deems appropriate.

§ 1422.7 - Agreement for consent election.

(a) All parties desiring to participate in an election being conducted pursuant to this section or § 1422.16, including intervenors who have met the requirements of § 1422.5, must sign an agreement providing for such an election on a form prescribed by the Board. An original and one (1) copy of the agreement shall be filed with the Regional Director.

(b) The Department, a petitioner, and any intervenors who have complied with the requirements set forth in § 1422.5 may agree that a secret ballot election shall be conducted among the employees in the unit to determine whether the employees desire to be represented for purposes of exclusive recognition by any or none of the labor organizations involved.

(c) The parties shall agree on the eligibility period for participation in the election, the date(s), hour(s), and place(s) of the election, the designations on the ballot and other related election procedures.

(d) In the event that the parties cannot agree on the matters contained in paragraph (c) of this section, the Regional Director, acting on behalf of the Board, shall decide these matters without prejudice to the right of a party to file objections to the procedural conduct of the election under § 1422.20(b).

(e) If the Regional Director approves the agreement, the election shall be conducted by the Department, as appropriate, under the supervision of the Regional Director, in accordance with § 1422.17.

(f) Any qualified intervenor who refuses to sign an agreement for an election may express its objections to the agreement in writing to the Regional Director. The Regional Director, after careful consideration of such objections, may approve the agreement or take such other action as the Regional Director deems appropriate.

§ 1422.8 - Notice of hearing; contents; attachments; procedures.

(a) The Regional Director may cause a notice of hearing to be issued involving any matters related to the petition.

(b) The notice of hearing shall be served on all interested parties and shall include:

(1) The name of the Department, petitioner, and intervenors, if any;

(2) A statement of the time and place of the hearing, which shall be not less than twenty (20) days after service of the notice of hearing, except in extraordinary circumstances;

(3) A statement of the nature of the hearing; and

(4) A statement of the authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held.

(c) A copy of the petition shall be attached to the notice of hearing.

(d) Hearings on matters related to the petition pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section shall be conducted by a Hearing Officer in accordance with §§ 1422.9 through 1422.15.

§ 1422.9 - Conduct of hearing.

(a) Hearings shall be conducted by a Hearing Officer and shall be open to the public unless otherwise ordered by the Hearing Officer. At any time another Hearing Officer may be substituted for the Hearing Officer previously presiding. It shall be the duty of the Hearing Officer to inquire fully into all matters in issue and the Hearing Officer shall obtain a full and complete record upon which the Board can make an appropriate decision. An official reporter shall make the only official transcript of such proceedings. Copies of the official transcript may be examined in the appropriate regional office during normal working hours. Requests by parties for copies of transcripts should be made to the official hearing reporter.

(b) Hearings under this section are considered investigatory and not adversary. Their purpose is to develop a full and complete factual record. The rules of relevancy and materiality are paramount; there are no burdens of proof and the technical rules of evidence do not apply.

§ 1422.10 - Motions.

(a) General. (1) A motion shall state briefly the order or relief sought and the grounds for the motion: Provided, however, That a motion to intervene will not be entertained by the Hearing Officer. Intervention will be permitted only to those who have met the requirements of § 1422.5.

(2) A motion prior to, and after a hearing and any response thereto, shall be made in writing. A response shall be filed within five (5) days after service of the motion. An original and two (2) copies of such motion and any response thereto shall be filed and copies shall be served on the parties and the Regional Director. A statement of such service shall be filed with the original.

(3) During a hearing a motion may be made and responded to orally on the record.

(4) The right to make motions, or to make objections to rulings on motions, shall not be deemed waived by participation in the proceeding.

(5) All motions, rulings, and orders shall become part of the record.

(b) Filing of motions. (1) Motions and responses thereto prior to a hearing shall be filed with the Regional Director. During the hearing motions shall be made to the Hearing Officer.

(2) After the transfer of the case to the Board, except as otherwise provided, motions and responses thereto shall be filed with the Board: Provided, That following the close of a hearing, motions to correct the transcript should be filed with the Hearing Officer within ten (10) days after the transcript is received in the regional office.

(c) Rulings on motions. (1) Regional Directors may rule on all motions filed with them, or they may refer them to the Hearing Officer. A ruling by a Regional Director granting a motion to dismiss a petition may be reviewed by the Board upon the filing by the petitioner of a request for review pursuant to § 1422.6(d).

(2) Hearing Officers shall rule, either orally on the record or in writing, on all motions made at the hearing or referred to them, except that a motion to dismiss a petition shall be referred for appropriate action at such time as the record is considered by the Regional Director or the Board. Rulings by a Hearing Officer reduced to writing shall be served on the parties.

(3) The Board shall consider the rulings by the Regional Director and the Hearing Officer when the case is transferred to it for decision.

§ 1422.11 - Rights of the parties.

(a) A party shall have the right to appear at any hearing in person, by counsel, or by other representative, and to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce into the record documentary or other relevant evidence. Two (2) copies of documentary evidence shall be submitted and a copy furnished to each of the other parties. Stipulations of fact may be introduced in evidence with respect to any issue.

(b) A party shall be entitled, upon request, to a reasonable period at the close of the hearing for oral argument, which shall be included in the stenographic report of the hearing. Such oral argument shall not preclude a party from filing a brief under § 1422.14.

§ 1422.12 - Duties and powers of the Hearing Officer.

It shall be the duty of Hearing Officers to inquire fully into the facts as they relate to the matters before them. With respect to cases assigned to them between the time they are designated and the transfer of the case to the Board, Hearing Officers shall have the authority to:

(a) Grant requests for subpenas pursuant to § 1429.7 of this subchapter;

(b) Rule upon offers of proof and receive relevant evidence and stipulations of fact;

(c) Take or cause depositions or interrogatories to be taken whenever the ends of justice would be served thereby;

(d) Limit lines of questioning or testimony which are immaterial, irrelevant or unduly repetitious;

(e) Regulate the course of the hearing and, if appropriate, exclude from the hearing persons who engage in misconduct;

(f) Strike all related testimony of witnesses refusing to answer any questions ruled to be proper;

(g) Hold conferences for the settlement or simplification of the issues by consent of the parties or upon the Hearing Officer's own motion;

(h) Dispose of procedural requests, motions, or similar matters, which shall be made part of the record of the proceedings, including motions referred to the Hearing Officer by the Regional Director and motions to amend petitions;

(i) Call and examine and cross-examine witnesses and introduce into the record documentary or other evidence;

(j) Request the parties at any time during the hearing to state their respective positions concerning any issue in the case or theory in support thereof;

(k) Continue the hearing from day-to-day, or adjourn it to a later date or to a different place, by announcement thereof at the hearing or by other appropriate notice;

(l) Rule on motions to correct the transcript which are received within ten (10) days after the transcript is received in the regional office; and

(m) Take any other action necessary under this section and not prohibited by the regulations in this subchapter.

§ 1422.13 - Objections to conduct of hearing.

Any objection to the introduction of evidence may be stated orally or in writing and shall be accompanied by a short statement of the grounds of such objection, and be included in the record. No such objection shall be deemed waived by further participation in the hearing. Automatic exceptions will be allowed to all adverse rulings.

§ 1422.14 - Filing of briefs.

A party desiring to file a brief with the Board shall file the original and three (3) copies within thirty (30) days from the close of the hearing. Copies thereof shall be served on all other parties to the proceeding. Requests for additional time in which to file a brief under authority of this section shall be made to the Regional Director, in writing, and copies thereof shall be served on the other parties and a statement of such service shall be filed with the Regional Director. Requests for extension of time shall be in writing and received not later than five (5) days before the date such briefs are due. No reply brief may be filed in any proceeding except by special permission of the Board.

§ 1422.15 - Transfer of case to the Board; contents of record.

Upon the close of the hearing the case is transferred automatically to the Board. The record of the proceeding shall include the petition, notice of hearing, service sheet, motions, rulings, orders, official transcript of the hearing with any corrections thereto, stipulations, objections, depositions, interrogatories, exhibits, documentary evidence, and any briefs or other documents submitted by the parties.

§ 1422.16 - Decision.

The Board will issue a decision directing an election or dismissing the petition, or making other disposition of the matters before it.

§ 1422.17 - Election procedure; request for authorized representation election observers.

This section governs all elections conducted under the supervision of the Regional Director pursuant to § 1422.7 or § 1422.16. The Regional Director may conduct elections in unusual circumstances in accordance with terms and conditions set forth in the notice of election.

(a) Appropriate notices of election shall be posted by the Department. Such notices shall set forth the details and procedures for the election, the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112,the,the,hour.

(b) The reproduction of any document purporting to be a copy of the official ballot, other than one completely unaltered in form and content and clearly marked “sample” on its face, which suggests either directly or indirectly to employees that the Board endorses a particular choice, may constitute grounds for setting aside an election upon objections properly filed.

(c) All elections shall be by secret ballot. An exclusive representative shall be chosen by a majority of the valid ballots cast.

(d) Whenever two or more labor organizations are included as choices in an election, any intervening labor organization may request the Regional Director to remove its name from the ballot. The request must be in writing and received not later than seven (7) days before the date of the election. Such request shall be subject to the approval of the Regional Director whose decision shall be final.

(e) In a proceeding involving an election to determine if a labor organization should cease to be the exclusive representative filed by the Department or any employee or employees or an individual acting on behalf of any employee(s) under § 1422.2(b), an organization currently recognized or certified may not have its name removed from the ballot without having served the written request submitted pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section on all parties. Such request shall contain an express disclaimer of any representation interest among the employees in the unit.

(f) Any party may be represented at the polling place(s) by observers of its own selection, subject to such limitations as the Regional Director may prescribe.

(g) A party's request to the Regional Director for named observers shall be in writing and filed with the Regional Director not less than fifteen (15) days prior to an election to be supervised or conducted pursuant to this part. The request shall name and identify the authorized representation election observers sought, and state the reasons therefor. Copies thereof shall be served on the other parties and a written statement of such service shall be filed with the Regional Director. Within five (5) days after service of a copy of the request, a party may file objections to the request with the Regional Director and state the reasons therefor. Copies thereof shall be served on the other parties and a written statement of such service shall be filed with the Regional Director. The Regional Director shall rule upon the request not later than five (5) days prior to the date of the election. However, for good cause shown by a party, or on the Regional Director's own motion, the Regional Director may vary the time limits prescribed in this paragraph.

§ 1422.18 - Challenged ballots.

Any party or the representative of the Board may challenge, for good cause, the eligibility of any person to participate in the election. The ballots of such challenged persons shall be impounded.

§ 1422.19 - Tally of ballots.

Upon the conclusion of the election, the Regional Director shall cause to be furnished to the parties a tally of ballots.

§ 1422.20 - Certification; objections to election; determination on objections and challenged ballots.

(a) The Regional Director shall issue to the parties a certification of results of the election or a certification of representative, where appropriate: Provided, however, That no objections are filed within the time limit set forth below; the challenged ballots are insufficient in number to affect the results of the election; and no rerun election is to be held.

(b) Within twenty (20) days after the tally of ballots has been furnished, a party may file objections to the procedural conduct of the election, or to conduct which may have improperly affected the results of the election, setting forth a clear and concise statement of the reasons therefor. The objecting party shall bear the burden of proof at all stages of the proceeding regarding all matters raised in its objections. An original and two (2) copies of the objections shall be filed with the Regional Director and copies shall be served on the parties. A statement of such service shall be filed with the Regional Director. Such filing must be timely whether or not the challenged ballots are sufficient in number to affect the results of the election. Within ten (10) days after the filing of the objections, unless an extension of time has been granted by the Regional Director, the objecting party shall file with the Regional Director evidence, including signed statements, documents and other material supporting the objections.

(c) If objections are filed or challenged ballots are sufficient in number to affect the results of the election, the Regional Director shall investigate the objections or challenged ballots, or both.

(d) When the Regional Director determines that no relevant question of fact exists, the Regional Director (1) shall find whether improper conduct occurred of such a nature as to warrant the setting aside of the election and, if so, indicate an intention to set aside the election, or (2) shall rule on determinative challenged ballots, if any, or both. The Regional Director shall issue a report and findings on objections and/or challenged ballots which shall be served upon all parties to the proceeding. Such report and findings shall state therein any additional pertinent matters such as an intent to rerun the election or count ballots at a specified date, time, and place, and if appropriate, that the Regional Director will cause to be issued a revised tally of ballots.

(e) When the Regional Director determines that no relevant question of fact exists, but that a substantial question of interpretation or policy exists, the Regional Director shall notify the parties in the report and findings and transfer the case to the Board in accordance with of this subchapter.

(f) Any party aggrieved by the findings of a Regional Director with respect to objections to an election or challenged ballots may obtain a review of such action by the Board by following the procedure set forth in § 1422.6(d) of this subchapter: Provided, however, That a determination by the Regional Director to issue a notice of hearing shall not be subject to review by the Board.

(g) Where it appears to the Regional Director that the objections or challenged ballots raise any relevant question of fact which may have affected the results of the election, the Regional Director shall cause to be issued a notice of hearing. Hearings shall be conducted and decisions issued by Administrative Law Judges and exceptions and related submissions filed with the Board in accordance with §§ 1423.14 through 1423.28 of this subchapter excluding § 1423.18 and § 1423.19(j), with the following exceptions:

(1) The Administrative Law Judge may not recommend remedial action to be taken or notices to be posted, as provided under § 1423.26(a); and

(2) Reference to “charge, complaint” in § 1423.26(b) shall be read as “report and findings of the Regional Director.”

(h) At a hearing conducted pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section the party filing the objections shall have the burden of proving all matters alleged in its objections by a preponderance of the evidence. With respect to challenged ballots, no burden of proof is imposed on any party.

(i) The Board shall take action which may consist of the following, as appropriate:

(1) Issue a decision adopting, modifying, or rejecting the Administrative Law Judge's decision;

(2) Issue a decision in any case involving a substantial question of interpretation or policy transferred pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section; or

(3) Issue a ruling with respect to a request for review filed pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section affirming or reversing, in whole or in part, the Regional Director's findings, or make such other disposition as may be appropriate.

§ 1422.21 - Preferential voting.

In any election in which more than two choices are on the ballot and no choice receives a majority of first preferences the Board shall distribute to the two choices having the most first preferences the preferences as between those two of the other valid ballots cast. The choice receiving a majority of preferences shall be declared the winner. A labor organization which is declared the winner of the election shall be certified by the Board as the exclusive representative.

§ 1422.22 - Inconclusive elections.

(a) An inconclusive election is one in which none of the choices on the ballot is declared the winner. If there are no challenged ballots that would affect the results of the election, the Regional Director may declare the election a nullity and may order another election providing for a selection from among the choices afforded in the previous ballot.

(b) Only one further election pursuant to this section may be held.

authority: 22 U.S.C. 4107.
source: 46 FR 45862, Sept. 15, 1981, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 22 CFR 1422.4