Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 22 - Foreign Relations last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 1471.1 - Request for Panel consideration.

If direct negotiations and other voluntary arrangements for settlement, if any, fail to resolve a negotiation impasse:

(a) Either party, or the parties jointly, may request the Panel to consider the matter by filing a request as hereinafter provided; or

(b) The Panel may, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 4110(a), undertake consideration of the matter upon request of the Executive Director.

§ 1471.2 - Content of request.

A request from a party or parties to the Panel for consideration of an impasse must be in writing and include the following information:

(a) Identification of the parties and individuals authorized to act on their behalf;

(b) Statement of issues at impasse and the summary of positions of the initiating party or parties with respect to those issues; and

(c) Number, length, and dates of negotiation sessions held, including the nature and extent of all other voluntary arrangements utilized.

§ 1471.3 - Where to file.

Requests to the Panel provided for in this part, and inquiries or correspondence on the status of impasses or other related matters, should be directed to the Executive Director, Federal Service Impasses Panel, Suite 209, 1730 K Street NW., Washington, D.C. 20006.

§ 1471.4 - Copies and service.

Any party submitting a request for Panel consideration of an impasse and any party submitting a response to such requests shall file an original and one copy with the Panel, shall serve a copy promptly on the other party to the dispute, and shall file a statement of such service with the Executive Director. When the Panel acts on a request from the Executive Director, it will notify the parties to the dispute.

§ 1471.5 - Investigation of request; Panel recommendation and assistance.

Upon receipt of a request for consideration of an impasse, the Panel or its designee will promptly conduct an investigation. After due consideration, the Panel shall either:

(a) Decline to assert jurisdiction in the event that it finds that no impasse exists or that there is other good cause for not asserting jurisdiction, in whole or in part, and so advise the parties in writing, stating its reasons; or

(b) Recommend to the parties procedures, including but not limited to arbitration, for the resolution of the impasse and/or assist them in resolving the impasse through whatever methods and procedures the Panel considers appropriate.

§ 1471.6 - Preliminary hearing procedures.

When the Panel determines that a hearing is necessary under § 1471.5 it will:

(a) Appoint one or more of its designees to conduct such hearing; and

(b) Issue and serve upon each of the parties a notice of hearing and a notice of prehearing conference, if any. The notice will state (1) the names of the parties to the dispute; (2) the date, time, place, type, and purpose of the hearing; (3) the date, time, place, and purpose of the prehearing conference, if any; (4) the name of the designated representative appointed by the Panel; and (5) the issues to be resolved.

§ 1471.7 - Conduct of hearing and prehearing conference.

(a) A designated representative of the Panel, when so appointed to conduct a hearing, shall have the authority on behalf of the Panel to:

(1) Administer oaths, take the testimony or deposition of any person under oath, receive other evidence, and issue subpoenas;

(2) Conduct the hearing in open or in closed session at the discretion of the designated representative for good cause shown;

(3) Rule on motions and requests for appearance of witnesses and the production of records;

(4) Designate the date on which posthearing briefs, if any, shall be submitted (an original and one (1) copy of each brief, accompanied by a statement of service, shall be submitted to the designated representative of the Panel with a copy to the other party); and

(5) Determine all procedural matters concerning the hearing, including the length of sessions, conduct of persons in attendance, recesses, continuances, and adjournments; and take any other appropriated procedural action which, in the judgment of the designated representative, will promote the purpose and objectives of the hearing.

(b) A prehearing conference may be conducted by the designated representative of the Panel in order to:

(1) Inform the parties of the purpose of the hearing and the procedures under which it will take place;

(2) Explore the possibilities of obtaining stipulations of fact;

(3) Clarify the positions of the parties with respect to the issues to be heard; and

(4) Discuss any other relevant matters which will assist the parties in the resolution of the dispute.

(c) An official reporter shall make the only official transcript of a hearing. Copies of the official transcript may be examined and copied at the Office of the Executive Director in accordance with part 1411 of this chapter.

§ 1471.8 - Report and recommendations.

(a) When a report is issued after a hearing conducted pursuant to §§ 1471.6 and 1471.7, it normally shall be in writing and, when authorized by the Panel, shall contain recommendations.

(b) A report of the designated representative containing recommendations shall be submitted to the parties, with two (2) copies to the Executive Director, within a period normally not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the transcript or briefs, if any.

(c) A report of the designated representative not containing recommendations shall be submitted to the Panel with a copy to each party within a period normally not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the transcript or briefs, if any. The Panel shall then take whatever action it may consider appropriate or necessary to resolve the impasse.

§ 1471.9 - Duties of each party following receipt of recommendations.

(a) Within thirty (30) days after receipt of a report containing recommendations of the Panel or its designated representative, each party shall, after conferring with the other, either:

(1) Accept the recommendations and so notify the Executive Director; or

(2) Reach a settlement of all unresolved issues and submit a written settlement statement to the Executive Director; or

(3) Submit a written statement to the Executive Director setting forth the reasons for not accepting the recommendations and for not reaching a settlement of all unresolved issues.

(b) A reasonable extension of time may be authorized by the Executive Director for good cause shown when requested in writing by either party prior to the expiration of the time limits.

(c) All papers submitted to the Executive Director under this section shall be filed in duplicate, along with a statement of service showing that a copy has been served on the other party to the dispute.

§ 1471.10 - Final action by the Panel.

(a) If the parties do not arrive at a settlement as a result of or during action taken under §§ 1471.5(a)(2), 1471.6, 1471.7, 1471.8, and 1471.9, the Panel may take whatever action is necessary and not inconsistent with 22 U.S.C. 4110 to resolve the impasse, including but not limited to methods and procedures which the Panel considers appropriate, such as directing the parties to accept a factfinder's recommendations, ordering binding arbitration conducted according to whatever procedure the Panel deems suitable, and rendering a binding decision.

(b) In preparation for taking such final action, the Panel may hold hearings, administer oaths, take the testimony or deposition of any person under oath, and issue subpoenas as provided in 22 U.S.C. 4110(c)(2), or it may appoint or designate one or more individuals pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 4110(c)(1) to exercise such authority on its behalf.

(c) When the exercise of authority under this section requires the holding of a hearing, the procedure contained in § 1471.7 shall apply.

(d) Notice of any final action of the Panel shall be promptly served upon the parties, and the action shall be binding on such parties during the term of the agreement, unless they agree otherwise.

(e) All papers submitted to the Executive Director under this section shall be filed in duplicate, along with a statement of service showing that a copy has been served on the other party to the dispute.

authority: 22 U.S.C. 4107(c), 4110
source: 46 FR 45879, Sept. 15, 1981, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 22 CFR 1471.2