Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 22 - Foreign Relations last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 1507.1 - Purpose.
The purpose of this part is to set forth the basic policies of the African Development Foundation (“the Foundation” or “ADF”) governing the maintenance of systems of records containing personal information as defined in the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a).
§ 1507.2 - General policies.
It is the policy of the Foundation to safeguard the right of privacy of any individual as to whom the Foundation maintains personal information in any records system, and to provide such individuals with appropriate and complete access to such records, including adequate opportunity to correct any errors in said records. It is further the policy of the Foundation to maintain its records in such a fashion that the information contained therein is, and remains, material and relevant to the purposes for which it is collected. Information in such records will be collected, maintained, used or disseminated in a manner that assures that such action is for a necessary and lawful purpose, and that adequate safeguards are provided to prevent misuse of such information. Exemptions from records requirements provided in 5 U.S.C. 552a will be permitted only where an important public policy need for such exemptions has been determined pursuant to specific statutory authority.
§ 1507.3 - Definitions.
(a) Record means any document, collection, or grouping of information about an individual maintained by the Foundation, including but not limited to information regarding education, financial transactions, medical history, criminal or employment history, or any other personal information which contains the name or personal identification number, symbol, photograph, or other identifying particular assigned to such individual, such as a finger or voiceprint.
(b) System of Records means a group of any records under the control of the Foundation from which information is retrieved by use of the name of an individual or by some identifying particular assigned to the individual.
(c) Routine Use means, with respect to the disclosure of a record, the use of such record for a purpose which is compatible with the purpose for which it was collected.
(d) The term Foundation means the African Development Foundation or any component thereof.
(e) The term individual means any citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted to permanent residence.
(f) The term maintain includes the maintenance, collection, use or dissemination of any record.
(g) The term Act means the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) as amended from time to time.
§ 1507.4 - Conditions of disclosure.
The Foundation will not disclose any record contained in a system of records by any means of communication to any person or any other agency except by written request or prior written consent of the individual to whom the record pertains or his or her agent or attorney, unless such disclosure is:
(a) To those officers and employees of the Foundation who have a need for the records in the official performance of their duties;
(b) Required under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552);
(c) For a routine use of the record compatible with the purpose for which it was collected;
(d) To the Bureau of the Census for purpose of planning or carrying out a census or survey or related activity pursuant to title 13, United States Code;
(e) To a recipient who has provided the Foundation with advance adequate written assurance that the record will be used solely as a statistical research or reporting record, and the record is to be transferred to a form that is not individually identifiable;
(f) To the National Archives of the United States as a record which has sufficient historical or other value to warrant its continued preservation by the U.S. Government, or for evaluation by the Administrator of General Services, or designee, to determine whether the record has such value;
(g) To another agency or to an instrumentality of any governmental jurisdiction within or under the control of the United States for a civil or criminal law enforcement activity if the activity is authorized by law, and if the head of the agency or instrumentality has made a written request to the Foundation specifying the particular portion desired and the law enforcement activity for which the record is sought;
(h) To a person, pursuant to a showing of compelling circumstances affecting the health or safety of an individual, if, promptly following such disclosure, notification is transmitted to the last known address of the individual to whom the record pertains;
(i) To either House of Congress, or, to the extent of matters within its jurisdiction, any committee or subcommittee thereof, any joint committee of Congress or subcommittee of any such joint committee;
(j) To the Comptroller General, or any authorized representative, in the course of the performance of the duties of the General Accounting Office; or
(k) Pursuant to the order of a court of competent jurisdiction. If any record disclosed under compulsory legal process is subsequently made public by the court which issued it, the Foundation must make a reasonable effort to notify the individual to whom the record pertains of such disclosure.
(l) To consumer reporting agencies as defined in 31 U.S.C. 370(a)(3) in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3711,and.S.C. 3718.
§ 1507.5 - Accounting for disclosure of records.
(a) With respect to each system of records under ADF control, the Foundation will keep an accurate accounting of routine disclosures, except those made to employees of the Foundation in the normal course of duties or pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. Such accounting shall contain the following:
(1) The date, nature and purpose of each disclosure, and the name and address of the person or agency to whom the disclosure is made:
(2) Sufficient information to permit the construction of a listing of all disclosures at appropriate periodic intervals; and
(3) The justification or basis upon which any release was made including any written documentation required.
(b) The Foundation will retain the accounting made under this section for at least 5 years or the life of the record, whichever is longer, after the disclosure for which the accounting is made.
(c) Except for disclosure made under paragraph (g) of § 1503.3, the Foundation will make the accounting under paragraph (a) of this section available to the individual named in the record at his or her request.
(d) The Foundation will inform any person or other agency about any correction or notation of dispute made by the agency of any record that has been disclosed to the person or agency if an accounting of the disclosure was made.
§ 1507.6 - Access to records.
(a) Except as otherwise provided by law or regulation, any individual, upon request made either in writing or in person during regular business hours, shall be provided access to his or her record or to any information pertaining to him or her which is contained in a system of records maintained by the Foundation. The individual will be permitted to review the record and have a copy made of all or any portion thereof in a form comprehensible to him or her. Nothing in 5 U.S.C. 552a,however,allows.
(b) An individual will be notified, upon request, if any Foundation system of records contains a record pertaining to him or her. Such request may be made in person during regular business hours, or in writing over the signature of the person making the request. Individuals requesting the information will be required to identify themselves by providing their names, addresses, and a signature. If they are requesting disclosure in person, they are also required to show an identification card, such as a drivers license, containing a photo and a sample signature. If the request is received through the mail, the Foundation may request such information as may be necessary to assure that the requesting individual is properly identified. This may include a requirement that the request be notarized with a notation that the notary received an acknowledgement of identity from the requester.
(c) A record may be disclosed to a representative of the person to whom a record relates when the representative is authorized in writing by such person to have access.
(d) Requests for access to or copies of records should contain, at a minimum, identifying information needed to locate any given record, and a brief description of the item or items of information required. If the individual wishes access to specific documents, the request should identify or describe, as nearly as possible, such documents. The request should be made to the Director, Administration and Finance, African Development Foundation, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue NW., Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036. Personal contacts should normally be made during the regular duty hours of the officer concerned, which are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
(e) A request made in person will be promptly complied with if the records sought are in the immediate custody of the Foundation. Mail or personal requests for documents which are not in the immediate custody of ADF or which are otherwise not immediately available, will be acknowledged within ten working days of receipt, and the records will be provided as promptly thereafter as possible.
(f) Special procedures may be established by the President of the Foundation governing the disclosure to an individual of his or her medical records, including psychological records.
(g) Any individual may request the Director, Administration and Finance, to amend any Foundation record pertaining to him or her. Not later than 10 working days after the date of receipt of such request, the Director, Administration and Finance, or his/her designee, will acknowledge such receipt in writing. Promptly after acknowledging receipt of a request, the Director, Administration and Finance or his/her designee will:
(1) Correct any portion of the record which the individual believes is not accurate, relevant, timely, or complete; or
(2) Inform the individual of the Foundation's refusal to amend the record in accordance with the request, the reason for the refusal, the procedures by which the individual may request a review of that refusal by the President of the Foundation, or his/her designee, and the name and address of such official; or
(3) Refer the request to the agency that has control of and maintains the record when the record requested is not the property of the Foundation, but of the controlling agency.
(h) Any individual who disagrees with the refusal of the Director, Administration and Finance to amend his or her record may request a review of that refusal. Such request for review must be made within 30 days after receipt by the requester of the initial refusal to amend. The President of the Foundation, or designee, will complete such review not later than 30 working days from the date on which the individual requests such review, and make a final determination, unless for good cause shown, the President or designee extends such 30-day period and notifies the requester in writing that additional time is required to complete the review. If, after review, the President or designee refuses to amend the record in accordance with the request, the individual will be advised of the right to file with the Foundation a concise statement setting forth the reasons for his or her disagreement with the refusal, and also advised of the provisions in the Act for judicial review of the President's determination.
(i) In any disclosure containing information about which the individual has filed a statement under paragraph (g) of this section, the Foundation will clearly note any part of the record which is disputed and provide copies of the statement and, if the Foundation deems it appropriate, copies of a concise statement of the Foundation's reasons for not making the amendment requested, to persons or other agencies to whom the disputed record has been disclosed.
§ 1507.7 - Contents of records systems.
(a) The Foundation will maintain in its records only such information about an individual as is accurate, relevant, and necessary to accomplish the purpose for which it was acquired as authorized by statute or Executive Order.
(b) The Foundation will collect information, to the greatest extent practicable, directly from the individual to whom the record pertains when the information may result in adverse determinations about the individual's rights, benefits and privileges under Federal programs.
(c) The Foundation will inform each individual whom it asks to supply information on any form which it uses to collect the information, or on a separate form that can be retained by the individual, of:
(1) The authority which authorizes the solicitation of the information and whether provision of such information is mandatory or voluntary;
(2) The purpose or purposes for which the information is intended to be used;
(3) The routine uses which may be made of the information, as published pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section; and
(4) The effects on the individual, if any, of not providing all or any part of the requested information.
(d) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (k) of this section, the Foundation will publish in the Federal Register, at least a notice of the existence and character of its sytem(s) of records upon establishment or revision. This notice will include:
(1) The name and location of the system or systems;
(2) The categories of individuals on whom records are maintained in the system or systems;
(3) The categories of records maintained in the system or sytems;
(4) Each routine use of the records contained in the system or systems, including the categories of users, and the purpose of such use;
(5) The policies and practices of the Foundation regarding storage, retrievability, access controls, retention, and disposal of the record;
(6) The title and business address of the Foundation official or officials responsible for the system or systems of records;
(7) The Foundation's procedures whereby an individual can be notified at his or her request if the system or systems of records contains a record pertaining to him or her;
(8) The Foundation's procedures whereby an individual can be notified at him or her request how he or she can gain access to any record pertaining to him or her contained in the system or systems of records, and how he or she can contest its content; and
(9) The categories of sources of records in the system or systems.
(e) All records used by the Foundation in making any determination about any individual will be maintained with such accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and completeness as is reasonably necessary to assure fairness to the individual in the determination.
(f) Before disseminating any record about an individual to any person other than an agency or pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552,the,complete,timely,and.
(g) The Foundation will maintain no record describing how any individual exercises rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States unless expressly authorized by statute or by the individual about whom the record is maintained, or unless pertinent to, and within the scope of, an authorized law enforcement activity.
(h) The Foundation will establish rules of conduct for persons involved in the design, development, operation, or maintenance of any system of records, or in maintaining any record. Each such person will be instructed regarding such rules and the requirements of 5 U.S.C. 552a. The instruction will include any other rules and procedures adopted pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a,and.
(i) The Foundation will establish appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to insure the security and confidentiality of records and to protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to their security or integrity which could result in substantial harm, embarrassment, inconvenience, or unfairness to any individual on whom information is maintained.
(j) At least 30 days prior to the publication of the notice in the Federal Register regarding the routine use of the records contained in the Foundation's system or systems of records, including the categories of users and the purpose of such use pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section, the Foundation will also:
(1) Publish a notice in the Federal Register of any new or revised use of the information in the system or systems maintained by the Foundation; and
(2) Provide an opportunity for interested persons to submit written data, views, or arguments to the Foundation.
§ 1507.8 - Fees.
Fees to be charged, if any, to any individual for making copies of his or her record will be as follows:
(a) Photocopy reproductions from all types of copying processes, each reproduction image, $0.10 per page.
(b) Where the Foundation undertakes to perform for an individual making a request, or for any other person, services which are very clearly not required to be performed under section 552a, title 5, United States Code, either voluntarily or because such services are required by some other law (e.g., the formal certification of records as true copies, attestation under the seal of the Foundation, etc.), the question of charging fees for such services will be determined by the Director of Administration and Finance, in light of the Federal user charge statute (31 U.S.C. 483a), and any other applicable law.
(c) No fees shall be charged for search time expended by the Foundation to produce a record.
§ 1507.9 - Judicial review.
Any person may file a complaint against the Foundation in the appropriate U.S. district court, as provided in 5 U.S.C. 552a(g), whenever the Foundation:
(a) Makes a determination not to amend an individual's record in accordance with his or her request, or fails to make such review in conformity with that section; or
(b) Refuses to comply with an individual's request; or
(c) Fails to maintain any record concerning an individual with such accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and completeness as is necessary to assure fairness in any determination relating to the qualifications, character, rights or opportunities of, or benefits to the individual that may be made on the basis of such record, and consequently a determination is made which is adverse to the individual; or
(d) Fails to comply with any other provision of 5 U.S.C. 552a,or,in.
§ 1507.10 - Exemptions.
No Foundation system or systems of records, as such, are exempted from the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a,as.S.C. 552a (j) and (k).
§ 1507.11 - Mailing list.
An individual's name and address may not be sold or rented by the Foundation unless such action is specifically authorized by law. This section does not require the withholding of names and addresses otherwise permitted to be made public.
§ 1507.12 - Criminal penalties.
Section 552a(e), title 5, United States Code, provides that:
(a) Any officer or employee of the Foundation, who, by virtue of his or her employment or official position, has possession of, or access to, Foundation records which contain individually identifiable information, the disclosure of which is prohibited by 5 U.S.C. 552a,and,willfully,shall,000.
(b) Any officer or employee of the Foundation who willfully maintains a system of records without meeting the notice requirements of 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(4) shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than $5,000.
(c) Any person who knowingly and willfully requests or obtains any record concerning an individual from the Foundation under false pretenses shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than $5,000.
§ 1507.13 - Reports.
(a) The Foundation shall provide to Congress and the Office of Management and Budget advance notice of any proposal to establish or alter any system or records as defined herein. This report will be submitted in accordance with guidelines provided by the Office of Management and Budget.
(b) If at any time Foundation system or systems of records is determined to be exempt from the application of 5 U.S.C. 552a in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a (j) and (k), the records contained in such system or systems will be separately listed and reported to the Office of Management and Budget in accordance with the then prevailing guidelines and instructions of that office.
source: 53 FR 40411, Oct. 17, 1988, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 22 CFR 1507.8