Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 19, 2025

Title 23 - Highways last revised: Jan 14, 2025
§ 1340.10 - Submission and approval of seat belt survey design.

(a) Contents: The following information shall be included in the State's seat belt survey design submitted for NHTSA approval:

(1) Sample design. The State shall-

(i) Define all sampling units, with their measures of size, as provided in § 1340.5(a);

(ii) Specify the data source of the sampling frame of road segments (observation sites), as provided in § 1340.5(a)(2)(i);

(iii) Specify any exclusions that have been applied to the sampling frame, as provided in § 1340.5(a)(2)(iii);

(iv) Define what stratification was used at each stage of sampling and what methods were used for allocation of the sample units to the strata;

(v) Specify the method used to select the road segments for observation sites as provided by § 1340.5(b).

(vi) List all observation sites and their probabilities of selection;

(vii) Explain how the sample sizes were determined, as provided in § 1340.5(d);

(viii) Describe how observation sites were assigned to observation time periods, as provided in § 1340.6; and

(ix) Identify the name and describe the qualifications of the State survey statistician meeting the requirements in § 1340.8(c).

(2) Data collection. The State shall—

(i) Define an observation period;

(ii) Specify the procedures to be implemented to reschedule or substitute observation sites when data collection is not possible on the date and time assigned, as provided in § 1340.5(c);

(iii) Specify the procedures for collecting additional data to reduce the nonresponse rate, as provided in § 1340.9(f)(2);

(iv) Describe the data recording procedures; and

(v) Specify the number of observers and quality control monitors.

(3) Estimation. The State shall—

(i) Describe how seat belt use rate estimates will be calculated;

(ii) Describe how variances will be estimated, as provided in § 1340.9(g);

(iii) Specify imputation methods, if any, that will be used, as provided in § 1340.9(c);

(iv) Specify the procedures to adjust sampling weight for observation sites with no usable data, as provided in § 1340.9(e); and

(v) Specify the procedures to be followed if the standard error exceeds 2.5 percentage points, as required in § 1340.5(g).

(b) Survey design submission deadline. For calendar year 2012, States shall submit proposed survey designs to NHTSA for approval no later than January 3, 2012. Thereafter, States should submit survey designs for NHTSA approval as specified in § 1340.11.

§ 1340.11 - Post-approval alterations to survey design.

After NHTSA approval of a survey design, States shall submit for NHTSA approval any proposed alteration to their survey design, including, but not limited to, sample design, seat belt use rate estimation method, variance estimation method and data collection protocols, at least three months before data collection begins.

§ 1340.12 - Re-selection of observation sites.

(a) Re-selection of observation sites. States shall re-select observation sites using updated sampling frame data, as described in § 1340.5(a), no less than once every five years.

(b) Re-selection submission deadline. States shall submit updated sampling frame data meeting the requirements of § 1340.5(a) for NHTSA approval no later than March 1 of the re-selection year.

§ 1340.13 - Annual reporting requirements.

(a) Survey data. States shall report the following information no later than March 1 of each year for the preceding calendar year's seat belt use survey, using the reporting form in appendix A to this part:

(1) Spreadsheet in electronic format containing the raw data for each observation site and the observation site weight;

(2) Statewide seat belt use rate estimate and standard error;

(3) Nonresponse rate for the variable “belt use,” as provided in § 1340.9(f);

(4) Dates of the reported data collection;

(5) Observation sites, identified by type of observation site (i.e., observation site selected in the original survey design, alternate observation site selected subsequent to the original survey design), and by characteristics of the observation site visit (i.e., at least one vehicle observed, no vehicles observed); and

(6) Name of the State survey statistician meeting the qualification requirements, as provided in § 1340.8(c).

(b) Certifications by Governor's Highway Safety Representative. The Governor's Highway Safety Representative (GR) or if delegated in writing, the Coordinator of the State Highway Safety Office, shall sign the reporting form certifying that—

(1) ________________has been designated by the Governor as the GR, and if applicable, the GR has delegated the authority to sign the certification in writing to ________________, the Coordinator of the State Highway Safety Office;

(2) The reported Statewide seat belt use rate is based on a survey design that was approved by NHTSA, in writing, as conforming to the Uniform Criteria for State Observational Surveys of Seat Belt Use, 23 CFR Part 1340;

(3) The survey design has remained unchanged since the survey was approved by NHTSA; and

(4) ________________, a qualified survey statistician, reviewed the seat belt use rate reported in Part A (of the certification) and information reported in Part B and has determined that they meet the Uniform Criteria for State Observational Surveys of Seat Belt Use, 23 CFR part 1340.

(c) [Reserved]

(d) Audits. NHTSA may audit State survey results and data collection. The State shall retain the following records for five years and make them available to NHTSA in electronic format within four weeks of request:

(1) Computation programs used in the sample selection;

(2) Computation programs used to estimate the Statewide seat belt use rate and standard errors for the surveys conducted since the last NHTSA approval of the sample design; and

(3) Sampling frame(s) for design(s) used since the last NHTSA approval of the sample design.

authority: 23 U.S.C. 402; delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50
source: 76 FR 18056, Apr. 1, 2011, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 23 CFR 1340.13