Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 23 - Highways last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 1.1 - Purpose.
The purpose of the regulations in this part is to implement and carry out the provisions of Federal law relating to the administration of Federal aid for highways.
§ 1.2 - Definitions.
(a) Terms defined in 23 U.S.C. 101(a), shall have the same meaning where used in the regulations in this part, except as modified herein.
(b) The following terms where used in the regulations in this part shall have the following meaning:
Administrator. The Federal Highway Administrator.
Advertising policy. The national policy relating to the regulation of outdoor advertising declared in title 23 U.S.C. 131.
Advertising standards. The “National Standards for Regulation by States of Outdoor Advertising Signs, Displays and Devices Adjacent to the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways” promulgated by the Secretary (part 20 of this chapter).
Federal laws. The provisions of title 23 U.S.C., and all other Federal laws, heretofore or hereafter enacted, relating to Federal aid for highways.
Latest available Federal census. The latest available Federal decennial census, except for the establishment of urban area.
Project. An undertaking by a State highway department for highway construction, including preliminary engineering, acquisition of rights-of-way and actual construction, or for highway planning and research, or for any other work or activity to carry out the provisions of the Federal laws for the administration of Federal aid for highways.
Secondary road plan. A plan for administration of Federal aid for highways on the Federal-aid secondary highway system pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 117.
Secretary. The Secretary of Transportation.
State. Any State of the United States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
Urban area. An area including and adjacent to a municipality or other urban place having a population of five thousand or more, as determined by the latest available published official Federal census, decennial or special, within boundaries to be fixed by a State highway department, subject to the approval of the Administrator.
[25 FR 4162, May 11, 1960, as amended at 35 FR 18719, Dec. 10, 1970]
§ 1.3 - Federal-State cooperation; authority of State highway departments.
The Administrator shall cooperate with the States, through their respective State highway departments, in the construction of Federal-aid highways. Each State highway department, maintained in conformity with 23 U.S.C. 302,shall,by,to,and,on, all contracts and agreements for projects and to take such other actionson as may be necessary to comply with the Federal laws and the regulations in this part.
§ 1.5 - Information furnished by State highway departments.
At the request of the Administrator the State highway department shall furnish to him such information as the Administrator shall deem desirable in administering the Federal-aid highway program.
§ 1.7 - Urban area boundaries.
Boundaries of an urban area shall be submitted by the State highway department and be approved by the Administrator prior to the inclusion in a program of any project wholly or partly in such area involving funds authorized for and limited to urban areas.
§ 1.8 - [Reserved]
§ 1.9 - Limitation on Federal participation.
(a) Federal-aid funds shall not participate in any cost which is not incurred in conformity with applicable Federal and State law, the regulations in this title, and policies and procedures prescribed by the Administrator. Federal funds shall not be paid on account of any cost incurred prior to authorization by the Administrator to the State highway department to proceed with the project or part thereof involving such cost.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section the Administrator may, upon the request of a State highway department, approve the participation of Federal-aid funds in a previously incurred cost if he finds:
(1) That his approval will not adversely affect the public,
(2) That the State highway department has acted in good faith, and that there has been no willful violation of Federal requirements,
(3) That there has been substantial compliance with all other requirements prescribed by the Administrator, and full compliance with requirements mandated by Federal statute,
(4) That the cost to the United States will not be in excess of the cost which it would have incurred had there been full compliance, and
(5) That the quality of work undertaken has not been impaired.
(c) Any request submitted under paragraph (b) of this section shall be accompanied by a detailed description of the relevant circumstances and facts, and shall explain the necessity for incurring the costs in question.
[38 FR 18368, July 10, 1973]
§ 1.11 - Engineering services.
(a) Federal participation. Costs of engineering services performed by the State highway department or any instrumentality or entity referred to in paragraph (b) of this section may be eligible for Federal participation only to the extent that such costs are directly attributable and properly allocable to specific projects.
(b) Governmental engineering organizations. The State highway department may utilize, under its supervision, the services of well-qualified and suitably equipped engineering organizations of other governmental instrumentalities for making surveys, preparing plans, specifications and estimates, and for supervising the construction of any project.
(c) Railroad and utility engineering organizations. The State highway department may utilize, under its supervision, the services of well-qualified and suitably equipped engineering organizations of the affected railroad companies for railway-highway crossing projects and of the affected utility companies for projects involving utility installations.
(d) [Reserved]
(e) Responsibility of the State highway department. The State highway department is not relieved of its responsibilities under Federal law and the regulations in this part in the event it utilizes the services of any engineering organization under paragraphs (b), (c) or (d) of this section.
[25 FR 4162, May 11, 1960, as amended at 53 FR 18276, May 23, 1988; 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992; 66 FR 58666, Nov. 23, 2001]
§ 1.23 - Rights-of-way.
(a) Interest to be acquired. The State shall acquire rights-of-way of such nature and extent as are adequate for the construction, operation and maintenance of a project.
(b) Use for highway purposes. Except as provided under paragraph (c) of this section, all real property, including air space, within the right-of-way boundaries of a project shall be devoted exclusively to public highway purposes. No project shall be accepted as complete until this requirement has been satisfied. The State highway department shall be responsible for preserving such right-of-way free of all public and private installations, facilities or encroachments, except (1) those approved under paragraph (c) of this section; (2) those which the Administrator approves as constituting a part of a highway or as necessary for its operation, use or maintenance for public highway purposes and (3) informational sites established and maintained in accordance with § 1.35 of the regulations in this part.
(c) Other use or occupancy. Subject to 23 U.S.C. 111,the,including,for,may,if,use.
§ 1.27 - Maintenance.
The responsibility imposed upon the State highway department, pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 116,for. The State highway department may provide for such maintenance by formal agreement with any adequately equipped county, municipality or other governmental instrumentality, but such an agreement shall not relieve the State highway department of its responsibility for such maintenance.
§ 1.28 - [Reserved]
§ 1.32 - Issuance of directives.
(a) The Administrator shall promulgate and require the observance of policies and procedures, and may take other action as he deems appropriate or necessary for carrying out the provisions and purposes of Federal laws, the policies of the Federal Highway Administration, and the regulations of this part.
(b) The Administrator or his delegated representative, as appropriate, is authorized to issue the following type of directives:
(1) Federal Highway Administration Regulations are issued by the Administrator or his delegate, as necessary, to implement and carry out the provisions of title 23 U.S.C., relating to the administration of Federal aid for highways, direct Federal programs and State and community safety programs; and title 49 U.S.C., relating to motor carrier safety; and other applicable laws and programs under his jurisdiction.
(2) Notices are temporary issuances transmitting one-time or short-term instructions or information which is expected to remain in effect for less than 90 days or for a predetermined period of time normally not to exceed one year.
(3) Orders are directives limited in volume and contain permanent or longlasting policy, instructions, and procedures. FHWA Orders are to be used primarily as internal FHWA directives.
(4) Joint Interagency Orders and Notices are used by FHWA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to issue joint policies, procedures, and information pertaining to the joint administration of the State and Community Highway Safety Program. Where necessary, other joint directives may be issued with other modal administrations within the Department of Transportation.
(5) Manuals are generally designed for use in issuing permanent or long-lasting detailed policy and procedure. Some of the major manuals recognized by the FHWA Directives System follow:
(i) The Federal-Aid Highway Program Manual has been established to assemble and organize program material of the type previously contained in the Policy and Procedure and Instructional Memoranda which will continue in effect until specifically revoked or published in the new manual. Regulatory material is printed in italics in the manual and also appears in this code. Nonregulatory material is printed in delegate type.
(ii) The Administrative Manual covers all internal FHWA administrative support functions.
(iii) The Highway Planning Program Manual covers the methods and procedures necessary to conduct the highway planning functions.
(iv) The Research and Development Manual series entitled, “The Federally Coordinated Program of Research and Development in Highway Transportation” describes the FHWA research and development program.
(v) The External Audit Manual provides guidance to FHWA auditors in their review of State programs and processes.
(vi) The Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity Manual provides guidance to FHWA and State Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity Officers.
(vii) The BMCS Operations Manual provides program guidance for all field employees assigned to the motor carrier safety program.
(viii) The Highway Safety Program Manual, issued jointly by FHWA and NHTSA, contains volumes relating to the joint administration of the program.
(6) Handbooks are internal operating instructions published in book form where, because of the program area covered, it is desirable to provide greater detail of administrative and technical instructions.
(7) Transmittals identify and explain the original issuance or page change, provide background information, and provide filing instructions for insertion of new pages and removal of changed pages, or both.
(49 U.S.C. 1655)
[39 FR 1512, Jan. 10, 1974]
§ 1.33 - Conflicts of interest.
No official or employee of a State or any other governmental instrumentality who is authorized in his official capacity to negotiate, make, accept or approve, or to take part in negotiating, making, accepting or approving any contract or subcontract in connection with a project shall have, directly or indirectly, any financial or other personal interest in any such contract or subcontract. No engineer, attorney, appraiser, inspector or other person performing services for a State or a governmental instrumentality in connection with a project shall have, directly or indirectly, a financial or other personal interest, other than his employment or retention by a State or other governmental instrumentality, in any contract or subcontract in connection with such project. No officer or employee of such person retained by a State or other governmental instrumentality shall have, directly or indirectly, any financial or other personal interest in any real property acquired for a project unless such interest is openly disclosed upon the public records of the State highway department and of such other governmental instrumentality, and such officer, employee or person has not participated in such acquisition for and in behalf of the State. It shall be the responsibility of the State to enforce the requirements of this section.
§ 1.35 - Bonus program.
(a) Any agreement entered into by a State pursuant to the provisions of section 12 of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1958, Pub. L. 85-381, 72 Stat. 95, as amended, shall provide for the control or regulation of outdoor advertising, consistent with the advertising policy and standards promulgated by the Administrator, in areas adjacent to the entire mileage of the Interstate System within that State, except such segments as may be excluded from the application of such policy and standards by section 12.
(b) Any such agreement for the control of advertising may provide for establishing publicly owned informational sites, whether publicly or privately operated, within the limits of or adjacent to the right-of-way of the Interstate System on condition that no such site shall be established or maintained except at locations and in accordance with plans, in furtherance of the advertising policy and standards, submitted to and approved by the Administrator.
(c) No advertising right in the acquisition of which Federal funds participated shall be disposed of without the prior approval of the Administrator.
[39 FR 28628, Aug. 9, 1974]
§ 1.36 - Compliance with Federal laws and regulations.
If the Administrator determines that a State has violated or failed to comply with the Federal laws or the regulations in this part with respect to a project, he may withhold payment to the State of Federal funds on account of such project, withhold approval of further projects in the State, and take such other action that he deems appropriate under the circumstances, until compliance or remedial action has been accomplished by the State to the satisfaction of the Administrator.
source: 25 FR 4162, May 11, 1960, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 23 CFR 1.11